The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest #5 storytime
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest #5 storytime
And here we go...
am I suppsoed to be wearing 3d glasses
It's a nice way to end his comics career even though half the references go over my head
Not exactly sure what's going on, Issue 2 is still my favorite issue of this vol so far.
I think that's Squidward
Man, LXG just feels so tired so much of the time. I took a lot more from 30 or so pages he and O'Neill did in Cinema Purgatorio vol. 1 than in most of the League since 1969
One more issue, right? that...Moby Dick, The Super-Whale?
I am not sure what this all is about. I have the feeling Alan tries to hard to be psychedelic and "creative" but this whole story falls flat. Its just a gimicky thing here.
Is this his worst story so far?
I agree, it seems its a dead horse he rides on. Or at least dont know what he to do. No vision, no structure, no clever thing that was LXG. Or the Nemo series.
It's a celebration of what a nutty medium comics is?
Not really. It feels more like unrelated random panels put together. Like a blackmail letter.