Is it wrong of me to prefer this character to have been played by a white, blonde woman...

Is it wrong of me to prefer this character to have been played by a white, blonde woman? Keep in mind that I am a black person myself.

Attached: screen-shot-2018-02-16-at-9-59-03-am.png (780x476, 386K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If asgardians already have black people between them and marvel (thankfully) never followed Norse mythology strictly in any way, I don't see the problem.
I do see it in the Ancient One, but this is fine, she's not even important considering Ragnarock is the very fucking definition of filler, it almost feels like a One Piece episode compared to the rest of the mcu

Not at all. But I suppose in this case it’s somewhat acceptable given that she’s A Valkyrie not THE Valkyrie. As long as they’re not actively trying to replace the comic version it’s not a great concern. Now making Manchester Black a black guy? That’s kind of retarded and somewhat offensive given the name.

you are not black.

and you would have just been pissed your precious comic valkryie was a loser drunk scrapper who sold people to a fighting pit anyway, so who cares?

If you feel this way about every single, or most, different race castings then yeah. If you really love this specific character and would rather her look exactly like the comics; no.

>you are not black.

And you can tell that HOW exactly?

Can’t you feel both ways about it?

I don't think Ragnarok is anymore filler than the other typical MCU movies; it got Thor and Hulk together, basically made Loki into a good guy, killed arguably the strongest character around in Odin and destroyed Asgard.

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> I am a black person myself.

Says every white dude hiding behind a keyboard. kys

Wikipedia states that she is supposed to be THE Valkyrie from the comics though

you be uncle tom an shiet

I agree with you

If I watch a show about Vikings I want sexy blondes

If I watch a show about Africans I want black girls with big asses

If I watch a show about Japan I want cute Asian girls

Fuck liberals

>Keep in mind that I am a black person myself.

Attached: yeah_sure_seinfeld.gif (355x259, 1.11M)

Its wrong for you to care about capeshit

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>I am a black person myself.
No user as a White person I feel the same way.

It would depend on your reasons. If you just tbibk white girls are sexier then okay whatever. If its because "muh Nordic" then yes it's wrong because Asguardians are not Nordic. They're aliens, and non-white Asguardians have been in the MCU since the very beginning.

Many Black men hate black women with a burning passion because they "only go after thugs"

Gonna need a pic with a timestamp, proving you are black.

they're also ugly and smell bad

Nonsense. Black men prefer black women. This is also way off topic.

>t.white guy

>If asgardians already have black people
Asgard is the realm of this pantheon, there are other realms within Asgard.

because it's a wiki that's edited by what people believe, not fact. It's very obvious the one killed in the flashback is supposed to be classic Valkyrie

actually according to statistics and online dating preferences, every single race in the world finds white people most desirable.

Nah I don't agree. Having a dumb, useless drunk played by a white woman would have been disrespectful

So some faulty internet logic is your go-to deductive device. And then you end with some edgy kys. Geez man, maybe Yea Forums is more up your alley

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Boondocks proves this can apply to all women

Show me the stats that say black men prefer white women to black.

This sounds like the black version of white men mad at white women who only go after jocks or Chads or whatever.

>Thor meets his secret sister
>gets teleported away to other planet
>near first person he meets on this random planet is one of the very few people who not only met Hela but has a personal vendetta against her
>all happening in a oh whatdoyouknow HULK is here too

it's terrible

Attached: facepalm-in-dutch.png (500x212, 215K)

it's not as as simple as x always prefers x, but there's a clear trend that whites are generally the most desired and blacks and generally the least desired.

Post a pic of your hand with a timestamp or shut up.

Stoo being racist mutt.

Prefacing an argument by stating your (alleged) race as if it gives you credibility on the topic is what's faulty logic.

As if on a board full of anonymous individuals anyone is going to take your word especially Yea Forums of all places.

Also your pic related is what's ironically cringe.

Can't you just pretend he's Black and continue the discourse based upon that premise? Is it strictly necessary for your peace of mind for O.P to prove it? I mean I don't think it's beyond the boundaries of all that is possible to suppose the O.P could potentially just be of the race he purports to be.

What would it change? What's the point of changing the actress to do the same thing?

Learn you speak English you ESL Brazilian tranny.

>all happening in a

You're right user this could never happen like that in comics!

no it wasn't, not in on-screen time
>meet Hela
>they banter for a minute
>Thor near immediately runs into the garbage people
>Valkyrie, aka the only person in the universe with a personal vendetta against the previously-unknown-sister, saves him
extremely jarring
I guess the Force willed it so, though

Absolute plebians

She played the role well. If you really like Valkyrie and wanted to see her exactly as she is in 616, though, then more power to you.

