Could it work as a cartoon?
Could it work as a cartoon?
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art already imitates life.
go outside the show's still on
Parts of it have been adapted into animation by fans and it's turned out pretty well.
It's been said a million times before but it's essentially just a modern interpretation of the Eltingville Club and honestly even if it's not really relevant anymore. Eva is going to be on Netflix next month ffs. Anime is practically mainstream. The idea that these dudes could have become complete social pariahs just by virtue of being into anime doesn't really track at this point.
All this said I like TEVC and Anime Club in short bursts I think they could both grow tiresome if extended into a series.
>The idea that these dudes could have become complete social pariahs just by virtue of being into anime
They weren't social pariahs because they liked anime. It was because they were socially maladapted assholes who could barely get along with each other, let alone polite society. Same with Eltingville.
But you're right that it is dated. Half of it is obsolete because of the internet.
You could have a spin-off with the shop owner with him dealing with anime going mainstream.
Yeah, it's this. There was even that anime club they were kicked out of that was filled with a bunch of normal, albeit cringy, kids. Their problem isn't liking anime, it's that they're awkward assholes.
They tried making one but it didn't work.
Come to think of it, an Anime Club cartoon would probably have a better chance of success because it's more cartoony and light-hearted than Eltingville.
Doesn’t KC Green hate The Anime Club?
KC Green hates all his work
Like said, it's worked fairly well as a web animation (despite how little was completed), and that surprised me. Back when the original comics were uploaded, I kept reading Mort and Mark as Cartman & Kyle and thought it would be difficult to make a cartoon of AC feel unique, but the voices for the animations and dramatic readings surprised me.
I think Adult Swim would give it a chance. Just expect a shitstorm if they do a Comicsgate episode.
KC Green hates the attention and fame he's gotten through the memes associated with his comic. I can tell he was irritated of people pestering him about the "This is fine" meme a while back and seeing that shit plastered everywhere. He's a depressed, angry recluse who wants to be left alone.
What does that non-controversy have to do with The Anime Club, let alone anime as a medium? The comic isn't about social commentary or politics, it's about a group of maladjusted misfits trying to consume anime while not tearing each other's heads off. Putting that kind of shit in the show would just horribly date it like how all new South Park episodes start to age poorly the moment Trey and Matt finish the scripts.
>Just expect a shitstorm if they do a Comicsgate episode.
Why would they ever do a comicsgate episode?
>the voices for the animations and dramatic readings surprised me.
Sapphire's team did a hell of a job with it. It's a damned shame they didn't go past what, the second chapter? And that was like in 2013.
You don't think, after they adapt Green's actual work, they'd make original stories and construe comics/manga as the same thing?
What is this thing?
Then he shouldn't putt his art online, the BPD having shithead
Wasn't there a whole debacle about him just pretending to be depressed
>he doesn't know
Didn't it have a pilot like 20 years ago?
Yeah seriously. This reminds me of some e-celeb I followed on twitter who liked to tweet out his favorite songs from undiscovered artists on youtube. Most of them liked having tons of views because they put their music online so others could listen. But every once and a while some artist has a panic attack and mass deletes all their work. Apparently they didn't want people to know they publicly released their own music on youtube.
Whoever made the original audio needs to lat off the record scratch
>tfw this dub never got finished
>t. zoomer
being a weeaboo faggot did in fact make you a social pariah. fuck you and fuck your faggot generation, faggot.
>construe comics/manga as the same thing
No, they wouldn't do that. And even if they did, why the fuck would they give a shit about comicsgate?
IDK if it'd work well as a full-blown series. Though I can see it working as a series of shorts or maybe a miniseries that could cover the 5 chapters.
AC always felt like a lighter version of ELT to me, even some of the characters are similar.
Read the comic again, there was another anime club that wasn't hated like them
>AC always felt like a lighter version of ELT to me
Yeah. Anime Club feels more like a bunch of dumb kids who will reasonably grow out of their behavior (except maybe Mort) while Eltingville is a lot more acidic and the guys come off as more menaces to society.
>tfw there will be a slice-of-life show about every stale white bread shit cast of shitty boring people in shitty boring situations on the planet besides one for Anime Club/Eltingville/etc. about a group of dysfunctional, infighting jackasses, their rocky but genuine friendship and their crusade against the world
For fuck's sake
>have to refresh every page three or four times because the website is shitty
good stuff though, the human moments shine all the brighter against a backdrop of petty squabbling
The concept lends itself to at least three seasons' worth of really good material come on now
didn't that come out from an out of context post that the pfsc author did years ago? or did that happen again?
is anime actually mainstream? I grew up not knowing many people into that shit, I think it's still a niche desu
I'll jew it into existence
Comicgate was /pol/ related though. Had nothing to do with actual comics
wonder why it didn't took off.
The odd yet tragic part of that is how they released a teaser to the third chapter which showed production was already under way and people were just waiting for it to be finished...but alas. Quite sad least the finished product would have capped a decent trilogy. (Kinda don't mind if the project was discontinued, I just wished they should've gave a heads up if things didn't work out so good.)
Mort showed up in one of kc's new comics
Some of these are pretty good
Dorkin blames the story they chose for the pilot, the whole sequence in the middle where it's just Bill and Josh shouting trivia at each other. Thought it might have been a little too esoteric a story to start off on. I think the real reason is because it was pitched to Adult Swim in the early 2000s and they didn't feel like paying for a traditionally animated series when they could do some cheap flash shit or just pay for the syndication rights for a show that's already made.
He must have given his permission to have it animated for Adult Swim, plus other animated bumpers on that network that seem to be his work.
People who create art and present it to the public often don't realize how stressful lots of attention can be. If you start small like KC and suddenly get really big some years down the line, it can be a lot to take in. I don't blame him for getting frustrated at how much scrutiny has been drawn to his personal life because that's not something you can really anticipate as a no-name webcomic artist who hasn't hit it big yet.
Megg, Mogg, and Owl is kind of like that sometimes, as it's also about bitter, boring outcasts who hate each other trying to scrape by on the margins of society.
This isn't wrong.
I was apart of about 4 separate anime clubs, and every member from the comic I saw multiple times. Every reallife anime club has at least 2 of the 4 in it.