What made this end up so particularly neato?
What made this end up so particularly neato?
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It's so fucking bland it's insulting. There was no need for the story they were trying to tell to be two hours long. They needed a James Gunn behind this, it lacks a soul.
it was 2 hours of a queen slaying YAS
i almost want to see it just to see if anything the memers are bitching about is even in there
It's just such a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.
But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.
/pol/ being wrong about it. The movie itself was ok but the seething incels were icing on that vinilla cake
That guy actually looks pretty chaddish. Looks like /pol/ has been BTFO once more.
>inb4 screeching about muh /pol/
So predictable.
>The movie itself was ok but the seething incels were icing on that vinilla cake
Pretty much. I was having fun in general, but looking at the full theater and knowing a bunch of incel youtubers made like 50+ videos each predicting the movie would fail is just too fucking hilarious.
I almost want to buy tickets just to spite /pol/
Just spend your money on the NEXT movie they'll "boycott". Because they'll keep doing it. If you boycott every movie, one will fail eventually!
Don't tell them, but I actually am buying tickets. If you know what I mean, heh huh. [does complicated handgesture]
That's just the thing.
It's not much in there, in terms of character development or effective motifs.
It's like Ant-Man in terms of emotional depth, but with none of the underdog charm.
Captain Marvel the character is motivational poster levels of inspiring.
Well I do like this poster.
Still it's impressive how this is completely blowing Wonder Woman out of the water. People were impressed by WW's success because the first true female superhero movie not only was a good movie but also made so much money (and yes I know about all those other movies people like to bring up but none of them were any good at all so really what is the point of bringing them up besides to show what a nerd you are). But next to Captain Marvel it basically looks like nothing. It makes you realize that Wonder Woman probably would have made so much more money if it was attached to a good universe instead of having to follow three absolute travesties. This is what a female superhero movie's box office looks like when people actually have faith in the universe.
More like when the next movie is Endgame
The next movie after Wonder Woman was Justice League.
Hey, did you know now that RT has stopped deleting user reviews, the score is once again going down? It's actually back to the tipped bucket now, even the critic's score is dropping (but much slower).
>75,441 reviews
So once again it has significantly more "reviews" than Infinity War despite Infinity War having been out for a year and Captain Marvel having been out for less than a month.
This is shady as fuck and proves that it's getting reviewbombed, but since this isn't the conspiracy theory YOU want to hear you'll just dismiss it.
This is a "Why do you molest so many children"-type deal, isn't it?
If I thought you were serious...
Why DO you molest so many children?
It draws more attention because it's such a contentious film. And yes, people want to throw their hat into the ring.
Who's going to say "Eh, 'Infinity War' wasn't THAT great"?
By that logic it also draws more attention from people who haven't seen it and would like to falsely manipulate the score.
You can't know how much I want to give a Yea Forums answer to that, but I hate this fucking movie so much.
Re-watching all of them in preparation for 'Endgame'. Yesterday was 'The Winter Soldier'. Yes, they managed to ruin those scenes for me and now I want to strangle Geneva Robertson Dworet like its 1962.
...That's possible.
But, again... it could also draw attention from people who also haven't seen it and want to boost it because it has a female lead and castrates strong males.
I hate you all
I'm actually impressed. It was somehow duller than I expected.
It was a thoroughly okay action movie with a slight 90s aesthetic to it. It didn't take many risks and merely competently told its generic story while coasting along with high-budget effects. It has a hype to go along with it for the next big franchise blockbuster in a few more months, and the "controversy" it generated only helped give it more visibility online. It's well on its way to a billion now. Because it's a Marvel movie. Because it didn't shit the bed. Because it didn't take big risks. Because it got people bitching at it. The only ones who lost are those who wanted a flop.
Spider-Verse still had the better Stan Lee tribute.
Imagine finding solace and satisfaction in the success of a corporate-made movie.
Those people are slugs it's infuriatingly pathetic. Wake the fuck up.
Carol's friendship with Fury, I found.
Their camaraderie was the highlight of the movie
Great directors
Best writer
Great cast
Best lead
Doesn't matter now, it made 1 billion
The more people who watch it, the more who discover their distaste for it, I guess?
>I didn't actually enjoy the movie, but the anger I projected other people having made me feel good
You should probably talk to somebody.
>gosh darn
And yourself.
Coffee was not invented until about 600 years ago.
It stands at 919 million now. It's still slowing down.
I still think it will probably make one billion, but I will admit I am petty enough I will laugh my ass off if it somehow does not.
Great directors: for indie drama, yes.
Best writer: That is complete horseshit.
Great cast: Absofuckinglutely.
Best lead: Absofuckinglutely not.
Why do you enjoy the thought of other people being unhappy?
Oh boy, another video with a clickbait thumbnail that Yea Forums is shilling because it says something bad about Captain Marvel. Can't wait to not watch this.
Imagine being so mad that nobody responded to your lazy post that you had to respond to it yourself. You're worse than a slug. You're a rat.
