The world just wasn't ready for Zack Snyder's genius.
The world just wasn't ready for Zack Snyder's genius
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Why would you she keep the same first name though
I would have found this hilarious.
>they have the same name so they're the same person
why put her in witness protection and not her only son as well?!
Please tell me that the MARTHA scene on BvS was not implying that.
This is so unbelievably stupid that it can't not be true.
I need it to be real.
Why DO Batman and Superman's mothers have the same first name? Was Bob Kane just lazy?
Will Yea Forums continue to defend him?
Bob Kane had nothing to do with either character
>Witness protection
>Same name
Don't they let you keep your first name in witness protection because otherwise people will instantly forget to answer when people call them by their new name?
There's no way this is true
Holy fuck we didn't even experience 25% of the stupid shit Snyder was ready to unleash
>“And it was actually Chris who told me, he goes, ‘You know, just saying... is it weird that they both, their mothers have the same name?’ I was like, ‘That’s crazy! Is that true? That is true,’” Snyder said to laughs. “And so that’s kind of how the conversation started, it’s as simple as that ... So that’s kind of how it started, and then we started to talk about how it could work, and if it was Lois (Amy Adams) that said it, maybe it’s better, it’s that kind of thing. Look, it’s a mythological construct, I have no problem with that part of it.”
Imagine getting this guy to do a Batman v. Superman movie.
Thank god WB didn't gave him full control, DCEU would be even worse than Sucker Punch.
Snyderfags, apologize for defending this lunatic.
I don't get why people would defend this kind of shit but laugh at how retarded the Sony email leaked plans for Amazing Spider-Man was
>I don't get why people would defend this kind of shit
Everyone in this thread is calling it super retarded though
It would have made the >SAVE MARTHA moment itself look like nothing in comparison
People would have roasted Snyder to literal death
Snyder fanboys defend this and his other retarded decisions
Yeah here they are, but in other threads they're saying they want to see his vision and shit
Because the sony hack stuff didn't have Zack "omg he made the best capeshit ever with Watchmen" Snyder behind it. It's a personality cult thing. I'm sure people would have defended the new Girl With The Dragon Tattoo movie if it had been done by David Fincher, even with the ditching of the sequels and recastings etc.
>Tom is killed
>Bruce assumes that both his parents are killed
>grows up an orphan
>turns out Martha survived
>not only that she was put into witness protection and wasn’t allowed to see her son
>decades pass
>Martha becomes the foster mom of the world’s finest hero
>meanwhile Bruce is murder people left and right alike
How many dicks did his wife have to beat off to get him to lead the Directors Cut Extended Universe?
>Snyder-cucks will defend this
It absolute state
dude is so based he talks just like Bendis writes
top kek
bravo, Snyder.
I need a sauce on this shit, I want to read the full article.
>Snyder also revealed that at one point, they considered making Martha Wayne and Martha Kent the same person. An idea was floated that after Martha Wayne was shot, she didn't die. Instead, she was put into witness protection somewhere in Kansas under the name Martha Kent.
Defend this, Snyderfags.
Honestly I would read an Elseworld if this. Earth 2 has Thomas Wayne survive.
When did official media become indistinguishable from fanfiction?
Whoa .... Truly A MasterPiece Of Vision .... Release The Full Cut , Bros ....
>witness protection
for what? she got shot in an alleyway
This unironically would have been a kino reason for them to fight
Snyder doesn't know what WPP is for user
Snyder has always been retarded. I have no doubt in my mind that MoS, BvS, and JL were only as good as they were because someone working at WB told him "no" on a lot of things. And those movies weren't even particularly great or even good. Only MoS was kinda decent.
Anyone remember that rumor from a WHILE back that said that Amazons and Atlanteans were descendents of Kryptonians? Wouldn't surprise me at all if it were true at one point. And before anyone points out that there was a Silver-Age story where Atlanteans were indeed related, it was Kryptonians who were descended from the former and iirc, it was only hinted at. And it's not like Snyder actually read that story either.
Does Snyder even have one good movie under his belt?
