No but seriously, how did Raimi get away with this? Spider Man, to my knowledge, has ever displayed homophobic tendencies in the comics.
No but seriously, how did Raimi get away with this? Spider Man, to my knowledge...
It was a better time.
prove to me homophobia is bad right now
The westler lowered his guard. Peter saw an opportunity and took advantage of it.
To be fair the dude he was fighting looked gay
you're on the wrong side of history spiderman
It's mean
It's just a taunt
Just take the compliment Bonesaw, jeez.
heteronormativity isnt homophobia. there's nothing automatically wrong with being a weaker, more feminine man. it's just insulting if you clearly pride yourself on your strength and masculinity.
>Actually, he did
Homecoming managed to sneak a gay joke without "hahaha he's a fag get it?" being the punchline, so there's no excuse.
>I kid the homosexuals you know
>because they're homosexuals
Is the gay joke that a whole lot of us want to fuck Tom Holland now?
T.b.h, all of my gay friend wanted some kind of drama in there life’s. Many of them have told me they liked having that “tragic” back story.
Aw you beat me to it
99% of what is called homoPHOBIA is behavior that has nothing to do with a phobia. Making a lighthearted joke about fags is not fucking homophobia. If you were deathly afraid to shake a fags hand because you think it'll give you the AIDS, that would be homophobia or maybe rather aidsphobia but you get the point.
A phobia denotes and irrational fear or hatred of something. If you just casually ridicule, dislike or disapprove of something, that is not a phobia.
>not remembering that Hydrophobic materials don’t have an irrational fear of water, they’re just averse to it.
>when you wanna sound smart but you argue like a know it all 3rd grader.
The bigger problem with the word "homophobia" isn't the misuse of the "-phobia" suffix, it's the fact they removed "sexual" from the word. "Homophobia" would be the fear of things that are the same.
how is making a gay joke homophobic?
it isn't that Peter is homophobic, but he figures the wrestler is
How did Raimi get away with casting a nudist?
Remember that this is before Uncle Ben dies, so this is supposed to be Peter Parker when he's still an asshole.
He's not homophobic, apidey stands for everyone, he used to do some mean quips back in the day , doesn't mean he's a klansman
It helps that back then everyone had thicker skin and being offended wasn't glorified
....a what now?
Gonna need some evidence senpai
people literally die from it every day
People die from Homophobia? So, I will go out and be like, "I'm afraid of gays!!" and then I'll die?
Nope. He was being sincere. Bonesaw is just a toxic male.
No such thing as a toxic male. That is a phrase coined and used by the effeminate men in today's society to try and normalize their effeminate and almost gay-like tendencies.
Sounds like something a toxic male would say.
Seinfeld summed up the differences between toxic manhood and toxic womanhood (paraphrasing)
>Elaine: "Hey, what's a wedgie?"
>Jerry: "Bullying tactic where you pull underwear over the head."
>Elaine: "Wow, boys are sickos."
>Jerry: "What do girls do?"
>Elaine: "We just make fun of someone until they develop an eating disorder."
Peter hated gays ever since he got his boyhole ruptured by Skip
>He doesn't remember that issue where Spider-Man saved someone from an assault and then found out he was gay and dropped him mid-swing because he didn't want to catch the AIDS
Although in all fairness to you it was explained later on that it's his Spider-Sense that's homophobic, not him.
well one gay joke isnt homophobia, just a gay joke. Problem is Raimi didn't put in more banter for spidey.
when you hate others it's really you hating that part of yourself
She's been a nudist her entire life
take it from a shirt lifter, that was not homophobia
he's taunting an overly-masculine ladies man to purposefully get him mad
context matters
Awe jeez don't get me started, i know a friend who was bi and did the exact same shit in high school.
Our lit teacher we were given an assignment to write an original story with i think conflict being the topic, and he wrote some furry shit based on his life about his fursona running away from home ever since his dad left and being emotionally abused by his stepfather and being in love with some other furry at a bus stop.
>"We just make fun of someone until they develop an eating disorder."
classic seinfeld
I like this explanation. Back in the early 2000s it was still 'in vogue' to insult someone for being gay without it meant to be gay bashing. Peter was full of himself and went for the low hanging fruit joke of implying Mr. Macho Man himself fancied dudes to piss him off rather than coming up with something legitimately clever.
She must be cold a lot
>merriam-webster as an acceptable authority on the english language
Mostly in Islamic nations which ironically homos tend to defend without question.
Nah, only retarded fags do that. All the fags I know despise Islam and are extremely wary of Muslims.
Never heard that, are you shitposting?
Nobody was offended by this and nobody still is offended by this. Fuck off.
Rami it's an honor to meet you I just have a few questions please
It victimizes ___you___
That wasn't gay, it was about power.
Go watch Melancholia.
It was just bantz.
What if you hate hitler ?
Stale Yea Forums "humour"
No they die from being killed
There's nothing inherently wrong with being gay.
>"That's a cute outfit. Did your black husband pick the cotton to make it?"
