Anyone actually looking forward to this?
MIGNOLA Officially gives Hellboy his seal of approval
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>Anyone actually looking forward to this?
On a level from 1 to 10 I'd rate this at a "Sweet Jesus FUCK No" for obvious reasons.
>mignola gives approval
Well duh, why would he sabotage his own franchise?
As for your question, nope.
I wouldn't go see this even if someone paid me. The only slightly appealing thing about it is Ian McShane's maybe five minutes of screen time.
>MIGNOLA Officially gives Hellboy his seal of approval
Oh so he's finally just gone full sellout faggot.
Well of course he did. Few creators have the integrity of Alan More and Mignola isn't fucking one of them
Well what the fuck was he going to say? "Don't give me money"?
>Seal of approval
It's going to be less comic accurate than the first two and he was crying like a baby because of it, nice to know he's a complete sellout now
>MIGNOLA Officially gives Hellboy his seal of approval
That honestly means jack shit.
He never gave the Del Toro movies a thumb's up
With all the budget spent in this movie, especially the apocalyptic landscape, why didn't they just give Del Toro the third movie? Wasnt the studios whole thing that they didnt want to dish out the money the third film would take to make? I mean..this doesnt look any less cheap with all the cgi monsters running around. There is 6 in the trailer alone. Giants and dragons and shit. So what the fuck was the problem?
He showed no such acceptance of the first films
Comic book films weren't making a billion dollars at the time, and he had a lot more self respect then.
He was never paid to.
I prefer Del Torro's, don't like how Marvel-y the new Hellboy is
Cool. I don't really care though
>Toriyama gives his blessing for Dragonball Evolution
Seriously, it's all lip service
There wasn't a huge amount of anger brewing over the first films so he didn't need to step in and try to save them.
But the movie isn't out yet
A famous actress plays the main role in the adaptation of his manga. Of course he's happy.
It was hilarious how after the movie he asked his producers for a new Dragonball anime just to avoid ending the franchise with such an awful note.
yeah, I like watching the various interpretations of a character. We're very spoiled these years, with movies and tv-series and several versions of such.
We've seen quite a lot of Batmen, I've liked them all.
So I'm game for it, also Ian McShane... I'll repeat that, Ian McShane.
The second movie wasn't exactly a box office smash, and it was fucking garbage as an aside. The reason they didn't want to make a third is probably just due to those two points. Beautiful film, but nearly unwatchable. I've seen B-movies with better direction, characters, and plots. My favorite part was when they show up in Ireland and immediately bump into the guy who fucking built the titular golden army who had no reason whatsoever to be there and who is also just coincidentally capable of bringing them to someone who can save Hellboy.
who cares? Mignola sucks anyways
dude used to be alright then got greedy lazy and complacent and fucked over other writers/artists but more than Big 2 companies do
this is the first big scale Lionsgate production since Hunder Games ultimately underwhelmed and a last chance of Mingola making a mark on mainstream culture before a million younger, more creative concepts get picked up sooner than later and he's left out as the dude who made Barb Wire or whoever was behind Jamie Lee Curtis doing Viper
he'll be left in the dust if any of the Lemire projects gets off the ground
I'm going to see it, but everything in the trailers looks really bland and generic, regardless of the steps they took to move it towards being comic accurate. I'm not particularly excited about it at all, (which could be a good thing since lowered expectations might cause me to enjoy it more) and I'm more looking forward to the board game which, god willing, I should have by the end of April.
That horn joke was good. Otherwise same impression as usual. They're trying too hard to make it seem "epic", but ignoring basic storytelling. The setpieces are there, but there's no significance to them. And why is Hellboy so shouty?
The corny trailers mean next to nothing. Trailers are made by jerkoffs disconnected from the actual film. Only time will tell.
Just like Stephen King gave his seal
of approval to The Dark Tower movie.
Yes, I actually am. Just want to keep an open mind and hope for the best (though the first trailer sucked a thousand million dicks), but hey, it's a Hellboy movie. They have already said if it goes good they might start a Mignolaverse of series, and a decent BPRD adaptation would be sweet. Del Toro's take was a bad adaptation of the comic, but at least it had a good narrative and was artistically interesting. So far this movie reeks of "we want the Marvel crowd".
Only looking forward to Gruagach and the Daoine Sidhe. I can't really enjoy the movie knowing that Mila Jovovich is playing Nimue.
>John Ostrander thought the SS movie was great.
>Stephen King has had a direct hand in all the worst movies made of his work.
>JK Rowling has spent the last few years ruining her own series with idiotic statements.
I'm just saying, having the creator say an adaptation is good doesn't always hold water.
>Just want to keep an open mind and hope for the best (though the first trailer sucked a thousand million dicks), but hey, it's a Hellboy movie.
You don't have to do things just because you like the original source material
Hell, Rowling is literally writing the new movies and fucking them up.