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It would've been funny if they fucked up with WW too and we got Zatanna or some shit in Wondy's place too.
I'm actually interested in something like that: a DCEU composed of lesser know DC heroes.
really need a virgin Snyder Superman vs chad Shazam
Hmm, even Aquaman is kinda Greek God related, could help with the mythology theme
Maybe people are just tired of superheroes they had oversaturated on. I mean, we've had Batman and Superman movies since the 70's and 80's. Maybe that's why Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Venom, Captain Marvel and Black Panther are taking off.
I like what we need up with
Plus, new Batman is coming
They're not going to add a flop movie character to their trinity
Here's the REAL Trinity
Can't say I'm mad but I still want some actually good movies with muh Batman and muh Superman
Why is Spider-Man still popular then?
I don't get the logic of starting a cinematic universe with a tired and world weary Batman. Where do you go after you already did Robin's death?
based retard
Because he's an actual character and has talented people working on his movies
Very likely. Also, Batman and Superman have a lot of cultural baggage and lots of folks willing to fight over their interpretation. Aquaman followed a very traditional "lost prince reclaiming his birthright" and Shazam seems to be doing the "fun Superman" that they're afraid to do with actual Superman. The question is who's going to step in to be a workable Batman movie analogue? If the new Batman movie is garbage, I'm kind of hoping a Renee Montoya solo movie might not be out of the Question.
>we got Zatanna
God I wish we got a Zatanna movie.
I would even accept a 7/10 one.
Batman can be salvaged from pretty much any dumpster fire- and has been, more than once. Sulerman is fucked for decades
My nigga.
I'm okay with this
>a flop movie character
Shazam beat Aquaman's preview showing box office, it's going to do fine
>Because he's an actual character
>and has talented people working on his movies
Power Girl
Aquaman is essentially Poseidon, they're all tied to greek gods in some way.
If you saw the concept art you would say otherwise. I fear any Zatanna adaptation because they'll just turn her into gothic trash instead of the classy entertainer
Because Spider-Man is the One-Direction of the MCU.
I think you got that backwards pal
This is the only Harley you're getting
My men of fine taste.
This would be fucking amazing. Just imagine something with the fun of Shazam but with a female protagonist and cheesecake. It'd be glorious.
That is a Dick?
What does that even mean?
I mean, of course he's an actual character. So are Batman and Superman.
There is a Plastic Man movie in production so it could happen
Don't ever wish for that
The fuck's wrong with you
All that extra putty flesh had to go somewhere to fit Harley's build
I hope to god they learned their lesson from this.
Aquaman only got as much as it did because of all the weeks it had to itself
Shazam has 2 weeks and is doing 10% of what Captain Marvel was doing at this same time meaning at best a $15 million dollar opening weekend
>my girl Diana finally getting real mainstream respect instead of lip service
>"lol Aquaman hurr hurr" is finally dead
Bout fuckin time.
>the fate of the DC movies is in the hands of a manchild, a woman that barely speaks english and a drunk asshole.
Yeah well hope in one hand and shit in the other
>300 million less than Aquaman
If we had to sacrifice the Bat and the alien to get good movies for the rest of the DCU, so be it, I guess. Next up: GLC.
That's true but hopefully, they take Zee in a more magical direction than a street direction so she avoids all that shit.
I recognize that bulge
That makes Diana Hades.
>good movies for the rest of the DCU
You realize Aquaman and Shazam were made during the few months Johns was in charge, right? Shit like Joker, Birds of Prey. And the trench horror movie are the future of DC
That doesn't make anything sense when Shazam is currently tracking for a $50m+ opening weekend. WoM and positive reviews are going out for this movie so it's only going to increase.
Marvel has the best DC memes
fuck off
ladderbro is just clinging to whatever any idiot says on box office theory because he thinks they're experts
It may have great reviews and word of mouth but no one's hearing it because they would rather focus their attention and spend their money elsewhere
Batman will outlast them all.
Either the manchild, well actual teenager, and drunk guy, or Psychoman and Sociobat
Batman couldn't outlast fidget spinners
The new trinity has more connecting them than the old through their connections to the Gods. I'm all for it
So, Company wars already started, how do the compare to Marvel’s new trinity,
>inb4 money
we need a batman expy, not aquaman.
I actually like it. Diana has to be Billy's mom and AQ's responsible sister in their shenanigans, than the third wheel/proxy of Batman and Superman's clear lust of each other.
