Name a Western animated fight scene better than this

Spoiler: You can't

Attached: herc vs salter.webm (600x336, 2.99M)

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all I see are a bunch of lights and slow motion

absolutely retarded

Won't lie that's actually pretty cool animation especially in terms of effects. However, it's not what I'd call a "fight scene" in the terms that I don't see any fight choreography or anything else like that. However, I think there are plenty of better "fight scenes" in anime. As for "western animation" I dunno. Can't think of many good fight-scenes on this side of the Pacific.

Attached: Obi Wan vs Maul final.webm (640x360, 2.72M)

Unironically this

i have no idea what this is but i would get baked an watch the whole thing if its like that

It looks pretty but that was a shit fight.

>Berserker charges with a punch
>Saber Alter blocks and upper cuts him
>Saber alter uses solar beam
That's literally all that happened.

Fuck RWBY has better fights than that.

>FLASHY BOOM BOOMS = good fight

No, faggot.

A good fight is a mixture of competent choreography, interesting cinematography, and attentive visual storytelling. This: is a better fight than because of that reason.

Is it short? Yeah. is it simple? Yeah. But its narratively important, its impactful, its not just a bunch of spastic laser beams and goku nukes levelling planets. Thats dumb.

I've always preferred bit simpler fights, myself

Attached: The Beach_trim2.webm (960x540, 1.45M)

That's not a fight, that's the end of a fight. If you're going to wank Fate at least post Lancer vs Literally Anyone. Then your statement would be correct.

Into the spiderverse. Come at me weebs.

Okay, but this is unironically kino. You can tell so much from the way the fight progresses, the character's expressions, and their stances.

It's only now that I notice that maul was going for the same maneuver that killed Qui-Gon

combaticus vs Specimen 7.

You didn't even try.

Any samurai jack fight.
The first battle against the sisters is better but i can't find it complete

I've seen many of those in rave clubs

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>literally the end of the fight
>skipping all the cool shit that happened before
Here's a REAL fight scene, same series

Attached: ransa.png (600x527, 392K)

>Overly flashy
>Some random explosion
>Literally three attacks
If that's a good fight, then I'm a goat...waaaait a second, this is a bait!

Attached: Bait.png (625x626, 65K)

>just a bunch of over the top visual effects while the characters are literally standing in place
it looks kind of neat I guess, but I'm with , most of family guy's chicken fights are unironically better than what you posted.

I know people are pointing out that generally speaking this is not really a fight, it's more like a single exchange and therefore doesn't have much choreography, I'd just like to note that while you guys are correct... this is some pretty impressive animation. In particular the effects work here is marvelous.

I agree that is certainly a better fight, in that every moment of it is tense and characterful, but is the animation more impressive than OP's webm? No, absolutely not.

Japan really needs to stop trying to use CGI they aren't very good at it.

What a perfect moment in an otherwise mediocre cartoon.

I like how the chicken fights have started simple, but they just get more and more ridiculous with each round.

OP was specifically asking for better fights, not better animation

No. The special effects are impressive. Strip those from OPs animation and the result is incredibly underwhelming, while if you strip the lights from the lightsabers, you still mantain a pretty cool damurai fight.

Sorta, but it seems like most of the effort went to making these flashy lights rather than characters, that girl especially seems pretty stiff while her clothes hair and whatever that red thing is are moving, like the red dude tho

>decent animation plastered over CGI puppets, CGI backgrounds and CGI everything.
what the fuck happened to japan? they used to know how to animate.

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Same thing that happened everywhere else. CGI is cheaper. The fact that they even bother with 2D animation at all is a blessing.

OP here;

The actual fight is way better, but that's the only webm I have, and I can't find any camrips of the fight. I'll look for some more footage, so please be patient.

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Okay, this is actually cool as fuck.
the black and white samurai jack fight is pretty impressive too.

