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Heroes In Crisis storytime
From issue 1 Yea Forums knew Wally was the killer
What has actually been accomplished by this?
>What has actually been accomplished by this?
Nothing ??
Is this the most hated comic in this board?
>Is this the most hated comic in this board?
I guess it beat civil war 2.
So what exactly is the point of this?
Yeah, as much as i hated Civil War 2, this easily surpassed in teams of raged harnessed.
>So what exactly is the point of this?
superheroes ptsd.
>this easily surpassed in teams of raged harnessed.
Congrats king your outdone bendis.
Character assassination, killing of characters for shock value and pushing Harley as a hero(and failing to do so).
King wanted to show the readers that the DCU heroes live in a society.
Batman has been portrayed by DC over decades now as a mentally ill and broken hero who can't save anyone and only ever manage to make everything worse.
Since he's super popular DC decided to extend that characterization to all their other properties.
How did Bunker escaped this? No way would DC care about 5 people crying about it on Twitter.
boop haha how randum ecks dee
>"She's good...as good as you"
I will never not be mad at this. I hate it when writers just randomly push a character they like to donut steel oc levels.
>I hate it when writers just randomly push a character they like to donut steel oc levels.
But Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and... who else King has written? Batgirl. Well, they are the bestest ever!
Fucking Wonderwoman just developed supreme autism for just one panel
Thank you for the reaction image user.
I'm feeling my brain leak through my ears while reading this. I'm literally becoming retarded. Is this what trauma feels like?
I hope that after this Didio give Tom King another huge event for him to write. Something about heroes being crazy and depressed.
Have King write the next crisis level event. Now every universe is depressed and suicidal.
Thank you
Ok so i don't understand this, why are people scared of them now? Are they scared because some heroes have a place to vent their mental problems? That doesn't make much sense. Batman is a guy who dresses up as a Bat and beats up people in the dark, i'd be scared if he didn't have some form of therapy sessions. Also i'm sure making articles with stolen footage of confidential therapy sessions like this goes against a bunch of laws.
King pls, control yourself. Just make your own brown gay teenage superhero and kill him yourself.
Literally who asked for this?
why are his tears yellow?
>why are his tears yellow?
Speed force Tears.?
The end
>Hindu pantheon of lycra-clad faggots.
These 'crowd of samebodies' pictures are visually draining and must suck absolute ass to draw.
Based Canary
is this really how they gonna do my boy Ted
gets no respect, I'm tellin ya, no respect at all
Fuck this page.