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Other urls found in this thread:

And on live television too. That's a low blow Sue.

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He did SOMETHING to deserve this, what was it this time?

Scarring Doom again how original.

Blame Bendis, they literally rescarred him agin for Tony Stark Sorcerer Supreme.

I actually liked Doom as infamous Iron Man

All character development gone down the drain. Thanks slott.

Chances are just made a vague threat or sent a small bomb in the mail, and Susan over reacts like a fucking woman

You know what? I'm done waiting for some user to storytime. I'll just do it mah damn self.

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BODY SHAMING? that's their move ?

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Does Doom work better as ugly and scarred or normal looking/handsome under the mask?

Why would Doom need a gun?

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He doesn't, its a callback to his old costume.

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In FF, Scott Lang gave a great breakdown on why Doom likes having the ugly face.

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Poking Mama Bear is not the right move, Vic.

I don't understand why they had to break away for this sideplot with franklin.

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>Watch. The harder you pull on those restraints, the more the temperature drops in Reed's cell.
>You've been stretched to your limit -- in a room colder than the vacuum of space
Wut. The "vacuum" of space is 2.7 Kelvin. If the room's below that already, you can barely get colder without reaching absolute zero. The only effect Ben can have is the drop of a couple of degrees.

Why is his body scarred and disfigured too? It’s just suppose to be his face.

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He gets into a lot of fights these days.

I'd unironically be down with a future where DOOM is leader.

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Ben doesn't know that.

It looks badly burned. Pretty sure his face was the only part that was suppose to be burnt?

I kinda like this new look for him desu

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I think Vic deserves this one, damn man. Just couldn't wait until they got back could you.

Ben worked for NASA.

why is Doom "evil" again? every time i read anything with doom he is Chaotic Good at worst.

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>dude, globalism
>dude, one race, the human race
>dude, NEETbux and RoboWaifus/Husbandos
Yeah, no thanks.

Because he's supposed to be a supervillain and writing him as an "anti-hero" is fanboy bullshit.

What a terrible out of character thing for Sue to do. Slott proves once again he can’t write female characters for shit. Unless he wants us to root for Doom.

What? Doom's practically defined by selfishness and arrogance.

He's evil because slott is a hack and is dumping whatever character he had during the infamous era into the toilet.

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He means he doesn't know exactly how cold it is in there. Plus, it's Doom, who knows if he's telling the truth or not.

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He's about to execute four superheroes on live television that he hacked into across the entire world.

Because he tried the Iron Man thing, got sick of it, and decided to be Dr. Doom again. He's being "good" by capturing Galactus and using him as a battery, which is way more accurate to "Dr. Doom tries to be a good guy." than Bendis's bullshit.

I'm not familiar with sues powers but can she affect other things/people with invisiblity from range?

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He tried to murder them on live television. Come on.

In all of 616, you will not find a more immoral adversary than Sue without her kids.


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I forgot about that chick. Her name is Griver? I thought she was an avatar of Entropy. I was hoping not because this version looks a lot cooler. Though I do like the ties of her look to that of Galactus who in turn kind of ties into Entropy too.

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Doom has tried to murder them countless times. What’s your point?

This is just Slott, once again, proving he can’t right female characters.

Support this or not

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Isn't that what her force fields are?

>selfishness and arrogance
that's not necessarily evil, that's more of a weakness.
still, 4 out of each 5 stories with Doom is about him doing something subjectively bad for a far greater good.
like i said, Chaotic Good.

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Yes, and here he thinks he's doing good by creating an unlimited energy source.

What happened to Doom this time? I thought he just had a tiny scar, then it was fixed, then he became super handsome as Iron Man.


Doesn't Doom by this point know that Galactus is a cosmic necessity?

Yes. She's done it several times throughout different runs...Though in this case I fail to see the point. The switch is in the same place. It being invisible does almost literally nothing. I mean, it's a comically big villain button. Not being able to see the thing your hand was just over doesn't exactly stop you from hitting it.

I've always disliked this style of writing. Doom and Richards are meant to be nearly equal in intelligence. How would Doom overlook something like a pattern of energy spikes. That's something a dingus at my job can do, so how did one of the most brilliant minds miss it?

