As someone who doesn't know much about animation tell me what this is and what is its deal.
Redpill me on the CalArts style
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Buzzword used to describe art which is characterized by rounded shapes, pastel colors, lack of particulars, etc. etc. It is conflated with the particular university you mention owing to a large number of graduates and students seeming to utilize these stylistic choices, although the style and buzzwords' use are not exclusive to actual Calarts graduates.
Why does the marvelous misadventures of flapjack get blamed for the calarts style?
Tuition is like 50k dollars.
It was used to refer to that bean mouth style and had nothing to do with the school but dumbasses call everything CalArts
Cal arts has an art show every Thursday where liquor is served for free and no one is carded. if u live in Santa Clarita u already know this. If u do not u aren't close enough to take advantage.
The term was originally coined by Johnny K. during the 1990s, when her was shitting on the art-style used by Disney animators at the time
The term was since miss-used multiple times, first to describe the style of shows like Dexter's Lab, Samutai Jack, The Powerpuff Girls, or the Fairly Oddparents, then to shit on Steven Universe, Gravity Falls, Star vs the Forces of Evil, or Clarence
Now it has basically become "everything I don't like"
This, the "calarts style" isn't exclusive to calarts, that being said calarts generally teaches to be cost-effective, easy to draw/animate, and efficient rather than to actually produce high quality art, most of the quality of CalArts itself (or any art school really) comes from the connections that are made there
>Dexter's Lab, Samutai Jack, The Powerpuff Girls, or the Fairly Oddparents,
No way someone actually called dexter’s lab or PPG calarts unironically
because a lot of the creators of major cartoons of the 2010s, these supposed exemplars of the "CalArts style", worked on Flapjack before their own shows
the thick outline style was the calarts style of the late 90's / early 00's, now it's the tube arms, bean mouth one
and magic mountain
It's the epitome of millennial laziness is what it is, and that's the start and end of it.
Another based John K contribution to culture.
Is he one of us?
Dexter and PPG were mostly the last Hanna-Barbera animation style. Until the 2000’s came and they dropped it
All those old cartoon cartoons are too stylistic. They all look different from each other. The issue with current CalArts style is they all look like they could be from the same show.
Well, he is into little girls, so maybe?
Though he'd decry the site "full of brainless retards" without realizing he's one of them.
They don't though
Looks like he was actually talking about something else entirely. Basically, copying cartoons you admire rather than working from real life with proper construction. This post is criticizing some serious Yea Forums sacred cows
They honestly don't
Oh yes they did. I know because I was there.
Calarts has always been the number 1 animation collage in the US. It was founded by Walt Disney and evolved out of the already established Chouinard Art Institute, giving it a ton of clout from day one, and just kind of went from there
As such, every single trend in american animation gets blamed on that school. Most of the shows in any given era are going to be made by calarts grads.
This leads to retards thinking a) that the collage teaches that style, and b) everyone who made these shows is part of some secret calarts cabal. In reality, calarts grads just make up the majority of people working in cartoons REGARDLESS of style, because it's a big name school in the animation hub of America
>The term was since miss-used multiple times
>words are only ever allowed to carry one meaning until the heat death of the universe
I guess that's the most concrete definition of calarts. Whatever animation trend is present at the time. People are going to call whatever cartoons in 2020 to 2030 and beyond as calarts
that's a funny way to spell "for profit, private art school". fucking european faggot fucking kill yourself you aids riddled, free-speech killing, gun grabbing, faggot affirming, muslim importing, woman leader having, car banning, gas overcharging piece of shit.
no they really do
hahaha oh that was funny, thanks for that
no such thing
except that no one else uses that style. Anyone who isn't a cal-arts grad doesn't use that style. so really what you meant to say is it's completely about the style that they are trained to use at that specific school.
There you go.
If you follow comics then it's the equivalent of the 90s hardcore art style that everyone was doing, even though it looks like shit now in hindsight people of the time thought it looked good. Calarts is just the style of this generation of animation.
>People are going to call whatever cartoons in 2020 to 2030 and beyond as calarts
The new "Calarts" that people will bitch about will be that style they use in the new Super Hero Girls show and shows that look like the new Carmen Sandiego will get lumped in as well.
Historically, CalArt style meant this Practically, it refers to whatever over-used, faddish design cliches that happens to dominate the current era of cartoons. Since fads are a moving target, you won't get any agreement what what that set of cliches is. It's used as a lazy broad swipe, as well as a strawman to deflect any real criticism.
I would prefer we went back to calling out bad cartoons for what they are: low effort and derivative.
>The new "Calarts" that people will bitch about will be that style used by Jaiden Animations and TheOdd1sOut