Justice League. It would have been amazing if he got to finish it. According to him
All the other DC movies he would also make in the future would also be really good. Again according to him
No, some people claim that his Dawn of the Dead remake is good but horror movie fanatics always considered a retarded violence shitshow that turned horror movies from atmospheric experiences to goreporn.
Eh, I'd say 300 was an enjoyable romp. But that's about it.
>get shot by a petty thief
>get into witness protection, moves several states away and your whole life is kept in secret from your son
Not hard to see why they didn't do it
For the record, I am a massive Dceu fan (Mos is 90% everything I ever wanted from a Superman film), and I agree this would have been fucking stupid.
>, I am a massive Dceu fan (Mos is 90% everything I ever wanted from a Superman film),
This has to be bait
You can't seriously think MoS was a superman movie do you?
> It's a personality cult thing
Not really, I hate some of the stupid things he has said (batrape, killing causes no kill code), I was indifferent to Dawn of the Dead & have very little interest in seeing Sucker Punch.
I just really really like much of what he did with the Dceu in terms of tone & style.
Syndercucks will defend this
O liked 300 and watchmen
Jesus Christ Snyder is a complete madman. Honestly this makes me wish we got an entire trilogy of his completely unchained from any common sense. Just madness on top of madness by a guy who doesn’t understand comic book superheroes at all
>going to witness protection after a robbery
Bob Kane has nothing to do with either and also yes. Bob Kane was lazy
Yes it absolutely was, just put in a Ultimates/Earth One/Supreme Power style universe (but with less shock value then Ultimates & less emo-ness then Earth One) with a focus on the Sci-fi aspects of the character's mythos.
I was a casual Superman fan before Mos, I loved TAS, was indifferent to the Reeves films. But after Mos I started reading Superman a ton and have seen extremely little that screams that Man of Steel is a offensive departure on a level inexcusable even for alternate realities which movie adaptions are.
MoS is a Hancock rip off.
Yeah, if it was literally anyone other than Batman, maybe.
>I was a casual Superman fan before Mos
Oh we can tell.
What in the absolute fuck
There is nothing inherently casual about preferring serious toned Superman stories instead of the more silly stuff. Tas is well liked and it was mostly fairly serious.
300 and Watchmen are fine. The problem is he got high off his own supply after Watchmen and thought he understood how ALL comics work because he did one deconstruction of one specific time period. This dude literally talks about how he knows comics all the time and then literally fails to capture the essence of Superman. Superman, the guy who had a movie that tells you everything you need to know. Superman the guy who is perfectly summed up as truth, justice and the American way. That's how dense he is.
No, he's dicksmoking crack if he plans on making them the same fucking mother
Dumbass fuck doesn't even read comics.
>because he did one deconstruction of one specific time period
That's a bit generous, considering he didn't write the comic Watchmen was based on. Anything smart in Snyder's Watchmen comes from More's comic.
Snyder movies were no more serious than the average MCU movie, in fact Civil War and Infinity War were more serious than his MoS and BvS.
There's a fundamental difference between serious Superman stories and what the fuck Zack did in MoS. For all his Jesus allegories, for all his "artful" shots. It's just a bunch of paint by numbers bullshit. It doesn't capture the mood of Superman, nor his morals and his troubles with them in anyway. The only time that that movie touched being close to a Superman story is when he learns to fly. That's it. Consider how pathetic and sad that is. Superman is a very multifaceted character and this nig nog couldn't even capture one aspect of that. He literally just made man who is depressed but can punch buildings hard. You feel no conflict about him. He's not an outsider in a new home, he's just an angry outsider. His father doesn't teach him about his world and the differences he can make, he tells him to be a passive rider. An outsider who doesn't defend the Earth for any reason. Literally ask yourself why Cavill Supes fought the Kryptonians at all. You'd be hardpressed to really feel his ties to the Earth.
I mean yeah I didn't claim he was a great writer, more so just a guy who could put Watchmen to film.
I never heard of it, but today I've seen an episode of TV series that had witness protection in it, and the family kept their names, so I buy it.
You get used to your new name really quick
Been living a lie since 2012
Snyder thinks big, this is why he's a genius.