Have you?
Bland and boring
Fuck off, this shit will end up with less than 50% in audience score
>treating a WB-owned website's "audience score" as some sort of validation of a movie's quality
Let me guess, you don't watch anything other than capeshit and cartoons.
>WB owned
Someone should tell him...
Wait, rats are below slugs??
Slugs are good for the environment. Rats are not.
That's a pretty stupid reason to pay to see a movie, desu. But hey, it's your money.
And I have a lot of it.
I like Carol the character but i wouldn't say Captain Marvel was good. Of course, it's not shit but is pretty mediocre. I thought the plot was boring for the most part so overall Captain Marvel is one fo the weakest movies in the MCU for me. Of course not at the same level as Thr The Dark World but not that far behind either. Since i liked Carol i can't wait to watch her sequels. The character has a lot of potential for neat stories
This thread again? How many times ae we gonna have you it's 4 or 5 now.
>Carol shills make the exact same thread every single day for the last 5 months
Calm down, cel.
Take it easy.
Is this the actual chronological order of these films? That's confusing.
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but the placements of Ant-Man and the Wasp and Doctor Strange feel wrong. In Infinity War, the Avengers were concerned about asking Scott to help because they weren't sure if he was on house arrest still or not. I took this as his house arrest ended probably only a few weeks away from Infinity War.
Doctor Strange clearly had some level of experience under his belt before Thor: Ragnarok.I know that some of the events take place over a stretch of time but I feel like it would have wrapped up before the events of Spider-Man: Homecoming.
Leaving Thor: Ragnarok with its also ambiguous passage of time with the distortions on Planet Sakaar but ultimately the finale goes right into Infinity War. I was thinking Thor Ragnarok ultimately starts before Ant-Man and the Wasp but ends its events after the main events of AM&W
Why do people like Gouda Larson again? She's an absolute cunt and the very avatar of privileged entitled arrogant western white woman
I don't get it, what's the last word supposed to be?
Not including flashbacks. Technically speaking fragments of the Thor movies are set in the most distant past, with the opening scenes of 'The Dark World' probably being the oldest.
>Doctor Strange clearly had some level of experience under his belt before Thor: Ragnarok.
Also it seemed like the movie mentioned either the unfortunate test pilot from 'Iron Man 2' or Rhodey from 'Civil War'. (Although IIRC the director denied both, which is silly).
Supposedly Doctor Strange spent literally years fighting Dormammu which is why his hair started to turn gray so if that's correct he basically got a Hyperbolic Time Chamber where he trained a whole bunch without much time needing to have actually passed.
It's the same Marvel movie. Again.
What's the difference?
I dont know. I felt it was lacking any real connection because all that was showing up in the movie were white dudes for Carol to punch.
I mean when are people gonna learn a good character isnt the strongest character, it's the one that struggles and makes mistakes that is costly and rises from them.
Carol does none of this. I know Marvel wanted to make their own superman but did they have to copy the boring parts?
inb4 I dont get it
The de-aging tech for Fury, and Sam Jackson's performance
Goose was amusing
I liked most of the pandering 90s references
Jude Law was very committed and intense
Glowy explosions looked pretty good
I liked how decisive Carol was
but... that's what this movie is supposed to be. are you retarded?
Nothing because it isnt.
>I liked how decisive Carol was
>posting the problematic outfit
Your Carol corps membership is revoked.
It's funny because it's true
Brei Larson is that you?
When she decides to rescue Fury at Pegasus despite him selling her out, she doesn't struggle with the idea
When she asks for Fury's pager because he obviously can't be trusted with it, it's with a believable authority and wisdom
When Yon-Rogg challenges her at the end, she doesn't mirror his taunts, nor spars with him, she just blasts him because fuck that noise, who's got time for that? I personally applaud that.
well she was going to but I will give you that everything else she just seemed I'll tempered and controlling. Last one shows to me a cheap shot and only proves that when she has power she doesnt mind be as bad as the guys who told her she could play baseball.
I would have liked it better if she actually fought him, beat him, showed she was capable with out her powers at all. But no.
What's the upside for Carol to indulge Rogg? Carol, Rogg, and the audience all know that he's better than her at hand to hand combat as shown in the very first scene. Either he wins, or she ends up using her blasts anyway, so why bother with the song and dance?
to show she not only controls her anger she after being freed she is able to fight hand 2 hand properly letting go of the fear of losing control because of that inhibitor.
She did control her anger, she nonchalantly blasted him instead of killing him.
If you were goaded by a UFC fighter to a street fight, and you had Carol's powers, would you accept the UFC guy's terms to not use your powers?
>control her anger
no she didnt, her powers are tied directly to them.
And if I was a trained soldier and I was freed from the a crippling inhibitor, hell yeah I would. She fought him before she could do it again, hell she was fighting him hand to hand when she was using her powers too.
