>Be Disney
>Make shitty movie nobody likes
>Have to buy tickets to inflate sells
>Have to force rotten tomatoes to delete bad reviews
>Have to pay shills to shill for your movie online
How much do you think all of this damage control cost Disney?
Be Disney
Other urls found in this thread:
>no proof
>Admitting to being a newfag shill
>empty tickets
Lies. they want to make money, and they are making a lot of money with captain trash, the ticket meme makes 0 sense.
also, RT is literally owned by Warner Bros.
Disney just reached a point where people shill for if for the sake of love for the brand, captain shit was the chance "feminists" wanted to star movie on the most successful modern franchise (MCU) of the decade, a franchise led by white heterosexual male actors
>Being this mad
Briellion incoming!
Why didn't they buy tickets for Basedlo
>look at all this money Disney bought to inflate sales!
Prove it.
Probably about half of endgames budget went to inflating Captain Marvel's sales. I mean Endgane was more than likely finished before Marvel even hit theaters so writing it off as an expense of Endgame makes the most financial sense.
>No refutation.
At least when Shazam bombs it will be due to legitimate lack of interest and not studio interference
Disney and these companies have someone in their pocket in government and they close their eyes pretending that everything is in the law?
Nice autism kid
Fuck off Vito you fatass neckbeard
This "Disney bought tickets to inflate sales" meme is retarded and I can't believe it gained any traction.
I haven't seen it and I probably won't, but people just need to accept that every MCU movie is going to be huge regardless of the character or quality. Besides, why do you even care how much money movies make?
delete this post, there's already a carol thread
>have the mental capacity of a 13 year old
>make a thread about some Disney conspiracy
>calls other people autistic
School let out early today?
It’s because Marvel comics speaks movies in order to publish comics. They go by their movie’s box office rather if the character’s gaining interest.
Of course, there are a few exceptions, but with Captain Marvel making $910B, this means we’ll see more of her in the comics. Had the movie bombed, Marvel would be having a panic attack.
I personally wanted it to flop (not hard flop, but at the very minimum make its budget back) just so Marvel can stop shilling the character. But whatever, it ain’t the end of the world.
Dammit, I meant $910M. I may have had a few beers before typing this.
>make bizarre claim with no evidence
>it's up to you to disprove me!!!!!1
That's not how it works, retardo
>the earth is flat
Like Brie's ass.
We've gone from
>I'll flop!
>Lol no ass!
Not as pathetic as your life.
I'm not the one making enemies with a movie
At least I'm not the one making fun of someone else's physical appearance despite you probably looking af.
people have been mocking that flat ass since the first stills leaked, shut the fuck up.
>be user
>have to make up reasons to be mad
Oh please, like you wouldn't beg for it if she was right in front of you
All this conspiracy theory is bullshit but this movie is a very interesting phenomenon. It's likely to break a billion and become one of the highest grossing movies of all time, yet everyone on the internet and real life that I know have seen it say that it's just ok, or downright bad. Even many of those who like it say they wouldn't be interested in watching again, yet those BO numbers keep growing and growing. I know that a lot of its box office has to do with brand recognition and its ties with Endgame, but I still find it very weird.
>Shills using shill terms people here don’t use
I posted this What am I supposed to be shilling and which terms do you mean?
I'm not a thirsty faggot like you.
Have sex
Good boy Disney that has its pockets in the US government and literally changes laws to suit their needs would never make fake sales! Sure movie companies have been caught doing ghost screenings before and there is pictured evidence of Disney holding ghost screenings but that don’t mean anything!
>Business Insider said it. Not me.
Well thanks for wasting 10 seconds of my time, user.
>believing the word of blue checkmark fags
And if it was for literally anything else, you wouldn't have accepted their word.
Not an argument.
Give me your mom's escort page.
>Don’t believe evidence, believe apDisney
Shills on meltdown.
SJWs are hilarious
>if you don’t want to fuck ugly dykes you are a virgin
And posting a Youtuber spouting the same unverified nonsense is?
>no link
>pictured evidence of Disney holding ghost screenings
Any screenshots? None of the pictures I've seen actually show the movie playing.
But it is verified. Movie studios have been caught buying ghost theaters with pictures of Captain Marvel screening to ghost theaters.
>But it is verified
'An insider told me' is not a verified source.
That’s not what was said at all shill.
It's literally in the description.
Is there actually evidence for this? I'm interested
>The manager told them this was definitely abnormal, “It’s definitely not normal. People usually show up when they pay for tickets…I’m not sure what it is, we’ve seen big groups not show up before, but they get refunds.”
>I asked whether or not these tickets were purchased in bulk, but that information isn’t available, “I’m not sure if they were bought all at once because Fandango doesn’t give us that information, but exactly 25 no shows for every show is probably statistically impossible.”
>The manager would add, “I would say it’s someone trying to make the ticket sales look better than they really were.”
But no, the same company that manipulated reviews to stop bad reviews totally wouldn't manipulate ticket sales!
Multiple confirmed cases of Captain Marvel being shown to empty theaters. This is a practice known as ghost screening where companies inflate sales by buying out empty theaters or empty seats to make a movie seem bigger than it is.
Disney cheaped out on their bot programming.
>journalists spoke with a movie theater manager. He told them they had “exactly 25 no shows for every showing of Captain Marvel on Thursday through Saturday.”
>The manager told them this was definitely abnormal, “It’s definitely not normal. People usually show up when they pay for tickets…I’m not sure what it is, we’ve seen big groups not show up before, but they get refunds.”
>I asked whether or not these tickets were purchased in bulk, but that information isn’t available, “I’m not sure if they were bought all at once because Fandango doesn’t give us that information, but exactly 25 no shows for every show is probably statistically impossible.”
idk, i fucked your mama last night
And the evidence?
Post the source
>TFW i'm a 7/10 and I get with women more attractive than this
If you honestly think Brie is attractive you must be one thirsty beta cuck.
No China no one billion so if this superhero film that was like any other Marvel film and didn't get to be the symbol Disney wanted, if this gets one billion it will be an inflated and false box office. CM is gonna get 130-140 millions less than Aquaman in China
He won't because he knows you'll immediately call him out on his shit since he got it from BoundingIntoComics.
>T-That source doesn't count because... BECAUSE
Because we can demonstrably prove they've lied about things before
>Modifies reviews to make their user score look better
>Shills trying to pretend they didn't modify ticket sells as well
Prove it
>modify reviews
Just like Aquaman, right? That shit deserved a 27%.
>Pretends all those early negative scores weren't bullshit.
I haven't seen the film but all you faggots are accomplishing with this shit is making this movie into a "cause". Just fucking stop it.
>B-But Aquaman
Lol, nice try, I don't watch Capeshit movies. You going "BUT DC" Doesn't mean anything to me.
>T-These user scores are bad so Disney did the right thing making RT change the scores!
They were bullshit and you know it. You don't get to call on other people's shit when you're a piece of shit yourself.
>user scores
LMAAAAAOOOOOOO, are you serious my nigga? Is that the best you have?
>They were bullshit
Really? So how do you determine which user scores were "legit" or not?
Not an argument shill.
Is there a more obvious case of shilling than the Carol shills on Yea Forums?
The plural of anecdote is not data, cretin
>Multiple confirmed cases don't count
Nice greentext.
>confirmed cases
A twitter screencap is not a confirmed case, user. You seem to have a tenuous grasp on the definition of the word.
Read the post you quoted again because the point is that they literally don't.
>N-No they lied and photoshopped it, I trust Disney above multiple different people and their images!
They don't need fucking proof. They are the same fucking people as Flat Earthers.
Fucking ey.
Except they do brainlet.
What "Data" would you actually expect? The only way to show it happening is with individual confirmed cases.
>Disney shill so desperate they are equating a mega corporation being bad to a flat earth
Why would they inflate inb4 Dobson the sales of this film? Like, why push it to be a $900 mil film? They didn't do this shit for Guardians, Ant-Man, or Dr. Strange, so why would there be a push to make this a hit?
Nothing really. The Mouse fucking owns everything now, so if they want to force people to like and/or want to go see a movie or buy a product the amount of they would've spent is practically pocket change.
>Disney shill telling people to listen and believe
>The only way to show it happening is with individual confirmed cases
Well great, all you need to do is find the confirmed cases because someone taking a picture of a theatre room and another person saying his sister totally went to an empty theatre are not in any capacity a confirmed case.
Because Captain Marvel was pushed for years. It being successful is extremely important for the MCU and Disney investors, far more than the other films.
So we've devolved to 'I know you are but what am I?' now. Great, really getting your argument across here, user.
Alison Brie would've made a better Captain Marvel.
