I genuinely don’t get it. Anyone care to explain?
I genuinely don’t get it. Anyone care to explain?
Other urls found in this thread:
something something niggers
Some sort of elaborate Loss?
My guess is that your brain needs to be on several levels of /pol/-esqe thinking to understand this. Or maybe it’s a reference to something
I’m starting to get worried for stonetoss ever since that one incel comic. I hope he’s not getting to deep into this shit
I'm not surprised someone of your "intelligence" can't comprehend this. I for one understood it perfectly and laughed—and no, I didn't laugh at the humor but rather at the satisfaction of comprehension... a sensation no doubt foreign to you.
I think he's saying niggers don't magically become white when they come to white countries, they just dirty the place up with their nigger ways.
He's definitely gulping the /pol/ kool aid down.
imagine being THIS obsessed in real life. Holy shit how do you ever get out that basement every day?
Isn't stonetoss just /pol/ schmorky?
Stonetoss is a Nazi.
Can you leave /pol/ out of it for once?
>in real life
But we're on Yea Forums, user. Surely you're aware this is not real life? I hope to God you are aware of that.
It's a shame, when he isn't he can actually be funny.
He's saying that regular ground is different from bathroom tiles?
He's already in deep shit, he's an alt-right white supremacist in the actual sense of the term.
the tug of war comic was actually pretty good
stop shilling his comics you retard
In anthropology, some humans migrated out of Africa around 150,000-100,000 years ago due to changes in the climate that made it accessible to walk intercontinentally. Certain human population changed as race was determine by genetic drift (changes in environment or frequency of reoccurring genes in a regional population) and genetic flow (movement of people who pass genes to different populations).
So the joke is those who walk out of africa don't have the genes that make them "dirty." While black people leave a trail of dirt because they have the "dirty" genes.
Not really, it's imagining something that only makes sense from an alt-right perspective. "Communists and capitalists are working together!!" OK but there are barely any relevant communists in America. Shit like Sander's policies, despite being "socialist", were mainstream American ideas back when America was literally fighting communism.
>ever since that one incel comic
Which one?
What? Relax man. I just remember seeing some comics of this guy that gave me a chuckle, but then i noticed that they became more and more disconnected from reality
That’s why i said that I’m worried for the guy because that is something i often see in online creators - lack of real, meaningful interactions drives them to fall hard into some dreadful shit. Never forget that sinfest creator
there is no such thing as an 'incel' or an 'alt-right'
these are intelligence agent buzzwords designed to label, marginalize, and suppress the political influence of the people who use Yea Forums
any time you read someone typing out 'incel,' 'alt-right,' 'optics,' or similarly obvious manipulative phrasing, assume you are speaking to an israeli teenager or worse
these people aren't especially bright, the only 2 strategies they know for being called out is to mock the speaker, or bury them in spam
You bunch of idiots, can't you see the obvious?
Stonetoss revealed that he was the Floor-tile-fag all along
Or maybe the race is just fucked because you can't sell your ideas to half of it.
"Magic dirt" is nature versus nurture, the idea that a person's surroundings, or "dirt", affect their success in life.
Adoption studies have shown inconclusive results whether black adopted children are more or less successful than white adopted children in white adoptive families.
There is reason to believe that there's no statistically significant differences between the intelligence distribution of each "race" (ethnicity).
"Magic dirt" is the same as dogs and intelligence. You take a sound-bite: "magic dirt does not affect a person's social mobility (read: success) in life", or "dog breeds have different intelligence distributions so human breeds must have different intelligence distributions". This sound-bite is very plausible on the surface: if different breeds of dogs have different intelligence, why not humans? How can dirt even affect a person's success in life? The problem is that it's just not based on evidence, it's false. A person's environment DOES affect their success in life. There is no conclusive evidence for different intelligence distributions across ethnic groups.
So if you take an issue and oversimplify it, the racists are right. If you look at the evidence, the racists are wrong or at best there's no conclusive evidence to deny their claims.
I'd be more interested in tile anons explanation on how attractive that bathroom floor is than anything stone toss is trying too convey in any of his comics desu.
Damn, thank you for explanation, user
Who the heck has so much free time to worry about race so much tho, never understood that. Is this an american thing ?
>there is no such thing as an 'incel' or an 'alt-right'
Try harder next time to shit-post.
This is literally a /pol/ comic.
Holy shit
That's a better explanation then my assertion .