Do we use the original Marvel Trinity of Iron Man, Cap, Thor or do we use the new one of Black Panther, Captain Marvel, and Spiderman?
It's pretty bad for DC either way I suppose
user, Batman has come back from far worse. It doesn’t matter that you hate him.
Who their new trinity?
Matt Reeves will bring Batman back to the top. If people really like Shazam Superman may be completely fucked at this point
Do one where shazam and aquaman are both drinking beer!
>Diana has to be Billy's mommy
I don't, because there's no way in hell they'd do her outfit right.
Probably new guys considering this is the new trio
After Venom and Spider-Verse they're going to take him back
A drunk asshole starred the Marvel universe so what's the problem
They can try but we all saw what happened to Fox when they wouldn't give them the X Men
If Wondy had flopped the whole thing would have been canceled after JL. Her movie racked up just barely enough goodwill for the franchise to survive that trainwreck.
>Aquaman only got as much as it did because of all the weeks it had to itself
the revisionism is real.
Batman is one 6/10 movie from being on top. It can’t be stopped.
Based Wondy saving the DCEU.
reminder that Ladderbro thinks Pet Sematary is gonna beat Shazam
>implying that the would ever push her when they can just make another movie with Harley
user, you don't know DC that well do you?
I mean, horror movies perform well along with capeshit. So it's not out of the realm of possibility.
>because of all the weeks it had to itself
By the end of it's third weekend Aquaman had made 260mil domestic. And it was competing with 3 other movies at the same time. Shazam is not going to withstand Endgame but it has plenty of time to make money. According to Mark Hughes at Forbes, with it's low budget and after tax breaks the break even point for Shazam is 230mil. Meaning that the film can perform as bad as Fan4stic (It wont't) in every market but because of it's Chinese money it would still be profitable. Shazam will be fine
You don't really think Disney bought Fox for the X-Men do you?
>Aquaman only got as much as it did because of all the weeks it had to itself
Every movie insider faggot with an opinion kept going on about how Mary Poppins 2 would sap out the nuclear family ticket, and how Spiderverse would steal from the same capeshit demographic. Remind me how that played out?
It's not but Ladderbro takes tracking as gospel then says Pet Semetary will beat Shazam even though it's tracking at over 20mil lower. I thionk any hype for Pet Semetary has been completely taken away by Us though
plus it's completely different audiences, you either want comedy and action or you want dread and jumpscares
well for their budgets, only IT could be compared to capeshit recently and the hype and shilling for that thing was off the charts
even the conjuring movies have made "only" little more than 300 million
IT is a completely different beast. It's Stephen Kings biggest story (Except for maybe the shinning) and that clown is an iconic monster. It's also got a lot of nostalgia thanks to that tv movie
oh that's good
That's not revisionism fucktard once it was clear Mary Poppins, Bumblebee, and Spiderverse stood no chance Aquaman had weeks to itself until The Upside
Revisionism would be if I said everyone knew Aquaman was going to be huge which clearly was never the case
Yeah I mean when's the last time a horror movie did insanely well? 4 maybe even 5 days ago?
I don't have to remind you dipshit you fucking quoted it
Batman Inc.
>Yeah I mean when's the last time a horror movie did insanely well?
Is 70mil INSANE? No. The last time was IT
For a completely original horror movie yeah that's insanely well
The DCEU stopped existing with Aquaman, the president of WB said so himself
There are superficial continuity links for now but every movie is standalone and there are no plans to team up
Gunn's Suicide Squad will be a reboot and expect Reeves' Batman to be a reboot
He never said that.DCEU officially still exists
Suicide Squad is not a Reboot.
There was countless comments here and everywhere about Aquaman facing too much competition you revisionist.
A Aqua/Wondy team up movie with them fighting a New52 style murderwhale Poseidon or a Rebirth style Zombie Poseidon would be cool.
Maybe give Poseidon pic related design & powers.
LMAO, cant wait too see you backpedal and claim that no one thought that this movie would fuck with Shazam just like you're doing with Aquaman right now .
Diana confirmed for best girl. Not even Zack Snyder could sink her.
Go to bed Zack, it was your fault.
Saved for when Far From Home makes a billion
So, now you not only knew Mary Poppins, Bumblebee and Spiderverse would underperform against Aquaman, but you also knew The Upside was going to break out.