>be disney
>make a movie with a female lead
>retards devote 24hrs each day giving your movie free advertising
>the same retards are now confused as to how it made so much money
>a mega corporation being bad
It goes against all Disney's motivations to do something like this. It''s an absolutely extraordinary claim to say that Disney literally wasted money by buying theater seats, meaning only a small portion of that money would go back to them, all to keep up appearances. They've let movies flop before. It's what studios do. And there isn't any extraordinary evidence that this happened here, just a bunch of angry YouTubers who seem to have been the same ones who said it was going to flop, now saying there's fraud going on. Fraud that wouldn't even make sense.
>Women are more than just sex objects
>LMAO you'd totally fuck her, just disregard her opinions
Pick one
>Multiple confirmed cases of the movie getting shown to no one
>Interviews from managers
>Both photos of the theater and the site showing this
>It goes against all Disney's motivations to do something like this
False. It's known that companies have done this before. It makes investors happy and allows for more buzz when a movie has a bigger opening.
>Multiple confirmed cases of the movie getting shown to no one
Confirmed by who? Who's the cross-reference for any of the empty theater pictures? In all of them, it looks like the movie hasn't even started yet.
By that logic the last 2 Star wars movies should have been great successes. Disney didn't want that to happen again.
>It's known that companies have done this before.
It's known that theater companies in China have misrepresented sales to studios to scam them out of money, not that studios buy their own tickets. That's what video was referring to, but the guy's so dumb, he doesn't even know what the scam is or who's doing it.
>Didn't even watch the video
It mentions the China theaters but also talks about how companies also do it themselves.
>Marvel is known to inflate comic book sales by throwing in extra issues of comics
>W-Why would their parent company do the same with Marvel movies?
He misrepresented his source, because he's an idiot or a liar.
>Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's latest film "Skyscraper" has topped China's box office, but rampant fraud could mean many ticket sales are missing.
>In its opening weekend, "Skyscraper" brought in $48.4 million, nearly double its US performance, but the actual takings could be anywhere from 9% to 40% higher.
>Box-office fraud is a common occurrence in the world's second-largest film market where, particularly in smaller towns, cinemas vastly underreport sales to pocket the extra cash. Sometimes theaters enter record full price-tickets as concessions, misallocate tickets from one film to another, or simply don't record individual ticket sales or entire screenings.
The fraud is when small theaters are trying to skim more money off a box office, so they claim fewer ticket sales and pocket the difference. It's completely irrelevant to the point he's trying to make. All these videos come across as so desperate. They so wanted the movie to fail, and when it didn't, they needed to construct a narrative that it actually did.
I mean, I saw it opening weekend on a early Sunday showing and the theater was sold out, so I believe it is moving tickets
>"It's mainly producers or distributors who want to pump up the numbers and drive awareness and desire to see their films. So that's sort of the opposite direction where they'll fraudulently report ticket sales or even pump up the numbers by buying out cinema halls" Cain said. "So you've got fraud going in both directions".
You are either a complete retard for missing this part or a fucking shill using any tactic.
>It makes investors happy
Oh yeah, i can see the business meetings
>So, gentlemen, we learned CM couldn't reach the BO numbers we hoped for, but rest assured, we spent millions of the dollars you invested to build an elaborate facade about how it's actually a billion dollar movie. You will never make that money back since we're the only ones buying seats, but at least we made some nerds online mad, that's all that matters
>Oh, and we also threw a few more millions to shut up the hundreds of theaters involved in the scam, and journalists too so nobody would report on how cinemas throughout the world are actually empty, hope you don't mind
They don't tell them that. Is this your first day learning about how businesses work? Stretching the truth to investors is what every company does, some more than others. Do you think the reason E3 is held every year is because it makes fans? Happy? No, all that matters to a company is investors.
>What "Data" would you actually expect? The only way to show it happening is with individual confirmed cases.
No, you need to show that this is a widespread phenomenon and the only way to do that is by being able ascertain how many "ghosted theaters" there are (I find it funny you haven't linked a single "confirmed" case even though there are soooo many). Randos on twitter posting random pictures isn't data. Sorry, idiot. Learn statistics.
Your logic literally only makes sense if Marvel were the parent company because then it would imply they have some degree of control over the child company. Your own picture applies to you, retard.
>T-They don't count because they are customers, only the trusted media counts!
>Like dude, come on, nobody knows the truth except me, not even the people who's money are being thrown around
What a true business insider
>They don't tell the shareholders
>The shareholders, who have the most reason to be concerned about the success of the company, take this at face value and do no double checking
Is this logic in conservative land?
>parent company let's younger company do it
>B-But parent company would never do that!
They don't count because and it's getting concerning that I have to repeat this, the plural of anecdote is not data. Also still no confirmed cases so you're really just killing your own credibility.
Holy shit you are underage. Are you really telling me you don't know that companies lie to investors? NVidia did it just a few months ago.
Also I love how your shill logic is to call me a conservative for not trusting a mega corporation.
They also let Marvel publish a whole bunch of garbage that would never fly in a Disney movie, what's your point?
You realize that overshipping books makes more money for Marvel and buying tickets loses money , right?
>Multiple instances are just anecdotes!
>You can't prove they did something by showing multiple cases where they did in fact do something
I suspect you're a conservative because you are hellbent on denying reality because you don't want to believe a female-led movie is doing well.
>Conservatives deny reality
>Not us Liberals though, I trust megacorporations
>>Multiple instances are just anecdotes!
I mean, yes. Learn statistics.
>You can't prove they did something by showing multiple cases where they did in fact do something
You haven't shown a single case.
Not always the case. You can over ship then count those as sells even if you give them out for a 2 for 1 deal like Marvel has done multiple times. The fact that you don't know this means you are new to Yea Forums and are either from tumblr or a shill.
>Multiple instances are just anecdotes!
I mean, you're trying to argue that worldwide thousands of theaters have been empty for a month or so, so yeah, I'd expect more buzz and pics than a handful of them taken when the movie isn't even playing by a bunch of triggered americans. Statistically speaking shit should be more impressive and grand than what you people usually present
You haven't shown that they did anything, brainlet. What you've shown are empty theaters. Even if these theaters were completely empty, it in no way shows that Disney is buying their own tickets; it just shows that those FEW theaters were empty. This is like saying climate change is fake because it snows.
>Cut's dick off and calls zimself a woman
>Then claims racism is alive and well because black people with low credit get denied loans
>But facts!
This was before the movie started doing 500 millions in the box office, curently, he is now sharing OP's idea that Disney is buying their own tickets... that was before he had a nuclear meltdown and started insulting the people going to watch the movie and calling CM "problematic"
>Places that had sold tickets didn't have anyone in them
You are right, it just so happens that a crazy amount of people bought tickets and then all decided not to go and not ask for refunds. B-But because I can't show it happening for every theater on earth that means it never happened!
You have no basis to call anyone underage
Anyone else tired of conspiracytards?
The fact that you have to use buzzwords only proves you lost. So when Nvidia did it it was just a conspiracy theory or when Marvel does it it's a conspiracy theory but when the parent company does it and there is evidence showing it to be the case that doesn't count?
You do't have the means to show that it happened even once.
Oh man you caught me, I'm both!
No. I'm tired of shills making 50 carol threads a day. At least this one means the shills will be forced to fight with one guy instead of constantly bumping their shill threads.
>a crazy amount of people
You can't possibly know this is the case without knowing the proportional frequency of the incidents, the confirmation that the seats in those theaters were bought and not simply unsold, or that Disney was behind it. Again, learn statistics, you pathetic, tiny-brained moron.
>Manager states that it's happening
>Pictures of movies getting played to no one
I have no idea what you're even saying anymore. All i can say is grow up
This is mental illness. Get help.
>will be forced to
lmao you grossly inflate your importance
You really are dumb. The fact that you have even one case of a single theater (let alone multiple) showing sold out movies to no one proves this.
>Loses so has to resort to his shill line
Might as well say "have sex" or call me an incel while you are at it. Pathetic.
Jesus christ,
>Manager states that it's happening
>Pictures of movies getting played to no one
How does that prove someone bought seats in those theaters, again? Statistics is obviously too advanced for you, learn basic cause and effect first.
>You really are dumb. The fact that you have even one case of a single theater (let alone multiple) showing sold out movies to no one proves this.
It doesn't and you don't have a single case. Learn statistics.
>Disney is so calculating as to buy their own tickets to inflate box office numbers but careless enough to leave hundreds of empty theaters
I don't get this conspiracy theory at all. Captain Marvel reviewed decently and had a "girl power" angle to boost ticket sales. I saw it over a week after release and the theater was still packed. Why would Disney risk a scandal to boost ticket sales of a movie that was already projected to do well?
It's a conspiracy if there isn't compelling evidence. I've yet to see compelling evidence. A clickbait youtube video doesn't count.
>Manager states that it's happening
Which manager?
Not just a scandal, this would be corporate fraud. People would go to jail for this.
Read the thread
And why would they only do this for their Marvel movies? By OP's logic, Solo should have had an inflated box office. Tomorrowland should have had an inflated box office.
Yet Marvel does the same shit with their comic sells and gets away with it. Notice ho only shills use the term “conspiracy theory”?