It just seems lazy. If you have a competent villain, don't make them fail because they're suddenly dumb in some way. Make it so that their plan fails thanks to outside sources or due to something the couldn't actually plan for otherwise it just seems hollow. Then again, maybe that's just me.


He was ugly in Bendis’s book. At least the way he was drawn. I don’t know why they tried to spin that as super handsome. A total downgrade from the way he looked before.

Doom has inverted the cosmic heirarchy a few times now, he probably doesn't care about what's supposed to be necessary because Doom knows best.

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rich hards

>it would be bad for everyone to get along in a posr-scarcity world.
This is the ideal. Maximising the complete potential of the human race.

"Wendy's friends" is the FF story I always remember when I think about sleep paralysis.
I didn't expect the little guys to appear ever again

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The STATE of post-Hickman Doomfaggots.

And then Unicorns will arrive, shitting diamonds and pissing platinum... Sometimes I envy your foolishness. It must be so joyous to be one of your ilk.

>"D-dude, he is Chaotic Good, all he does is for the greater good"
Why Marvel attracts such dumb readers?

Bendis had Hood fuck up his face at the end of his book.

Your conflating unlikely with bad. It’s entirely possible. It just won’t happen until post-scarcity. When you don’t have to worry about foot or shelter, a person is less likely to commit crimes, and less likely to have a ton of children. Also don’t act like a muddled all-encompassing race isn’t an inevitability. It will 100% happen given enough times.

Yeah, and Dr. Doom, a retard that rapes citizens and kills innocents if they don't clap to him, would TOTALLY be this kind of ruler.

Nah. Dooms a shit. Nothing good can come from authoritarianism in the long term. Eventually someone will abuse absolute power.

Luckily, we have shining beacons of morality like Anthony Stark, T'challa and Reed Richards to keep him in line.

Incredible. An honest to God “dreaming realist”. And here I thought your kind was extinguished. But evidently not. Huh... I will say it again; I envy you sometimes. You’re wind-up toys; burden of thought and action equally removed.
>part of that
Did you miss the part in BENIS Avengers where he pretty clearly was against the very concept of it?

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Still not sure I understand "why"

>how did one of the most brilliant minds miss it?
DOOM does not check his work, for his work is perfect the first time.


I don't get it. Valeria needs Franklin's "godlike power" to build a teleporter that takes them to Latveria. But why couldn't Franklin use his godlike power to take them to Latveria without a teleporter?

Let's be honest, Reed fucking deserves this.

Isolationism is a plague that doesn’t allow humanity to reach its maximum potential. Things like race, culture, and religion are isolationist concepts. Using them as the sole factor for all your decision making ultimately makes you less of a person.

Stacy is pantsing the nerd as he gives his victory speech at the local science fair.

I, too, was once 13! Either way, you are not worth replying to again. I sincerely hope you grow up some day, but I consider it unlikely. Your ilk never does. You can proceed and claim victory in this exchange; it is of no matter to me. But know that the path upon which you’re on, leads only to destruction.

You sound like a huge autist
>your ilk
who the fuck talks like this

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Handsome but with minor scars. It works because it plays to his ego that imperfections would be grossly exaggerated and thus hidden away

Because, without Franklin's powers, Valeria cannot reprogram her synapses to work collectively.

Why do people do this shit? Spoil the cliffhanger without posting the whole comic? It's fucking stupid.

It's kind of tame by DOOM standards. Might as well be a sort of straight-jacket for any other normal person.

That version of Reed?

Cape shit requires Doom be evil If it wasn't slot it'd be someone else changing him.

Status quo is god.

What if it turned out Doom had a really big dick? Like, he'd still be Worldbreaker Hulk levels of pissed, but nobody minds because he's hung like Jesus

He must be pretty hung since he fucked morgan le fay so much

Right, like it doesn't have to be peak human like Cap's dick, but clearly the dude's got something noteworthy going on down there.