>Learn you speak English you ESL Brazilian tranny.
This is the greatest irony.

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White = Bad
Black = Good

It would be ok if you weren't black but y'all gotta stick together. Be glad one of y'all took a job from whitey regardless of your preference for who should play the role.

>implying I didn't want to see Tessa Thompson in the valkyrie leotard

your can go skullfuck yourself, OP.

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I don't care about the race of the actor, especially since Heimdall was already played by a black actor. I think Tessa Thompson specifically is bad.

>She played the role well.
Wasn't really much of a demanding role to play though.

>If asgardians already have black people between them and marvel (thankfully) never followed Norse mythology strictly in any way, I don't see the problem

The problem is just randomly naming characters names that fucking sound cool. Why is Thor called Thor now? Well Norse mythology is barely relevant to the MCU so it's just a cool sounding name to them. They never even try to connect it to Norway and viking history... (The comics are moving away from this too).

Also it shows disrespect towards all the writers and artists who ever worked on the character. They designed Valkeryie to be Thor's female equivalent, stylistically at least. Thor is a blonde, white guy, so Valkyrie is a blonde white girl.

This version might as be literally any other character. Might as well called her Moon Knight for fuck all she has to do with the original character.

Shuri should have been a ginger

>Keep in mind that I am a black person myself.

I bet you are, /pol/tard.

>aka the only person in the universe with a personal vendetta against the previously-unknown-sister
We don't know that for a fair amount of time.

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Except Teesa's Valkyrie is part of a group of Valkyries. "The" Valkyrie died to Hela

Pic unrelated?

No, because this chick is ugly and the definition of 56%.

I agree to an extent but it is capeshit and doesnt require a lot of logic.

>place for lost objects and people
>Thor and Loki become lost on the rainbow road
>Hulk gets lost after aou

I dont know why but I’m starting to think mulattos like she and Ghost are hot. Besides the fact that they could kick my ass.

Quit trying so hard


I would have preferred the role would have been played by someone who can actually act, race or gender be damned

For this? Yes. I think this actress is perfect

Hannah John-Kamen is a semen demon.

Mr Peele, we've been over this, you're not allowed on Yea Forums on weekdays.

>I’m starting to think mulattos like she and Ghost are hot.
Wait for Blasian pill to kick in.

I agree, but even bottom of the barrel mcu like iron man 3 had lasting effects
Thor Ragnarock:
>asgard saved
Mostly killed offscreen, I don4 think we get even a second of valkyre
>his eye
Turned bad then good then bad then good and then dead but hell come back obviously
Poebably never mentioned again
He changes more in the first minutes of infinity war than all of the movies he appears in combined (not a good change but to show how useless Ragnarock is)
A fucking Daryl sketch
>planet hulk
I honestly don't remember anything else from thor 3

Fuck me next I'll read my own post, apologies for eye cancer.

Don’t bring Moon Knight into this. He is a good boy.

That's what I meant, thankfully marvel not even in the comics stayed faithful to Norse mythology because they would've either fucked up or we would've never had the fun cosmic adventures.

Now if the had taken the mythology seriously in the first place and then do this, I'd be fucking flaming mad, but since it makes no difference by Marvel's definition of asgard, I give it a pass

You a punk-ass nigga is what you are.

>>Valkyrie, aka the only person in the universe with a personal vendetta against the previously-unknown-sister, saves him
Wouldn't everyone who was a victim of her conquests hate her too? I can't imagine there aren't a lot of elderly Vanir and Jotunns and such who don't bring her up bc it would piss Odin off but would do anything to avenge their fallen brethren.

You people need to stop killing infidels and start killing people that disagree with that statement

Larping white incel.

This. She's not THE Valkyrie that we're familiar with, but merely one from the Valkyries that happened to include that particular Valkyrie (who she may or may not have been romantic partners with before she died.)

>who she may or may not have been romantic partners
Any evidence to suggest she was other than your masturbatory fantasy imaging?

As a black person, is it wrong to totally coincidentally happen to have whatever opinion the people in this site have?

The way she talks about her, and the shot of The Valkyrie dying was framed in a way that could be seen to imply a... more than professional relationship. Not solid evidence either way.

there is none, it's obvious she's suppose to be the stand-in for the comic depiction and no one working on the films has hid from that fact. I mean she is literally called Valkyrie.