Tell me what's more likely
>A massive company carried out an unprecedented case of corporate fraud with no leaks or whistleblowing while taking on massive losses for themselves but forgot to put people in seats for thousands of theaters, leaving easily verifiable evidence everywhere
>some nerds got mad at feminism and posted pics before or after the movie
This. Ghost screenings might work in China, but that's because there's fraud everywhere in China. Disney doesn't have to break into a market with a new big hit, they're an established name that needs to maintain a reputation. This would make no sense for their position, and that matches with how nonexistent the evidence is here.
Other companies have done it.
Ok retard, what are the cases of everyone buying a ticket and then not going to see it? You should learn statistics brainlet.
>I could post a link and immediately shut down any skepticism but I won't because my evidence is made of wishes and unicorn dreams
But it’s not unprecedented faggot.
I have. It's a lot of butthurt RantTuber viewers talking about how their favorite anti-SJW e-celeb told them Disney was buying tickets.
>needs to maintain a reputation
Is why they did it. But I guess Marvel doesn’t inflate comic sales either right?
ITT: A bunch of angry nerds who spent months claiming that the public wouldn't like Captain Marvel and now can't accept that the movie reviewed well and did a decent box office.
>Ok retard, what are the cases of everyone buying a ticket and then not going to see it?
Nonexistent, brainlet. Learn statistics.
Occam's razor still sides with Disney, idiot.
It's just kind of sad, Satan. What? Does OP need every single ticket stub sold to verify that Captain Marvel actually made money?
And reports from managers
>So how do you determine which user scores were "legit" or not?
Because a lot of them came from brand new accounts, had copy/pasted "reviews" and didn't even talk about the movies but how Brie Larson hated white men.
Marvel doesn't take a loss when they do that, the comic book store does. Learn basic economics, idiot.
>Is why they did it.
I've still seen no posted proof they did do it. The supposed accounts from theater managers never seem to have materialized.
>Cases of Captain Marvel being played to sold out theaters with no one there
Lol, Disney is losing money by paying you shills to act retarded online.
Which also don't exist because you're full of shit
>The Last Jedi wasn't a success
Are you fucking stupid or what?
Reported where?
Even still we're not getting any names and the source is dubious at best.
Yes they do. They often give out free fucking copies newfag.
Except the proof posted faggot.
>Comics and movies distribution systems and sales reports are the same
Yea Forums please leave.
I don't think you guys realize how many tickets Disney would have to buy to make a significant difference in the box office numbers. We're talking tens of thousands of empty seats, possibly more. More than a few youtube conspiracy theorists would notice.
user. You're already crazy as it is. Don't have an aneurysm because people don't believe your wacky bullshit.
>>Cases of Captain Marvel being played to sold out theaters with no one there
[citation desperately needed]
>people online noticed but that don’t count!
>It doesn’t count for some reason!
>Yes they do. They often give out free fucking copies newfag.
... Which the comic book store already paid for. Marvel doesn't lose a dime. Do you not get how this works?
I don't take greentext as a source. Either post a link or GTFO.
>If I keep saying it happened that counts as proof, right?
Because they're invested in this narrative that she needs to fail because "she's being pushed"; literally the entire rationale is outlined here: It's not based on reality, they already went to the lengths of making long Youtube videos about how this movie was going to be shit, THEN making lengthy movies about how the movie "didn't make sense" outlining 'plotholes' in bad faith (which anyone with half a brain could understand), and then they have to make the claim that since they didn't like it and they weren't gonna see it, no one else was.
Now, you're hearing this here first: don't be surprised if many of these youtubers are preparing their scripts already for when Endgame comes out, claiming that Endgame's obvious success "could have been much higher" if it wasn't because of Captain Marvel, for a reason or another. They'll claim the movie could've made 8 gorillion instead of 7 because "her involvement" soured the box office... And that's even BEFORE knowing the amount of screentime she'll have. Just wait.
Shills BTFO
>>people online noticed but that don’t count!
People online posted pictures before or after the theater; not a single one of these is with the movie playing.
>for some reason
lmao the reason is that the systems are different such that the point is invalid
>Bounding into Comics
Stopped reading there.
Already posted in threads shills
They didn’t pay for the free copies dumb shit
So your only source is a site that says they are a valid source? Lmao WHAT
>in this case where Marvel inflates sales doesn’t mean Marvel inflates sales
Of course you did shill. Care to explain why the source is bad?
This reads 1-to-1 with retarded OutrageTubers.
Look, I'm all about not trusting megacorps. I think Disney is a morally bankrupt corporation. But you're literally taking the word of a single theater manager as fact. This guy hasn't provided a shred of evidence other than his word.
If there really was mass ticket fraud, there would be dozens of theater managers and workers backing this guy up. As it stands, we just have one rando's word.
>Care to explain why the source is bad?
It's Bounding into Comics
Are you talking about fucking free comic book day?
I bought my ticket, seen it, and feel VINDICATED shitting on it. It is certainly aimed at little girls. Fuck Disney for continuing the indoctrination of bitch culture.
This "Disney Buys the Tickets" conspiracy is the dumbest shit I've ever read on this site. How someone can no evidence and think a company would spend hundreds of millions making a movie, marketing it, and then spend hundreds of millions more to make it a "success" is so beyond me.
>ctrl f "shill"
>28 results
Do you know any other words?
Because BIC has zero credibility; it's a tabloid.
So you admit you can’t disprove it. Good job
Oh man, yeah, why would a company spend millions marketing a movie and then spend millions marketing a movie? That's so hard to figure out. Totally illogical move on their part.
Just like le evil Fox News right?
No you stupid newfag.
Because they hate Captain Marvel so bad and with the mental gymnastics they had to do for years drove them utterly insane.
You know we can't believe every website with an axe to grind, right? They have to gain credibility first and they have absolutely none.
Triggered much? Better than you shills spamming Conspiracy theory when you get BTFO
You're also leaving out that this would require literally thousands of movie theater workers across the country keeping silent on it (no, one nameless manager reporting to a tabloid website isn't 'evidence') and none of Disney's direct competition, who would have a vested interest in proving that Disney was committing corporate fraud would bother trying to uncover it.
>No you stupid newfag.
Sorry I don't know every retarded bullshit conspiracy theory you angry nerds cook up.
I'm fucking loling at all the shills ITT trying to say the source doesn't count because it's from a website they don't like but can't explain what makes it bad.
>It is certainly aimed at little girls
This. It's not like other companies have done it!
Oh wait yes they have.
Well it's not like Marvel has done this before!
Oh wait yes they have
Well it's not like you have proof
Well ok you do but IT'S A CONSPIRACY THEORY
>Marvel inflating comic book sales is a conspiracy theory
Fucking lolled
No, even Fox News has more credibility than this. This is the journalistic equivalent of flashing one of those British gossip rags who run papers with "PRINCESS DIANA MARRIED A GAY DWARF" on the headlines.
>calls conspiracy theory a buzzword
>uses shill and triggered unironically
Because they constantly “report” unverified shit, like “DISNEY IS GOING TO SHUT DOWN MAVEL GUYSSS”
Not a source
>Denying that shills exist on Yea Forums
At no point the movie manager is mentioned by name, the "source" comes from them alone, there's not even a shred of source that says "this happened in Gary, Indiana" or something, it's just... "Some guy told us this happened, so that's the evidence it happens", and nothing else.
And that's your entire proof that it happened? Any reputable source would go deeper into this and ask more theaters, find the trend, etc, you know, do their homework... Instead they went and interviewed one guy (no way to corroborate this even happened) and concluded the phenomenon. Real reporting!
And yes, I am well aware BIC is a right wing website with confirmed ties to Breitbart, but this is still pretty silly, you'd think they'd be ballsier and make up more bullshit instead of saying "this one guy told us".
Both Marvel and DC inflate sales because Diamond reports copies shipped and not actually sold. It's a centralized distribution system that handles all the numbes. Box office numbers come from sold tickets from each theater.
I know you're full of shit because you are unbelievably cagey about your supposed ironclad evidence, which doesn't exist.
If they report it they have no credibility as far as I’m concerned
Why would any company give a shit what Yea Forums thinks of their properties?
Not a source.
You have to establish their credibility first, batboy.
Exactly. Give us more details or fuck off
>you'd think they'd be ballsier and make up more bullshit instead of saying "this one guy told us".
Why would they if they only care about their captive audience which will eat whatever bullshit they're fed instead of stopping and thinking for a minute if anything they say actually makes sense.
My Uncle at Nintendo said the switch is flopping and Nintendo is buying their own stock
Some dude at gamestop told me Sony is buying all their PS4s and no one has ever played Bloodborne.
>Muh sekret klub
Who is this manager? What theater chain does he work at? What city is his theater in? What state? We have literally no information on this person, neither do we have any proof that he's telling the truth. Best-case scenario, this is an informed rumor with nothing else to officially corroborate it, worst-case it's an outright lie that some journalist decided to take at face value.