Doom most certainly has a big dick. He’s a showoff, but only because he’s hot shit. It acts as counterbalance. Meanwhile Stark shows off because he’s insecure; that’s overcompensation. Not saying that he has a micropeen or whatever, but he doesn’t give off Big Dick Energy. I’m comparing them because they’re both guys in armored suits with a flair for the dramatic. Besides, Slavs have the biggest dicks on average in the world.

>One giant button that you're a half second away from hitting with your fist
>It's turned invisible
>"Blast, foiled again!"

Someone remind me, why did Franklin dye his hair blue?

He started watching Dragon Ball Super

I get he's a megalomaniacal super villain responsible for countless deaths but playing on the dude's insecurities about his burn scars feels like a low blow

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>you know, i kind of see what you're getting at maybe i can help
>lol ur dik

Was it autism?

>the shoulder strap
huff huff huff huff
fap fap fap fap fap

How old is Valeria even supposed to be at this point?


She might be older since she referred to herself as a teenager

Did Doom get his face fixed by RICHAAAAAAAAAAAAARDS in the first place? What happened?


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how does every superdick conversation turn into ironman and his dick size

Yea Forums really wants to fuck Tony.

They FINALLY let Franklin age, this is impressive. I also like the callback to the Byrne story with Aunt petunia.

Galactus as battery doesn't make sense, this is the guy who constantly needs to eat planets to stop himself from dying... but w/e

Doom making a mistake in his calculations that Reed points out... is pretty much his origin story?

>i am gonna flood these chambers with the very thing that gave them powers!
oh doom, you intellectual idiot

It looks okay sometimes

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>Big Dick
Lel. He’s a textbook case of overcompensation. But Doom being Doom, he’s taken it to X-TREME heights.

wait, so galactus is back to being the devourer? forgive me if I'm behind a bit

that's it, the bitch needs to die

Yes. Surfer needed Big G to eat Ultron's planet. Galactus warned him this would happen and Surfer decided to go with it anyways.

It happened during Infinity Countdown. He burned out his Lifebringer powers as he destroyed a planet that was completely infected by Pymtron.

alright, cool. I'll have to check that out! Thanks

>This is just Slott, once again, proving he can’t right female characters.
As opposed to you, who just can't write.

>neetbux and mandatory doombots
Fuck off back to r*ddit

>Doom]s back on
What. Did he do a commercial break?

You do know that Doom’s “ideal world” follows exactly R*ddit’s line of thinking, right?

You are literally a pedophile.

Doom putting them in torture chambers should be enough to warrant pranking him on live tv.

Well he had to have an advertisement for new DOOM BRAND BATTERIES! 100% green, renewable energy sucked right out of Galactus' ballsack! It was a long commercial because they had to show the entire harvesting sequence.

It was Victor.

He's even showing him his work! I mean, granted, part of it's his ego cause he knows Reed can actually appreciate that shit instead of just going "that sure is some numbers and letters and lines", but still, he's sharing!

Nah. You activate momma bear mode, whatever happens next is under the "Win stupid prizes" category.

It doesn't matter for it, too, is scarred and with its own tiny mask to hide its deformities.

It's not just invisible, it's inside an invisible force field. A force field that can stop nearly everything short of the hulk. Oh he could still hit the same spot, it's that the button is more likely to dent his armor then actually get pushed.

Well now that the entire world and neighboring galaxies have seen what he looks like, he'll just have to destroy the entire universe. AGAIN. Look what you did, Richards! Sue! And the rest!


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Is the iron fist even that useful of a power?

One day, even Marvelfags, dumb as they are, wil get tired of paying to read this same shit every year.

He immediately gets curbstomped, who cares.

Fucking Hood. Of all people to assassinate Doom's character arc.

Status quo is god

He punched out an entire helicarrier once!

What's your point?

>getting out of this situation is going to be a stretch.

It's basically a hammer. But holy fuck, what a hammer.

This was Slott too, wasn't it?

Slott is shit with Doom. I had some hope for this series, too.

For some reason.

That was Fraction/Allred

Probably doesn't give a fuck.

I dont know why, but Ive always found the Fantastic Four to be realyl goddamn annoying and uppity, and I always root for Doom even though I know its his destiny to job.