Seriously though, Stonetoss has always made terrible comics that I can picture him making a similar joke to what I just said
Both these words where created and popularized here, you dense outsider faggot. Neither of them started as a insult or as a direct attack to the community until redditors like you got so rilled up and scared about them that you build it as a lexicon of a "conplex" political play. You guys need to learn how to handle banter, or will be actually offended as basic namecalling like "basedboy", "npc" and pictures of frogs like the current paranoid media is
>there is no such thing as an 'incel' or an 'alt-right'
Incel means "desperate/dorky sexist" and alt-right means "young ultra conservatives" and they both definitely exist. Just because you don't like being called those doesn't mean it isn't real you alt-right incel.
>Other races associated with "dirt" or "impurity"
Damn, he's going full on with the genocide rhetoric now, isn't he?
notice that the liar you are replying to used the word 'intelligence,' which is a convenient way to channel the discussion along a particular vector that can be defined any way that is convenient for the speaker--one simply has to quote a more favorable 'intelligence' test to confirm their ramblings as being scientific
the more accurately stated 'neurological differences' between ethnic groups, however, has been demonstrated conclusively throughout history and more important, by all studies on the subject
different races have substantial neurological DIVERSITY, which is of course, something that should be preserved
based and truthpilled since the 4 retards that responded to you proved that they're nothing more but retarded teenagers.
Oh god I'm getting flashbacks. I've been on the internet so long I shouldn't have been surprised that someone gets off to floor tiles, but how could I expect it?
aboth alt-right and incel are terms used originally by the groups to describe themselves you dongus, you absolute dingus
name two races
>different races have substantial neurological DIVERSITY, which is of course, something that should be preserved
Damn you user for sounding like a smartass asshole while saying things i agree with
>Who the heck has so much free time to worry about race so much tho
The kind of guy who is such a failure that the only thing he can be proud of is to have the same skin color as people who actually did something great.
uhhhhhhhhhh something about how if you got dirty feet on dirty ground it's cool but if you don't wipe your fucking feet BRADLEY BEFORE ENTERING MY FUCKING HOUSE then you have problems.
"nitpicking and demanding more precision from others than from yourself"
this is the last stop for those who have nothing to add
go ahead, prove to us that you are capable of contributing one idea
>"give us some examples of the thing you say exists"
>"lol no"
Great debating skills there, 10/10.
>argue with me about something controversial and off-topic so that I don't have to address your points
contribute one idea
its stonetosser so just write it off as right wing garbarge the punchline will be both racist and crude
Okay cool, now everybody intruiged by this guy's ideas, read how he answers the call for the (according to him proven, so easy to find) scientific basis for his claims, which he uses as its only justification.
Look at him and laugh.
tonetoss is becoming more and more subtle
>contribute one idea
yellow is actually an animal rather than a colour, which is PROVEN, and since it is an animal it should be perserved.
Are those words supposed to make sense or are you just spewing them randomly and hoping for the best?
The term "alt-right" was coined by Richard Spencer, a self-proclaimed white supremacist, as as an alternative label to make people feel comfortable to call themselves white-identarian. "Incel" is an abbreviation for involuntary celibate for losers to give themselves an excuse why they can't get laid.
But yes, it's those israeli teenagers who are undermining our democracy by creating these labels deviate the REAL leaders of the U.S.
If you despise and pity /pol/ so much, why are you so obsessed with them? Every stonetoss thread gets tons of anons screaming about how pathetic these people are. Every time.
I’m not sure if that’s the right word to use
It’s more like he is now making comics exclusively for a specific group of people
so we're done
I wonder which one of us was more convincing?
don't stand too close to the palestinian border, I understand those people are committed to your extermination
>contribute one idea
Diversity is not in itself good.
Our ideas of races do not deliniate subspecies in the human species well at all.
Humanistic values are morally superior to all others.
You're a fag
>he's so close to self reflection, look at him go
>The problem is that it's just not based on evidence, it's false.
Oh I love it when retards like you and everybody else itt believed this horseshit of an excuse. Since the day they announced that intelligence is hereditary and in turn derives from genetic, you retarded fuck have always ignore research that shows strong correlation between intelligence and races because your outdated narrative is already a sank ship.
One could argue that clowns need to be laughed at regularly so everyone remembers that they are clowns and are not to be taken seriously
Plus when the comic is posted here we can laugh at it and it’s creator without giving him any clicks on his pages, Twitters or whatever he uses for this crap
Ntr interracial tile humiliation. Shits just too far advanced for me.
