In case you are unaware, Carol Berrera is a character that exists. She replaced Edna Crapable after her in-series death. I am saying this because I did not know that until a few minutes ago.
In case you are unaware, Carol Berrera is a character that exists. She replaced Edna Crapable after her in-series death...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Edna Crapable
who also apparently married ned flanders
Does anyone else dislike the over-designed Simpsons characters?
Like the ones with extra detailed articles of clothing, more oval-ish eyes and sort of realistic-ish shaped noses.
It's especially a problem with guest stars where they're playing themselves and not a character and it's so distracting when you put them next to Homer who has a very simple and clean design.
Nah I get you. Using OPs pic as an example, there's even muscle definition whereas a classic character would probably just have the cheese-stick limbs
I actually did know that one, it was probably the last Simpsons news I read before her death. It was kinda weird because it was happening back to back, and the writers kinda shot themselves in the foot with that one.
The weird thing is though that her voice actress had her desease for quite some time before her death, which the Simpsons staff supposedly knew about, and even with the production cycle of each episode in mind (about a year) that was a weird call. Maybe it was actually intentional, and they wanted to give the character a nice send-off before the VA would die, but it is still just so weird to me.
Yeah, the overdesigned clothes bother the hell out of me, and have done so for a good while now. Can someone do a photoshop or mockup of her without all the different pockets and stuff? Just to see how she would look like in classic Simpsons style.
What even is that thing at her calf? A scar? It doesn't look like a scar.
12 hours in paint. How is this? Should I do the shoes aswell? Might try the face too.
>What even is that thing at her calf? A scar? It doesn't look like a scar.
I think it's supposed to be muscle definition?
Look, obviously the older Simpsons characters have simpler designs because they come from a time when you not only had to hand-draw every character but then paint them on cel. Digital allows them to have a bit more detailed on characters but it still looks odd when they're standing next to characters from the older era.
This same kind of style-clash problem doesn't really occur in Bob's Burgers for example.
God I miss Edna. Did they give her death any kind of story or just killed her off-screen?
at what point does the character designer look at her and tells himself "yep, that's totally how a teacher would dress" ???
I've been watching the current season and have never seen this character; I'm gonna assume that she doesn't appear much.
Did they perhaps write her into an episode for a field trip and forgot to change her clothes afterwards?
She looks like she just done looting some pyramid for ancient alien artefacts.
Maybe she was in the army?
So she’s the barracks slut?
Yeah, it was just and one-time thing.
So does Bart have a permanent teacher or not?
I think she just died off-screen.
i haven't seen many scenes in bart's class since then
12 more hours
When is the lewd shit happening
Nobody watches Simpsons anymore to lewd new characters.
>Nobody watches Simpsons anymore
is this better
Did you just take away her pockets?
and her lipstick and her shoelaces
Yeah, she was in the army and is actually buff.
It’s Flanders now.
>It’s Flanders now.
Does that in any way influence the character dynamics between Homer and Flanders?
I suggest simplifying the boots as well. The notch above the heel and the opening rim could be flattened out.
Why did you take away her lipstick? I'm pretty sure lots of classic Simpsons characters wore lipstick.\
Though no matter what you'd do, it's weird that she wears shorts, doesn't feel becoming for a teacher unless she takes her students on a field trip to jungles.
I improved her design to unrivaled limits.
I just realized she has no breasts. Where did they go?
See . Also, the bracelet might be a bit much if you're striving for true simplicity.
Can you name one with lipstick
What if she also had goofier early Groening proportions?
That would probably take a re-draw.
I just wanted to make her face hotter.
Glad you changed her nose
Maude Flanders?
God she has been so long I forgot. Your right I was thinking no non-background character had it.
I'm actually surprised how few had it when I started checking out characters. I guess I imagined all the female characters with it just for being feminine.
Which, despite the eventually irony of the decision, was one of the few *good* writing choices the show's made in the zombie era. It gave Ned a chance to play off of someone interesting and they actually complimented each other well - with Edna helping curb some of Ned's worse neuroses and getting Rod and Todd into a regular school and interacting with more kids their age, and Ned helping Edna become a genuinely better person.
Sadly, it was a choice to good for zombie Simpsons and the universe apparently had to correct itself and kill the VA off.