Bens the only FF member I kind of like. Reed, Johnny, Sue and can go die in a fire. Franklin too.

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Her force fields are disabled, it's only invisible.

He murdered his ex-girlfriend, flayed her skin from her carcass, and made magical leather armor out of it.

I fell like this has been said before by others, but I genuinely feel like each member is more interesting in other contexts than they are on a team with the other 3 members, Like Reed on the Illuminati, or Johnny interacting with the Inhumans.

No. Absolutely no. No. I'm screaming with rage. No. I fuckn hate this. No.

There are simply things heroes should not do. I can't explain it logically, I know if anyone, it's Doom who deserves it, especially since the FF are under torture and the world is at stake, but no.

What Sue did here, it was absolutely WRONG. It was the same as stealing money from a blind man or pushing down a cripple. The FF exposed a man's most private, most ashamed parts to his own country, his people, to the entire world: a physical, outward ugliness, he had no power over.

This was no different than bullying. Some might argue what's a little bullying, blackmailing, shaming when the world's at sake and the victim clearly deserved it. I would say "yes, you're right, in fact I personally would do the same thing".

But I do not want my heroes to make the EASY choices. And especially not heroes like the FF, who value compassion and family values over all else.

I felt sick reading those last pages. IMO, this single issue is the worst comic book issue I've read in my entire life, and I doubt anything will top it.

Not to mention, cannon-wise, the only way Doom will live up to this is probably if he kills every last 6,999,999,999 souls left on Earth.


I hate this.


So he turned a worthless cunt into something good. Im failing to see the issue.

you sound angry Vic
must be because everyone saw your tiny lil deadpool dick

She got cute, pert liddle tiddies.

>Fantastic Four literally body shaming their disfigured enemy

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By who?

Holy shit this user writes like the most insufferable neckbeard on earth. Who the fuck says "your ilk" in a lifetime as much as this autist did in this thread?

Naw, you're both wrong and dub.

Go to bed, Doom.

Anything "good" that Doom does is just a byproduct of his pride. If he does good things, it's because he wants to prove himself superior to Reed.

At the end of the day, he's just a selfish scumbag who has spent decades being mad at his college roommate for imaginary slights against him.

Ban all Latverian IPs again, I smell a Doombot

He's about to murder her, her husband, her brother, and best-friend-may-as-well-be-a-brother, and then he plans on stealing her minor children and probably corrupt them. Nothing, I REPEAT, *NOTHING* she can do, in this instance, is wrong, you slack-awed monkeyfuck.

This is the shittiest bait I've seen in some time.

Oh, more rotten bait.

Doom is what all incels strive to be.

But does his dick also have a mask?

of course Doom has a mask for his royal jewels, but Sue turned it invisible too

He's a white cisgendered male, it's fine.

It would be really great if the next page was Doom standing there proud of his nudity and not giving one single fuck, and the FF panicking because their plan failed.

But I know they wont do something that cool.

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I didn't know Doom was circumcised.

The Hood fucked him up back when he was Iron Man

you posted this on readcomiconline too lmao

Wolverine, who is also the Phoenix, and Thor, who is also the Odin.

>most ashamed
Imagine being this American. All sue did was reveals Dooms RAGING HARDON to the world. Expect a baby boom soon, due to how wet all the bitches seeing the broadcast got.

Ah so galactus are trumps false promises, doom is trump and victorious is what is left of the good republicans.

>Doom Baby Boom
Not if Doom turns every man gay first with the unparalleled majesty of Doom's body.

>Turn all of Latveria gay/helplessly in love with Doom, thus crippling all economy and population growth
Sue's REAL plan!!! DIABOLICAL!!

Put Sue in a chamber playing endless dubstep so she couldn't concentrate enough to make force fields, stretched Reed out to maximum possible distance and froze him to sub-zero so if he tries to move he shatters, put Johnny in a tank of breathable water ala The Abyss, put Ben in a old school dungeon chain up but if he tries to break the chains the other three traps get worse (reed gets colder etc)

Really super tame compared to previous 4-chambers. He's getting soft.

Like... If Sue turned my bedroom light switch invisible when I was one second from flipping it I would still just flip the switch. I know where it is.