Pretty much. White suburban Americans lack a definitive identity aside from McDonalds and pop culture, so when they get disenfranchised by society they start fabricating this absurd identity based around being a mixed Euromutt, then they claim that’s their “culture” and that nonwhites shouldn’t be allowed to benefit from anything made by whites. But the thing is the Founding Fathers were almost entirely Anglo-Saxon, meaning that if you follow that logic to its natural endpoint non-WASP Americans shouldn’t have that luxury either. White nationalists regularly purity spiral over which white ethnicity is the “most white”.
>can you leave /pol/ out of bigotry for once
Yeah sure, and while I'm at it I'll leave meat out of steak and H2O out of the ocean and autism out of vaccinations
>One could argue that clowns need to be laughed at regularly so everyone remembers that they are clowns and are not to be taken seriously
oh the irony
user, Yea Forums is a board of autists. We like comic books and children's cartoons for fuck's sake. Yea Forums always takes the bait. Always and without exception. You can post the same bait OP every day for a year and every day it will reach bump limit with the exact same replies.
We're reaching new levels of kink than we could have possibly imagined!
yes, americans are literally obsessed with race
it's kind of hard to blame them since slavery and segregation and shit but i wish everyone would get over it eventually
>The term "alt-right" was coined by Richard Spencer
No it wasn't, it was coined by paleoconservative columnist Paul Gottfried in 2008.
>a pink haired tranny trying to call any living thing a clown
>gets asks for proof
>has a meltdown instead
I get it if your feet are dirty and you walk on dirt you don't actually make the ground dirty, it's like you didn't have any dirt under your feet. But if your feet are dirty and you walk on a tiled floor you will make the ground dirty. It's something like "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" except with dirt and ground.
I'm glad you tranny clowns off yourself sooner or later.
Klingon and Romulan.
Which makes the anti-/pol/ retards in every board all the more humorous and ironic.
I don’t deny it, but the reason why you constantly point it out bothers me. It seems like you’re using it as an excuse to argue for racial eugenics and genocide.
Why are liberals so retarded?
Do I have to be an incel to understand this comic like his last one?
I don’t get it. Did i say something tranny like? Is this some sort of /pol/ meme?
I mean, mocking somebody that is as pathetic as you claim usually doesn't involve much emotion investment. But every time a thread like this is made, Yea Forums just explodes with rage.
He's right though. Nobody identifies as alt right.
>Muh discord tranny boogeyman
This is like what anti-Trumpers do with that whole Russian bot thing.
Honestly most people do. A lot of normal people, the guys who are too busy working to provide enough food and utilities to keep themselves and/or their families alive don't have the time or the energy to give much of a fuck about race. Oh there's always the background stereotypes/assumptions but nothing like "Hang the nigger" levels that you see with the suburban/upper class pseudointellectual asshole who has just enough free time to worry about his supposed legacy and gain an over-inflated sense of self importance.
You'll notice that most of the most outspoken racists are either the very well off or the extremely poor. Whichever one has enough time on their hands to bitch and moan about how life hasn't given them enough and who need someone to blame for their failings, never realizing that in the U.S. the game was rigged before their grandparents ever started to fuck.
>mocking something stupid = rage
Okay faggot.
No one believes this theory, this is just internet conservatives making shit up to be mad at
it would be embarrassing if they did, but most of them arent even aware that they come off as alt-right
>It seems like you’re using it as an excuse to argue for racial eugenics and genocide.
wtf? I never even once consider racial genocide and eugenics. I'm more worried that there are retards out there that still believe this lie that evolution stopped at the neck and even some idiot """scientist""" who doesn't even read a basic contemporary genetic paper still seem to espouse this retarded belief. It has never been right.
You know, you guys deserve everything you get from /pol/ after all.
People are anti/pol/ for the same reason people here were anti/b/ back in day. It would bring newfags and they would think every board acted like Yea Forums. Also chanalogy.
Cause you idiots are louder and more obnoxius than furries or bronies ever were
>Whichever one has enough time on their hands to bitch and moan about how life hasn't given them enough and who need someone to blame for their failings, never realizing that in the U.S. the game was rigged before their grandparents ever started to fuck.
>peoples who happened to find themselves more northward were genetically superior to people who happened to be more southward
I don't get how happenstance translates to genetic quality.
Well i hope because alt right sounds like some faggot shit. Just be nazis again.
>People are anti/pol/ for the same reason people here were anti/b/ back in day.
