Do you like Strange Planet, Yea Forums?
Do you like Strange Planet, Yea Forums?
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It's funny observational comedy
damn this is the best one I think
Pretty cute. I just hope Nathan knows to leave the horse alone once it's dead.
If you don't understand any of the jokes you probably have autism
It pisses me off.
It would be funnier if it were about something actually alien.
this one's good
It doesn't make me mad or anything but I can't say I like it. It's the same joke and that joke's not all that funny.
>hot bird water
I think this one is beyond me and I feel its something obvious
chicken soup?
chicken noodle soup
>Reddit: The Comic
Yeah, it's vaguely amusing. Can't say I've ever laughed at it though.
Obvious, just as I suspected
I wasn't thinking of anything lewd I promise you
As some who has been working on roofs these past couple of days. I'm burnt and I legit dont feel beautiful, i feel pain.
seemed useful
I think it's cute.
Devil trips of truth
worth a few keks and sharing with the wife and boomers
I find funny how most people understand this comics, therefore the absurdity of life it portraits yet no one is willing to let go or change their “illogical” side
Also how we portray this incidents with aliens, as if we could understand a perspective outside of humanity
Some of them more than others.
Because most of these are intended to be illogical at face value.
So they are just pretending to be regarded?
Most are cute, but I can't wait until he just goes full one Sheldon-autist with all of them after some point like he has done with some.
I like when they feel silly, but some feel condescending, for some reason.
It's cute. Is that what they're going for? Cute?
>Do you like Strange Planet, Yea Forums?
IMO: It's not really funny or clever but it's cute alot of times.
There is no punchline but "haha silly words". This is about the same humor as a child going "me make poopoo".
This is like the xdcd comic about how he hates beer but funny.
I love it.
I think it’s marvellous. I hope the artist doesn’t give up.
No. It’s reddit shit that isn’t funny.
Because it's an actual joke and not insecure retards virtue signaling
It's adorable
these hit too close to home.
Nobody is even asking women to wear them, I swear they do it just to complain about it
Most comedy is people pretending to be retarded.
>any comic that isn't on six levels of irony and edginess is 'reddit'
You niggas are obsessed
I mean this comic did get big on reddit.
That's why lots of people do lots of things, I have found. In fact that's probably the number one reason why people have a job.
Few to none of the words used in these comics are silly. These are about as far from being poop jokes as you can get.
OP has demonstrated himself that it is one joke repeated dozens of times. It was cute the first few times I saw them, but this is owlturd "lmao life is HARD amirite dudes" levels of repetitiveness
So did faggotry, but ya'll seem to revel in that with no problem.
But this comedy is based on a critic of real life events
Nothing retarded about what they are doin, it represents fairly common events they just place it under a narrative where “this totally normal thing it’s super quirky when described another way”
The comic it’s ok if a little repetitive but this type of comedy in particular reminds me to the people that just complain constantly how the world and the system it’s wrong yet they themselves are a broken, depressed mess, as if they could fit somewhere else when the reality it’s their personality and illness sets them as weirdos forever
Or they prefer working to being homeless, possibly.
Xdcd was being pretentious and trying to make a point.
This one is just commenting on the countetintuitive nature of it. They do the same thing with cheese, but clearly still like cheese. Chances are, they also like aged wine.
>The comic it’s ok if a little repetitive but this type of comedy in particular reminds me to the people that just complain constantly how the world and the system it’s wrong yet they themselves are a broken, depressed mess, as if they could fit somewhere else when the reality it’s their personality and illness sets them as weirdos forever
I understand the comedy you are talking about. But i don't get any real critical vibes from this comic at all. If it were being facetious or flippant, I'd agree. But is all jocular.
Strange planet is a burger comic. Just like a burger, you can only really consume a couple before you can't take any more.
