Why is it if you post a political comic that leans a certain way on this board, the thread will get pruned or deleted because politics is off-topic, but if you post a political comic that leans the other direction, the thread is allowed to stay, or if you post a comic with a woman, the thread will be allowed to stay even though the thread will just devolve into porn?
Why is it if you post a political comic that leans a certain way on this board...
Do we look like the mods or jannies? Do we look like we can read minds? You can contact them yourself you know.
>political shit flinging threads good
>lewd threads bad
>mobile faggot filename
Quit posting political comics, faggot.
Cthulhu swims left
One side is more inclusive and therefore less controversial, the other often jokes about suicide statistics and things like that.
When this thread gets pruned, know that it's not because of your political beliefs, but instead because making threads just to bitch about moderation has always been a bannable offense you giant faggot.
>the other often jokes about suicide statistics and things like that.
Get dabbed on, tranny.
The AOC comic gets removed and Stonetoss gets removed. Can’t claim bias when they are both poofed
What is the liberal equivalent on this? Calling out white privilege? It isn't nearly as malicious or divisive.
>one advocates the extinction of ethnic groups and the abuse of children, the other wants people to stay married
I just wish the vocal minority of the liberal minded people wasn’t so loud. I’m about as liberal as you can get, but people complaining about sexualizing female characters like it’s the holocaust are not too different from those people complaining about black panther getting a movie. These kinds of people can only think in terms of censorship, and once you start enforcing censorship, corrupt politicians take advantage of the situation. It’s important to calmly let racism dwindle naturally. Going too far on the offense pushes people in the middle away from you.
here here!
Why does Brie Larson look like an asian person?
I also wish they'd stop calling people "incels" because other people complained about sexualisation being heavily toned down in a series that's still not suitable for children anyway. I guess beause of them, you cannot have any fun with how you design characters. I"m surprised they havrn't shat up the "How's You Webcomic" threads for that.
It turns out that when people are new to an ideology they tend to go all in in an effort to fit in and take part in the discourse. Leftist cucks and MAGA chuds aren't equally bad though. One wants women to be respected (oh the humanity) while the other thinks niggers shouldn't be in superhero movies just to use your own examples.
demanding the abolition of heterosexuality, the suppression of standard gender norms and the dismantling of standard gender roles.
Sounds like the right since they elected someone who thinks that sexually assaulting minors gives them confidence, a thought echoed by Milo Yannipolis.
Trump: “How would you like to be the husband of the wife who was playing around with a 14-year-old kid? Unbelievable. By the way, did you see what she looked like?”
Imus: “Not bad."
Trump: “Not bad? Yeah, I’d say so. I know a lot of guys who are trying to date her right now.”
Imus: “Well, I don’t know what teachers looked like when you were in school…”
Trump: “None of them looked like that, believe me. So do you think this 14-year-old kid is scarred forever? He might have put the moves on her! It might have given him confidence, actually."
And the left wants marriage equality.
Incel was a word made by incels though. It's how they choose to be labelled. The problem is well adjusted virgins get swept into a group with a bunch of assholes who would rather wallow in self pity and hate the world then trying to improve themselves.
This sounds like a huge non-issue disconnected from the conversation of character design. Why would they give a shit about How's Your Webcomic?
iOS mobile file name.
Except the one that "respects" woman tend to be very disrespecful towards any woman who disagrees with them, especially if they aren't as "woke" as them. They are two faced in that regard.
That's not really a platform, what's happening, or any goal. This cuts to the larger problem with the left/right dynamics of aggression; the right is more direct with it while the left needs to be deciphered and assumed.
No I agree entirely. I’m just saying that people on the fence may see “screeching SJW feminist” as more of a threat to them than “racist incel Magatard” and side with the latter where if the prior didn’t exist, they may have fell closer to the left.
Talkong about in the context of Yea Forums. We all know SJWs post here. They shat up this thread halfway with "seething incel" etc etc.
What do you mean? Examples?
Sarah Palin is a right leaning woman and she was laughed because she'd do shit like drink big gulp on stage as a political statement and called the question of "what news do you read?" gotcha journalism.
You misunderstand what SJWs are. You can use the word "incel" while not screeching giving a shit about sexy outfits. Did you really think they were exclusive? At the very least, you should know "incel" is mainstream as a word and while in some cases it represents a real demographic, in others it's used like the age old "get laid" insult.
It's very simple. One of these horrible human beings demand that you be pure 24/7 or else be destroyed. Most people can't be as perfect as SJWs want you to be, not even themselves. At least the latter's funner to make fun of
both of them require you to fit their idealistic expectations senpai.
Amy Hennig got kicked out of Naughty Dog for not completely being 100% with the current direction of their new stories, even though she was 9ne of the key writers behind Uncharted and The Last of Us.
And yet you can go on pretty much any "right-wing" website, and be allowed to spout the most radical leftist opinions ever.
Say anything right-leaning on any liberal website, and you'll more likely than not get censored.
It's not really a horseshoe thing when it comes to censorship.
It's not like women deserve respect just for being women, it depends on the context. I think Megan McCain is a ghoulish grifter who deserves no fucking respect. It's okay to judge women for being horrible on the basis of what they do as individuals.