Jeez Raimi.
People can be gay if they want because it's a free country. Hating on consenting adults for what they do with each other in their personal lives is such a waste of time. More to the point, it's not practical or worthwhile to get up in arms over it because people have been having gay sex since well before classical antiquity. Greek guys had sex with hot young men on the side and Sappho was probably fugging the young women she taught, so it's not like the past was a morally superior place to where we are now. On the contrary, being more open about sex is healthier than repressing it like religious fundamentalists have done and still do only for those innate desires to emerge in weirder, more unhinged ways (IE, Catholic priests molesting kids because of clerical chastity, Wahhabists fucking camels because Wahhabism says sex is ev, southern evangelist preachers secretly being gay or conducting affairs, etc). Human beings are sexual creatures and saying sex and homosexuality is sinful isn't going to change that.
Also, I realize OP is being facetious, but I'd be hard-pressed to call that line homophobic. I guess it's mildly insensitive in a "using gay as an insult" sort of way, but that's setting a pretty low bar for outrage. I mean, was that really an expression of genuine malice towards gay people by Sam Raimi and Toby Maguire? I'd be more concerned about genuinely hateful fanatics like the vice president and Lindsay Graham who want to make dominion theology a reality and set up sinner reeducation camps.
I think you're underestimating how shocking gays can be to old fogies with weak hearts.
People in fact do die from homophobia every day.
Nice strawman, but no one genuinely defends the salafists and islamists who do that except other fringe weirdos who are exactly as reactionary as they are. I'm not a fan of those ideologies either, but the various Fulani, Somali, Indonesian, and Pakistani people I've gone to school and worked with have intimated to me that they largely don't agree with that stuff and resent being associated with the salafists just because they're technically all Sunni Muslims (which is like saying the beliefs of moderate lutherans in Minnesota are exactly as fringe as those Mormons who live out in the Utah desert and have multiple wives, as they're both Protestant sects so they must be interchangable). From what I understand, most of the ordinary Turkish and Indonesian folks where I live strongly disapprove of salafism and the violence perpetrated in it's name, a feeling that's widely held in the Muslim world outside of Saudi Arabia and the other places where the salafists have muscled (although the Said family has been funding missions in Java, so the salafi cause may get more popular therr). Even non-salafist fundamentalist Sunnis tend to not get along with the salafists because their violent activity violates a certain Hadith that demands inaction on the part of true believer, or because they disagree over how they should be going about being zealous pricks.
Of course, I'm not religious so I don't find the Sunni creed more convincing than any other religion, but I try to keep things in perspective and recognize that ISIS operatives doing something horrible is not an indictment against the Somali high school kid I wash dishes with at work who was born in North Minneapolis.
>That's a cute outfit. Did the holocaust really happen?
What a bizarre non sequitur.
>"There's nothing wrong with being unable to have kids with the person you love."
>toxic manhood and toxic womanhood
In my day, people like that were just called "cunts".
after being the eldest of 4 siblings and working in a preschool for a few years, yeah im happy not having them my sisters can take care of that
get fucked OED fag
Thank you based user
Adoption or insemination
He wasn't making fun of gay people.
He was making fun of the outrageous overly-masculine 'Macho Man' character by suggesting he was in a stable homosexual relationship, the antithesis to Bonesaw's public persona. This would definitely rile him up and cause him to make a crucial mistake.
So raise someone else's kid? Jesus gays are so fucking cucked.
>giving a child a home and treating them as your own rather than some orphan you have to get adopted along with the other 20 in the building
youre a sad little loser my mate
Can't, there's nothing wrong with it.
>adoption is good
Enjoy having your throat slit by the six year old Russian sociopath you took in.
read my last comment mate
What's interesting is that there's some evidence of Leonardo Da Vinci and Michaelangelo being gay. Da Vinci hardly has any drawings of the female figure and never naked, idk all of Da Vinci's art history so there may be some idk about, but has loads for men. He even got accused of homosexuality with three other guys, who all together hired a Male prostitute. They only got out of arrest because one of the other guys was a friend of the Medici. Then Michaelangelo had a poem censored by a grand nephew. His grand nephew had it altered because of 'masculine love'. So even some of the greatest historical figures of the past may have been gay
I miss context
Is better being killed by the product of your own genes.
Is it homophobic to use a homophobe's own homophobia against him?
>Hating on consenting adults for what they do with each other in their personal lives is such a waste of time
Then why is incest condemned ?
Worst new meme.
Survival of the fittest
>being a bigot by assuming he didn't have a husband
yikes user
Potato babies
Stop calling masculinity toxic and I'll stop. The real world is harsh. Learn to cope with micro aggressions you little faggots.
People die from cancer everyday faggot.
If your dad realized he was gay, we wouldn't have to deal with stupid fucks like you
Pretty much this. Gay people make no babies. Incest makes crappy babies. If you're into incest I hope you're also into abortion is all I'm saying.