Idk, knowing how paranoid doom is, he has to enter passcodes to activate his levers.

ESL jealous over Dooms size.

”When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest. Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the LORD your God….”

— Leviticus 19:9-10

>I have chained a proverbial Prometheus and stolen his fire.
Wait, that reference doesn't make sense, proverbial or otherwise, Slott.
Zeus chained Prometheus because Prometheus stole Zeus' fire.

Nice to see my boy Riley Brown getting work, love this artstyle

I always thought he had a tiny scar, then embarassed by the scar feeling he was horribly disfigured, he put on the iron mask and at some point the mask getting over heated caused his whole face to become disfigured.

>in a chamber playing endless dubstep
This song’s gonna stuck inside yo, this song’s gonna stuck inside yo, this song’s gonna stuck inside yo...

Is his Wang all scarred up too? Jesus she really went low, live on CNN messed up junk right center screen.

>telling the human torch to die in a fire

>t. doom

CNN? That was a galactic broadcast, there are creatures that didn't even know what human genitalia was that are getting a hypothetical eyeful.

He tried to execute them as invaders for crimes against his country, which as the leader of his country he is well within his rights to do. If anything, they've just given him more reason to execute them.

teenager wants to try out a new look. Typical of their age haha.

yeah wtf why didnt anyone storytime this? This issue was way better than the last ones.

I really just want to save Ben Grimm from Marvel. He really is too big pure for that world.

Youre trying to hard. This is your typical doom plot.

Wait how come doom is all fucked up, last I read he became a pretty boy and killed evil versions of himself.

You Fool. DOOM could easily fulfill Galactus' role ten times over.

Galactus stole the power cosmic from a dying universe. And all universes belong to Doom.

>t. 14 year old
jesus christ user stop being such an insufferable fucking dork

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Okay Victor.

easy dan
he's just an user in a chinese cartoon imageboard
you get paid to turn in your drivel

Why didn't he just offer free power to the world as an gesture of goodwill? I mean he could use the PR.

Surely the Power Cosmic contained in Galactus could power every single device on earth and still have a massive surplus. There wouldn't need to be any coal plants or oil being burned or any fossil fuels. Auto industry could have went full electric, or cosmic as it were. AOC would have been able to launch her Green New Deal, she could have gone on camera and hugged Doom.

You're better than this Victor, you're a genius.

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based fantasti-milf

Why is Galactus in so many comics this week?

Wasn't there a story where Doom does succeed in conquering the world and it's a complete utopia?

So Dr Doom was Deadpool all along?


"Emperor Doom" doesn't make the world an utopia. Literally everyone in the world is mind-controlled by Doom, and so everyone is just one mind.

Normal people inderstand that this isn't an utopia. Doomfaggots are not normal people, though, and so they use that story to "prove" that a world with Doom in charge would be perfect.

how is Doom holding Galactus hostage here, while Galactus is also eating a wizard planet in Dr Strange at the same time?

"And so I will kill you with the very thing that gives you your power!"

are you fucking serious?

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>fur cape
Damn that looks great, Doom needs to wear fur more often

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wasnt he handsome again?
Now everyone will see dooms tiny, deformed dick

I still don't understand, if Doom can casually give someone like Victorious cosmic powers, then why is he still running around as an ordinary human in a knockoff Iron Man suit? One would think the energy manipulation+immortality would be the wiser choice for them overall. Considering how often the suit fails him or how he struggles to do anything when it breaks. That happened just a few months ago in Marvel 2 in 1.

I still totally would.

Franklin turned himself into baby Logan?

>comic books will give regular people advances because of the super geniouses they have and the magical resources that are there too

If only there were other superheroes on earth!

Doom got cucked again

comics, also none of that stuff is real

Doom is evil again?

Yeah that's his main problem - Doom is a control freak.

But why is he trying to kill FF right now? He got what he wanted from them. If he wanted to rub everything in their faces then imprisoning them for some time would have been more effective. When they finally break out, and they will, Earth will already have spaceships and all the other shit. FF just won't be able to look in any way good if they try to take it away.