Tell me how the world would be a better place if people decided to stop getting tans , watching competitions ,enjoying their pets , celebrating birthdays , cleaning , or pretty much anything in these pictures. The joke isn't that they're bad things, or that they need changing; only that if you approach them from a different angle and separate the reader from it slightly with odd phrasing and some aliens doing it that it seems like a silly thing to do culturally. That's the joke. Making us see ourselves, our habits, our attachments, and our cultural norms from an outside perspective. There's no social commentary on any of it, and most of what they portray isn't stuff people complain about.
Okay, I actually chucked at this one.
I have autism and he's simply converting normal language into technobabble.
It's pretty charming.
Cats respond to names, though.
Some will. My cat Ninja doesn't, though.
Yes. Every animal do. But i think here its like "she will not do it, because cat" or that she isnt trained by the owner well enough to remember it.
Me too.
My sphynx responds to Archie.
Full name Archibald.
That's kind of a lame pun.
The Nacirema have another kind of specialist whose name is best translated as "holy-mouth-man." The Nacirema have an almost extreme horror and fascination with the mouth, the condition of which is believed to have a supernatural influence on all social relationships. Several times each day, the natives rub the insides of their mouths with a small bundle of hog bristles. Those who neglect the ritual are forced to visit the holy mouth man who, as punishment, digs holes in their teeth with sharp instruments. Though small children must be forced to undergo this punishment when they neglect the mouth ritual, adults willingly accept it. Were it not for the rituals of the mouth, they believe that their teeth would fall out, their gums bleed, their jaws shrink, their friends desert them, and their lovers reject them. I observed that those nearing marriageable age even decorate their teeth with strips of metal which are believed to improve their appearance.
So you didnt train her that the sound on "ninja" means something? Or do you use it clearly as name indicattion that she is meant or do you use it uncertain?
Maybe if you say her name she knows it will be unpleasant and try to stay away to you?
>Nobody is even asking women to wear them, I swear they do it just to complain about it
in some work places it's a dress code.
My cat knows/responds to her name but I think it's the only word she understands.
Excerpt on latipsoh from "Body Ritual Aming the Nacirema"
The medicine men have a special temple, or latipsoh, in every community of any size. The more elaborate ceremonies required to treat very sick patients can only be performed in this temple. The maidens who conduct the ceremonies move quickly about the temple chambers wearing special costumes and headdresses. No matter how ill the native may be, or how serious the emergency, the guardians of many temples will not admit a client who cannot give a rich gift to the temple.The people willingly go to the latipsoh even though they fear it. In fact, I observed that many people who went to the latipsoh for a cure died during the curing ceremonies, which appear to be very harsh. One curing ceremony which takes place in this temple involves allowing the medicine men to cut out and throw away parts of their bodies. The Nacirema believe that this ceremony will remove the evil from their bodies and improve their health. The medicine men who conduct these ceremonies own a large collection of special knives which the client is never allowed to see. The Nacirema also allow the maidens of the temple to place sharp wires in their bodies and to remove small amounts of their blood in order to cure them.Our review of the ritual life of the Nacirema has certainly shown them to be a magic-ridden people. It is hard to understand how they have managed to exist so long under the burdens they have imposed upon themselves.
>trace amounts
lost it there
Look man, I got two cats. One's Ninja. The other is Gizmo. Gizmo loves hearing its name and comes running when it hears it. Ninja doesn't.
Cats just be like that, man.
This was done in writing by Horace Miner in '56
It's not particularly interesting or insightful
Probably cause you named it Ninja, ya weeb
Yeah, Ninja has a mind of his/her own. Maybe Ninja is a lone hunter or dumb to understand foreign languages.
Well yeah, that's why I chose it.
I hate the little blighter.
I think these comics are comfy and I'm a sucker for anything with aliens in them.
Non americans don't wash their teeth?
You know what, the fridge IS an honorable place to put it.
it's a really easy formula BUT
the situation are well picked and the wording is often good
sometime it's funny
The joke is literally that they use unusual words instead of common ones. Then you're supposed to go "haha, how silly".
No, user, most of the time, the joke is that the words used to describe the scenarios are accurate, but misleading, and the punchline is the scenario itself. It builds up the events as being more than they really are, and then you're supposed to go "Oh, so THAT'S the common occurrence they were describing!". It's setting expectations, then pulls out the rug for the sake of pointing out apparent contradictions.