Peter wasn't being homophobic here. You see. He said "Did your husband make it for you." Since this movie took place a good decade before the wide spread legalization of gay marriage in America, it's much more likely that he is insinuating that Bonesaw is a woman.
"toxic masculinity" is not "masculinity is inherently toxic" its "engaging in a twisted performance of masculinity that is harmful to yourself and others"
the end of toxic masculinity means the rise of positive masculinity
Pick one
>has ever displayed
Yeah, that's how he got away with it.
>Why is doing something that could fuck up your children condemned?
The only priests who molest kids are faggots who were allowed in after Vatican II. Homosexuality is directly related with child abuse, suicide, and all mental problems but if you say anything about it you'll lose your job because some fag raised a stink about it. And don't insult us all by perpetuating the pc myth thay the queers just want to be left alone. They want society to accomodate and celebrate their mental disease and give them taxpayer funded parades where they fist each other in the streets in front of children.
There's no evidence beyond fag historical revisionists taking accusations by their enemies as proof to legitimize their own mental illness.
>was a morally superior place to where we are now. On the contrary, being more open about sex is healthier than repressing it like religious fundamentalists have done and still do only for those innate desires to emerge in weirder, more unhinged ways (IE, Catholic priests molesting kids because of clerical chastity, Wahhabists fucking camels because Wahhabism says sex is ev, southern evangelist preachers secretly being gay or conducting affairs, etc).
It’s scary how it’s not the third wave feminists pushing ideals like this now, but I agree with your post user
You realize Alfred Kinsey only pushed this meme so he could have an excuse to rape kids, right? The sexual revolution has only lead to more divorces, broken homes, a spike in stds and suicide. There's no proof that celebacy causes abuse.
Or you know, all the guilt for being sexual in your teen years for no reason, nope being prudish for no apparent reason has worked out for so many people all right
You’re a fucking retard
It's not even homphobic. It's assuming homophobia in the target of the insult, that's not homophobic in itself. It's exactly the kind of thing that a gay dude would say to an overly macho straight dude to fuck with him.
Then why do fags still have a higher suicide rate in leftisy countries like Sweden and Holland? Why are their birthrates shot so far bellow replacement level while brown islamists take over? Homosexuality and sexual liberalism are self-destructive pathologies.
Gay people don't have kids, they just rape them.
>Why are their birthrates shot so far bellow replacement level while brown islamists take over?
Gays aren't common enough to be responsible for this, dumbass. The answer is the rise of western consumerist wealthy countries under capitalism. Birth rates go down in all advanced western countries because kids are expensive (even in countries with better social services and paid parental leave practices in the workplace). Also since most people aren't farmers anymore like barely 150 years ago people don't shoot out babies to help work around the farm and make up for early deaths due to worse medicine and such. Also birth control, so people can fuck more without (relatively speaking) fear of having kids they don't want. You're a room temperature IQ retard if you think gays are to blame for falling birthrates.
Gays are a symptom of a larger disease. Homosexuality is pushed by the media to keep the birth rate and wages low so that the cost of labor can stay as cheap as possible, and people like yoy let it happen.
>Homosexuality is pushed by the media to keep the birth rate and wages low so that the cost of labor can stay as cheap as possible
Like I said, gays are statistically rare enough even with gay acceptance that it doesn't matter, the downward trend in western birthrates are due to capitalism and comfortable western living standards. Please quarantine your retardation back in /x/ or /pol/ whichever one you came from
I, honestly, would be okay with incest if the couple in question agreed to sterilization. Judging from the amount of people arrested for consensual incest, even if we doubled that number and then multiplied it by ten, nothing would fall apart by letting it happen. Normal people aren’t interest in boning their family, so let the weirdos have each other.
What comfortable standards? Wages have declined with the birthrate. That's the whole point. The media holds up the homosexual as a model to enable this process, because they don't reproduce, they just consume and follow their vices. That's what the media wants people to emulate because it makes them easier to control.
>The slippery slope isn't re...
What slope, I just feeling like cleaning up my ancestors retard rule books. It’s obvious they didn’t really understand the meta and just buffed or nerfed however the fucking felt like.
“We will make it legal for 12 year olds to marry and have sex if their parents consent.”
“Two adults shouldn’t fuck because dick on dick makes me squick.”
I am grossed out by incest, but on the other hand we can solve the two fuckers creating weird one-eye babies with a few incisions. In no way is this opinion motivated by the slight increase in chance I might be able to convince twins for a threesome.
Two faggots shouldn't fuck because it only exacerbates a mental and physical disease.
I mean Uncle Be- er, Skip molested Peter as a kid so he's probably pretty suspicious of gay men.
Better then constantly being a blue balled self inflicting cuck like yourself
Marvel was desperate for money to stave off further bankruptcy proceedings.
Nice try reddit. Go back to your coughing fit from your AIDS, you faggot.
what's a condom ?
Duuuude i just ask that same question on a youtube vid right now!
I’m more curious how he thought he’d get away with this one
Maybe humans are just trash and not as evolved from our primitive sexual drives as we like to believe regardless of our morals, creeds or religiosity.