Just fucking stop it.
>people giving a fuck about a Mary Poppins sequel 70 years after the original
My sides!!
And it got a shitload of marketing to build up the hype, which Pet Sematary didn't get.
Disneyfags thought it was going to make 400 domestic, and it couldn't even pass 350 WW.
That's not even close to what I said you fucking retatd
Soi boi mad?
Uh us made like 70 mil
It doesn't even feel like people are aware it exists. You can't even compare it to Us. Jordan Peele is a big enough name to get butts in seats. If I asked you to name the director of Pet Sematary would you be able to do it without Googling?
Which is great for an original horror movie that was tracking in the low to mid 40s
Can you name the director of IT?
If they do the same thing they did with aquaman then zatanna would be just like the best of her comics, clasic attire included.
It's foreign Box Office isn't looking so great. It's opened in most places and it's only at 18mil.
I'll take them over Murderman and Mister Jesus complex.
Snyder really dropped the ball and now he's going apeshit.
Mary Poppins flopping hard was surprising, but everyone knew Spiderverse and Bee would flop.
No but IT actually has much more going for it
People don’t realize this
God I love Yea Forums. Even now it cracks me up.
I really hope Shazam is the highest grossing film this year just to shut you fuckers down.
[Spoiler]plus all the butthurt marvel fans would be pretty epic[/spoiler]
What's John's doing now? Whose in charge?
so whos the ironman of DC
$100 they'll make her black
The Joker.
If they could just settle on one.
A Vixen movie.
It works honestly
>Aqua/Supes: From another “world” but raised in another
>CM/Bats: Dead Parents
IT is a way bigger property with the most famous horror clown ever
So you can’t
I want all of these.
Is Wonder Womyn actually good? I watched it and shit got so boring i just dropped it half way through. It is sorta on the same level as Nigger Panther from what i see
>DC is for soi bois!
>n-not Marvel!
Where is this from? That's Chiang's design for Poseidon from the Azz run.
>Aquaman only got as much as it did because of all the weeks it had to itself
Jesus Christ, do you people really live on an alternative reality? For like six months prior to December the narrative was that movies like Mary Poppins and Bumblebee were going to decimate Aquaman at the box office.
Switch WW with Harley
Maybe dc and zack just went from dark edge lord when they shouldn't have.
its better than your cliched attempt to be edgy
18 million on an original horror movie is still pretty good.
>Black Panther, Captain Marvel
If only these were Killmonger and Scarlet Witch
You won't get one in this generation
>Aquaman only got as much as it did because of all the weeks it had to itself
BS. AM got as much because people everywere throw truckloads of money at every superhero movies without any concern for quality. Only way to underperform (not flop, because those movies never flop) is when they piss off the audience with controversial shit (inside oor outside the effective product). Discussing Good/Bad is irrelevant at this point.
MvsDC and overall movie quality aside, comparing the level of performance offered by RDJ to the one offered by Momoa is... naive.
1. Endgame
2. FFH
3. Captain Marvel
4. Shazam
5. Dark Phoenix
6. Joker
7. Hellboy
Pet Sematary scenario
Nigger detected
Turns out it was 16
>Joker making less than Dark Phoenix
Worst casting ever...
FoX-men Rogue was worse
Not really. Those conjuring universe movies opened a lot stronger. It was really low budget so it's a big success regardless but there's going to be a huge difference between domestic and foreign which isn't the norm for horror.
>Those conjuring universe movies opened a lot stronger.
Wan's Conjuringverse is an established franchise. It's not directly comparable.
What about the first movie then, can we compare that? Because the conjuring opened higher in most foreign markets.
It's from Bunn's Aquaman run in the new 52 volume. Arthur looses his trident & goes to Poseidon to borrow his which you see in pic related, it's more stream punk-ish and can transform into a sword.
as every day passes, the chances of this becoming canon increases
>supes and bats leaves
>aquaman left to be the king of DCEU
>mera contracts the #metoo curse
Sure, in that regard Us is not doing as well. Horror movies tend to do this a lot. Sometimes a movie is surprise hit, other times it just does okay. Get Out being a prime example of doing massively well both domestically and overseas for a horror movie.