So let me get this straight. A glorified fan blog geek news site whose coverage of Captain Marvel looks like pic related says they have a single anonymous theater manager who allegedly says it's weird people didn't show up.
And that is your proof that a company is committing fraud on the level of hunreds of millions of dollars, dollars that they are scamming themselves out of, in order to keep up a reputation at the expense of their own profits.
Microsoft has been buying store's entire stock since the Xbox One's disastrous launch.
>alt-right retard posts conspiracy theory
>fundamentally misunderstands basic evidence
>refuses to post source for dozens of posts
>finally posts source
>source is a fucking internet gossip rag
>alt-right retard now staunchly defends internet gossip rag's credibility
>everyone thinks less of it than they did before the source was posted
This thread is gold
Hopefully enough to realize that Carol can't sustain the MCU going forward. If we're lucky, GotG3 will bring in Adam Warlock to take the helm and we'll be able to focus more on the cosmic side of things.
I for one and 100% ready for some Warlock/Beta Ray Bill space buddy cop adventure shenanigans, why not.
Why does it just say a theater manager? Give us a name and the theater. What state? What establishment does he work for? How did he know there were 25 no shows? He sat in every theater from Thursday until Sunday? Zero people showed up to see the biggest movie coming out this month? How many people come to this theater in the first place?
How does the theater manager know that people didn't get refunds?
There's lots of questions to ask as a journalist. Why does he not reach out to Fandango? Ask them about this .Instead of digging deeper into this potential huge story, this guy puts forth a theory that has no evidence. He thinks Disney could do X and Y, but provides no reason to believe this. Why not reach out to Fandango? Why not have more evidence than one theater and twitter posts?
Lots of holes in this story. How could anyone believe this? Is critical thinking that difficult?
That's not why, it's because their own article basically makes them look like idiots.
I mean yes, obviously, Bounding Into Comics is complete bullshit. But at no point they make the effort to actually try and make this assertion look credible, to give the benefit of the doubt. Fucking read the article and tell me at any point it makes a reliable point.
Gabe Newell told my dad that Epic Games aren't actually paying off devs to not sell their games on Steam. Valve is actually paying devs to do it because they want less games on Steam.
Sorry man, will only believe you when it’s on a shitty news site
Quick, someone get Polygon to report it. They still exist, right?
Polygon unironically has more integrity than this
lol the guy suddenly goes silent when people start asking basic questions around the article's integrity.
And you just know he'll try his luck once again, using the same shitty source, and after 100 posts he'll reveal he's quoting cosmicbooknews or boundingintocomics.
The logic they follow is: "Since this COULD happen, it's actually what's happening".
Reminds me of the demolitionism idiot who keeps posting the same shitty infographics regardless of how many times he gets refuted
>autistic screeching
>claims he is being persecuted
>more autistic screeching
They wont even post the link, the cowards. But I will
>We spoke with a movie theater manager who asked for anonymity. He told us they had “exactly 25 no shows for every showing of Captain Marvel on Thursday through Saturday.”
>The manager told us this was definitely abnormal, “It’s definitely not normal. People usually show up when they pay for tickets…I’m not sure what it is, we’ve seen big groups not show up before, but they get refunds.”
>I asked whether or not these tickets were purchased in bulk, but that information isn’t available, “I’m not sure if they were bought all at once because Fandango doesn’t give us that information, but exactly 25 no shows for every show is probably statistically impossible.”
The article doesn't even try that hard to be believable. Exactly 25? So then for all those showings, the only people that didn't show up would be the fake purchases? Dumbasses. While trying to make Disney look suspicious, they make their own story sound like bullshit.
He then says this
>Captain Marvel has been mired in controversy. One America News Network’s Jack Posobiec called for fans to avoid seeing Captain Marvel and instead see Alita: Battle Angel following Brie Larson’s comments insinuating she wanted less white men covering her on the press tour and reviewing the movie.
"Mired in controversy". Because Jack fucking Posobiec doesn't like Brie Larson.
>OP has left the thread after being thoroughly btfo
>>We spoke with a movie theater manager who asked for anonymity. He told us they had “exactly 25 no shows for every showing of Captain Marvel on Thursday through Saturday.”
And what this alleged source doesn't say is if there were people attending said showings at all. He's right there, why wouldn't he go and check?
If anything, these screenshots of online ticket purchases would show this exact pattern he's describing, but all they do is show, what? Empty theaters? Something that's pretty normal because at this point people who have seen it will just go and buy it at the theater instead of online, right before the movie begins?
I've seen it twice, and both times I've arrived earlier with maybe 2 or 3 people in attendance. Then 5 minutes before the movie, everyone gets in and it gets packed, because GUESS WHAT, people buy snacks and don't like sitting and waiting for the movie to start.
It's pretty basic, yet if you remember this all comes from the same people who were claiming feverishly that Disney bought entire theaters worldwide to show only Captain Marvel, simply because the tickets went on presale and they didn't even know the cinema schedules are updated weekly on Thursdays.
has anyone actually gone to see captain marvel and saw an at least halfway packed theater? I saw greenbook on the day captain marvel cameout and there were more people to see an old ass reverse driving miss daisy than flatass mcgee a supposed blockbuster movie in early march where even the lego movie 2 gets shit numbers
this depress me, have a Biel instead
Approximately $0.
Yep, shit was packed when I saw it
>T-They say things against Captain Marvel so they can't be trusted
In one city it was mostly packed but with the front rows empty, in another city I went to it was completely clogged.
You still here, OP? Cool, mind explaining why the source of the article is so shitty?
>Alt right
Nice buzzwords shill.
Most people get refunds when they don't see the movie.
into the trash it goes
well I guess less idiots live where I am
Your only argument is that you don't understand that refunds exist or why an unliked push character that is racist would be controversial.
>Most people get refunds when they don't see the movie.
No they don't? Most theaters are pretty strict on their refund policies and won't allow one for a no-show.
You know without a name, a theater or a location, this literally just reads like "I made this up" right?
>alt-right retard comes back after getting thoroughly BTFO
>pretends none of it ever happened
>keeps calling anyone who disagrees with him a shill
>whines about buzzwords
>no one buys his bullshit
>A-Alt right
Not an argument.
Most people don't buy tickets beforehand and when they do you usually have a set period to get a refund. Other people are also claiming getting between 20 to 30 no shows. This is rare for a movie.
>Your only argument is that you don't understand that refunds exist
I do, what makes no sense is that they still show empty theaters if they purchased them in first place. Is this whole "theory" claiming that people bought all these tickets wholesale 5 mins before the movie, then didn't show? And that's allegedly something that's happening worldwide?
>or why an unliked push character that is racist would be controversial
LOL okay, grasping at straws now:
You won't actually find this kind of thing on actual blogs or sites with reputation. They don't go on "my uncle works at Nintendo" logic
>You are conservative
>No i'm not
>yes you are
Truly riveting discussion
They're probably just theaters in small conservatard towns where fox news viewers like (you) live.
He's not denying it though.
>Other people are also claiming getting between 20 to 30 no shows
Do you have a source? One that isn't some unsubstaniated blog?
>Other people are also claiming getting between 20 to 30 no shows.
>Other people
Literally ONE guy in the single article and he says "25". There's no fucking evidence of any of this.
>what makes no sense is that they still show empty theaters if they purchased them in first place.
Never heard of ghost showing apparently. No one was there because Disney themselves bought the tickets.
Ghost showing isn't a real term.
Holy shit, shills are pathetic.
>Most people don't buy tickets beforehand
You clearly haven't had to book tickets during a premiere week.
>and when they do you usually have a set period to get a refund
Yeah, generally 24 hours at best, if not just within the hour of initial purchase of the ticket.
>Other people are also claiming getting between 20 to 30 no shows
Want to give me a source on that?
So Disney bought the tickets and then didn't pack the theaters to ensure the conspiracy would go over well? How does that make any fucking sense?
>Other people are also claiming getting between 20 to 30 no shows.
You're not keeping up. The obviously fake story is "Exactly 25 no shows on each! Isn't that suspicious?" Well yeah, that sounds fake. Why would a massive fraud operation by Disney buy exactly the same amount of tickets for each showing? And why would there be nobody who bought a ticket, and missed it before they could get a refund, not one person? The answer is that they wouldn't and they didn't. You just fell for a non-story from an online tabloid, and have been parroting it as definitive proof.
Dude why are you circling back to the same arguments made and disproven already in the thread? Why?
It's actually in California, I just googled the name in the screenshot. But check this out:
On a fucking TUESDAY, weeks after the movie came out, in this clearly small concession there's still more tickets bought than that one screenshot. It shows that whoever took it purposely looked for an early showing that wasn't purchased yet, as a "proof" that no one went to see it.
Who would they pack the theaters with retard?
