Angelina Jolie in the Eternals
Angelina Jolie in the Eternals
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>tfw no stilt-man
Okay honest show of hands; Does anyone give a single fuck about The Eternals or Shang Chi getting movies? This is really scrapping the bottom of the barrel, and Disney is probably thakful X-Men and The Fantastic Four are available now. Is there any hero left worth adapting besides that? Moon Knight?
Do you think they regret pissing away Iron Fist, Luke Cage, and Daredevil on Netflix now?
Plot Twist: Angelina Jolie is the villain and Winona Ryder is the hero
Have you not figured out that it does’t matter if ‘anyone’ cares now?
Pay attention. Jesus.
They will care after marketing tells them to .
Personally, I dig both, and I’m loking forward to the reprint if the Eternals Omni that will come with the movie.
I don’t give an ounce of shit for your Yea Forums garbage. Hahahahaha
No but I didn’t give a fuck about the guardians of the galaxy either.
Eternals could be interesting, I could see its potential
Shang Chi is just happening because Black Panther was a hit. you
God you type like a faggot
Eternals may be good or bad. Shang Chi sounds awesome (if it has good fight choreography)
It's cute how they tried to tease it
Like bitch DC's last biggest star was Rosie fucking Perez there's no way they would get Angelina
She might be playing the fish-out-of-water lead the synopsis mentioned.
>used up hag who needs surgery, make up and digital effects to look 1/100 of how she did in her prime
>Like bitch
>he doesn’t like milf-supreme
Okay pedo.
They're probably going to want someone younger for sequels
She's probably a mentor or villain
some user here or on Yea Forums actually had inside info on this, because he said they were actively pursuing her, this was 2 weeks to a month ago.
find it.
>Does anyone give a single fuck about The Eternals or Shang Chi getting movies?
Well people do now but not because they are passionate about the franchises. Most comic fans didn't give a fuck about the Eternals, a bit more gave some fucks about Shang-Chi.
But if the Guardians is anything to go by Marvel Studios can make anyone give a shit about any character no matte rhow ridiculous or obscure. If Feige wanted to make a Stilt-Man trilogy you will have every normie fucker in the corner love Stilt-Man and buy Stilt-Man merch, you would have fat dudes cosplaying as stilt-man, slutty Lady Stilt-Man, Stilt-Man brand fruit sold at your local grocery store.
It doesn't matter.
Weren't they looking for a non-white woman for that lead? I hope she's not Sersi.
>Does anyone give a single fuck about The Eternals or Shang Chi getting movies?
You morons keep asking this and every single fucking time the movie makes a billion
Agreed. Makes me want to cave his skull in
DOA. Who cares about Angelina anymore?
Guardians of the Galaxy were obscure as hell before their movie.
My work here is done.
>If Feige wanted to make a Stilt-Man trilogy you will have every normie fucker in the corner love Stilt-Man and buy Stilt-Man merch, you would have fat dudes cosplaying as stilt-man, slutty Lady Stilt-Man, Stilt-Man brand fruit sold at your local grocery store.
Don't tease with that glorious future that will never be.
What's up with people on twitter being negative about this? Was there any drama about her lately? I thought everyone likes Jolie
Whatever it is I am sure it's stupid and they'll get over it.
>i just PRETENDING to be an obnoxious faggot haha got ya!
Damn. What a master plan
It’s probably a bunch of grandmas that watched friends that hate that brad Pitt left friends lady for her.
I didn't know who the GotG were before the movie was announced and I've only known Rocket Raccoon through UMvC 3, as long as it looks good, I'll see it.
She is so Sersi.
>dissing shang chi
i bet you dont like machine man either
Gotten to.
Huh, thought we were talking Sandman for a moment (the German term for the Endless can mean Eternals too).
She could probably pull off Desire.
Nah. Desire has to be really androgynous. Angelina jolie can’t pull that off.
She got the cheekbones and the chin for it.
i havent watched the thor movies yet, i dont even care about endgame but i'll watch it just to close a chapter in my life.
My dick still does.
Whose breasts are those?
Still beautiful but she abuses her little girl by raising her as a boy.
That's not really true. For instance, they haven't been able to get people generally as interested in Scott Lang as Ant-Man while keeping his movie on Earth and not having the whole movie take place somewhere extraordinary in the Quantum Realm or wherever (although having him smaller than he would usually be in the world creates an extraordinary environment to some degree) like they have with their other characters probably because the power of turning small doesn't seem as appealing to some people compared to the powers and other characteristics of the other Avengers.
The Eternals can probably have pretty interesting powers though that many people will find appealing if at least some of them have powers similar to Thor's. They can even have a character with a weapon like Stormbreaker that is like a hammer that's had it's head modified with the addition of a device that allows it to be used by a different person than who used it with just it's original head.
i she still being casted as 'Sexy" women at her age? I do not understand Hollywood one bit.
