Itt: dated criticism.
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Itt: dated criticism
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God, I loved that strip!
C&H? It’s one of the greats.
That 1 itself. Can't exactly call it an issue or episode.
Ha ha
Watterson's criticisms of 90's comics are still relevant.
I had basically the same reaction from reading Guts.
Calvin and Hobbes suck, one thing is Watterson having a inflated ego...but his comics are so danm boring.
Have you noticed a lot of C&H strips are still relevant today? Like the one where Calvin says he's more interested in celebrity news than stuff that actually affects him.
C&H has a certain timeless feel to it, unlike a lot of strips, which quickly become dated because the jokes are about pop culture.
>Captain Marvel.jpg
t. Brainlet
Nice brapper on the amazon. Watterson drew a hot Blondie too, too bad we'll never see his porn.
>implying we never will
I would unironically read Captain Steroid. Especially the issues that featured Amazon Girl.
Of course it helps that Watterson's art and dialogue are more entertaining than most of the books on the market today.
The only thing dated are the costumes
comics turned me gay, should advise children to stay away
This one feels like a Dobson comic
This reminds me of a line from the original The Tick comics
> I'm a superhero, I don't solve crime I just fight it
Buddy, it’s specifically a parody of Frank Miller and the ilk. It’s as dated as any other pop culture reference from the 80’s.
>Frank Miller and the ilk
>pop culture reference from the 80’s.
The strip is from 1994, by that year Miller himself was making fun of >extreme brainlets
>>extreme brainlets
Ah, yes, idiots aping the form without understanding the underpinnings.
The thing I love about this strip is how Watterson is trying his best to emulate that terrible 90s comic look, but he's just too good of an artist to do it. He makes it look far too appealing.
The times when watterson deviated from the normal cartoony style to draw those awesome dinosaurs and superheroes were always such a treat.