Same here
>Get Out being a prime example of doing massively well both domestically and overseas for a horror movie.
kinda the reason why it was so big it was a political film tossed into the horror genre, a genre notorious for extremely low standards
it was like taking a karate newbie but also matching him with literal toddlers
Man, its as if everything became better the moment they decided to ditch Snyders edgy grimfest nonsense
>kinda the reason why it was so big it was a political film tossed into the horror genre
That wouldn't solely explain why it did so well overseas.
We don't want to see the company fail out of spite, we just don't want shitty movies. Shazam actually looks fun, and after the high reviews of Aquaman, it'll be the first of the DCU I watch.
There's no reason they can't both be successful.
So it's revisionism then? It's okay to be wrong. I don't blame you for buying into the prediction of Aquaman being the least performing. For fucks sake everyone was saying Mortal Engines was going to tank it.
Nah, there's no way they'll adapt Flashpoint in this climate. Even if for some stupid reason they wanted a reboot movie rather than just shoving stupid shit under the carpet something like Crisis on Infinite Earths (Heroes teaming up to beat a villain) would make much more sense as a movie in their new direction than "grimdark alt universe with everything going wrong and at the end the world isn't restored properly".
Green Arrow
Yes, but a bunch of normies shill for it because it's the only DC event they've ever heard of.
Sure they do ladderbro. Sure they do
There no trinity because they all flopped.
You get fired and tell the viewers to wake up because they're living in a dream world
they also all were black and white movies from the thirties
It's good. Third act is pretty bad though
>the trench horror movie
man I would pay for a fully underwater DC-universe. Just fucking cram everything in there, flesh out the shittiest little underwater dudes. Just do it
It's good by DC standards which is to say it's terrible
Joker will probably earn more. He is extremely popular with normies
They probably will seeing as Aquaman is the only billion dollar movie they have or will ever have
He may be but that's not Joker it's some guy named Arthur in clown makeup that has absolutely nothing to do with the Joker
It's like Catwoman
Ladderbro pls....
I'm tentative about Joker because it doesn't look like it's got a lot of casual sex appeal (R-rating won't help). Domestically it may make more than Dark Phoenix, but the latter's CG effects might have more of an international audience.
Joker is an (quote) idea (unquote)
Joker is an worldwide sensation
Maybe 20 years ago now he's nothing and a flop movie won't change that
Just like Batman and Superman right?
Still doesn't change RDJ was a drunk asshole that started it. Wan at least squeeze a passable performance out of Momoa, whereas other directors just keep telling him to act like Drogo. This seems to be the case with most GoT actors who get casted just so they can attract attention to their movies.
Pick one.
Google, idiots
It's sad seeing DC fans reject reality like that
but there's nothing we can do they're too far gone
Heath Ledger made him really popular, even now, as long as the movie isn't complete garbage, Dark Phoenix doesn't stand a chance.
>Heath Ledger made him really popular
Do you have any idea what year it is?
I am fully aware, what I'm saying is that his role was enough to make Joker famous enough to be relevant years later.
yes, his name is Andres Muschietti
And I'll say Jared Leto has dimmed that notion now.
just watch Ralphthemoviemaker review on it, pretty much the only one that calls out the movie for being dogshit
>Bumblebee, and Spiderverse stood no chance Aquaman
And you of course knew that without googling it
Holy fuck you morons really are fucking retarded
no I actually knew that because he did Mama and he's from my country and he's now dating Amber Heard, not everyone is a faggot like you
>Maybe people are just tired of superheroes they had oversaturated on
Are you dumb?
That he's the BTS of the MCU
Keep up with the times, grandpa
Billy hasn't opened and could bomb.
I don't think it will, but it could.
Superman has opened multiple movies since the 1940s and had very successful adaptations. Billy has serials going that far back but no one remembers them as fondly as the Flesicher shorts are still to date.
Likewise, Batgod had grosses more in his collection of live action adaptations and has the most successful batwank tv adaption.
Blame Snyder and just got on with your life.
I'd be 100% on board with this if they cast a fine as hell black actress as Mari.
If we were still living in the 1980's I'd want Gracie Jones.
God can you fuck off ladderbro
Mark my words, Shazam will do only 500m. It doesn't have the legs of Aquaman to back it. It will be just a bigger Spiderverse
As far as I'm concerned Shazam is 5/6 Greek god and 1/6 Old Testament,
So you're posting in all the threads then? Because 500 million would be great for the movie
Fine, that's the only Harley I need.
That's basically the CW
>Cheesecake in current year