So why exactly are IDW forced to ignore characters created outside of the games?
Sonic Comics
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I think they're just trying to get rid of baggage.
Which is a shame cause I like that baggage.
Most of them are SHIT
The Wrath of Penders (and his defenders).
>No one likes Big the Cat.
You ever get bitch slapped? Because you are overdue!
Sonic Universe revival when?
From a fan perspective its because they are tied to a complex lawsuit. As well as most being superfluous to the action centric sonic focused aim for the book.
From a business perspective they are not genersting market synergy. These characters are not tied to any of the games or recent cartoons.
A: Because SEGA never offically created them.
B: Penders
That is all. Stop making these fucking threads already and just make porn of your dead OCs.
You sound upset.
You first.
>Not liking based Big who despite the fishing shit, actually had one of the best stories in SA1 (Him trying to find his frog buddy but accidentally getting involved with Chaos and the emeralds shit.).
The series is dead and Sega has no desire to promote "old incarnations of the franchise".
What do you care, she's a lesbian.
These key factors along with Archie Sonic never being imported to Japan have sealed their fate
I know big is shoved down for the sake of comedy, but in reality he's not a bad character. The problem is that Big is a slow character and Sega thinks that a Slow character is the same thing as a Stupid character, making Big sound like an idiot
Ken Penders.
I'd actually blame that on the American cast back in the Sonic X days. I don't even get the same character of retardedness when I saw him in the latest TSR Overdrive. In fact, same can be said about Knuckles to a lesser extent, to compare to like say, Sonic Boom Knuckles.
They've just got too much baggage attached to them
What would stop Penders or some other shmuck who used to work for DiC back in the 90s from coming out of the woodworks, claiming they created the Freedom Fighters and threatening to sue Sega over them?
>that red "Bowser" villain guy that keeps showing up in Sonic games
Did this son of a bitch just refer to Eggman as 'Bowser villain guy'?
I think he meant that guy from Lost World
I'm pretty sure he's talking about Zavok
Because SEGA is still pissed about Ken Penders.
The IDW comics so far have been a huge disappointment. It's just corporate-approved garbage that a real fan wouldn't dare make unless forced.
Super Neo Metal Sonic is something people have been anticipating and even dreaming about since Sonic Heroes. Fine, put him in the comics, save brand new villains for the games. But why is he showing up in the ninth issue? That's like, an end-game nearing the end of the comic itself scale villain. It's monthly, I get it, but at least save him for the 3rd or 4th year so that he's an actual threat. It's supposed to be fan service and you just killed any hype for new villians there'd be, because you can't get much more hype than Super Neo Metal Sonic.
Oh, and then Shadow just one shots him to detransform him. No one transforms other than Blaze, who isn't even a part of the actual Metal Sonic fight. Wow. Huge threat.
Bring back the Archie canon. I know it's impossible but God. Will we ever get shit like depressed Sonic questioning his morality after killing Robotnik ever again? Will we get based boy Scourge back, even if it's by a different name? It was edgy, it was cringe, and I loved it. It has its low points but I'd rather have that than this.
>Will we ever get shit like depressed Sonic questioning his morality after killing Robotnik ever again?
Not even something similar. "Sonic can not get overly emotional".
>Will we get based boy Scourge back, even if it's by a different name?
No, because even if they make something similar Penders will sue.
>Will we ever get shit like depressed Sonic questioning his morality after killing Robotnik ever again?
Why would Sonic want to kill him to begin with?
What I find annoying about all of this is that Penders would have lost in court if Sega bothered to take it to court, but they just decided to let Penders have just about everything instead.
Wait, there's people who deffend Penders?
Standard contracts? Archie only settled because they were legendarily incompetent in their legal department.
>Super Neo Metal Sonic.
Imo that's not something I deem a threat. Mentally because Metal is a killing robot yeah, but how many Super tier villains did we have so far for like 20 years? I guess it could have been "hype" but that's more like a "glad that's been finally done" compared to "HOLY CRAP" tier. If you told me that was their peak, I'd questioned why even make a comic series at this point?