I don't even like my name, I'd jump at the chance to just be a John. If I ever end up travelling I'll probably just go the John route and blame it on not needing to tell anyone how to pronounce it.
A MULTI BILLIONAIRE going to witness protection because of a regular robbery, because apparently she can't pay for dozens of bodyguards and top security system.
Maybe the robber was someone important, with a lot of friends, like a politician.
This is joe chill we're talking about here. He's an omega level mutant with chill powers. He can freeze you with just a thought. It makes sense.
She was hiding from her son's split personality.
It takes talent to think of something so retarded
>Martha Wayne becomes Martha Kent
>Bruce gets raped in prison during his training years
>Batman sacrifices his life to save Lois
>Clark and Lois name their kid Bruce
and Joe Chill would be a giant bat
>young Bruce gets raped in prison
Now that is some god tier bullshit. I’m genuinely sad I never got to see this.
Oh Snyder, you and your fans will never fail to amuse
by a giant man named Bryce "The Bat" Brooks
I’d love to read this fanfic. You know, as a fanfic, or an elseworlds, written by someone who understands why it’s absurd.
Worse than Aronofsky's Batman pitch
Every time Snyder reveals something he was going to do in the DCEU but got vetoed, it always turns out to be fucking stupid
I'm fucking laughing my ass off oh my fucking GOD
with a baseball bat
I'm fully expecting another Snyder interview revealing he was going to film a scene explaining that Kryptonians have two anuses but WB rejected it, and Snyder fans call it a genius idea that the execs were too dimwitted to implement.
The one thing I can really take away from all this recent news is that we can finally put to rest that Snyder was never going to give us "the real Superman". Not really anyway. People kept saying this was just his beginnings, that it was a "learning arc" (why does fucking Superman of all people need a learning arc to be who people like him for) but now we know that it was just gonna be more edgy crap
Snyder is the new JK Rowling
Why doesn't Snyder's Robocop have nails in his hands and feet?
300's good but it's mostly just a panel for panel adaptation of the graphic novel. Like Frank Miller was the unofficial storyboard artist, and thankfully Miller's a better storyteller than Zack.
>the data spike comes out of the back of the hand instead
with a logo of the company who created it, Bat enterprises
Imagine the script for the scene
But it makes perfect sense. He doesn't turn villain when he was raped because he was still able to keep half of his virginity so it didn't corrupt him fully
>so it didn't corrupt him fully
So since he is a real Batman and not from a dream world, that'd mean that he'd have a cameo where he approaches Zaddy, and bitches about him killing while also asking for the inclusion of J'onn right?
>Thomas Wayne didn't die, he faked his death and subjected himself to extensive plastic surgeries in order to start life anew and embrace his long-lost Maori heritage under the cover identity of his favorite Indian sauce.
I was talking about Snyder Supes having 2 assholes
Came into this thread 3 hours later to laugh at you.
Realize there was probably a solid week they were gonna run with this, and people probably told him this was a great idea and they were spending time writing it into a script revision and were seriously thinking of going through with this.
Came to this thread, read that post, though of that scene, found out that literally the most recent poster had the same idea.
Fuck you, couldn't you have gone to the store or something?
Could you imagine meeting Zack Snyder in real life if your name was also Zack?
He would launch into a three hour Christianity and Ayn Rand tinged speech about the significance of your meeting.
The Snyder cut must have been worse than Fant4stic and Catwoman combined if WB was willing to boot Snyder and spend tens of millions more than they were expecting, making the movie ridiculously overbudget.
Was this pitched before BvS or MoS?
This is usually true but it depends on the case
WB officially called it unwatchable,worse than Suicide Squad, just imagine how much hilariously retarded bullshit was there.
If this movie was just regular Thor 2 levels of bad, then WB would have let Snyder continue and they would have released the movie with little to no fanfare. They must have seen some godawful shit in the production to boot him out.
>Families also practice their back story, from learning about the part of America that they are now “from” to signing their new name. Witnesses often keep their first name or at least first initial to make the transition easier.