But unlike Yea Forums, /pol/ literally have a valid justification for its insane popularity, namely the prevalence and domination of politics in every single facet of our every day life, including our hobbies. It was bound to happen sooner or later. Yea Forums is outright cancer though what with lolsorandumb shit. Nowadays Yea Forums take the spot for the most populated board.
Why are the people who obsess about race and praise their "pure Viking/Teutonic knight/whatever" heritage always dangerously obese pedophiles who masturbate to cartoons?
You'll never be a viking, you're a loser, just stop and own up to your own failures already.
You're not owning the libs by being retarded, you're just being retarded
I know you're autistic but racist, meme phrases isn't common knowledge.
Alright, I understand. I wasn’t talking about you specifically. But the amount of significance alt-righters attach to this one facet of biology combined with some genuinely dehumanizing rhetoric signals something really sinister to me.
it's the only way they can feel good about themselves
it's way easier to claim superiority based on something outside of your control than to take a look in the mirror
Well the guy is stonetoss, so I am going to guess it has something to do with evolution:
>The hardships of living in rough nature turns niggers into humans
>The easy living of the modern world lets niggers keep nigging with society instead taking the bullshit.
That's just a guess.
I think that's unintentionally funny
>Is this an american thing ?
Yes. Even Hitler got encouraged by the idea of racial extermination from America. He saw what they did to Native Americans and was impressed by it.
>But unlike Yea Forums
>he doesn't think memes have a place in society
It's why /pol/ has wings, user.
Are trannies really that common? I'am yet to find one in discord, much less in real life, I only found, like, one or two actual gays
the whole appeal of racial supremacy is the narrative of "I don't even have to do anything special to be better than others"
by buying into it they absolve themself of any shame or guilt at never trying to improve themselves or be a better person
>It's why Russian-funded propaganda using data collected by right-wing Americans in high political circles of influence has wings, user.
FTFY. Even Trump's own Attorney General agrees that happened.
I’m pretty certain that most white nationalist Viking/pagan larpers don’t actually have an ounce of Nordic blood. That’s why the ideology makes no sense; it’s how you get Irish-Americans trying to take ancestral credit for the accomplishments of the Roman Empire.
You'd have to be legitimately close to the IQ cutoff for mental retardation to really buy into that.
I'm not disagreeing or even skeptical of that, by the way. It's clear that there's many many many examples of people who are too stupid to breath trying to act smart
I don't know, does the mainstream definition recognize some old ass black guy in africa being capable of identifying hundreds of plants by sight alone as intelligent? It's pretty unsettling when only one type of people get to define what intelligence is when we only collectively know a fraction about ourselves. Never forget Alexandria.
I thought it was the opposite. I read somewhere that Hitler greatly respected the Native Americans but saw white Americans as rootless mongrels.
Do white people actually believe this?
It Al makes no sense because even if they were Nordic or Roman, their ancestors were fucking goat farmers or shit scrapers, not warriors or conquerers or scholars or philosophers.
And nobody identifies as a piece of shit.
They'll believe anything that absolves them of responsibility or guilt.
It doesn't.
Genetic "Quality" isn't a thing. There is literally nothing innately superior about white than black/asian/whatever. Circumstance ultimately determines all, including skin tone.
>potato nignog = roman intellectual
How does that even remotely start to make sense?
Germany romanticized Native Americans, but the American conquest was one that Hitler wanted to emulate quite badly. There was an instance where one politician wanted to give Native American German nationality, but that was to encourage rebellion and therefore turmoil among the Native Americans against the American government, rather than anything out of the Native's own self-interest.
No, they’re not. They’re like .001% of the population, which is why I don’t understand why both progressives and conservatives obsess over them so much.
They've got similar melanin quotients.
Us swedes are becoming quite obsessed with race too, and we never had any of that shit like slavery. The reason why people become "obsessed with race" is because different races act differently enough that it becomes necessary to address it.
It's because being for or against transsexuals is based on a general notion of equal rights and respect and whether that extends to everyone. Progressives want to continue extending it to transsexuals as they have to women, blacks, gays. Conservatives - at least the modern American Conservative - want to roll back on all of that. If they could roll back on transsexuals, then they can roll back on gays, blacks, and women too.
>there is no such thing as an 'incel' or an 'alt-right'
Both "incels" and the "alt-right' named themselves. They are very much a thing.
>any time you read someone typing out 'incel,' 'alt-right,' 'optics,' or similarly obvious manipulative phrasing, assume you are speaking to
Or, OR, hear me out, it's a brainlet weilding buzzwords because he has no capacity for rational thought. You know, doing what brainlets have literally been doing since the dawn of fucking time.