Well that was supposed to change after Doom accepted that Reed is a better scientist but it didn't stuck and he is back "Reeeing!"

I think this is the original story. But authors can't be bothered to actually read previous works.

Well if Slott gave a shit about continuity than it is probably the fact that Doom was in a crisis after getting all the power and finding out that as a god/supreme ruler he is shit. So after getting beaten by Reed and agreein gto his face that yes, Doom is not as good, hehad kind of a breakdown and didn't want to try and use any powers besides his own.

>Strip a totalitarian dictator naked in front of live television for lolz instead of just killing him.
>All it does is spread more misery and woe across the world

>Reed Talks
>the slightest movement will cause your skin to crack and your organs to shatter
>Reed keeps talking

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Doom is like Lex, at the end of the day he has to be an ordinary non-powered human again just to keep the narrative going. They can both recreate almost any powers in the setting and gave a lot of other villains their powers but never seem to do that for themselves unless it is some godlike top-tier reality controlling power, which they will lose at the end of the story.

They both keep on using robo suits because that shows they are geniuses that can build and create all day. If Lex made himeslf into another Captain Atom, and Doom gave himself power cosmic, then they would not rely on their brains and show off how smart they are each week by having to overcome someone more powerful than themselves. And Writers are not having any of that.

He's talking, but not moving his lips.

>super chi attacks AND super chi healing

>Doom is literally a sorcerer as good as strange wearing armor as good as Iron Man's
>"H-He is just a normal human being!1!"
Also, this shit character becomes omnipotent every year. Who are you trying to fool?

Is this issue the apex of writing?

Meanwhile Lex orders multiversal threat Brainiac, and cosmic army leader Sinestro around every day like they are his bitches.

any one have any good dr doom recommendations?

Te one where he becomes a god, or the other one where he becomes a god, or that time he became a god, or the time he as more godder than god, and that one time he obtained godhood.

I would start with the one where he steals powers and becomes really really powerful but then loses all of it at the end and goes home. That's some good ol fashioned Doom kino.

lol of course its dan slott. scum

the one where he becomes a god sounds good I'l l to give it a read.

Don't know why this made me laugh.

>dumping whatever character he had during the BENDIS era into the toilet.
Live by the sword...

Don't click the thumbnail then.

Why don't you just rape the Doom, F4? Just rape him.



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>he's hung like Jesus
according to the song, Jesus's dick is no bigger than a matchstick

Because they broke his laws. Doom is within his rights as a ruler to execute them.

No. No they won't. You underestimate the power of retards.

Yes/no. The one time he legitimately did so was the alt timeline for secret wars (1). In that one he kept the beyonder's power but it didn't matter since even though Doom made things "perfect" his inability to let go of said power was also the downfall of mankind.,

Timeline is:
>Doom steals Beyonder's power.
>A side effect is that his view of time is now nonlinear like Dr manhattan(except he can also properly function linearly)
>Goes back to Earth and makes it a utopia as what I presume is a fuck you to Richards
>Eventually the Celestial horde descends upon Earth to take the Beyonder's power away from Doom.
>Mankind gets wiped out as the collateral damage in this millenia long fight AND Doom's power runs out after he kills the last cosmic being trying to take away beyonder's power from him. Since Doom knew this was going to happen all along, fighting to maintain and keep said power held no tactical importance other than a "fuck you it's mine!" when he could have not doomed Earth via keeping the Beyonder's power back at the very start.
>THEN Doom finally gets some humility and lives as a normal human being (farmer) with one of the human survivors of his thousands year long battle
TLDR Doom at his most benevolent is the near extinction of Mankind.

I thought it was just a tiny scratch and he's a turbo narcissist, or did they retcon that?

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he turned her slutty ass down and she had to be like you'll have sex incel look at his tiny penis everyone

i actually like the thing's trap.
skrulls did the stretch reed to breaking point in secret invasion

But cerealsly, how would Daddy Doom adopting the Richards kids could work?

How old is Val anyways?

Oh, it's another "Galactus got defeated" episode.

Is he like the Worf of Marvel at this point?
Whenever they want to establish a character on threat as being super powerful, just have them beat Galactus?