>that transition from 2d to CG panning shot

Attached: oof.jpg (384x369, 29K)

>stupid weebs think there opinions matter

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second-hand embarrassment
this is why I stopped posting in Yea Forums, too much cringe

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based genndy grevious

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>the whole "You have nothing"/"And what do YOU have?!" exchange beforehand
>both go into the same stances they took as apprentices back when they first met
>Maul is twitchy while Obi-Wan has nerves of steel
>fight's over in three moves
>the way Obi holds Maul in his arms while the latter is dying with a sorrowful look in his eyes
Unironically Jedi kino right there. It was like someone finally took a page out of the samurai films that inspired Star Wars to begin with

This thread does raise a good question though. What's the best fight (animation, story, choreography) from either side of the Pacific.

>Literally retarded

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Attached: the one good scene in RWBY.webm (998x562, 1.91M)

SW:TORteaser trailer.mp4

Close ups, screen shaking, filters galore, and pointless slow mo? Nah, thats shit. Show me some james baxter tier stuff from the east senpai

what animated series, comics, movies and live action series would recommend for someone who hates, rejects and wants to be away from everything that the shit of Disney, Star Wars, Marvel, and Fox

>it's an holier than though Yea Forumsutist thread

Do I even want to know what the rest of it is like?

>All that flash
>Absolutely no substance
Yeah, about what I expected.

Wakfu and that Castlevania thing off the top of my head, basically aping anime's style, the latter I think uses a Japanese animation studio.

There is STILL no fight in animation better than the finale of Sword of the Stranger.

>lancer loses

shit fight scene

>the latter I think uses a Japanese animation studio
Actually they used the same studios that animate OK! KO, Fairly Oddparents and Teenage Robot, if you can believe it

looks pretty, but no depth
is right

Lancer always looses. To be a lancer is to suffer, it's in the rules

that looks boring as fuck senpai

Came here to post this. If you're gonna try and show of show off how great anime fights can be, go all out with it.

Attached: 1447434823063.webm (640x360, 2.81M)

Over in one hit. Lame.

What exactly makes that "good", op?
I KNOW you're not referring to the animation.

I miss when you could tell what as going on in an anime fight scene. Just campare OP to Samurai Champloos first major fight scene.

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As long as we're talking about fights as flashy lazer shows

Kil la Kill did it better.

east vs west threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/3 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

RWBY is like half fight scenes of some sort or another, and most of them are all really good. Even the dumbass food fight in the school cafeteria. As mediocre as the animation is for characters just walking around and talking, all of the fight scenes are very well animated.

Visceral fights with actual physical adverse consequences are better, even jojo wich is a shonen has stuff like josuke and kira's fight , and every samurai jack and genndy clone wars fight is more memorable than anything ufotable has done

>nobody mentioning FMA

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double fag

I remember seeing a snippet of that animated Chronicles of Riddick movie of a fight scene that had some pretty impressive weight

>fight scene
>no actual fighting
uhhh ok sweetie

This looks gay as fuck. I mean homoerotic gay, not just terrible, but also terrible.

just post the link to the video from youtube or something


That's the thing, I can't find any footage on Youtube, and hours of Googling has led me to nothing. Oh well, just trust me when I say the rest of the fight looks way better.

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Double damn

2004 fma had better fights

I mean if you wanted an animation thread that's fine, just don't be so condescending against western animation if you can't back your own thread up.

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Christ why does fate shit always invade everywhere I go, I just can't escape it's awfulness.

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that's bullshit how hard can it be

anime is just overall shit.

maybe he can't find anything because of how shitty the fight is.

Very hard. There's another fight with the same characters earlier in the series, so a lot of the results are filled with that earlier fight, which is okay, but not nearly as good as this one.

I was merely shitposting for attention. I don't mind Western cartoons; I was a Megas XLR fan back when I was a kid, and I love the 3D Clone Wars series. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings; I'm sorry.

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>the lazy ufotable particle effects and cgi vs
>the passionate bones weighty and traditional animation


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Pure kino

Attached: kerubim vs julith.webm (1040x560, 2.98M)

>good fight

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Attached: kerubim vs julith 2.webm (704x380, 2.81M)

this is the same shit as OP. low motion and flashy lights.