Man, Wrinkle in Time and Solo could have used those paid seats, especially the latter
>It shows that whoever took it purposely looked for an early showing that wasn't purchased yet, as a "proof" that no one went to see it.
Now that's a conspiracy theory.
>10(25*5000)= 500 million
It's always the same shit
>The theater is empty
The ticket blanks out the time, location or doesn't show the time the poster was there
>The showings were paid, look at this picture
It's for a time early in the morning or afternoon on a weekday or some shit
It's just all so tiresome
The millions of employees they have? Are you saying THIS is the limit of your disbelief? You already believe Disney would take a massive hit engaging in corporate fraud, why is them sending some interns to sit and watch a movie so unbelievable?
You're not posting a source m8
Oh right I forgot, NO ONE wanted to see this, so there's absolutely NO WAY people would've gone to these bought out theaters even if Disney was giving out the tickets.
It's not, because I just went to the 10PM showing in the same theater and guess what: IT'S FUCKING EMPTY. Why? Because people haven't bought it yet and it's too early for it.
You know this guy is just gonna keep saying the same things over and over even if they don't have actual proof until you guys ignore him and then declare he's won right? That's how these people work
This can't be real.
>You already believe Disney would take a massive hit engaging in corporate fraud, why is them sending some interns to sit and watch a movie so unbelievable?
Because there's absolutely NO proof of this, retard.
>need a source to prove buying 30 tickets to a shitty movie will not instantly make it a hit
Because that would be more obvious since there would be millions of people saying Disney bought them tickets.
I'm just here to laugh.
it was sarcastic, this sperg whos claiming 25 tickets is magically going to boost a movie from a dud is a moron
And that's less noticeable than thousands of theaters with empty seats but bought tickets because...?
>Because there's absolutely NO proof of this, retard.
There's no proof of any of this, but if Disney wanted it to look like they had a successful movie, and were willing to take a loss to do so, why would paying people to put butts in seats to keep up the charade be so outlandish?
Different format retard. You are claiming they are telling lies with no proof yet saying Disney isn't despite proof.
>There's no proof of any of this, but
Wait wait, let me stop you right there, you just admitted there's no proof.
>Different format
It's LITERALLY the same format, it's just in another room, the same hour, at a different time. Why are you still trying?
>Never heard of ghost showing apparently
Yeah probably cause that's not actually a real term
>Wait wait, let me stop you right there, you just admitted there's no proof.
Yeah. That's what I've been saying the whole time. There's no proof Disney is engaging in fraud by buying tickets, and the story isn't consistent either.
I think a couple of you guys are arguing on the same side
But you're still arguing that it might be possible simply because Disney employs a lot of people, even though it's ridiculous. They would still be showing to these theaters, not stay massively at home as the conspiracy claims, then ask for refunds on... FREE TICKETS.
Look just because Warner Bros. bought all the tickets for Aquaman doesn't mean Disney bought the tickets for Captain Marvel.
Disney might own Marvel, but that only means they foot the bill for the movies. Marvel is responsible for them to make money, and if they don't Disney will just stop putting money in to it.
They gain nothing from backing a failing product so they won't.
Is it even more outlandish to believe people will just go and see this movie just cause.
I think you two agree that the OP is full of shit.
How many times will we be having this stupid as fuck thread.
So, if Marvel stops making them money, then Disney won't pay, but Disney WILL pay to inflate the box office of the movie that isn't making them money? What??
How long did Black Panther shitposting go for?
Until Avengers Endgame is released, after which they'll shift their shitposting on to that.
As many times as it takes for attractive women to realize the OP is a CHAD and not a VIRGIN NECKBEARD like everyone says
>Marvel is responsible for them to make money, and if they don't Disney will just stop putting money in to it.
One flop wouldn't even make a difference to that. Not after over 10 years of box office success. The whole fraud idea seems completely implausible, and it doesn't help that this theory seems to be coming from the same people who said they wanted the movie to fail, that they would boycott it when it came out, that it WOULD fail. And now it's a massive hit, and this is the narrative they've come up with.
Except the images are from current seating treated during the opening. You are an idiot.
>Conservative, alt right incel virgin
Truly an amazing argument from the Disney shills.
Which movie caused the bigger meltdown, Black Panther or Captain Marvel?
It is hilarious that you criticize anyone else's argument when your entire argument is literally "shills"
fuck we got a while then dont we? at least theyre keeping this stupid shit to one thread. Carry on faggots
Captain America obviously
No, you're the idiot: my point was that the picture was taken purposely during an empty showing when even on a Tuesday THREE WEEKS after its premiere, there's more seats taken than that one; in other words, the screenshot was nitpicking to prove a point that isn't true. Specially after I went and took a picture of the same day in another showing that was empty (at 10pm), proving that it's pretty damn easy to make it look as if no one wants to see the movie.
Hard to say, because Black Panther broke a lot of records and they took a long time to cope with it.
>Calls someone a shill for shilling on top of btfo their shit argument
>But you conservative!
>call someone a shill because you have no other argument
>claim anyone else's argument is bad
We'll have to see how long this lasts. BP shitposting was pretty intense and only got worse when it started hitting the billions
Holy shit you are an idiot and don’t even understand the argument being made. The image was from a premier with empty seats. You are trying to compare old seats to premiers. This is showing that Disney bought the theater seats.
Watch from 17:22 to realise that no, Disney did not. Also this guy didn't recommend Captain Marvel in his review of the movie, he just hates bullshit
The captain Marvel meltdown seems more
widespread. Small-name YouTubers, literally-whos on Twitter, Comic book tabloid sites that publish rumors. The BP meltdown seemed mostly confined to Yea Forums.
It didn't flop. It succeeded. It EXCEEDED.
Try again the next time MCU succeeds again.
Not an argument shill.
Not an argument idiot
Again you faggot, not everyone buys tickets in advance for all showings, and it's likely to find empty theaters right after the presale tickets go online. This is a fucking retarded argument, because you have absolutely no proof of any of this
>This is showing that Disney bought the theater seats
yet you keep using a screenshot and a source that was clearly made up in order to drum this up.
Why did Disney do this with literally no other movie like Solo or Wrinkle in time? Lmao Yea Forums needs to fuck off
>Black Panther's gonna flop, he's a Marvel B-lister who's appealing to a market who doesn't give a shit about superheroes
>It's a huge box office success
>Venom's gonna flop, the trailers make the film look like shit, all of Sony's other Spider-Man films have been shit since Raimi left, and all the other films they've tried to shill have been a failure
>It's a huge box office success
>Aquaman's gonna flop, people are already burnt out on the DCEU, and the film's clearly gonna be a catastrophe because of all the rewrites its gone through and the shittiness of its director
>It's a huge box office success
>Into the Spider-Verse is gonna flop, everyone will think it's a shitty kids movie and nobody cares about Miles Morales as a character
>It's a box office success
>Yea Forums, after being consistently wrong for two years, still think they can predict jack-shit and still go in to full conspiracy theory mode when proven wrong yet again. Did being right about Justice League being a disaster (which is something a fucking toddler could've predicted) go to everyone's heads?
>This is showing that Disney bought the theater seats
No it's not, learn statistics.
Why wouldn’t Disney being doing this for all their projects then?
This doesn’t seem particularly profitable for them to spend all this time and energy to fake it. Especially since they can just write off a failed movie on their taxes.
"b-but muh Solo and Ghostbusters! And muh Last Jedi which still went and made 1.45 billion but it's a fLoP!!"
Ha, that's fuckin g generous.
This isn't prediction it Yea Forums being contrarian little shits like it always is cause they hate everything except waifu cancer or edge faggotry
This, it sold a lot, who cares if half of it is from Disney.
Really? It’s common to find empty theaters during openings of big blockbuster?
You keep using a word you don’t understand.
You're not subtle.
>It’s common to find empty theaters during openings of big blockbuster?
Obviously, if they weren't empty to begin with, WHO THE FUCK COULD BUY TICKETS FOR IT?
This has been going on for every Marvel movie since GOTG
yes actually, faggot, stay assblasted
>You keep using a word you don’t understand.
like "shills"?
It actually only made 700 million on a 600 million budget. You think Disney gets the total ticket sale money?
Oh here come the box office mathematicians to explain how it actually needed to me three times its budget to break even.
>hey guys, remember all that Yea Forums companywars shitposting? It was really Yea Forums the whole time! for real!
Lol, yep. Theaters playing big budget movies to complete empty places is super common lol. Retard.
When I went to see it the whole theater was filled.
You are a retard. If a movie cost 600 to make it would cost 600 million to break even. Movie theaters take a cut so only actual revenue count.
Yea Forums doesn't need crossposters to be a shithole.
>he thinks i don't know about the red counties in CA
in 3rd world america it is
>This is mental illness. Get help.
You know until I clicked the picture I thought "this must be an exaggeration."