After Secret Wars, his face was restored but something happened at the end of his Ironman run and his face got ruined again.

13ish probably

why would Doom even care, at all? His ego is off the charts, he's a scientist and on the very top of the social pyramid. Did a 12 year old little girl write this?

cause now nobody will have sex with him.
this is Susan Storm were talking about.

Hold on, what would happen to Johnny if Ben moved? Liquid becomes less breathable or what?

>undressed in front of the whole universe

Nothing, he just can't activate his powers because he's in a tank. He needs oxygen for that.

so wait... he was just running around naked?

Oh. So what stops Johnny from breaking the glass?

I'm guessing it's hardened glass or something? Can't exactly bang on it and expect it to break.

Since when could Sue make other things invisible from range, isn't the whole point of her suit because it's the only thing that will turn invisible with her?

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see. This was pretty infantile writing coupled with the whole retarded invisible button situation, bravo Slott you've failed at making anything compelling or well written again.

>those lats, delts and triceps

How is this bad for Doom? Even covered in scars he still looks better than 90% of all men

This is like a cheesy comedy dressed up as a dramatic scene, the villain getting stopped because he is naked on live TV and this makes him feel embarrassed is like something straight out the Super Friends

tiny (maybe invisible) penis

I dunno man. Apparently it was enough to cuck Tony and knock up his girlfriend

Doom was actually about to explain what happens when Ben says don't bother.
How fucking annoyed must Doom be to get shushed like that.

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>stole a poo egghead from Tony “King of getting Cucked and failed relationships” Stark
>a poo Stark never even cared for after he pumped and dumped her
Yeah, great achievement... Call me when he cucks someone with a better love life, and fucks a proper woman.

was that before or after the rescarring?
i honestly havent followed Iron Doom

Before. The rescarring took place right in the last issue of Invincible Iron Man, because Bendis had to force "status quo" at all costs.

It feels so good to see Doom finally get humiliated for once. The bastard's been getting shilled for far too long for somebody whose entire schtick is supposed to be being 2nd best to Reed Richards and unable to accept it.

Like said, Doom's brilliance is vastly exceeded by his arrogance. The man's literal backstory is that he fucked up his own face by making a mistake and blames Reed for it because he's too much of an egomaniac to accept he fucked up.

I keep meaning to make a thread asking this, but I just don't have a good pic to start it with; how the FUCK has Doom managed to abuse the "diplomatic immunity" shield this long? America went after fucking Saddam Hussein for less shit than Doom has done - and Doom openly boasts about his crazy attempts to take over the world!

I did not like Bendis' Doom very much, but Slott's writing of him is horrendous. Such a step back.

so how much longer till Doom's hatred of Reed is retconned into a homosexual attraction ?

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Loli Val needs more lewd moments

Doom should sue for sexual harassment

How did Doom go from being the Infamous Iron Man to being evil again?

Yeah this issue of FF was REALLY stupid. Doom forgetting that Sue can make things invisible, of all things? That's the big twist?

and oh Doom made a master plan that cocks itself up, that never happened before either.

>put Johnny in a tank of breathable water

A very flammable one too, in other words, liquid oxygen. Which is fucking stupid against a guy who is immune to being burned. It's like trying to drown a fish by holding it under water. He could just fire on, make the liquid burn up, and he'd walk out unscatched.

Whoever wrote this issue never went to school, and never read a single FF comic either.

I'm not even getting into the fact that they are ignoring the past, I dunno, five years of FF comics, that's completely normal for Marvel to do.

Infamous Iron Man was fucking Bendis's baby. HOW THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE BITCHING ABOUT THAT SHIT BOOK?

>if Doom can casually give someone like Victorious cosmic powers, then why is he still running around as an ordinary human in a knockoff Iron Man suit

His suit is medieval magical cyborg armour.

Cosmic powers are too much for a human body to handle, they end up burning away after a few hours.

>Ben worked for NASA.

As a jock of a jet pilot, not a fucking astronaut or rocket scientist.

He's the one that got a college degree and not Doom.

>Doom got cucked again

Reed gets cucked like every other day.