You're being a little faggot about this. I hope you know this.
did it fuck the dog?
Yes. It's cute, funny, and surprisingly clever at times
i get all the rest but i don't get this oen, what is irregular shapes and why are thye in flat surfaces/
Pretty much.
Irregular shapes are shit that you normally have laying around because your house is a mess. Flat objects are countertops and cupboards that you hide all of that in.
My favorite as someone who doesn't really drink, this is exactly what all you drinkers look like to me
It is popular among normies, therefore I am contractually obligated to say no. Seriously though that guy has a talent for this kind of humor; any attempts to copy or parody it have been trash.
What the fuck is this thread
And you're being a big faggot about trying to make this seem more clever than it is.
The joke got old really fast.
The humor isn't complicated. Your judgment on it is just completely off. You only think I'm making it out to be more clever than it really is because you're an idiot and I have to explain this to you like you're 5.
That reminds me, I keep forgetting to watch Alien News Desk.
I am transferring words into this machine. It allows me to reach other entities. Sometimes they do not understand my words. This makes me feel happy.
I think it would do really well in newspapers.
>not keeping your home clean for your own sake regardless of visitors
That's why you have depression.
I want to FUCK this alien's face.
Yeah because my brain thinks in the way they write. I always deduce things down to what they literally are and call them that. Maybe not allowed in front of other people though.
>I will just stare at you
See this shit makes me laugh too much. Hahaha. I relate too much.
Congrats, you attempted the humor but with zero eloquence, build up, or nuance. Effectively demonstrating that you never understood the execution in the first place.
Now all you need to do is draw paltry imitations of the comic and repost them in every thread in an autistic tirade to get your point across.
So we're doing this now?
none of this is "illogical", this is how life has evolved, this is what it means to be human
It's better than the "le relatable adult child" fad.
>Making us see ourselves, our habits, our attachments, and our cultural norms from an outside perspective.
That's why I enjoy it so much. I love seeing things from a completely outside perspective. I love just being brutally honest.
an alien face, duh
Ninja's a gay name and your cat hates it.
>humor but with zero eloquence, build up, or nuance
Hey, you figured it out!
Your name is gay. Fuck you.
Quit being mean to my cat.
It annoys me with a passion and legitimately making me feel isolated.
Your satire is amazing. Want a sticker?
I require the five pointed glue paper.
We're not being mean to the cat, we're being mean to you. This is the internet, we love cats.
I am acknowledging your communication and affirming things have been communicated.
This one is not particularly good.
this one is good
Wow. You are LEGITIMATELY upset that people like this comic, huh?
no. it's woman humor.
I just wish women were taller making heels unneeded.
Also inspect those numbers marking your post
... Nah I'm the guy who loves it. I think you got me confused. I meant that reply as fun joke, I thought we were doing it... Sorry.
so quirky
great at first but the joke is starting to get a little stale.
"Imagine pleasant nonsense" is actually a pretty cool phrase for "sweet dreams". I may have to use that for my nephew when I go visit.
>It's vibrating.
>That means it's working.
Wew Lad
Best one.
shut up autistic retard
It's funny at times, but this can easily get tiresome and whoever is making should stop.
its cute, and thats about it. vaguely reminds me of homestuck trolls due to being so literal. but i guess thats most interpretations of alien speech unfamiliar with human customs.
Made something.
Defamiliarization is good comedy.
i understood that reference
fix the "c" in reference and it'd be awesome.
This one made me laugh more than the other ones.
>Nobody is even asking women to wear them
women have to wear them to work retard. same with parties, they're sometimes required wear in dress code. kill yourself idiot
tho tho tho tho
>I desire medium danger
The first and still the best.
Some of the others don't quite capture the alien weirdness, but this one embodies it perfectly.
So young, so naive.
This is me at a National Park
High Heels? Dress Code? Where? A Strip Joint?
>High heels
Feels like you require validation.