Honestly, I just want them to go off-the-wall bonkers with the status quo. Have Moe permanently sell his bar to Fat Toni. Make Seymor Skinner come back and move in with Armin Tamzarian. Have Rod and or Tod just fucking die, or convert to hinduism or something. Do some damage that is so irreparable that the series changes into something utterly unrecognizable very quickly while just creating some bizarre character constellations in the meantime.
>Have Rod and or Tod just fucking die
For Christ's sake- lay off of Flanders.
You could as easily have asked for Ralph or Sherri to die.
Yeah, but Flanders lives next door and the Simpsons interact with him relatively much.
Took a stab at it - made the shoulders a little less broad, got rid of the bracelet, gave her a skirt, and picked some brighter, more saturated colors.
Can't think of what to do about those fucking combat boots though.
>Wishing more suffering on Ned
Hasn't he been punished enough?
I want to break him. Just let him spiral down to rock bottom. Change his character fundamentally. Make him all about his suffering. I have no emotional connection to zombie-Simpsons anymore, I just want to see it all go out of control.
>Make Seymor Skinner come back and move in with Armin Tamzarian.
That would be so insultingly retarded that it would need to be self-aware. I want to see that happen.
Good job for paint. Would of been a lot easier in photoshop. But I appreciate your efforts and good results.
Who should Ned marry next and what happened to his Vegas wife?
>wanting Ralph dead
He's to good for you
She came back in Season 13, but ran off because she couldn’t take Ned’s goody-goofiness.
Oh right I remember now. I think Ned should marry Nelson's mother. Maybe try and do the same he did for Edna only to realize she is far too broken beyond repair.
Ned's gonna marry the neighbour from the other side of the Simpson's house. What was her name again? Is she even still living there? Bart was in love with her teenage daughter at one point.
She's going to die in a car crash shortly afterwards.
If you can get rid of the boots she'd almost look feminine.
I think she is supposed to not look feminine.
no one going to fix the eys?
its only new characters that have eyes like that
even sexy female characters in early seasons had much rounder eyes without those eyelash things
Combat boots work if she needs to look tough, without shoelaces she looks like she's wearing rubber boots. Either give her her laces back, or give her proper shoes.
They weren't always round.
What's wrong with a female teacher looking feminine?
fair enough but get rid of the eyelash things and maybe give her some eyelids
>to good
Ralph, please.
It was just an example.
is this what you wanted
Nothing really. Although her original design is pretty masculine, so I imagined her to be some kind of tough lady who is not easily pranked by Bart and serves as a formidable adversary.
Not that I saw her in actual cartoon, that's just my fantasy.
Nothing. But if she is supposed to be not feminine, that might be an important detail. Just saying.
is this it did I get everything everyone wanted
Pretty cool. I'm curious to see this for other nu-Simpsons characters.
Her eyelashes are too thick. You should thin them out a bit.
Anything else you want before I post it
The episode she premieres in is built entirely around a "Bart has a crush on the teacher" plot. So she's clearly not supposed to be *that* masculine
Can you give her at least some breasts? It's not normal for an adult woman to be this flat.
What’s with Bart liking cock
There's no reason why Bart can't have a crush on a cute tomboyish teacher.
Spent too much time with Millhouse.
It looks relatively normal on her.
You want me to thin out her shorlders too
I think her shoulders are fine. But if you feel it would make sense, maybe.
she's got a jacket on and it's open- they really don't conform around the breasts when they're like that.
I know titties are nice, I like a titty too, but I draw the line at over-the-jacket cleavage.
Have they made a running joke yet that marrying Ned Flanders is a death sentence?
I'd be fine with tomboyish, but Carol is less "Laura Powers" and more "Bette Midler from 'Krusty Gets Cancelled' except not played for laughs."
Is there a single better visual gag than an inappropriate explosion?
There was apparently a rather tasteless joke in one of those future-what-if episodes
I'm sure there is, but it's easily in the Top 10.
when I drew the boob they ait had look right so I just changed the eyelashes and shoulders
>still looks pretty fucking young in the photo
Ned, what the fuck?
>not preferring tomboys
Fucking faggot
>Marge' mom
Are these basically all of the major female side characters? The woman from the OP is in there aswell, funnily enough.
>Midler's Kazaar milkers
ayy nice
Wow she look different
Well, she was planning to start hooking up with older guys, and Jesus never said anything about age of consent anyway.
Tomboy =/= Butch lesbian
>Who should Ned marry next.