I feel conflicted honestly
I grew up on SATam and then discovered Japanese Sonic in general
Their lore is so far apart that you can't mix them and make sense at the same time, as seen in Archie Sonic where forcing in the Game characters made everything too complicated
I wish SATam characters were still used somehow but I understand if SEGA retired them
The thing is, you can basically split the Archie comic into two parts: Pre-252 which was mostly American-based with elements of Japan canon having to be shoehorned awkwardly in later and Post-252 which was when the comic rebooted to a world more closely resembling the games (and with as many games considered canon as Ian the madman could get away with). In both cases, the SATAM characters were kept, and merely reworked where necessary to fit in with the world (Nagus is now a troll and a relative of Wendy Witchcart from Tails Sky Patrol for instance).
This is also considering that the comic starts off post Sonic Forces which is as SATAM as the games aside from Spinball ever got.
The reboot still works off a SataM base I'd say, just mixed much more thoroughly with the SegaSonic canon. Sonic was still mostly doing a job for a king, the reboot just let him be his fancy free tourist self without contradicting that. An actual blending of the SataM characters without forcing the series to be about them would have to be separate from Sonic's usual life and modus operandi.
Although I will say, Archie being so awful at forcing in game characters was usually just because Archie was fucking awful. Things like Station Square being a hologram city under a mountain didn't necessarily NEED to be so weird, but the writers forced every single part of the world to be defined and didn't leave flexibility for new things to simply exist.
>In both cases, the SATAM characters were kept, and merely reworked where necessary to fit in with the world (Nagus is now a troll and a relative of Wendy Witchcart from Tails Sky Patrol for instance)
I think Sonic's Uncle Chuck is no longer his blood relative, either. He's just an old dude that everyone calls "Uncle."
You'll never see the archie characters again. Stay salty, motherfucker.
>sonic Forces is like SATam
Reminds me of how ironic how the tables flipped
It used to be the Americans who were forcing in themes that didn't fit the sonic Franchise while the Japanese were helping them stay true to him
Now SoJ has been forcing in themes such as Guns , Werehog, Swords , Sonic 06 in general, and The Avatar in Sonic Forces where SoA had to tell them that replacing sonic with the Avatar was retarded
Basically SoA became more traditionalistic while SoJ chases trends too much regardless if they fit the franchise
One could even compare Sally and Avatar
Reminder that Penders never touched s-6 squad and Breezie so they're safe to use
That would have no bearing on anything. They were made for AoStH, and DiC's contracts gave everything but the animation rights (that is to say the actual episodes themselves) to Sega right from the beginning.
Seriously, the only rights issue is that Archie didn't have its writers sign STANDARD CONTRACTS. Anything from any other spinoff, and even most of the characters created after Ian Flynn came on board are completely fine to use.
They can't use Archie OCs because Penders somehow landed copyright claims on literally all of them, including all of the ones created way after he left. Now IDW needs to go directly to Sega and ask for approval on every single IDW OC Sonic character because Sega is not playing around with the comics anymore.
He only claimed the ones he directly made, what the hell are you talking about? The only character who even arguably got their identity after him and was claimed was Scourge, who was clearly his character Anti Sonic. Stop spreading misinformation.
With any luck, IDW dies and SEGA completely gives up on Sonic comics.
>Starts as the first Metal Sonic of the comics
>Gets briefly used by Penders in a game tie-in special he wrote
>Ends up dying, but gets revived years later by Flynn and made into a hero
>Penders lays claim because he used him exactly once
Oh yeah, Shard was a super flimsy case. From what I remember the problem was the Power Stone, not Shard himself, but then after the reboot he was just another tertiary cast member that could be easily replaced by Gemerl.
>From what I remember the problem was the Power Stone, not Shard himself
Which just makes Penders all the more pathetic in that he'll use the smallest and most-inconsequential reason possible to steal characters for himself.
Mandate from Sega due to Pender's bullshit
Worse. He first appeared in Sonic #25 as Metal Sonic, which Penders wrote. So Penders claimed it was his character.
At the time, Metal Sonic was still considered a SEGA character and so Penders couldn't lay claim. Then he introduced the Power Stone in the Chaotix special, which led to Metal's evolution into Shard. The moment he was no longer considered a Metal Sonic, Ken made his move and snatched him up.
Boco, consistently coming in with an entirely false story. That issue was by Mike Gallagher.
because SEGA said so
Shit, I meant the Chaotix special. My bad.
I think you're the salty one here, since you had enough of encouragement coming from your rage to reply and bash to someone that is talking about things you personally don't like.