Because in context it's not illogical, it just sounds absurd when you cut it out and word it differently.
It's pretty terrible. Not even cute unless you really like the designs nad the jokes are all kinda samey but not even in the way the Bus is all about the Buss but still amazing.
So you want us to stop cleaning up when company's coming over, having pets, going to the dentist, eating ice-cream, showing off our newborn babies to our friends, going on nature hikes, keeping indoor plants, displaying drawings made by our children, drinking wine, signing contracts, drinking coffee, hugging sad people to make them feel better, and wishing our children "sweet dreams"?
What aspect of our behavior are we supposed to change here?!
Are you guys for real?
this falls apart as pretentious dribble solely due to the fact that it actually works.
that is all that separates "our noble ways" and "their barbaric rituals" but unironically.
The point is that these are all emotionally driven experiances that would seem odd if the context of emotion were removed. This isn't some biting indictment of society. It is a comic that uses only one joke: aliens acting out human behavior without our emotional context. We aren't ment to come away from the comic feeling that we ought to change socety. We are ment to come away from it able to recognise that many of our choices, even the reasonable ones, are made because we are emotionally driven beings. Having that skill we can start to ask why when we play out social scripts. Why IS it so important that we put our arms around eachother? Why DO we try to pretend that we dont have messes when visitors come? Drinking wine and coffee are particularly silly when you don't have an emotional reason to suck down rotten fruit juice and skalding water that touched seed dust.
The dentist one is mostly an exception. It only hits on the joke with a glancing blow. The missing emotion is fear of dentists and not everyone has that fear so the comic lands pretty flat. It's my least favorite.
That and the OP one are my favourites.
Lol. Thats mostly just because corporate desing.
The question is if its healthy or needed.
But if you dont like high heels dont work in this job. This is like "i dont like to wear a mascot costume" but working for a football team as a mascot.
You can debate if its healthy, but than you need to ban all high heels to be sold, because health reasons.
The only possibility is to debate with the company if they need this corporate identity with heels. But if you dislike high heels, than dont work for a company who uses them or dont attend to a party where you have to wear one.
This is just The Coneheads except that it's stupid and sucks shit
Yeah, same. Except it does kind of make me mad, because I feel like there's weirder stuff we do that this comic would be perfect for addressing.
I think it's okay but I can't stand how hilarious all the white girls on my social media think it is
>implying that being """human""" is a good thing
I'm a dental assistant, I showed this to the other assistants and they thought it was hilarious
>Don't work at a higher paying job because you're going to be uncomfortable
>Don't go to a company party to network with people to help you advance your career or hang out with co-worker friends
>Just tell the company their policy sucks and surely they have not heard this before from several others over years.
Last year my casual dress office turned into a business casual one. I'm not going to quit my job after 3 years of working there and climbing up to management just because my ankles are getting bruised up. You're probably the type of employee that quits their job everytime an unfavorable change is made like the rest of the hoodrats I see. Then they cry about the job market later. Suck it up.
>mascot costume
Because the number of people that work corporate jobs is totally comparable to the number of people who work as mascots.
How retarded are you ?
>Just don't work there
So I guess they can't work as lawyers, accountants, secretaries, managers, every job in the luxury sector, pretty much every job that happens in an office, pretty much every job in the entertainment industry
And it's not just about jobs, every formal event has a heel policy for women.
You sound like a jobless neet that's never had any interaction with the professional world.
I have autism and enjoy this immensely. Though I find it more relatable then humourous.
It domesticated the space wolf.
I get it. It ain't making me laugh. But, I get it.
I'm honestly baffled this hasn't ever been a feminist flagship of the week.
Pink razors have gotten more attention than this and that's the stupidest shit ever.
Shouldn't that be something like "pictorial storytelling reference"?
i think both work as well
that's sarah's scribbles
I go to imgur fairly often because it isn't blocked at work, so I've seen it plenty.
What? People want women in heels all the time.
Not just for making you seem taller, but for putting your legs on a position that make your legs and butt good.
>now feel completely helpless
Mine also understand what bed means.