Trolls gonna troll. Doesn't matter where they're from.
>is to mock the speaker, or bury them in spam
Again, that's troll stuff. That's universal. That's been happening literally as long as there have been words to do it with.
It's because you're inundated by Russian, Israeli and Saudi propaganda, among others. Their greatest trick is making you think you became racist all on your own.
It comes from the idea of this Pan-European shared white identity, which is completely fabricated and has never fucking existed. It’s basically the result of low-IQ whites trying to formulate an entire identity and interest group based entirely around being hated by hardcore Marxists for completely superficial reasons.
He was an environmentalist and eco-conservative, so he found a lot to respect them for. He really had some good ideas, just turbo shit the bed hard and never stopped.
Easy there. You are attributing stereotypes to people you dislike because they themselves believe in stereotypes. You are acting like a mind-reading know-it-all.
Wow, it's true. Even if whites were the only race on earth, there would still be race wars.
>it becomes necessary to address it
>this guy is acting differently and i am literally shaking right now
Please elaborate.
>autism out of vaccinations
user... vaccines are placebos
Imagine believing in evolution, and also believing all races could be equal in all ways.
Do you enjoy making false, one-sided statements or is it a product of never hearing an opposing view in your life?
I can understand being frustrated by the huge influx of Muslim immigrants, but my guess is you probably wouldn’t be too thrilled with non-Swedish whites mass migrating to your country either. It’d shift your culture in a similar way. It’s less of a racial issue and more just an issue of taking in too many fucking people at once.
Imagine believing in both evolution and the idea of race
Maybe, but in the end, they ARE acting differently enough for this propaganda to prove effective. So with that point, there is no reason to invite such a blatant achilles heel into the country, unless you are a masochist or an accelerationist.
>thinking you're talking to an actual Swede
Haven't you learned anything from this website?
This is such a good thread, everyone. I want to thank all involved before it eventually gets nuked.
Could you explain how separated groups differing from other separated groups, and them adapting to their differing environments, is anti-evolution? You can't take Africa out of Africans any more than you can take Europe out of Europeans.
I dunno you tell me.
>they ARE acting differently
The issue is you're basing this claim off the very propaganda you say is making the propaganda seem legitimate.
You can't even say the propaganda isn't real because we even have Donald Trump's AG saying that it is, and that it's been spread aggressively with American help. And that's one of the people who'd benefit directly from denying it.
>does the mainstream definition recognize some old ass black guy in africa being capable of identifying hundreds of plants by sight alone as intelligent?
Neuroscience is a thing laddie
On Yea Forums? /pol/ everywhere at various degrees.
That's our bane. Yea Forums created /pol/ to isolate those people and instead, they grew bigger and pervaded every boards.
What makes you think Conservatives want to roll back on everyone's civil rights? Do you have a policy put forth in recent years or maybe a bill written by an angry white man who just wants the blacks to stop fucking his daughter? Please, I really need to know.
>It comes from the idea of this Pan-European shared white identity, which is completely fabricated and has never fucking existed.
So black identity and Latino identity have never existed then.
>What makes you think Conservatives want to roll back on everyone's civil rights?
The way they keep electing politicians who work on rolling back everyone's civil rights.
No, you're retarded because you apparently dont know how to perform simple google searches.
>this guy is acting differently and i am literally shaking right now
that's a mighty bit of irony coming from you fags.
Can you name some? And can you tell me when they said they want to do this or, again, a bill or policy they have issued that displayed this? Or are you just talking out of your ass?
>The New Germans
>You can't even say the propaganda isn't real because we even have Donald Trump's AG saying that it is
The one saying that there's no russian collusion?
And don't forget the Swedes user, Yea Forums have been invaded by delusional roasties since time immemorial.
eerie how when a swede hasn't been sufficiently indoctrinated he isn't a "real swede"
The one saying the report doesn't exonerate the president, yes. Also "collusion" is not a legal charge.
this is some sleeper agent activate level bullshit, what does this mean
>make a joke about alt right, whites or incels
Haha greaf comedy old chap
>make a joke about the left, blacks or transgenders
Lmai stonetkss is literally a nazi
What the fuck cunts? Is it so hard to google what "magic dirt" means? Is it so hard to realise that people don't change anyhow by just passing the fucking border?
You all are retarded or what?
>Can you name some?
? You haven't kept up with the news at all then if you did not notice Donald Trump pushing to remove transgender people - who already had to qualify for their mental health so that's not even the issue - from the military, even in non-combat roles.