>Shur—who ran the program for more than 25 years while employed by the Department of Justice’s Organized Crime and Racketeering Section in Washington and continued as a consultant after retirement—disclosed in WITSEC that relocated witnesses were not usually given totally unfamiliar new names. To help them acclimate to their new identity, Shur usually allowed them to keep the same first name and even their initials. In addition to reacting when someone addressed them, witnesses could also catch themselves signing their old name before it was too late. Children learning their new last names are sometimes told to practice writing it.
>Before beginning their new lives, family members are given new identities. One woman, Jackee Taylor (née Jacqueline Crouch)
You came into this thread 3 hours later to be wrong, because you based your knowledge of the world on being the opposite of a Simpons plot.
>worse than Suicide Squad
That really puts things into perspective. I still can't believe that shit got released AND made money.
>released the movie with little to no fanfare
>Justice League Movie
>No fanfare
I don't think that's possible.
Über kék.
Sourcechad btfos the lazy nerds.
Snyder's Watchmen had some strong cinematography in recreating the book, but his understanding of the material was pretty shallow considering crap like the "Owl Man tearing people's fucking arms off" scene.
You kidding? It was a two hour music video of Harley Quinn running around in bootyshorts, that’s all the target audience of SS wanted to see
I just realized: arguably what Snyder was trying to do with Superman's arc in MoS (how does a hero who is unsure of himself react and deal with his possible destiny), was executed better in the Matrix with Neo.
The post process colouring was executed better in The Matrix as well.
Snyder DCEU feels more like the Matrix sequels. Use of only one or two colors. Unsubtle Jesus symbolism. Meandering philosophy. Seemingly important characters die for bullshit reasons. Laurence Fishburne shows up.
Aquaman and Batman both have a dad named Thomas
>getting put in witness protection because your husband was killed by a mugger
>getting put in witness protection when you're the wife of a billionaire and your face is all over the news
>not getting put in with your son in the off chance you go into the program for some retarded reason anyway.
Jesus Christ...
I know where you live now
I know it's been brought up multiple times in this thread, but it really needs to be pointed out how fucking stupid Snyder is. Who the fuck actually thinks you'd go into witness protection for getting shot by a random mugger?
I don't know. Why was Luthor's plan in case Batman and Superman didn't kill to each other was to unleash a monster with Superman's powers that he had no way of controlling?
>Literally ask yourself why Cavill Supes fought the Kryptonians at all. You'd be hardpressed to really feel his ties to the Earth.
MoS takes Clark's heroism as a given, almost as a distinctive innate urge, that indeed the Kents have to tamp down on. Notably, the show doesn't really show the Kents needing to teach Clark to be good, he just is. (Maybe because "Kents taught Clark kindness" would mess with the "Superman is remote to humanity" themes. )There's a whiff of "being Superman is his destiny" to it--but it gets weird at the end, with Superman having innate goodness, but not innate no-kill rule. Based on Snyder's comments, I think that's because Snyder's Clark is supposed to have realistic faults, and Snyder can accept that realistic superheroes would risk their lives, but not that they would have a "no-kill rule". Having Kryptonians as the first movies' villains sort of partially forces this--arguably part of the reason Superman can have a no-kill rule is because many of his villains can't (easily) physically kill, so he can get away with it , but Kryptonians can harm him.
However, that reasoning isn't the whole picture. Off the top of my head, MoS' Superman could have had a no-kill rule based on an extension of his father's "be careful with your strength when you grow up" argument, or simply to refuse to use Zod's utilitarian philosophy. I think Snyder just doesn't think no-kill rules make sense, even tho MoS' "realistically flawed" Superman having a no-kill rule would have been interesting to explore. After all, cops don't have no-kill rules in order to protect bystanders as well, so how would the media react to a superhero who took it upon himself to let villains live? "Doesn't that risk innocents' lives? Or is being a self-righteous condescending alien more important?" There's still room for "realism" in that.
While everyone is distracted with the giant monster, he blows up a wall of a near-by bakery and steals 40 cakes. The damage will be blamed on the monster, it's the perfect crime.
And that's terrible.
I think the idea was gonna be "influence by Darkseid's minions", but the scene was cut.