Please explain how the budget is 600 million. This should be good
Right, I forgot that Captain Marvel actually cost $600MM to make instead of the reported $150MM in production budget. Or wait, are you gonna say advertising was $200MM, even though a Times Square ad on the main screen costs $4MM FOR A WHOLE MONTH and that's considered expensive?
The screenshot posted as "proof" wasn't even from opening day, it was a showing on the Saturday, March 9th, at 10:30PM. Late night showings are typically less crowded, so YES they absolutely looked for a showing that was empty by the time they opened the presale, you idiot.
I went to see scott pilgrim opening night and it was packed, with me and all my obnoxious dipshit friends occupying the front row, the movie fucking tanked in the box office no single market is indicative of the whole market
No. I said they 're not going to pay to inflate ticket sales cause they have no reason to. If the product sells it makes them money and they keep producing it. If it doesn't sell they vault production and stop putting money in to it.
They did they same thing with their 2d animation studio.
Why is this so hard to understand?
The difference between this and WW and Black Panther meltdowns is that this one is more ambivalent because it's a movie that's not even that well liked among critics and audiences, yet it keeps making more money than movies people actually liked more, like GOTG.
I don't know user, this sounds like another conspiracy where Disney paid Scott Pilgrim to do badly at the box office but make it look like the theater was full!
Ok we agree.
But yes they would absolutely pull the plug even after 10 years of success. They did that for their 2d animation studio even after years of it producing hits, it's stoped making money so Disney execs moved on to the next thing.
Even going so far as to sabotage their own movies to make it clear they were going on a new direction.
Marvel is no different.
Venom wasn't well received among critics either, hell, it was a pretty crappy movie that was only sustained by the banter between the symbiote and Eddie. That's why fans "liked" the movie, not because it's actually good. Merely fanservice.
And yet, what? Hundreds of millions in box office. These estimations and speculation hardly matter in real life.
>600 million budget
people would pull their stake in the company out in a hot minute if that were close to being the truth
Yeah, but this movie is way past Venom's box office, both domestic and worldwide. It's way too big for its lukewarm reception. And I don't think it's because any sort of conspiracy, but that people have reached an apex in lack of agency and they just go and watch whatever they're pointed at. I wonder if Endgame will make people snap out of it, or if it's just gonna keep getting worse.
people act like black panther is the first movie with black people in it, so no, its going to get way worse
I'll be the first to admit it's a mediocre movie, but why do people still think that Marvel, a company that's been sailing on brand recognition alone for years, is ever going to flop? Ant-Man didn't bomb, and nobody gave a flying fuck about it.
It doesn't matter if nobody cares about the character or have never heard of her, normies are going to see it because it's a Marvel movie.
>And I don't think it's because any sort of conspiracy, but that people have reached an apex in lack of agency and they just go and watch whatever they're pointed at
If this were remotely true, Ant-Man and its sequel wouldn't have had such a low turnout in the end. They both were actually pretty good yet their box office is very humble when compared to other MCU movies. The same goes for Solo by the way, if this were true, people would've gone in droves to see it, but they didn't. Why? Many theories exist. But this isn't some brand loyalty thing, people went to see Captain Marvel because they wanted to see what the fuss was about. And they got what they paid for.
>I wonder if Endgame will make people snap out of it, or if it's just gonna keep getting worse.
"Worse" how? You're now trying to make a negative of the fact people like this stuff? Endgame is going to me 10 gorillion dollars, and yeah, the next ones will keep rolling and get a lot, maybe it'll slow down, maybe it won't. But thinking well made, but cheap entertainment like this that has kept people invested for years is somehow a bad thing is a weird flex.
No they don't, they just act like it's the first superhero movie made with:
A predominately black cast
A black director
About black issues
Fucking calm down you hysterical freak
So are all the people who boycotted this movie watching Endgame? the movie that has Carol also in it? Most of them are saying it's their last movie but they're still paying to see the character they boycotted
With the acquisition of Fox completed, Disney will be making most of the successful blockbusters, even literal whos like Captain Marvel can make $1 billion alongside low-effiort remakes because they belong to a franchise machine. This leaves smaller movies to find their audiences on streaming services like netflix. Soon we won't be going to the theater to watch a movie, we'll be going to watch a "Disney".
>It's way too big for its lukewarm reception.
It has lukewarm reception which is actually something. Venom's reception was Bayformers tier and look where it's at
Nah they'll watch it and bitch online after. Turns out the real virtue signalers were the rightwingers all along
Worse and in the lack of agency and care of the actual quality of the movie. CM is a movie that has gotten a very lukewarm positive reaction from both audiences and critics, yet it's performing way better than many other Marvel movies that actually were more liked, like the Ant-Man movies you mentioned.
The difference is that Ant-Man wasn't as heavily promoted as CM was and therefore, I think it's more of an "honest" box office while CM was built as an event movie through advertising and therefore people are still going to see it in droves even though nobody likes it all that much.
I just see that it's much easier to manipulate people into what should they watch or not through gimmicks and mediums other than the actual filmmaking. I just wonder if it's gonna keep getting worse in this regards, and it'll all be a matter of PR and fuck the actual movies, or if people are gonna snap out of it and get tired of that shit, which can cause the theater business to suffer from a big blow, considering the competition from streaming media nowadays.
I might be getting a bit too apocalyptic here but I'm just fucking tired of soulless filmmaking so I'm probably projecting a lot.
It was just mediocre.
Yeah, far lower than CM. And still is proof of a trend. Actually, even Aquaman is, since it's nothing but a passable adventure film and made more than any of the Nolan movies.
>Have to buy tickets to inflate sells
sure m8
>Multiple confirmed cases of Captain Marvel being shown to empty theaters
You realize they play the movie regardless of how many people show up, right?
And sometimes - even when a movie is making a billion dollars - there will be some theaters that don't have people in it?
>$1.5 billion
>not a great success
Not as much as it's gonna take them to salvage Star Wars IX
>Care to explain why the source is bad?
>likes to dabble in economics in philosphy
>writes an article about a 3 week old movie hitting rotten on RT
>it's not even rotten anymore
good shit, BIC
Disney doesn't care, they can bulldoze and smear DC multiple times over and it's just a drop in their damage control bucket. Better get used to Marvel shills being the new normal. Nobody will be safe.
>This. It's not like other companies have done it!
>Oh wait yes they have.
>Well it's not like Marvel has done this before!
>Oh wait yes they have
>Well it's not like you have proof
>Well ok you do but IT'S A CONSPIRACY THEORY
You could always, idk, post proof
No, I'm asking for a source that it happened, you tard.
>Wants to know a lot about history, economics and philosophy but doesn't really want to do the legwork
Dabble on, my fellow incel!
You know i kind of wonder how much profit Disney has made off Marvel by this point, Boxoffice + Merchandise + home video sales are at almost 30 billion. So Disney has certainly turned a profit by now, get it another decade and the MCU's total revenue will probably be about the same cost as Fox.
>far lower
It made 900MM, the fuck are you talking about?
855 and CM is still going,
Venom made 855 worldwide and 213 domestic. CM is on 330 domestic and 938 WW just ending its third week. And all this while Venom seemed to be more liked by the GA than CM.
300 million to make plus 300 million to advertise.
>And all this while Venom seemed to be more liked by the GA than CM.
From your subjective perception, sure. But it's nowhere near true when the well has been poisoned hard enough to dismiss any "rating system" that says otherwise, thanks to you.
What point are you trying to make?
Okay... wanna break down those numbers and where you got them?
I'm not just going by the RT score or anything like that but by reading and talking to people that actually saw the movie. The most common reaction is that "it's fine", pretty much the same type of reception that the Ant-Man movies got but it's preforming way better than that.
I'm not trying to make a point. I'm puzzled by it.
>I'm not trying to make a point. I'm puzzled by it.
What's puzzling? Box office and quality have never been related.
That only proves the point. Big block busters don’t have openings with no one around.
It's not about quality, it's the movie's reception. People seem to be lukewarm to it yet they still go in droves. It's not like with Black Panther or Wonder Woman, where people actually really loved the movies.
It’s like Avatar. A movie seen for the spectacle that nobody honestly enjoyed
I feel like bringing this up at this point is a meme, but remember audience reception for Transformers 3?
Or Burton's Alice in Wonderland?
Or Pirates 3?
Not only are those all billion dollar movies, they were each once in the top 5 grossing movies OF ALL TIME.
Captain Marvel is no different.
OH WAIT, I can just say that Captain Marvel is a boring character, and the story was rushed because its a Marvel movie. That's it. I just summed up any and all reviews for the movie. Really its just a movie harking back to the start of the Marvel Universe. Like what a huge hit Thor was. Or The Hulk. Oh wait, no they weren't, Marvel simply accepted them being average and kept pushing forward because they were determined to make the Avengers movie. And it turned out to be worth it.
[statistics needed]
This has to be samefaggung/shilling. It’s well known that it cost 600 to produce and advertise.