Just look at Cate Blanchett, user.
She was boner-inducing in Ragnarok and she's 50.
She needs a hit.
There are plenty of sexy older women, Hollywood just tends to cast the fresh faced cherries the producer popped on the casting couch instead.
Eternals is a really cool run, but I have zero interest in watching the movie.
Gonna be fun to not know shit about the Eternals.
Don't worry there's gonna be about 25,000 different articles all about them just before release.
Is this hostility to a white being cast?
People haven't liked her for a while now, mostly due in part to her taking bad roles and being a typical Hollywood shit and kind of washed up. Maleficent seemed to be a common turning point of people being done with her shit.
need source on that pic ASAP
Why must you remind me of that piece of shit movie?
>Does anyone give a single fuck about
This does not apply to the MCU
Just read the original run you faggot, it’s a good read.
She's obviously Elysius.
Eternals, no. Shang Chi, absolutely. Love his original comic, love the character, and it actually feels like it will open up a new vista of the Marvel Universe for a change.
Well that killed any interest i had
>Mar-Vell is a woman
>Mar-Vell's widow is still a woman
Kinda hot.
Prediction: They're going to make the "real Mandarin" Shang-Chi's villain and father as a replacement for Fu Manchu. That way they can link it to Iron Man and and it's not racist because he's an Asian villain fighting an Asian hero.
maybe it has something to do with the way she threats her son and how she is batshit crazy?
I mean I definitely got lesbo vibes from Annette Benning in that role. And I wouldn't be surprised if in a future movie they officially make Carol either lesbian or bi.
Iron Fist probably since he has a cool ninja lore and powers that work for a big budget movie
>and it's not racist because he's an Asian villain fighting an Asian hero.
Yeah, they like doing that. I've thought the same thing myself ever since his film's announcement. The Ten Rings are an established element of the films' canon, which makes it a lot easier than introducing a new DIFFERENT secret worldwide terrorist network.
Best duo.
How? Shang-Chi is just Bruce Lee meets James Bond
Iron Fist getting a movie would've been a game changer sine he has the lore to set him apart
>I wouldn't be surprised if in a future movie they officially make Carol either lesbian or bi.
Tumblr's all over shipping Carol with Maria Rambeau.
Twitter is going crazy for CarolxValkyrie
But real fans know there's only one woman for Carol.
>How? Shang-Chi is just Bruce Lee meets James Bond
Is this supposed to make me less excited?
>Iron Fist getting a movie would've been a game changer sine he has the lore to set him apart
Might have been, but it's a moot point now because of Loeb.
>Okay honest show of hands; Does anyone give a single fuck about The Eternals
Yes now I know Angelina's in it, previously I wasn't particularly excited for MCU post End Game that opinion has now changed.
> but it's a moot point now because of Loeb.
No its not. Feige just has to wait 5 years to reboot Iron Fist in the MCU. The Tv shows are non canon and Iron Fist could be a supporting character in a Shang Chi film before getting his own film.
I consider this redemption for the awful miscast of Brie Larson, Angelina can add style and class to any role she plays.
>Lady Stilt-Man
Always gets a chuckle out of me.
Casting breakdowns.
>IKARIS (Male, 20-40): A powerful guardian sworn to protect the Eternals.
>SERSI (Female, 20-40): A fierce explorer who wishes to live among the humans.
>"PIPER" (Female, 10-16): Strong and charismatic, with a magnetic personality. Wise beyond her years, athletic, articulate and quick-witted.
>"KAREN" (Female, 30): A powerful leader with a timeless quality. Warm, nurturing and intuitive, but still capable.
>EROS (Male, 25-45): A carefree warrior.
>GILGAMESH (Male, 25-45): A rebellious exile.
>MAKKARI (Male, 25-45): A brilliant scientist.
>ELYSIUS (Female, 20-40): A wise historian.
>THENA (Female, 20-40): An skilled fighter.
>ZURAS (Male, 40-50): A respected leader.
>DRUIG (Male, 20-40): A merciless conqueror.
>MALE LEAD (20-40): A Greek god.
Jolie is probably playing Thena or Elysius.
>The Tv shows are non canon
Have you noticed how Kevin Feige has never openly stated the TV shows are non-canon? The movies have never acknowledged the existence of the TV shows, but have also never contradicted the shows in any but the most superficial of ways. There's no doubt in my mind that Feige doesn't consider them part of the MCU, but I also wouldn't be surprised if he's not allowed to delegitimize another official Disney product by declaring it non-canon, or directly overwriting what's been established.
Rumored casting updates.
>Alexander Skarsgard, Charlie Hunnan and Sam Heughan up for Ikaris.
>Sofia Boutella and Eiza Gonzalez up for Sersi.
>Luke Evans and Matt Bomer up for Eros.
>Gina Rodriguez, Naomi Scott and Nathalie Emmanuel up for "Karen" / Margo Damian.