Not really. In here you can clearly see the actions of the characters and the flashy effects compliment the action, not the other way around. These videos without the effects would still lock pretty damn cool.

You sure showed me by taking a single screenshot of an animated work

While I agree that these fights are overly flashy, there is a LOT of motion going on. The animation in the OP image is actually pretty fucking impressive.

I'm glad this appreciated now and the bunch of faggots shitting on it when it came out have fucked off.

you don't get special treatment, faggot.

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Even Yea Forums likes it. I think it's the only thing from Disney Star Wars they almost universally agree is good.

>Watching anything in the Fate series other than Zero

If I wanted to watch an egotistical priest and a blonde twink fellate themselves over how clever they are for abusing gingers, I'd head down to rural Somerset.

Pain fight was well animated in the technical sense. It just had a grotesque style.

I admire you likeing Megas, but this was just retarded, go to the corner of shame

>not watching Carnival Phantasm
Take your shit opinion and go.

>not even one cowboy

You first.

Plebs will eat it up, but Ufotable is flashy garbage.

I would say it has just enough flash and you can generally tell what's going on in it

There's a better quality one but it's mirrored what the fuck

Is Wakfu or Dofus?

Dofus movie.

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Wrong board arturito, go back to Yea Forums and /pol/

Roll 1

Roll 2

>the same maneuver that killed Qui-Gon
Dude, holy shit.

What are you thoughts on slow motion in fight scenes, Yea Forums? My problem with them is when animators try to "add more power to the hits" but they do the opposite, it doesn't feel like an actual punch, when It go full slowmotion right before it hits.


Are those nun-chuck saw-offs?

It's easier to make animation more fluid when the characters are... fluid.

yes they are.

as much as i hate naruto...this is a better fight scene.

Probably the only intentional samurai movie reference and not just fanon like in episode IV.

There was an episode of TCW that was a super obvious reference to Seven Samurai.

there's tons of scenes from superjail that could qualify

Phantasm is the exception to the rule, partly because it occasionally acknowledges how much wasted potential the source material is, and mainly because we get scenes like the flower skipping one.
Still a favorite, even with all those stock Samurai Jack noises Genndy is so fond of.

Is the dub for this good or should I stick with sub?


Yea Forums here

Kill yourself OP, you shit taste faggot. Go back to your shit tier Fate thread with your shit tier fan fiction posting

Attached: meh2.png (247x416, 53K)

What episode? CN didn't show all of the TCW episodes over here (moved the rest to the toonami premium channel).

Why Yea Forums crossboarders are so cringy?

The entirety of this movie.

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What is fate and why are the fans so autistic? I Have no idea what fate is but I've come across the fans being very autistic on /aco/ and it's getting disturbing.

The only good Fateshit is Zero, strange fake and The Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II.

I have no idea what any of this means

You know of family trees? Fate is like that.

Most fate fans I know are the ones that spend there money on that crappy moblie game I can understand why Yea Forums hate em

Obi took the same stance QG did, so Maul tried the same move. Fatal mistake.

Attached: fateshit.png (679x1423, 271K)

The assembly line fight between Terry Mcginnis and Shriek

Well I see why autists will like it.
Fuck those too

The basis for Fates is a Visual Novel with H scenes that range from pure fan service to surprisingly relevant to the plot. It was waifushit since day one.

King Arthur gets genderbent and fucked by a ginger whose fursona is a sword.

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Maul was stagnant and holding to his grudges ruined his life, and in the end it was all he had left. Obi wan had grown.

Fatecancer needs its own containment board, like ponyfags.

I felt this intense wave of nostalgia and sadness watching this and I demand an explanation for it.

>Not Mind of Steel route
Absolutely abysmally shit adaption.

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when are the nips just gonna give it up and submit to the superior western animation?

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I will never understand how this got as popular as it did. One episode was enough for me to nevermind want to watch any MMD animation ever again.

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you must be 18 to post here

Fuck off meme faggot.

They're not from Yea Forums, they are /jp/ falseflaggers.

Woody vs Buzz in Toy Story 1?

Fucking pleb

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From what I've seen on Toonami, Boruto>later Naruto

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