Futurama would have been better if it had just been these four characters.
Futurama would have been better if it had just been these four characters
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No way. Hermes has some of the funniest lines in the series.
>we never saw LaBarbara naked
Name 25 funny lines Hermes had.
>no zoidberg
fuck off
Don't know what to tell you but you're wrong. The others are good just not for every episode.
Please visit pic related
you would have been better never being born
>Sweet lion of Zion!
>Sweet manatee of Galilee!
>Sweet gorilla of Manila!
>Sweet ghost of Babylon!
>Sweet coincidence of Port-Au-Prince!
>Sweet file-not-found of Puget Sound!
>Sweet lamprey of Santa Fe!
>Sweet tornadoes of Barbados!
>Sacred boa of West and Eastern Samoa!
>Sacred hog of Prague!
>Cursed bacteria of Liberia!
>Sweet guinea pig of Winnipeg!
>Great bonda of Uganda!
>Sweet three-toed sloth of the ice planet Hoth!
>Sweet honey bee of infinity!
>Sweet yeti of the Serengeti!
>Sweet squid of Madrid!
>Sweet orca of Mallorca!
>Sweet candelabra of Le Havre!
>Sweet reawakening of jamaicaing!
>Sweet giant anteater of Santa Anita!
And my personal favourite:
>Great cow of Moscow!
my favourite hermes moment was probably this
nah, Amy was good fanservice. Boring as a character but still worth having
That finale they gave him with the chick that had no sense of smell brought me tears of joy.
Would’ve been better if it would’ve stayed in the same style of the first two seasons instead of Simpsons of the future that became during the first cancellation
Whats the difference?
>hating the zoidberg.
Bender is basically shit. All the other characters are top tier.
I was surprised by how much less I liked Bender as I got older. He steps on everyone's lines and pulls focus in a similar way to how many Simpsons episodes end up being about Lisa somehow.
I liked the feel the first few episodes had the best, back when it mattered that Fry was from the past. But I still love it pre-cancellation though.
>this is the least scientific thing we've ever done!
>didn't we used to be a delivery company?
cringe and bluepilled
hermes, zoidberg, and especially amy always felt tacked
I accept post-cancellation existing for the sole reason that the victory yodel might be the funniest gag in the whole series
dude, imagine Futurama without Zapp Brannigan. it'd still be good, but would it be THAT good?
"Don't worry, I have a plan..."
*Cut to Hermes on the roof*
*Everyone but Bender gasp before Bender yells*
They focused more on the future gimmicks and delivering. S3 was just Simpsons in a future setting. Post cancellation even worse
He's more comparable to Bart, if he were more obnoxious and attention-grabbing. Bender' antics get old after a while and you get tired of his forced egotism.
Hey, what about Zoidberg? And mom was usually pretty good