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I didn't mind her until we got the flashback with the other Valkyrie's that all looked way cooler. At that point I have to admit I thought "damn I wish we got that one instead".

Valkyrie is a title, you mong. The comic book character's name was Brunnhilde. There were h
hundreds of Valkyries.

>"Pay attention to her agony in a flashback where Blanchett's Goddess of Death murders the rest of Valkyrie's warrior clan. "There's a great shot of me falling back from one of my sisters who's just been slain," says Thompson. "In my mind, that was my lover.”"

I think only the actress who plays her brought it up, and just as her personal headcanon

And who did you have in mind?

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My only issue is I didn't like the Valkyries uniform

Perfect in what way? The character is so different from Valkyrie that there was literally no point in even calling her that. She might as well have been an OC

Valkyrie is what she's best known as
obviously this is her stand-in for the MCU

Tessa Thompson just invented it herself to try and score some easy points with LGBT people.

It would make more sense since she's connected to Norse mythology and Black Panther can introduce as many black characters as is needed.

Black Valkyrie is as stupid as a white Storm, so no. Racewashing is a fuckin cancer, in both ways.

Because they clearly care so much about being accurate to Norse mythology

Yes, but this is 4channel so whatever. Just don’t admit this in public or social media.

She's pretty openly into women

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Personally I wish they hadn't had anybody play Valkyrie and used Lady Sif for Ragnarok instead.

Honestly I’m more disappointed she was fat.

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this is truth

What happened to her anyway? Sick of the franchise after Thor 2?

>ITT: Leftists angry that "their POC" don't follow the party line

No, you're not wrong.
I would prefer every character look like their comic portrayal. But I'm a massive autist when it comes to lore and setting.

I just want characters to be like their character.

She was too busy working on a TV show called Blind Spot.

>All the straight girls are fuggly
>The one gay girl is smoking hot
What did they mean by this.

unlike the rest of the Thor's buddies, she actually survived Ragnarok. the canon reason was she was sent off-world, same as Heimdall (who found a way to stay on the planet), because Loki knew she would see through his Odin disguise. I think the meta reason is the actor was filming another movie or something at the time and she specifically said she regret not being in it. honestly her not being available for filming may have saved the character from a Hela death. she won't be in A4.

Attached: lady-sif-in-thor-2.jpg (968x681, 59K)

90% certain that's not Tessa Thompson.

>Black men prefer black women
>using normalfag dating app as proof
this thread is full of trash opinions from trash people, OP is a double nigger for caring about capeshit

Attached: wait.png (733x1025, 93K)

She's bi

>The one gay girl is smoking hot
Who's the hot les?

>as her personal headcanon
Try to be more like this user.

>Black person wants a blond white woman

I get it, but just saying you folks used to get lynched for saying this. As a white man is it wrong of me to prefer this would happen to you?

It kind of annoys me that she is coming back for Endgame. I didn't mind her in Ragnarok but I don't think she needs to be a recurring character. I want a focus on the original six Avengers for Endgame. They should have just had her be killed by Thanos with the other asguardians.

Yes /pol/ it is

You stupid assholes need to learn to stop taking the fucking bait.

Are they turning the asgardians into a alien civilization in the comics too???


>Jane Alexander and Elizabeth Olson
>Not hot

Go jack off to your smug bitch

>dr who reaction image
I tire so easily.

Gosh, it’s almost as if white people are superior.

You really shouldn’t have used an adventure time reaction image if you were going to be smug.

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>If I watch a show about Africans I want black girls with big asses

Big titty African gfs or nothing

Was she even in infinity war? Cant remember if she lived or not.

If only the world saw thing like you do.


I don't believe in race or gender swapping, characters are what they are for a reason and it absolutely effects them. None of this "race doesn't matter" bs.

Unless you love and waifu 616 Valkyrie to some crazy extent, I don’t get why you’d care about her being portrayed by Thompson. MCU isn’t exactly famous for being hyper accurate to the source material. Also, she’s super easy on the eyes.

Given she is a morally bankrupt alcoholic murderer and slaver I fully understand your preference.

Words to fucking live by.

>this chick is ugly

See your optician.

Oh, is she?

This is the Valkyrie who sacrificed herself to save the one we see on Sakaar, btw.

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She was not in Infinity War but IIRC she was stated to have lived.

it's been confirmed valkyrie lived

the way thor 3 killed all thor's old warrior friends and thor doesn't give a shit was total garbage though

Killing off the Warriors Three in such an off-handed manner was my biggest complaint about Ragnarok, losing Sif too would've only added insult to injury.