Whoa dude..this is like..deep man
>Aronofsky Batman
Tell me more, I hate that pretentious twat
>Snyderverse continues to get dunked on over a year later, because Snyder can't keep his yap shut about how no one understands his genius
He is the gift that keeps on giving.
I'm glad now that he's out, so all the creators/artists/writers who were trying to hold their tongues can just blast him.
Let Batman wikia say it.
> After Bruce Wayne's parents are shot, Bruce loses his fortune and becomes homeless.
>Alfred's character changed to a African-American man named "Little"Al who runs a Auto-Repair shop and acts as Bruce's mentor.
> Bruce doesn't travel the world, he instead reads books on various types of combat and practices them.
>Unlike the comic it would have focused more on Bruce.
>Bruce uses mostly chemical based weapons when fighting (like the original Bill Finger Batman).
> Bruce Wayne gets his persona from an intertwined T and W on a ring he wore while fighting crime that was mistaken for a bat.
> Many key scenes from the comic are omitted from the script.
> The Batmobile and Batcave are present. The Batmobile was a modified car in "Little-Al"'s garage. The Batcave is located in a abandoned subway station.
> Gordon has lived in Gotham for years, and is trying to leave for the sake of his pregnant wife.
> Gordon's wife is renamed Ann.
> Carmine Falcone is omitted from the script and Gillain B.Loeb would have replaced him as the Master of the Organized crime.
> Selina Kyle would have been African-American and would have had a more prominent role.
>Gordon's character would have been suicidal.
> The Batmobile would have been a Lincoln Continental.
>There would have been many new characters that were not in the comic.
Also, Aronofsky wanted Joaquin Phoenix for Batman.
He stole this idea from an April Fools joke DC did on their website's character profiles in 2013.
>Millionaire Bruce Wayne was just a kid when he watched his parents get gunned down during a mugging in Gotham City. The crime would define his life, as he dedicated himself to becoming the world’s greatest weapon against crime—the Batman. What the world doesn’t know is that Bruce’s mother, Martha Wayne, was the real target for the mob hit the night that Bruce’s parents were murdered. While in the ambulance it was discovered that she was still alive, and the doctors were able to save her. She signed over guardianship of Bruce to the family butler, Alfred Pennyworth, in hopes that the young boy would be protected, and she was put into the Witness Protection Program and sent to Smallville, Kansas—a quiet town where nothing ever happens.
>There Martha met and married a nice young man named Jonathan Kent. With a new inability to carry a child due to the bullet wound, Martha and Jonathan were unable to have the baby they so longed for. However, their prayers were answered when out of the sky, a rocket landed in a nearby field as the couple was driving by. There was a small baby in the rocket who they adopted and gave the name Clark Kent, and who would grow up to be Superman!
>fighting crime with a fucking monogrammed ring
So it'd be a street Bruce without any kind of street smarts?
Holy fuck this is only getting better.
how do you do fellow arizonian
That plot has nothing resembling smarts in any way shape or form
Why does he want to do Batman and Superman movies if he thinks they are stupid characters?
would watch, no joke.
Basically all capeshit is just fanfiction at this point. It has been for a long time
The people who originally created and wrote these characters are long gone. Initially, their place was taken by fanboys who grew up with and idolized the characters. Later, idealogues looking to use the characters' status as cultural icons for their political mouthpieces
Batman has always been a murderous fascist and I'm glad someone finally has the balls to say it.
Oh wait, people have been saying that for decades and it's only controversial now because liberals don't like be critiqued from the left by our based socialist superman Zack Snyder.
>People fucking joked about this since it would have been really retarded if they went with this
>They actually planned this at one point
This is fucking insane. Just when I thought Snyder couldn't be worse, he proves me wrong.
In the really early days of superman comics his parents names were really inconsistent
We need to petition Snyder's return with full artistic freedom
Because he gets them. Isn't it obvious? If Superman and Batman are stupid characters (to him anyway), then who better to handle them than a stupid director?
it was a common name
editors weren't thinking that these characters were going to be in the same universe when these comics were being first made
His three decent movies are Dawn of the Dead, 300, and Watchmen. The first is an inferior remake of a great film, and the last two are pretty much panel-for-panel recreations of comics, which are pretty much novelized storyboards.
