I'm literally shaking this guy is a nazi
I'm literally shaking this guy is a nazi
>guy writes comics with the obvious intent of making people butthurt
>people who read his comics know this
>they still get butthurt
die shill
These comics aren't very funny.
This is the funniest thing I've read this month
>I'm not mad, it doesn't upset me! I just didn't think it was funny, so I win!
All I said was my opinion user. Am I not allowed to have an opinion?
Not if it conflicts with mine
No because you're clearly part of the evil tyranny discord that obviously exists and wants to turn our precious /pol/chan into another tumblr
But he's right, you can't pick and choose who gets to be rewarded or blamed for something that others of their racial heritage did long ago. That's like being hit with financial debt because some distant relative died before paying off their dues.
I don't understand the new one
>That's like being hit with financial debt because some distant relative died before paying off their dues.
But that's exactly what happens...
In what socialist hellhole does debt simply disappear on death?
OP why you gotta do that?
I like that he made jokes about reparations, historical grievance and tax deductions all in one strip. The trifecta!
>That's like being hit with financial debt because some distant relative died before paying off their dues.
... you're being sarcastic, right?
tranny discord does exist and tranny IRC has been around for years, infiltrated site moderation and makes up most jannies
Only if you accept their estates, generally, which in good sense a person would only do if it were not positive.
In America that doesn't happen, but i'm not sure what other countries do.
What dystopian shithole do you guys live in where you can inherit debt?
*net positive.
wouldn't that edited comic's wording imply that he hasn't?
Its not in the South East Asia either unless you count inheriting your grandparent house with all the unpaid bills.
I liked the impliction in this thread that you can inherit debt. Fortunately I don't speak retard.
that he didn't last year but he's going to stick with it this year