What's this from?

>and thor doesn't give a shit was total garbage though
You have to realize that they didn't even get a chance to tell him. Thor, Val, and Banner all showed up and begin battling Hela and her hordes , Loki and the gladiators showed up and began evacuating Asgard onto the ship, and then escaped as Hela fought with Surtur. Loki and Thor are wistful over the loss of Asgard and decide to head toward Earth, their brotherly bond renewed, when they're attacked by Thanos and the Black Order.

So where is THE Valk? Why did she become an unnessarcy footnote? That's just rationalizing the truth -- They can't stand having an attractive blonde white character for fear of social justice twitter so they blacked her.

I haven't read current Marvel in years but I wouldn't doubt. Generic aliens are overpopulating comics.

there was plenty of time, Thor just didn't seem curious at their location at all. I would've really liked it if when Thor called Heimdall he asked him where they were and Heimdall has to give him the hard news that they likely died. by the end of the movie there's no way Thor didn't realize they were already dead seeing as how they weren't present during the Hela boss battle and the survivors of Asgard were all there with them no where to be seen.

that's true. the film just seemed like it was deliberately brushing off everything the previous films asked you to invest in. like that casual off the cuff remark about how jane foster dumped him... i didn't like her character either, but their everlasting wuv was such a big plot point of the previous films, it's weird just to drop it on the floor and walk off

you arent black and you dont actually give a shit what race the character is
you just wanted a /pol/ thread

Don't see a problem here when she isn't even Brunnhilde. Just some nameless Valkyrie that Brunnhilde stupidly saved.

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Sacrificed herself

Attached: Brunnhilde.png (1557x931, 1.94M)

i'd like if that were true, but right now it's just a headcanon

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>i'd like if that were true, but right now it's just a headcanon
This is literally confirmed

Hell, what do you think the scene is even there for?

And Falcon actor claims he is an important and powerful Avenger. The actors playing the characters are full of shit.

>This is literally confirmed
no it "literally" isn't
she isn't credited as Brunnhilde or something

Ghost is hot. Tessa Thompson is not.

Oh, stop it.

Falson has arguably done more in these movies than Spider-Man.

It took 70+ posts to call you a nigger.

This is why Yea Forums is the worst board.

No. It's insulting to Scandinavian culture that Hollywood feels like they can race swap everything Europeans ever conceived.

He says on the same board that's spent the last two months bitching about Captain Marvel
>inb4 she's not attractive

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What about the race swapped Japanese characters?
>inb4 that's based because Japan loves the BWC

People don't like Captain Marvel because Brie Larson is the worst type of person, not because she's blonde. There's a bevy of better choices they could have made.

Like who?

Nope. I'd try to keep the characters as close to the source material as possible if was in charge too. I'd also go for more of a barbarian warrior look that allows the actress to show off some leg rather than pants and armor

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I wish she would have just played an OG character or the MCU should have just introduce a legit black character in the MCU

is this better?

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It is not about skin color. Tessa couldn't make character work. no sense of power ,no charm, no nobelty .

Goku,Makoto Light, The Airbenders in ATLA,The Anchient One,Speed Racer,etc I would say Disney's Asto Boy but Idk.

I don't think anyone should be raceswapped.

If they aren't the same character it shouldn't matter.

There shouldn't be any non-white Asgardians at all. I wouldn't expect a white person to be cast as a Nubian deity. Same applies here.

The Asgardians are not from Norway. They are a vast empire from a floating flat rock. They visited Earth a longass time ago, and the Norse created mythology BASED on them.

And the Norse are white.


Odin dying, Mjolnir breaking and Asgard literally exploding are filler?


>Why is Thor called Thor now? Well Norse mythology is barely relevant to the MCU so it's just a cool sounding name to them
Atleast they didn't make it into a title...oh, wait.

This was a movie about superheroes and space aliens

It's called self-hatred, son.

Lots of people suffer from it, it's nothing to be ashamed of.

Why, there are people with tiny hands who suffer from this and they can go on to grab all the pussy with their hands that they want because they are now "celebrities."

Thank goodness Hela is a woman, otherwise that image would be complete unacceptable.

To be fair, the character was pretty awful in context.

A real Valkyrie would have led an uprising against the murderous dictator.

That's right. The Norse are white, so they depicted their gods as white - even though they weren't all white.
At that point in history I doubt any Norseman had ever seen a black person.