Nigga, chill.
Not related to Shard, but didn't Penders claim Scourge and the idea of parallel universes in Sonic?
Sega clearly wants them to focus on game characters, but beyond that they had to start from scratch from the most recent game, which is Forces. That means everything from Classic Sonic World is a seperate universe, and none of the previous cartoon/comic characters are known to Sonic yet. Introducing characters takes time, and the comic can't just be character introductions. If the characters we are introduced don't actually do something, what's the point? I'm kind of disappointed by IDW, mostly because I feel like the storytelling is too slow, but I'm not surprised by the lack of old non-game characters yet.
Yes he did. Thats why the reboot destroyed every dimension except the main one and Blaze's.
Who the fuck is Penders?
Someone post the screencap.
Ken Penders, former writer on the comic who's known for not being able to let it go.
Most of the weird shit related to Knuckles in the Archie comic comes from him. Like that one time Knuckles' dad microwaved him as a baby because of a dream he had.
Technically Scourge was his character (Scourge was Evil Sonic who debuted in a Penders issue) and it was the first parallel universe, but honestly those were almost all completely worthless to begin with.
Move the fuck on. Satam has been dead for 25 years. It really makes no sense to try to advertise a long dead spinoff Saturday morning cartoon.
You don't see Mario fans begging for Indiana Joe to make a return.
In fairness, the only Mario cartoon OC character that was actually a main character was Oogtar and nobody likes about him.
Mario fans mostly focus on RPG characters with the occasional Wart/Tatanga request.
Because of copyrights and such probably, SoA own the FFs not SoJ I've heard (?)
After the shit with Penders and Archie I'd imagine they'd rather not deal with any of it, at least for the time being, even if the rights were easy or free to acquire.
>Satam has been dead for 25 years.
I don't understand this argument. Looney Tunes and its characters are still gaining attention, and they have been for many years, since the 30's. Couple of properties and IPs are quite older than SaTAM and the FFs, and despite their age and longevity, they still are being reinterpreted or gaining sequels and titles nowadays.
What's with the double standard here? Why be harsh with ONLY SaTAM? Must it really matter if one IP has been running for years since its beginning or not?
Well, for starters, Looney Tunes is GOOD.
Probably because people aren't constantly demanding that all WB cartoons feature the Looney Tunes, and Looney Tunes were their own deal instead of one of several adaptations of a main franchise.
>SoA own the FFs not SoJ I've heard (?)
SoJ owns SoA so what would that even mean, come on man
The copyright status of Sonic is so simple, why do rumors keep trying to overcomplicate it
They didn't create Amy either but apparently that's not a problem for them.
So, it's just because you dislike SatAM personally? That's it?
Then why didn't you just say it outright?
>Probably because people aren't constantly demanding that all WB cartoons feature the Looney Tunes
... why in the world would people in the first place demand that every unique WB cartoon that's not Looney Tunes to have the Looney Tunes's characters?
That would be like demanding Jet Set Radio, NIGHTS Into Dreams, and other dead unpopular SEGA's IPs to have FFs. That's doesn't make sense.
>and Looney Tunes were their own deal instead of one of several adaptations of a main franchise.
Okay, that's a good argument (even that like I said, there's couple of elder properties that are still receiving attention aside Looney Tunes). Although, it's frankly funny to hear from you this argument, while that Sonic, nowadays, still can't define itself its own identity, and still keep receiving soft-reboots (not to mention THAT live-action horrendous new movie). This kind of problem still persists with SoJ, despite that both Archie and Fleetway comics are now dead.
To add on that, they also didn't create Blaze and anything related to her, and yet...
Screw them. They would ruin SatAM Sally anyway.
Robotnik's Seed & Feed (Formerly Uncle Chucks)
Nothing good to ruin...
You would think, but it's Sega. I can't even begin to understand them.
Niggers those are still jap made characters explicitly for the games. That's not even "Amy" that's the beta design that just shared the name. That's like saying Sonic's real name is Nikki.
No seriously though IT'S NOT COMPLICATED
Archie's the only reason there's anything to mention at all! They didn't have their writers sign contracts so rights weren't transferred to the parent company, but otherwise ALL SONIC IS SEGA OWNED. There is no ambiguity here!