>Millie Bobby Brown and Cailee Spaeny up for "Piper" / Sprite.
>Sylvia Hoeks up for Thena.
>Eva Green and Lena Headey up for Elysius.
>Rami Malek, Oscar Isaac and Pedro Pascal up for Makkari.
>Kevin Durand, Nonso Anozie, David Denman, DeObia Oparei and Hafþór Björnsson up for Gilgamesh.
>Liam Neeson, Ian McShane, Bernard Hill and Sean Bean up for Zuras.
>Colin Farrell and Keanu Reeves up for Druig.
>David Oyelowo, Mark Strong and Ralph Fiennes up for Kro, the Deviant.
I am still patiently waiting for my Beta Ray Bill Movie.
>Angelina Jolie
>Alexander Skarsgard
>Eiza Gonzalez
>Eva Green
>Rami Malek, Oscar Isaac, or Pedro Pascal
>Liam Neeson
>Colin Farrell, or Keanu Reeves
Would probably watch most movies with this cast, even if it wasn't MCU
Angelina is a pompous cunt and every single time she appears on screen she has an expression that tells you "You should be grateful that once again I graced you with my time, for I am a goddess eternal of the modern age".
>he's not allowed to delegitimize another official Disney product by declaring it non-canon, or directly overwriting what's been established.
Eh I am pretty sure Disney and Netflix have bad blood and the netflix shows will be declared as non canon. Those shows were somewhat popular and only got canceled because of a feud.
>Eh I am pretty sure Disney and Netflix have bad blood and the netflix shows will be declared as non canon.
Here's why I doubt that: Netflix's statement on the Defenders shows included something to the effect that the existing seasons would still be up for "years to come". They didn't say permanently, which is curious. The Marvel TV shows are made by ABC and Marvel Studios, and they searched around for a platform to distribute them. They weren't Netflix productions. This may mean Netflix doesn't have exclusive rights, and eventually their agreement will expire, with the shows being Disney's sole property.
>has an expression that tells you "You should be grateful that once again I graced you with my time, for I am a goddess eternal of the modern age".
So she's perfect for Eternals?
Those were planned before the merger. Now everyone is waiting eirher for sequels or x-men/F4.
It's confirmed the "rights" expire in 3 years.
That's why they won't declare them non-canon. It's still their asset, and they won't want it to become less valuable.
Shang Chi gonna gross a billion in China alone
Salia Petrie
Or her MCU equivalent, Maria Rambeau
Jessica must be a female clone and played by Tom Holland
Probably only need them around for 1 or 2 movies.
I use to wank my meat so much to her when I was younger. God she was so gorgeous
They will just reboot Daredevil and pals if they want and nobody can stop them
Fuck i want rami/Keanu to be silver surfer
incels being incels
What are the chances that Marvel Studios sneak a X-gene reference in Eternals. There is no way they would not.
>Rami Malek, Oscar Isaac and Pedro Pascal up for Makkari.
>Colin Farrell and Keanu
>Liam Neeson, Ian McShane, Bernard Hill and Sean Bean
Fuck any of those would be great.
If they really stack the cast this heavily, Eternals could be a big hit
>For instance, they haven't been able to get people generally as interested in Scott Lang as Ant-Man
Totally false, i remember that during Civil War many people liked Antman because of the Giantman scene. And probably will love the character again because of his role during Endgame
Honestly the movies has been affected by other factors
>First antman affected by Wright departure, reception of the hero name by newer audiences and the bad recepction
>Second one affected by Russia world cup and Peyton Reed smaller scale story because the plans he had were taken by the Russo for Civil War and Endgame.
I think the third movie needs another director but its more likely that Feige will get Reed again fo that.
>Second one affected by Russia world cup
Since when can movies and sports events not coexist?
Sounds like great casting then.
>But real fans know there's only one woman for Carol.
jess is just a poor substitute for her real spider-toy
>not wanting a Spawn movie that isnt trash
>or more Blade
The Ant-Man movies underperformed, but they're not complete flops, and there's like 200% more people that are aware of Ant-Man, than there were before the films.
Hell even among comic fans only, a lot of fans in the 00's were fucking stupid people that thought Ultimates was how Hank Pym always was.
It's why posts like are fucking stupid. The movie does not live or die based on how well-known the character is, the movie lives or dies on how well the fucking movie does. If real-life worked the way that user thought it did, Aquaman would've been a box office disaster.
>Marvel Studios
Marvel Studios =/= Marvel TV
>Not choosing Carol X Jessica X Peter X Mary Jane
But the shows don't have great replay value, and they are already worthless due to low viewership
After 3 to 5 years, who gives a shit? A movie could easily resuscitate the brand damage Iron Fist took from the Netflix shows, and could give us a good Daredevil and Luke Cage as well.
I really hope Fiege reboots them.
So? They're both Disney.