They see Heimdall in his golden armor, some skald uses the phrase "The brightest of the gods" and before you know it he's forever known as the whitest of the gods.

>That's right. The Norse are white, so they depicted their gods as white - even though they weren't all white.
>At that point in history I doubt any Norseman had ever seen a black person.

So why can't you just respect their culture and depict their mythology accurately? Kirby already took liberties with it. So the movies taking even more liberties with the liberties just makes it insulting at this point and borderline offensive.

>The comics are moving away from this too
Bruh, comics Thor used to be Donald Blake with a Shazam magic word.

>So why can't you just respect their culture and depict their mythology accurately?

Because this is better.

No other pantheons are depicted in the movies.
So if you have one pantheon of gods are they are all white, all of them...

I would rather the Asgardians are reflected in all of mankind.

Of course, if we ever see a Wakandan pantheon they had better have a blonde, blue-eyed deity included. Brick joke.

Attached: Heimdallr.jpg (1200x630, 124K)

>Because this is better.
No it isn't.

>I would rather the Asgardians are reflected in all of mankind.
Fuck you. Asgardians aren't all mankind, they're Norse(white) Gods. I don't want to see black Hindu Gods or white Buddhist Gods either. All of mankind isn't some multicultural shithole that the West has turned into that needs to be depicted in every form of media. The vast majority of cultures are still homogeneous for a reason.

>Asgardians aren't all mankind, they're Norse(white) Gods.

Yes, in the comics, user. Where there are dozens of pantheons, it seems one for every culture on Earth. But, as I said, in the movies there is only one. If you say you want all the gods there even are to all be white...

This is AU Norse mythology, calm your tits

>I don't want to see black Hindu Gods

The most powerful and deadly of all Hindu gods is literally called "The black one".

Attached: Kali.jpg (275x402, 60K)

>And you can tell that HOW exactly?
You want a white, blond woman.

Don't act like that's the reason why they cast this mutt as Valkyrie or made Heimdall black. It's because they have to fulfill their 'diversity' quota to push their agenda.

>The most powerful and deadly of all Hindu gods is literally called "The black one".
Semantics, you know what I meant. Obviously there are some Indians who are dark as fuck, but I'm talking about making a Hindu God an African. It's equally insulting.


As a person of Norse descent, I would prefer she be black. They're cute as fuck. Also I'm sort of tired of movies pandering to whites

That explains why whites are becoming the minority by 2020

I thought they actually filmed a few seconds of them in bed together but it was cut from the final movie.

And you're retarded.

The Norse are white. The Asgardians are not Norse. They VISITED Norway. The Norwegians wrote mythology based on them. They are not Norwegian people. How goddamn thick is your skull?

I agree with this. Also both the original norse mythology, the MCU and even the comcis suggested that Valkyrie were a group and not just one individual, even though one superheroine adopted the name

>I thought they actually
You dreamed it. ;)

According to canon the gods worshiped in real life are those same entities, Norwegian people did not worship Black gods in real life.

That would identify him as black tho

There's a difference between staying faithful and spitefully changing shit completely.

Also, stop being a faggot. The comics absolutely leaned into the Norse mythology more than the MCU has.

Says the faggot with no proof at all. Hag yourself and stream it.

I dont think so but wouldnt change her character in any case. But for some reason thor being played by a black guy would.
All Marvel would have to do is make an announcement that the MCU is it's own specific marvel universe called Universe 69

Ah no they're not, Marvel uses 'the world outside your window' paradigm, they are intended to be the 616 equivalent of the gods worshiped in real life by Scandinavian people.

I guess they haven't said she's THE Valkyrie at all. But, there were no more Valkyrie's after the assault on Hela Except for her. Making her The LAST Valkyrie so, since there are no more Valkyrie's, she is, in a sense, THE Valkyrie, since there are no others that hold the same or a similar title.

>Keep in mind that I am a black person myself.

Attached: Your whole post.jpg (359x240, 10K)

I was certain she was going to show up and be one-shotted when Hela entered the actual palace.

>badly drawn super-woman's bare breasts
You know how I can tell this image is old as fuck?

You’d be surprised at how how much those people saw.

The breasts are breast shaped?

>If asgardians already have black people between them
That's stupid, though. If Wakanda can be all black why can't Asgard, a setting based off a fucking Norse legend, be all white?

>If its because "muh Nordic" then yes it's wrong because Asguardians are not Nordic
But they inspired the norse legends.