If she accepted Rogg's challenge, and beat him hand to hand with no additional training being shown from the beginning of the movie to the end, there would be many rightful cries of Mary Sue.
debatable, because again she had an inhibitor placed on her. she could fight him hand 2 hand then finished him with her powers.
Because really it can be argued she is already a Mary sue because in this story she doesn't really learn anything but what she already knew.
Or instead of fighting hand 2 hand. We can have her do the same thing by just blasting him with her powers when she admits she cant beat him at his game but he cant beat her in her own game.
But time reset each time. I don't know.
She could go into battle nude and not be more vulnerable.
Although back when she wore that first outfit she needed it to fly.
If that UFC fighter and myself had an invoved personal history I might.
The hero shouldn't needlessly give in to the villain's demands, and deliberately putting themselves into a disadvantageous position.
but she wasnt disadvantage she is a good fighter and could beat him now she was free from the inhibitor.
Rogg was forcing her to fight with one hand tied behind her back the whole time before. Now she was on equal ground with or with out her powers.
So if you want to a villian to know when he is beat, either beat him at his own game or admit you cant beat him but the game has changed.
But Rogg doesn't want her to use any of her powers, inhibited or not. He wants to her to fight him like in the beginning of the movie because he knows that's the only chance he has at winning.
yeah but my point is that she is free from the inhibitor and if by doing so shows she can control her anger and beat Rogg this time. The whole point is that she was able to free her emotions and cut loose then to show she is now in control and can even beat Rogg.
>then to show she is now in control and can even beat Rogg.
Did you completely miss her line at the end
the only thing she controled letting go of her temper, her actions spoke contrary to what she was saying. If anything loses her temper to use her powers and gets to take it out on the bad guys. that's not control that's literally Hulk smash.
>So once again it has significantly more "reviews" than Infinity War
Dude, it got 60,000 new positive reviews in a 12 hour period after they initially deleted the 50,000 negative ones. The entire thing has been a sham from the very beginning.
Money speaks, not easily manipulated online scores. Considering CM has good holds all around it is obvious that most normies liked it.
The Kree want Carol to use her powers, just never against them. That's why they are in a no win situation, since their mistrust is what makes them control and limit her.
Yon-Rogg actually believes in Carol quite abit.
He never says "you're not as strong as you think" in the film. In fact he says the opposite in order to defend her to his teammates while she is not with them: "She's stronger than you think!"
Trick question, it wasn't.
>The Kree want Carol to use her powers, just never against them
Obviously, but too bad for them Carol didn't take kindly to finding out she'd been abducted and lied to.
This post is so problematic, I can't even. I mean, come on
>played brilliantly by Brie Larson
>not played by brilliant Brie Larson
I GUESS I can give you some sort of praise for trying to fight through your internalized sexism, even if you do a poor job. But please PLEASE put more effort next time, thanks.
Between Bucky and Carol, I would say Carol got the better deal here.
But yeah.
Carol is less mary sue than all the famous male superheroes except Peter.
On a scale of 0 to 10, how natural does inserting Carol into MCU feels to you and how natural would you think she'd fit in Endgame?
4/10 imo, it would've been a 6 if it was released before Infinity War, assuming movie is left completely unchanged, Nick Fury's pager thing would've had even more impact.
No worse than a 5. A lot of that because they smartly used Fury in the movie. She bridges the gap between the earthlings and the space farers in the Guardians and Thor.
>Cap: born frail and weak, didn't save anyone, frozen in an iceberg
>Hulk: anger issues, loses control
>Iron Man: egomaniac alcoholic, captured and tortured, weapons used against him
>Black Panther: loses the throne
>Thor: can't save his dad, loses an eye, loses his hammer
>Ant Man: criminal, surrounded by people smarter than he is
>Carol: born such a tough girl that she doesn't listen when people tell her to be a girl, and does all the tough girl things like play sports and join the air force, and then she becomes an even tougher girl when she gets super powers, and is right about everything all the time
>Thor: can't save his dad, loses an eye, loses his hammer
You could say he lost everything desu
Are YOU?
You people act so vile that you make people hate you and then get offended when people are vile to you in return.
>guy says obviously false bullshit
Explain further?
Nah, fuck you, you White Knight numale bitch.
Absolutely not.
Who's 'you people', turdburger?
Reddit spacers such as yourself.
So, 'reddit spacing' (STILL not been to Reddit, btw) is 'vile'?
Indeed. And who do you think you are fooling?
Le cringe
Okay, that makes sense to me. I can get behind that.
What about Ant-Man and the Wasp? Is that timeline correct or was my head scratching warranted?
>What about Ant-Man and the Wasp? Is that timeline correct or was my head scratching warranted?
What was incorrect about it?
In Infinity War, the Avengers were concerned about asking Scott to help because they weren't sure if he was on house arrest still or not. I took this as his house arrest ended probably only a few weeks away from Infinity War.
The rest of my reasoning was also explained in my first reply about where Doctor Strange and Thor: Ragnarok occurred but DS was explained.
The only thing that really bothered me was how they were already calling it SHIELD.