How did this shit get decent reviews, it's fucking awful in every way.
Bad Yea Forums games
>Batman with tank controls
>That Mark Hammil's impression.
The sad thing about this game is that it's one of the only three times Cassandra has showed up outside of the comics
Am I the only one who actually liked their early 2000s outfits? Especially Wolverine.
this one actually pissed me off
I did and outfits that show Cyclops hair are top tier
>Am I the only one who actually liked their early 2000s outfits?
X-Treme era Rogue was the real MVP.
Game reviewers don't know shit about fighting games. I was all 3d and had the X-Men... 8 out of 10!
You can barely pull off any special moves and everyone looks like play-doh. Soulcalibur 2 came out just a few months earlier the exact same year.
I remember the game had a Patrick Stewart voice over and most of the '92 TAS cast, though.
The plot of this game is probably even worse than the movie
The in-universe explanation for the alternate costumes were a cute detail though
Of you can’t do the supers in Next Dimension, you have issues.
Cassandra isn't an X-Man! I doubt most game reviewers even knew who Spawn was!
even by 2007 standards this game looked and played fucking terribly
For the longest time I thought this was just a fever dream I had
Remember when Avengers Alliance killed the three protags?
All X-men games suck because my waifu isn't playable.
Oh it happened
Why? It's certainly not the best but the ideas for an X-Men based beat'em up were there...too bad nobody picked up on the concepts Sillycuck Knights had.
It was mediocre at best.
Not to defend the Amazing Spider-Man PS360 gaymes but they are far better than the movies. Even if they are shitty Arkham Bamham clones.
This was an early birthday present for me
The game is also bad. But at least the first part is true.
t. guy who programed the game
That sign should've been in the movie.
I like how 90% of the story mode missions were "kill all the enemies" but they had to keep coming up with different ways of describing the same objective.
Nope, Just had the game since high school and never had a problem pulling off moves.
This just had no reason to exist.
Two buttons and a D-pad for a fighting game? It's stupid easy and jokingly short.
Thankfully a proper Shrek fighting game would later come to us in the form of Super Slam. Now that was a fun game.
>Those New X-Men designs
I love them to death especially the jackets.
Did you have the PS2 version? I think that one controls differently to the Gamecube and Xbox ones.
I have the ps2 version. I usually use Cyclops, Rogue or Juggernaut. Bastion, Wolverine and Blob were my old line up.
Which one?
This I gotta see. I saw the phone game characters are in an upcoming book, I wonder how well a lot of characters from outside the books end up.
2000’s synergy was pure hell. Tbh I miss it lads.
Logan looked really cool in the leather jacket. Except when he didn't wear a shirt underneath.
Wait, a beat em up or an actual fighting game?
Please be the second, I really want to know there’s an honest to god shrek fighting game on this planet.
Wait, have you not played the Shrek game that has tournaments? Not this one, I forget the name of it.
>we're about to destroy Kingpin's empire
>Electro appears out of nowhere and fucks everything up
Still mad.
What do you people know about pain?
How do I explain this one? Imagine Arkham games without anything that makes them good or even enjoyable to play. Just non-stop "go there, beat all enemies using our combat system that apes Arkham games, but is vastly inferior, rinse repeat".
I feel this one would've been salvageable if not for constant QTEs.
They made a kick-ass game?
Two in fact, Never played the first one, but the second was awful. I couldn't be arsed to play after the first boss.
It's fun for the first 20 minutes or so, then it becomes repetitive as hell.
I remember when I was playing this on 360 being incredibly autistic over how the achievements for this all had odd numbers which messed how your points on your profile.
For some reason it really bothers me that they fucked up a DMC type Spawn game
The only good spawn games are the snes one and in the demon's hand
This. I've always wanted a X-men game with pre-EA Bioware story telling and we got this painfully generic beat'em up with shitty graphics.
Yet we got a GoW style Ghost Rider game that I like better than GoW!
Even has MUTHA FUCKING BLADE as an unlockable!
I hated them at the time. I found them too “boring”. But as time went on, I really did come to love them over the silly, non-uniform spandex.
This game was pretty decent, I dunno why it got shit on at the time.
They're also much better than their ultimate and movie uniforms
I hate the movie uniforms, but I do like the military aspect of the Ultimate ones. Honestly, as I grow up I come to really dig tacticool and uniformity stuff. Where it fits, of course.
I have a nostalgic fondness for the Ultimate costumes because they were used in the X-Men Legends games.
It's also literally the only time I've ever thought Iceman looked cool
Omg, I'm lucky to never have even heard of those games.
I've played MvC and MUA, which are actually passable, if not good, games.