I don't know but your mom can tell you how thick my penis is

There can't be a shortage of hot blondes in Hollywood.

>Unless you love and waifu 616 Valkyrie to some crazy extent
Is it so wrong to want a hot blonde?

I know we'll never get Agent Venom x Brunhilde but still.

>The Airbenders in ATLA
The Airbenders aren't Japanese. The Japan analogue in Avatar is fire nation.

Ironically the airbenders actually look the whitest of the four nations.

>They see Heimdall in his golden armor, some skald uses the phrase
He's supposed to be LITERALLY WHITE. Not just nordic, but white as fucking snow.

So not insulting at all.

You really do come across as a whining crybaby with a severe racial bias.

Never mind that Heimdall of all gods is viewed as originally belonging to a different, older pantheon, in which he was the main deity.

Shhh! Shhhh! Don't say that! He'll go berserk (sic).

Wait, we're not? I would have put good money to Asians being vastly in the majority.

>Never mind that Heimdall of all gods is viewed as originally belonging to a different, older pantheon, in which he was the main deity.
Going to need a source on your spurious claim, you can't go round just inventing your own mythological head canon user.

>All Valkyries are gay and are basically fucking whenever they're not fighting

That does seem like a dream.

Loki also wasn't Odin's son in real life.
Frigga also wasn't Thor's mother in real life.
Laufey also was Loki's mother, not his father, in real life.

I know... they got further than the Phoenicians.
In fact, let's see...

So.... maybe they had actually seen black people.

>Loki also wasn't Odin's son in real life.
>Frigga also wasn't Thor's mother in real life.
>Laufey also was Loki's mother, not his father, in real life.
What does any of this have to do with not worshiping Black gods?

"I've smoked cigarettes that were thicker."


I didn't. Let's see...


I can find no confirmation. Did I really just make that up??

That 'real life' is evidently not the same as the comics or the movie.

Why do you capitalize 'Black'?

>I can find no confirmation. Did I really just make that up??
Lol best quote of the day.

>That 'real life' is evidently not the same as the comics or the movie.
According to Marvel wikia it is.
>Why do you capitalize 'Black'?
Same reason I capitalize White, same reason I capitalize Asian and so on and so forth.

You seriously need to get over this racial hangup.

the airbenders would be tibetian since they are monks

He might be confusing Heimdall with Tyr, but even then Tyr wasn't the main god of an older pantheon. He was the main god of norse mythology.

You make me ashamed to be related to you, cuck.

You shouldn't. Black and white are not proper nouns. Asian is because it comes from the word Asia which is a proper noun.

I agree they would be Tibetan, but monks are everywhere in Asia.

>You make me ashamed to be related to you, cuck.

Seriously, are you racist?

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Right I see I wasn't sure about that, I'll considered myself informed then. I never used to do it either it's simply one of those things picked up by an internet habit.

>They never even try to connect it to Norway and viking history...
Did you not see the first Thor movie?

That's my point. As I said before, if Marvel had taken Norse mythology seriously I'd be mad as hell.
They didn't adapt Der Ring Des Nibelungen into comics, they saw that something looked cool, took the name and rolled with it. Then when it became stale they made them aliens instead of gods and that's how it's been until the films.
Or are you gonna tell me that Dr. Donald Blake is part of the Norse legends?

>They didn't adapt Der Ring Des Nibelungen into comics

Uh... yeah, they totally did. Thor was Siegmund in a previous incarnation. DC, of course, did a straight adaptation.

She could have been a stealth nod to Dani Moonstar, but no.

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How would you feel if Black Panther was a white guy?

Sorry, op, I didn't read your post correctly. Ignore me.

He never said anything about wanting her in a sexual way, he meant he wanted a more faithful portrayal.

Regardless, though, yes, it is wrong to feel that way, in both contexts. Why would you wish death on someone because of those things? Keep in mind, I am also on the anti-SJW side.

>Keep in mind that I am a black person myself.
Nice lies

Need bodies for the big Avengers assemble scene.

> be on this site
> have opinion people on this site have
i mean, i'm pretty sure there was a study or two about how black women was the least deresirable group for men
also black men was the most desirable group for women and gay men

I mean it's not wrong, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. MCU and Marvel comics aren't norse mythology, but a poppy fantasy-sci-fi interpretation of them.


>Why would you wish death on someone because of those things?
Why would you not?

Woah there son, white Light is Light Turner, not Yagami Raito. This infographic should help you tell the difference.

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