Name a more based Yea Forums mouse, you literally can't.
Name a more based Yea Forums mouse, you literally can't
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Mighty mouse and jerry are both worlds above this literally who
This fucker makes peanuts look so desirable.
You mad about Tim Burton sidelining him too?
Nobody can fuck with him or he erases them from existence
Jerry is a little piece of shit. Mighty Mouse is based, though.
Literally who
Imagine paying money for Yea Forums. Do you pay for reddit gold too?
She literally questioned an owl to find out how to help her son.
You know, that thing that likes to eat mice and rats by silently divebombing onto them in the night?
Nice try Chip
>being so poor you can't afford to spend $20 to improve your shitposting experience
Nigga please.
I think it's optional to choose if you want others to know you're a paid user or not. So that user deliberately wants people to know he is one. I suppose he wants to fish for replies like yours.
As for the topic, the best mouse is probably either Timothy or Mrs Brisby, but I can't choose which one. They're both cool.
>not being a neet in current year
Why are you assuming their gender?
That's a rat you fucking retard
Out of the way, every other mouse
Redemption arc
Basil is based
Not him but I WAS curious
Are they actually in the movie, or did they give way completely to those little shit kids?
Yes, she confronted an owl to save her son. Because she was willing to risk her own life to save his.
Erases him, your post and all your data
Are you insinuating that isn't based?
This guy is a based mouse.
So chad that as a youngun he saves his abbey, ices a huge fucking snake, and has to be ordered by his abbot not to take the full vows because they need him to stay a warrior, gets best girl waifu and keeps kicking ass through the years
That’s a Rat.
>not being a RICH neet in current year
He only exists in the form as the pet mouse of the shit kids.
Best maus.
I was dreaming a couple nights ago that Don made a kickstarter for a souls-like NIMH game where you'd play as Mrs. Brisby fighting mutated wildlife. I'd play the fuck out of that.
Oh fuck, I remember this mouse!
The climax of the movie is them making a hot air balloon to get a flower on a cliffside... what's it's name again?
I don't even need to name him, his reputation predates him
IF i am not wrong, IF i am not wrong...The Secret of NIMH?
The fucking mus QUEEN
No it wasn't that, Secret of NIHM has Mrs. Brisby () The second one was something about her son Timmy, but that was YEARS after the movie I'm thinking of.
>That’s a Rat.
user NO.
There's no fighting in it, but did you play Ghost of a Tale yet?
You uncultured swine
And it was a flying machine, but not a hot air balloon.
It was driving my crazy...
There's a game coming out soon or it's already out, IDK, where you're a mutant with a sword who can get different skills by mutating, can't remember what it was called though
Here it is. Kinda hyped, don't know how other people feel about it yet
>Not posting his best incarnation
Shame on you.
Just watched this movie on youtube. Man the characters are great, even the annoying aunt has a scene where she stops a tractor because Brisby froze up
>Using a Scrooge McDuck reaction image to justify wasting money on crap
What did you call me?
H-He didn't mean it professor...
Pff, talking, anthro animals in a Disney movie? Ridiculous!
Fat, sir. I do believe he called you fat
But you didn't either
Fuckable mouses