Where did the ghost screening thing even start? I’ve seen no evidence of it at all. Theatres have crowds after every showing around here
I don't know, man. People really loved those movies. Haven't seen that much love for CM. And just in case, I'm sure the BO numbers are legit, that's what makes the whole thing more strange. It's performing better than more beloved movies from the MCU itself, like Homecoming.
So, you wouldn't have a hard time producing any source for that claim, wouldn't you?
the issue is that these empty theaters are supposedly "packed" with every ticket being sold and nobody showing up to watch. an empty theater is just an empty theater but these empty theaters are being reported as full theaters with sales because the tickets are being sold even though nobody is showing up to watch.
>the issue is that these empty theaters are supposedly "packed" with every ticket being sold
There's also an issue with Sasquatch's carrying off women from trailer courts and impregnating them.
So it can’t be trusted because it had an article about philosophy?
Just saw the movie and i have to say it was a let down.
I think the parts sjw propaganda was a little eye rolling but the entire story of the movie is like someone took a plot and cut out everything but the ending and that part before the ending where nothing happens because they're getting to the ending.
Basically nothing really happens in the movie and Carol does nothing to move the plot forward.
The fact that people say the cat stole the show and it only does 2 things of note other than being pampered by samuel l jackson.
it's barely passable garbage and the fact that she's going to deus ex thanos in the avengers movie is like having your dick go soft after taking a bottle of viagra. she's a boner killer.
Quick google search says 260 to produce. Advertising budgets for movies are always equal to or greater than budget to produce.
>Advertising budgets for movies are always equal to or greater than budget to produce.
So, it's already less than 300, and you're pulling the advertising budget out of your ass. Good.
>CM is by far the most criticized MCU movie
you can't convince me that it's not because is a female lead movie.
An actual quick google search says "200-260," so even with your assumptions, the total budget could have been as low as 400m.
Also, this whole "marketing budget doubles production budget" is a retarded meme.
Do you realize how many movies would be complete bombs if that was true?
>WW is the most praised DCU movie
Of course we can't tumblr. You see sexism in everything.
It's a Thursday. Also, Shazamwow has a high Rotten Tomatoes score, so we've switched back to Rotten Tomatoes being a credible measure again. You can get whiplash watching the goalposts scamper to and fro.
>Being this ignorant
I know Yea Forums knows nothing about movies but come on. Big budget movies always have their marketing budget be at least as much as production budget. This is also true for videogames.
Except CM always had a shit score, it's just that they specifically tampered with it to make it less shit.
>advertising budgets for movies are always equal to or greater than budget to produce
Let's break down this special level of retarded claim:
Movie theaters keep AT LEAST 35% of domestic ticket sales. That number is often as high as 70% in foreign markets, but let's say a studio gets an entire 65% of the ticket sales to be EXTREMELY generous.
Here we're going to do a little bit of algebra:
B = budget
Y = box office
Break even calculation is therefore:
2B = .65Y
Therefore, even in the most generous of circumstances, any movie that makes less than 2.67x its budget lost money.
Now, let's get a little more realistic and assume that theaters only get 40% of the foreign markets. If we assume a 50/50 domestic/WW split, the breakeven formula now looks like:
Now you're looking at a movie having to make nearly FOUR TIMES its budget just to break even.
TL;DR: You're retarded.
The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world anybody actually watched Captain Marvel.
I wanted to love this movie, but Brie is just so damn unlikable.
Link a single (1) source.
Movies budget costs have increased, but those costs are not directly related to advertising, except perhaps as a maximum upper limit the studio is likely to spend.
i.e., the studios don't automatically get charged the production budget again. It varies quite a bit.
Yes, yes, gj and a pat on the head. Too bad it didn't accomplish anything. You retards should have saved all the effort for the next Star Wars.
Also en.wikipedia.org
For any big budget production marketing will be at least the same price as the budget. This is common knowledge.
Marketing the greatest factor for why both movie and marketing budgets have skyrocketed.
What is the actual point of gaslighting Captain Marvel at this stage?
It's destined to break a billion rather easily, no matter what silly shit is spread about it.
>Therefore, even in the most generous of circumstances, any movie that makes less than 2.67x its budget lost money.
This is actually true. You somehow think this is retarded but this is how it actually works. You are saying a fact isn't a fact because it means a movie has to make a lot of money to make a profit.
1st, wrong board.
2nd, as someone who expected shite, it was pretty good for a Marvel movie. I'd put it above any of the other origin movies other than Iron Man 1.
This is generally television marketing costs.
In Disney's case, a lot of this money circulates back to Disney, as they own one of the big 3, (and now Fox).
They didn't own that when they made ep 7.
>literally the biggest marketing push of all time
You really sure that's the example you wanna use? You don't think that might be an outlier?
>Justice League
That link isn't claiming what you think it is. It puts JL's breakeven at $600m and the production budget at $250m. Considering studios only get about 60% of domestic ticket sales generally, they're assigning a marketing budget of ~$100m.
Good job contradicting yourself.
What, ABC? They've owned them since like 1995.
Or are you talking about Fox? Because NO SHIT, they've owned them less than a month.
Did you read the whole post, dumbass?
The 2.67x number isn't based on real scenarios. That was ONLY if studios got to keep 65% across the board. Which they don't.
That first link places TFA as having a 450 million budget but somehow TLJ costed 150 million more because...?
I'm not even bothering with the other links because one is about videogames, and the other one is cbr.
I can personally confirm that every one of those theaters was packed with the many ghosts of Elvis's clones and the Greys (aliens). You just can't see the ghosts because they're invisible and the aliens camouflage to blend in with the seats. You know this is rock solid evidence because you read it on the Internet. I got the info from a reliable insider, my Dad who works at Nintendo Disney with boundinintocomics, Esq. and Mr. Casualgate-Twitter. Check my 10,000 YouTube channels of me raving about Lizard People if you don't believe me, I'm legit.
>That link isn't claiming what you think it is. It puts JL's breakeven at $600m and the production budget at $250m. Considering studios only get about 60% of domestic ticket sales generally, they're assigning a marketing budget of ~$100m.
Lol no. Holy shit you are an idiot. Production was 250 but total budget was 600. They are counting how much they have to make back. Again look at my sources. Marketing is normally around the cost or more of production budget.
It low balled it by assuming it was $200m production. Total cost is at lowest $440m to around $700m. The point is is that again, marketing is almost always double production at least. TLJ cost 200 to 260 to make with a marketing budget 1 to 1.5 times the production budget.
Seriously, just read your own fucking source.
>tfw she had nothing to prove to anyone
Assuming 60% domestic, 40% foreign:
Are you trying to tell me that Justice League lost THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS?
Seems like if that's the case, there would surely be some articles about that massive loss somewhere.
Honestly she would have been a better casting choice for Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel will always be remembered as the 5 minute side story to lead up into Avengers Endgame. Not as a stand-alone superhero film, not as a rich story driven movie with memorable scenes, not even as a good origin film for the character. Everything in this movie could have been told in 30 minutes of Endgame and still nobody would care to remember any of it, because of how boring the character is.
I remember more about the Dark Elves plot to spread darkness across the universe from Thor 2 than this drivel.
>Only counts Productions budget
>And multiple sources say studios now are shelling out an additional $100 million per movie to market
So $100 million is the average but considering JL was much bigger and since again since average marketing budget is about the same at least of production it probably cost around $300 million to market.
You know that if Disney bought their own seats, it would have to be reflected in their quarterly report right? It would be covered under some sort of expense, they literally can't just lie about it
And investors would think worse of this than if the movie simply bombed
>I'm just going to make up numbers for fun
>that's probably right
> since again since average marketing budget is about the same at least of production
Still literally zero sources for this "common knowledge"
>in a Yea Forums bait thread
Don't come here with your logic and common sense. We're busy taking down the SJWs!
>So $100 million is the average
Ooooo a new "sources say" claim. Got a source for this one?
Look at the links. In nearly all the cases listed marketing price was that or more than production cost. Also $100 million is the average.
It was in the sources posted.
> And multiple sources say studios now are shelling out an additional $100 million per movie to market this summer's big tentpoles internationally.
Whenever I see someone repeat "Not an argument" or "Ad Hominem" over and over, regardless of political affiliation, they're *usually* losing the argument
That's weird, because international advertising is probably taken care of by the international distributors. That's one of the things that never really made sense for me from all the BO posts. The way it works in the international market is usually that a distributor pays X amount of money for the rights for a movie and then it's the distributor that actually makes the money from BO performance. The original studios get their money whether the movie performs well or not. The thing is that the better your movie performs, the more you can ask in your next negotiation but if your movie bombs, they won't want to pay you much.
This. You stupid conservative incel SJW libtard.
>International distributors
Normally advertising is paid for by publisher except when distribution/publishing rights are owned by another company. In most cases Disney movies are owned and distributed by Disney world wide and Disney makes the international profit from them.
> this summer's big tentpoles
Why do you not read the words that you post?
That's for the BIG MOVIES.