Max Power
Well, now she looks like a mammal.
I'm not entirely sold on her boots, because without laces they look like rubber boots and why'd she wear those, but I can live with it.
ok that's great, I love this!
Reverse-challenge: someone draw a classic Simpsons character in the style of a modern Simpsons character.
boots are back
I think there is room between 1 and 0 for those boots. You can take away some of the details, but not all of it. Good job, anyway.
He did. He lost his shit at the whole town.
No, no, that is not nearly deep enough. I mean utter rockbottom. I want him to become a broken man constantly. A suicidal alcoholic. Make him dye his hair black. Go all in.
Would have sexual awakening about.
>Boots = Masculinity
Wew lad
Good effort, but the tattoos are a bit much. Should have just given Homer a jacket with a lot of pockets or something like that.
She was temporary though, I don't know if Bart ever got a permanent new teacher.
>Middle-class buffoon with no ability to control his impulses
Millennial Homer would definitely have tattoos.
Its a nice attempt but it feels like you put in too much work and detail.
I just tried to make them look over-designed.
She looks horrible. Nothing like a Simpson's character.
Unironically better.
Why are you guys being so anal about the nose?
I can understand the clothes being overdesigned, but there's nothing wrong with the face.
Characters with those noses have shown up in classic simpsons.
Nielsen boxes and Boco don't count as people.
>ned cucked half of Springfield memorial
She was only in two episodes and since they used a guest star to voice her, I wouldn't expect to see her used that often.
She looks like Jeff the Killer now.
seeing Edna live next door was one of the very few good things Zombie!Simpsons has done
Name some. Honestly.
>It’s Flanders now.
Really or are you memeing?
no. crush him into dust.
>one of those future-what-if episodes
Actually, it was part of a spoof of the end of Six Feet Under.
That's not Marge's mom.
For reals. Happened near the end of last season.
What are some good Edna episodes? Prefferably those where she interacts with Bart a lot?
I'm getting nostalgic for her all the sudden.
That's funnier than anything I've seen on the Simpsons in ten years.
Bart gets an F
>"Homer gets Flanders a job at the plant, and he soon learns that no good deed goes unpunished when Flanders starts to insist on carpools and demands more from Homer's work performance. Meanwhile, Marge feels as though their marriage has lost its spark."
I haven't watched a new Simpsons episode in ten years, but every time I read about one the side plot seems to be "Meanwhile, Marge feels as though their marriage has lost its spark."
She truly did become a robot.
Maybe it's a meta-narrative. "The Simpsons" is, to some extent, the story of Homer's and Marge' marriage. The Simpsons have lost their spark. Thus, Marge thinks their marriage has lost its spark.
This is so deep, I drowned.
What a stud.
Who is the short-haired redhead?
I have a hard time naming a female character that isn't on that wall.
>An AMC Gremlin exploding.
I think the joke here is that Otto is confusing a Ford Pinto, a car known for its history of fatal auto accidents, for an AMC Gremlin since they were both subcompact cars released around the same time.
Lel. Nicely Done
Too much work and detail is kind of the entire point
soul vs soulless
Not the original artist but I thought I try my hand on this with this as the base.
The comics have better obscure/underrated women.
Hotter, too.
this is good, wtf
I actually want these designs to get their own show
user do you have a gallery?
Simpsons Bump, I like character design discussions
>Hooo-meeer, I want to have sex!
>Mag, I just spent the entire day slaving over fat women's feet, and it's still not as disgusting as that.
Have they made the episode yet where Marge becomes a robot?
So much better
I know, but there is still a certain goldielock zone to getting the terrible new style down. The tattoos overshoot that.
Why they didn't just hire a replacement voice actress for Edna is beyond me. Same with Troy Maclure. Not like their VAs were in any position to protest.
It took you 12 hours to simply cross out Groening's name and write user?
You suck at this
I suppose out of respect.
Ned "cucked all of Springfield" Flanders
It's a meme, ya dip.
2bundy4me but approved
>All dead from internal injuries
>all committed suicide with 3 strikes of a 5 iron to the back of the head
no bitch pisses off Big F
This characters voice makes me want to stab my ears. Plus her Background character is that of a marysue.
>Edna Crapable
Have some respect for the fucking dead. Her name is Edna Krabappel
Yeah, sorry, I kinda botched that in the heat of the moment.
He fucked an entire city to death.