>How did this fat fuck land this cutie patootie?
How did this fat fuck land this cutie patootie?
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Femanon here
We don't care as much about looks as boys do
man here, i dont know about most guys but i like homely girls, much easier to be around.
also, go out with me
Why is Sal such a pessimist? I wish he’d be less of a dick.
Probably because he wouldn't call another person a "fat fuck"
Quads of lies. What do you think Tiffany’s pussy smells like?
Didn't think I'd ever see ComicPop on here
Uh, what?
This board is like 50% female.
I’ve seen Comicstorian and ComisExplained once, but comic pop is quite the surprise.
I hope that goes back to normal. Comic Pop doesn’t deserve this place.
It's about dick size and money
Sal strikes me as a grubby penny pincher type.
More like FAGmales
>This board is like 50% female
Who are you trying to kid here?
Why the fuck is comicpop on Yea Forums their shit is garbage. The red head is a cute tho.
Post more pics user
Someone edit this.
How can ComicPop improve? Their content isn’t really great. Tbh the redhead is their saving grace
They’re actually pretty solid when compared to those other channels.
Waaaaaaaay better than Comicstorian. I hate how loud he is. He The type of guys that love the sound of his own voice.
In fact is about the monet
To be honest she’s pretty small. Any cock would break her
This is actually true. Men are likely to be the comparatively less attractive person before marriage. After marriage it's the wife that suddenly becomes the less attractive one.
Here's the best explanation of it.
They hate slott's spiderman, they actually know what they are talking about
Everyone hates Slott’s Spidey. What’s your point here?
This is an ugly persons reaponse
Literally who?
>all women feel and think in the same way
I've seen this posted multiple times recently and it feels forced
Some boring fucks.
Watch Pasty Nerd and Sexy Dad instead.
A lot of comic youtube channels praise his run like there's no tomorrow actually
This would actually explain a lot of the posts I see on Yea Forums
Theyre both nerds, so what do you expect? That is what you call “staying in your league”.
>so it all breaks down to me being poor.
Nah user. It’s both. You’re broke and you got a small peener
Considering the quality of posts on here, I would not be surprised.
Why do you even care?
I would love to fuck that tight little red head. If Sal could land a girl like that then i can defitneyl pay for a hooker similar to that style.
But /r9k/ told me that only top 20% of men will get laid.
no i'm not trust me. the doctors checked.
That sounds like the response of a person with a smal dick. Does your uncle work for Nintendo too?
Not everyone cares about looks