Plus, he pretty much missed the point of the themes in Watchmen in favor of this kind of misguided gritty "realism". His career is mediocre, with some good eye candy.
Extended cut of Suckerpunch has an Oscar Isaac and Carla Gugino song and dance number, so I pick that scene at least.
Kryptonians didn't have plumbing and just shit their pants instead
The idea on its own is dumb, but I see no issues with spitballing like this. I never really thought about how they're both called Martha until the movie, like why would you, but once you start to think about it you could see why people might discuss it in this fashion. It's like when Burton made the Joker be who killed Batman's parents. But leave it to butthurt fanboys try to use it in another autistic diatribe to attack Snyder.
In some adaptations, like Fox's Gotham, it's implied that the murder of the Waynes might have actually been an ordered hit. So protective custody and leave Bruce behind would make sense, because if the parents are dead, Bruce would in a way be safe because they only went after the parents. Staying with Bruce would endanger him again, because what if next time he gets shot by accident, etc.
> The Batmobile would have been a Lincoln Continental
Fund it.
I'm all for bashing the dumpster fire that is Snyder's DCEU, but you guys know this isn't real right? It's based entirely on a joke from a Q&A.
>that cheeky Metropolis poster
Hi Mr. Thompson
Me, too. It would have swerved into Monty Python territory.
Oh that would've been glorious, now I wanna see the original cut just to see what he placed in it
Yea Forums doesn't care. They just want to hate on Snyder because he was mean to Superman.
woah how did i miss that
So Snyder was always just a retard hipster like Rian Johnson?
>Thomaori sitting in the light house with Atlanna and Arthur
>Knock on the door
>It's an Atlantean with a revolver demanding their money and jewelry
witness protection for what? the shooter? why wouldn't her son be under protection too? why the same first name? how old was martha when the shooting happened, and how old was she when she found superman?
this just raises way more questions that make no sense
Like almost everything in the Snyder DC movies. I would've loved if they did this so Snyderfags would have to work extra time to come up with bullshit justifying it as they do with anything else in those movies.
It was a joke.
I forget to answer when people call me by name anyway, if I'm going to get misidentified and shot by some wannabe mobster over some other cunt's drug debts or whatever well fuck me right
Zack's giving all kinds of crazy interviews lately. He's off DC movies or he wouldn't be saying half this stuff. I assume they've come to a fairly generous settlement with him/Deborah Snyder/Cruel & Unusual given that the movies were, kind of, making money and you'd have heard about it if they'd filed suit (especially since the catalyst to his leaving wasn't the performance of the movies, but the death of his daughter and WB's insistence on meeting an entirely artificial deadline and... it would get messy for WB in court, is the thing).
But yep this is true. He's really saying this is a thing they considered doing. Note that they didn't actually do it, so the consideration is the key factor, and aside from being fairly silly you could actually make it work. If it was a plot point in a cop thriller that the cop and the crook he's chasing had the same mother and they only found out right at the end of the chase - you wouldn't necessarily hate it.
The OP pic is from a Q&A interview done during BvS release and was taking from a site that stole from another site that reported what happened wrongly. In actuality Snyder told that in jest. The interview video was post above your post.
Why do you have to misconstrue everything? Oh, and the "all kinds of crazy interviews lately" aren't a thing either. There was recently a charity function that Snyder attended where they exhibited his movies and afterwards there was a Q&A. So he talked about some of the initial plans for JL, because that was asked. Clickbait sites ever since have been blasting what he said over and over again.
Idk. I liked his Dawn of the Dead remake just fine. 300 and Watchmen were mostly direct copy and paste of the comics with some changes, so those are good mainly because Zack just took the dialogue and story and didn’t change much. There’s that Howls of Gahoole movie, but I think he was just a producer in that one. Sucker Punch is a guilty pleasure of mine (hot chicks doing anime shit) and Man of Steel was ok mostly because the fight scenes were pretty cool and the first flight scene is legit great. Zack honestly doesn’t have that many GOOD movies; just a lot of mediocre ones that look pretty.
