Ext. The Unknown - Summer

Ext. The Unknown - Summer

Wirt and Beatrice sits together under a large tree, Greg plays with frog in distant field in front of the two. A summer breeze blows.

There is a moment of calm silence.
Wirt: "You know it is quite nice under this adel wood tree. Comfy."

Beatrice: "Yeah, I used to sit and read here all the time..."

[Brief pause]

Beatrice: "Wirt, can I tell you something?"

[Beatrice puts her hand on Wirt's]

Wirt: (nervously) ... Yes?

Beatrice: Forget about Sara.

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Other urls found in this thread:


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incel wirt


Fake and Straight.

Ok, now this is epic.

Ok, give us the full script.

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Can you stop trying make me cry?

Nice fanfic OP

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Attention OTGW fandom, McHale gave us a hint about his new project, but it's hidden in this video, pay attention to the video an lyrics and you will find the hint. I will upload more with the time.


Oh no, it's the conspiracy poster again!

Oh no please dont be real

Oh no, it's the retarded poster again. Thanks God I need a good laugh.

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What's wrong?

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But user what if their daughter is a best waifu than Lorna?

Over the Garden Wall doesn't need another season

Indeed, but that doesn't stop OP to go full autistic with these baits.


it's coming...

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Wirt: "I'm sorry Beatrice, but I absolutely love black pussy"

[Enter Sara]

Sara: "Ayo cracka girl, Imma go get some o' yo boy's ass aight?"

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>watched otgw threads turn from comfy seasonal discussions of the show to half-assed baiting and shipping bullshit
distillatoria was a mistake

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Samefagging? Again user?

McHale doesn't even tolerate her face, only Dreamland can show us her face without disguise.

If you don't like it, then begin a conversation instead of simply complaining. Don't be a faggot

The show is never coming back. The absolute state of shippingfags.

I don't know what were you expecting from a shitty bait like Op's.

it's finally coming true.

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Not OP, but if you want something to talk about something why don't we discuss about the meaning of the drawings on this page? Obviously they are supposed to mean something.

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>but if you want something to talk about something

My God... I'm really tired.

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It means McHale is planning to make his second season.

If you say so

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How so?

No, Wirt only wants to spread his seed with a pure, 18th century, White girl.

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Black is EVIL

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One of the drawings is "Three moons", Black Moon, Half-Moon and Full Moon. Half-Moon represents OTGW... then it means that there are three stories. The answer to the next moon is here:

She a good girl, she dindu nuffin

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Pat McHale was not involved with this comic. He did not write it, he did not draw it. He has moved on to other projects.

That's wrong and you know why.

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She is a bad person with a disguise of good girl.

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>This fake shit again

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