That's not an average across all movies.
For instance, in that link, it claims that Age of Extinction spent about $5m in China vs $100m in the US. AoE's production budget was $210m. But according to you, they should've spent $210m or more on marketing ... where's the other $105m???
Yet again, you've contradicted yourself.
>That's for big movies
Yeah and Star Wars is up with the biggest of the big. A production budget of 90 million is considered a blockbuster, TLJ was nearly 3 times that.
I buy tickets every week.
I don't go, but i buy them and give them away to women and minorities and randos i see.
Just to spite you cunts. .
>In most cases Disney movies are owned and distributed by Disney world wide and Disney makes the international profit from them.
Well, I can see that for Disney but most other studios have different local distributors. I just see it as a rather innacurate rule of thumb. Specially in China, which is the biggest foreign market and as far as I know, it's always handled by their own distributors.
It's all speculation anyway, nobody will never know how Hollywood accounting works and they'll make sure of that.
Not enough to break the bank. It's Disney after all, faggot.
If you really want to piss them over, you should give them away to incels. Double the rage.
Yea well I rape one person for every ticket you buy. I give my dick away to women and minorities and randos I see. Just to spite you cunts.
as if anyone will believe a Yea Forums user has had any kind of sex
Im starting to realize Captain Marvel was just a giant advertising for the Army Air Force
You might just be a fucking genius.
I'd say the mods just plainly don't care about this board at all, but I guess that's not true since they do occasionally drop by to delete threads about cartoons.
I know this is fake but if someone legit gave tickets to random women on the street they would legit not like it because they would think you are hitting on them.
>A production budget of 90 million is considered a blockbuster
Oh hey - another thing you're making up!
The top 10 movies of 2018 and their budgets:
Infinity War - $400m
BP - $200m
JW2 - $170m
Incredibles 2 - $200m
Bohemian Rhapsody - $52m
Venom - $100m+
MI: Fallout - $178m
DP2 - $110m
Fantastic Beasts 2 - $200m
These are tentpole movies.
A $90m budget is not a tentpole movie.
How dare ye, knave! The damsels shower me with thanks and blowjobs!
whatever they spent they'll win back tenfold with end game. They don't give a fuck, and neither should you
Emphasis on “work.” Dude’s probably getting paid at a Russian troll farm to shill this hard, meanwhile everyone is BTFOing him for free
Yes I'm sure a corporation would never lie to their investors. I'm sure their accounting is 100% accurate are all times. I'm sure it would be extremely difficult to move money under the table and find loopholes in the accounting. No sire bob, there's no way that can happen.
>As low as 100 million
So you only prove my point.
You're right. The much more likely thing is that they're buying $200m worth of tickets at 4,000 theaters across the globe and no one has noticed.
Jesus christ, please - for the love of god - learn how to read.
For one, "tentpole" and "blockbuster" are not the same thing.
But more importantly, the average of those 10 movies is $161m, which is a lot higher than the $100m you originally claimed.
Stop making shit up, or start sourcing it.
>Top grossing films
>Doesn't know that this might skew things when we are talking about averages
>Again TLJ has a budget bigger than all of those except infinity war
>Doesn't know that this might skew things when we are talking about averages
Okay, so even without IW, the average is still $134m, and that's without getting rid of Bohemian Rhapsody, which is just as much of an outlier.
By the way, there's still a bunch more movies in the year that had more than $100m budget. Even Mary Poppins Returns had $130m budget. Into the Spider-verse had a $90m budget. That was not a tentpole film. They certainly didn't spend $100m advertising it.
> Again TLJ has a budget bigger than all of those except infinity war
Yes, but still no proof that they spent $300m marketing it.
Still no source for "common knowledge" that marketing budget is equal to production budget.
Still no source that $100m is the average marketing budget.
Gee, you're doing a great job here.
I'll give you credit though, you're at least getting me to respond.
>100 Million internationally
>Doesn't even count domestic
>STJ had a much bigger budget than even most "tentpoles"
>100 Million internationally
According to what?
>It's not unheard of for a Hollywood studio to allocate $175 million to $200 million on a worldwide marketing campaign for a mega-tentpole such as BvS, although Warner Bros. sources say the spend was in the $150 million-$160 million range, since digital marketin
Yeah, TLJ definitely cost at least 200 million in marketing alone.
>still not even close to the original claim of $300m
Source already posted faggot
>Cost more than 200 million
>Even said it cost as much as production at least which was 200 million to 260 million
So yeah, at LEAST it cost 200 million. It probably did cost closer to 300 million.
BTFO faggot.
You mean this one?
That 100m is spent domestically; international is far less.
Please read your sources.
>there is pictured evidence of Disney holding ghost screenings
Post 'em
>Trusting the BleedingCool of Comicsgate
>Nice buzzwords shill.
No irony here
It was a full house when I saw it
You know who I picture when I see that? Beck Bennett from SNL. Don't know why.
The movie was just about okay, I don't think you anti carol spergs realise how much good you've done the movie, for example I'd no interest in seeing it but months of your bs made me go see it out of spite, I know I'm not the only one.
Your review bombing before the thing was even out allowed the scores to be changed (blame Disney all you like, that was you retards) and your constant aggression towards it basically worked as free advertising.
>stay something outrageously stupid
>people here push back and call you out on it
>"wow this place is full of shills!!"
Rinse and repeat with you idiots.
CGI Carol is better
Yeah I don't get how these morons realize their sperging out just makes people want to see movies to say fuck you to them.
Bait and shitposting aside, I'll bite. The idea that Disney is just buying $900 million worth of their own tickets without any uproar makes absolutely no sense. Theaters would be the first to complain, as they make most of their money through concessions, not ticket sales, and they wouldn't be happy they're being used as a vehicle to funnel money back into Disney like that.
to push a political narrative yeah it does. it's only because Disney has deep pockets but they didnt do it for every theater, they do just a few to make seem popular.
none the less, I didnt like the movie that much. It lacked a lot of the charm the other marvel movies had.
>but they didnt do it for every theater, they do just a few to make seem popular
>[citation needed]
and wonder woman
ok, you are not shill
you are just stupid
>Im starting to realize Captain Marvel was just a giant advertising for the Army Air Force
It literally was. They even ran a tie-in ad campaign called "What's your origin story?" to get viewers to join the Air Force.
I don't think there's anything wrong with getting people to join the Air Force, by the way. It's just fucking hilarious that the film is blatantly government propoganda, right there in your fucking face. At one time, a Disney film made to appeal to kids (families) too trying to get them to join the military would raise a big outcry and paranoia. But none of the supposedly neocon-hating, critical of the "forever war" alt-right said shit about it, instead they obsessed over ludicrous lunatic conspiracy theories and a stupid thing some literally who actress said when really the movie had fuck all "feminism" just decades stale Spice Girls grade "grrl powa," fuck it barely even had that.
Government propaganda right in front of you.
Yeah. Early morning showings, late nights and weekdays.
Most people have jobs, and like to sleep occasionally.
and black widow and cat woman and.....
Oh get fucked.
Do you actually believe this shit? People go to see a film, and you're so divorced from reality that it can't be that they wanted to see it. No, they must have been forced to see it. Or they went because they're mindless zombies. It's like you just can't handle the idea that someone else might have interest in something you don't.
Did it ever occur to you that people have gone to see it because they wanted to? A good portion of the people in this thread seriously need to grow up and go get some fucking help.
Phoenix is going to be so wierd weird. It's going to look like the Bootleg Captain Marvel movie with everyone down on the ground we sting Macy's brand super hero raincoats and a helmet on Mags. What a world way to go. I hope Marve l Disneyspeing for the bucks to finnish making The New Mutants.
did you have a stroke?
He should be more concerned how easy it is to rile up a personal army over dumb shit said by a celebrity and youtuber these days.
>Be Disney
>Make shitty movie nobody likes
Thanks for the laugh, OP. Really brightened my day.
>I don't know, man. People really loved those movies.
Who loved Alice in Wonderland?
>Haven't seen that much love for CM
Step out of your fucking bubble for once in your life, and start filtering all these obnoxious youtube channels you can't help but click.
shouldnt you be doing that
enjoy talking in your echo chamber
>I don't think there's anything wrong with getting people to join the Air Force, by the way. It's just fucking hilarious that the film is blatantly government propoganda, right there in your fucking face
Bay did it. Man of Steel did it. This is nothing new. GA doesn't really care though
Yeah, the #AlitaChallenge. I mean Carolfags may shill but that was so embarrassingly obvious what the intent was, it was turning people away from it.
I mean, personally, I'm against live-action anime/manga adaptations in general (besides Speed Racer) as I believe they're a sin against nature so I had different reasons to laugh about it but it was stupid all the same.
>Phoenix is going to be so wierd
It's gonna fucking bomb or perform like Apocalypse, who cares
>Yeah, the #AlitaChallenge
Yea Forums still has multiple daily generals, it's fucking fascinating