>I assume they've come to a fairly generous settlement with him/Deborah Snyder/Cruel & Unusual given that the movies were, kind of, making money
He doesn't own the IP so there would be no reason for the IP owner to pay him squat. To the extent that he got listed as an Executive Producer on certain films he had little to no involvement in, he might collect a few bucks but it is, in no way, a settlement - generous or otherwise. And EP credits are baked into almost all tent pole films.
There's on asshole from the original Adam West Batwank tv show that still gets listed as an EP on anything that has Batman in it (including, for example, Lego Batman) because he wrote himself a good contract then and he still makes something off every single adaptation (tv or theatrical) that features the Batgod.
Don't you have an award to accept at some film festival in France, Zack? Shouldn't you be packing your muscle tees and work out equipment instead of shit posting?
Stop talking him. Get a life.
Don’t forget the clone army that uses his new dna
>at one point
Basically OP admits he doesnt understand how a brainstorming session works.
>Brainstorming exempts from ridicule
If that was the case, we still wouldn't be making fun of stuff like Indiana Jones' reverse statutory rape, Ripley-voiced Alien and Hip-Hop Ninja Superman.
Why would she be Martha Kent? Did Jonathon take her name in Snyder's headcanon? Or did they literally just force marry her to some bumblefuck farmer?
EVERYTHING about this idea is stupid. The fact that it even got aired at a meeting drastically reduces my already shaky opinion of Snyder.
Need a source on this image
That makes zero sense. If they ordered a hit on his parents, why not on him? There would have to be some personal reason to specifically go after his parents, it it was financially based, killing the heir would be required a swell.
I don’t get it. Is he like Noah or something?
No, he's western civilisation, Zod is Islam, and Kryptonite is Judaism
I'm sorry we're being mean to your boyfriend user
That’s why Pa Kent wanted to leave the school kids behind to drown
dude what if bruce banner and bruce wayne were like the same people from the witness protection
>Dude I think that new guy in the neighbourhood is the Hulk
>No stupid he said "Hank smash" not "Hulk smash"
>Oh yeah
oswald cobblepot, and theyre put in witness protection bc cobblepot runs the gotham mob at the time
i just dont like batman being like a decade older than clark
I wanna play a game called 'fake terrible ideas that sound like something Zach Snyder would think is sound and reasonable'
>"Aquaman gets a powerup from fucking, lots of gratuitous scenes of him rolling out of bed with satisfied women, at one point there's no women around but he has to save the Justice League so he fucks a herd of sheep. Whatever we're all animals".
>"Lex Luthor has a hand lotion station next to his computer where footage of Superman being impaled gets played on a loop. I wanted the scene during the end funeral montage as a last FU from Lex Luthor."
>"Batman has a vivd rape fantasy about Wonder Woman. Even though he's too chicken shit to tell her, she totally would be into it if he did."
>"Because the Flash has to eat so much he poops gallons a day. However, speedsters have learned a trick where they eject their poop out of their colon directly into the speed force, that's why the speed force smells like a sewer."
>"Before the accident Cyborg was super hung, now he has these disturbing phantom limb boners. He was sporting a phantom limb boner everytime he saw Wonder Woman, that's why I directed him to be so angsty and grumpy."
>"I also envisioned Pa Kent to be a trangendered amnesiac Martha Wayne so amnesiac Martha Wayne could have a sexual relationship with a male version of Martha Wayne. That's why they got along so well, they were the same person!"
>"Aquaman eats people. What? He also eats fish! Way fucking have a double standard in your dream world sheeple!"
>"Perry White is an amnesiac depowered Martian Manhunter. Did I just blow your fucking mind!? I was never going to reveal that in the movies and there were no clues that was true."
>"A cult worships Superman like a god in Metropolis, their rituals include having women bathe in a steaming bath tub full of sticky cum."
>"One time from across a room filled with thousands while I was disguised I whispered 'you aren't that great' at Stan Lee while he was on stage. True story."
Why so much sexual stuff? Are you horny right now?
That seems like a very Rain Johnson thing to pull
Even the "it was inspired by Da Vinci" was probably something Kane only said in retrospect to make his creation sound more cultured