Black identity is just as much of an American thing; pan-black identity doesn’t exist in Africa. Latinos are basically all the same ethnic mix (Spanish or Portuguese+Native American) so that one actually makes some sense.
It's because nobody believes that shit. That shit only exists as a counterargument to an alt-right belief nobody but the alt-right acknowledges in the first place.
Low-life: 90% of our crimes are committed by immigrants, and that is with our welfare system. If they can't access it, the language-and skill barriers make them easy recruits for criminal organizations. People get a bit hung up on the rape statistics increasing because everybody are trying to get the vote of the women, but heres the kicker: ALL crime is being made at a higher rate. The trend was so obvious that the swedish state stopped including race and ethnicity in the crime stats to make it less obvious that 70% of the rapes were foreign, thus by definition, avoidable. They can't change their names though, which is unfortunate for them, since leaked court records show that 95% of those who go to jail has arabic or west-east african names.
High-life: The social programs- that is all. Everything the immigrants do are propped up by the state. They can't get jobs, since their skillset is so limited, so instead they are given jobs by the state. This leads to our elderly care centers being filled with with foreigners with limited swedish vocabulary, and such thick accents that using telephones has become useless. Additionally, since they work for the government, they live of tax dollars, regardless of work.
These are the differences I was talking about. I hope it satisfied. I haven't even gone over voting patterns and honor culture.
>he thinks he isn't the other face of the same faggot soi coin
Black identity is basically "Our ancestors came from africa in chains." Not "We're descended from this particular tribe in this particular part of africa that became the founding members of the kingdom of Zulu."
The only reason they seem to have a Pan-african identity is because they have no way of telling just where the poor fucks they were descended from were dragged out of africa.
If you asked a black dude where his ancestors came from all he could do would be to point at the continent and shrug his shoulders.
Listen, buddy, you made a claim that this is a precursor to EVERYONE'S rights being stripped away. Not just trans. Tell me how you know this as a fact. How exactly do you think they plan on taking rights from women, blacks, etc? And how do you KNOW this is what they want to do? Is it just that Trump doesn't want trans people in the military? There has to be more than just that one thing.
The modern humans that left Africa early aren't related to the modern humans who live there today, they went extinct after a new wave left the continent some 80,000 years ago.
So it's a false flag? I mean yeah, it might be (alrhough I've heard this argument as baka serious from leftist politicians bit here in Poland everyone is dumb as fuck) but why do people go bananas about it?
Mature man ought to just say "yeah thats true we acknowledgd that" but instead y'all call the guy a nazi. Like yeah that might be the case but how is that different from alt-rights calling everyone "cuck"? All this thread is is bunch of butthurt and name-calling. And I believe that was the exact motivation of Stonetoss
You're absolutely right, he is the tile fapper.
Black Americans are basically a separate ethnicity of their own; they have a shared history and pretty much all have a significant amount of European DNA. White Americans never developed such an identity because they typically kept track of where their ancestors came from.
Those are species. Now Vulcans and Romulans..
>So black identity and Latino identity have never existed then.
Of course not you dumb american, all that shit is nothing but mongrel delusions from new worlders, stuff like "white nationalism" is just pale mongrel cope. New worlders are retarded, but americans are the worst.
Not the one but this is today's comic. Someone explain it to me please
Not that user, but they're already rolling back abortion access by putting more severe limits on the allowable cases for the procedure. Also they're close to shutting down planned parenthood which funding-wise is a drop in the budget bucket while letting poor people access healthcare services they normally can't get. I guess they're angry about less poor black babies being born for some reason, which doesn't make sense since they never gave much a shit about them anyway.
>Latinos are basically all the same ethnic mix
Even with that I'm pretty sure Mexicans won't like if you call them Argentinians.
we have only the faintest clues just how it played out, which are even more obscured by how much of the world went underwater like doggerland, zealandia, kumari etc, and antarctica losing its tropical climate and freezing over.
Everyone is a Nazi to you.
You're on Yea Forumsumblr. You're not going to get a rational response to political discussion
So I can keep calling them spics?
>LOL,you call everybody a nazi!
>But seriously, Hitler did nothing wrong.
I see, what state though? They are doing the opposite in my state and iirc abortions are going to be pushed to third trimester.
>Latinos are basically all the same ethnic mix
You are a retard, more important there's no such thing as "latino identity" outside America, as always, it's just american retards
Case in point: You literally can't go a single post without mentioning Hitler and Nazis.