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Dark Phoenix Wolverine is just such a ridiculously bullshit idea that it kind of works.

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It always comes down to Doom suddenly being retarded. Doom is, in general, poorly written.

>I thought it was just a tiny scratch and he's a turbo narcissist, or did they retcon that?

They retconned that aaaaages ago. I think it was Byrne who first did it, but I could be wrong. Originally he had a tiny scar, later they changed it so he put on his mask right after it was forged and still red hot, burning his face. Then they made him have full body scars. He also gets his face fixed every other time he obtains godhood.

The one version that sticks with me is the origin story where the scar is small and not that bad but he spergs out and wants a mask and the mask is just out of the forge and still fucking glowing red hot and he's like "Bring me the mask!" and the servant says master please it's still red hot let us cool down and Doom is like "YOU DARE QUESTION THE WILL OF DOOM BRING ME THE MASK NOW!" and then jams is red hot straight on his face and starts screaming and it sears into his flesh.

Top ten marvel geniuses.

Doom has a functional time machine, a robot army, is the 2nd most powerful sorcerer on Earth, and Latveria is one of the most prosperous nations on the planet. Shouting "war on terror" on them would be like if Lichtenstein was armed with hydrogen bombs and America decided to invade them (fun fact: Switzerland invades Lichtenstein every decade or so out of mistake, basically whenever their soldiers get lost during training - look it up, I'm not kidding).

Plus Latveria is situated in the Balkans, which is the stupidest powder keg area of all of Europe. Not a wise thing to attack a WMD-owning gypsy town in the Balkans, the last time a major power tried that, we got two world wars as a result.


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This isn't Doom being poorly written, this is the entire book being poorly written. This would be like if they forgot that Spider-man can stick to walls. Sesame Street is more scientifically accurate than this idiocy of a book.

That is literally Doom's original, defining, character flaw: he's so full of himself that he fucks himself over. That's why he never really achieves a lasting victory; he might be a genius, but he's also an over-emotional arrogant melodramatic idiot.

Seriously, when you can make Reed Richards look half-way sane by comparison, you are screwed up.

This even Hickman knew this. Which is why his resolution was having Doom finally admit "Okay fine Reed you are smarter" which is really the only way it could have ever gone without Doom dying.

It wasn't about Richards being smarter. It was about Doom admitting that the his appeals to benevolence where bullshit and that Richards would use the power better - for everyone's benefit rather than self aggrandizement.

Based Soom. That’s what makes him entertaining. He’s a Looney Tunes villain played straight.

So we're back to the same ol' Doom, as if his time as a super hero never happened, huh?

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well, if you ask whoever wrote this why did they make it so dumb, they would probably tell you about old comic books, how dumb they were and how they still inspired them to become writers.

I suspect the reintroduction of the FF and Doom's reset is warming up for those droves of new readers who'll definitely be longtime buyers after the MCU FF drops.

It's Dan Slott, and you're probably not entirely off the mark.
While the change from the goofball character Speedball to the grimboi Penance could have been done better, his dismissive approach to commenting on it and before anyone says it deserves nothing more, I don't disagree but point to Yost's handling of it better in New Warriors by having Robbie acknowledge it happened but he doesn't like that it happened and wants to leave it behind him even if he can't really move from it. Elegant, meaningful and with characterization speaking instead of the writer speaking through the characters to the reader just to let you know they don't like thing and general direction of comics at the time through Squirrel Girl gives the impression he's someone of the belief things were better in ye olde days when they were silly, unless it's matters around his pet character Slotto Octavious in which case he'll gladly use his pen for serious, current commentary on conventional beauty standards and criticize Spider-Man's stagnation as a character and whatever other horseshit Superior Self-Insert was going for.

That said, with FF I still feel as I said above that he's probably just paving things for MCU refitting. Which has me at least curious what he has planned for Valeria and Franklin. Franklin's runaway act gives me the impression he'll be hitching a bus to Canada in some fashion.


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Still better than the current timeline.

Thank God for that.

I know, user. Why won't they just rely on multinational megacorporations to unearth liquified dinosaur corpses?

Thats just the status quo stance, that others tried to leave behind with character progression, you numbty. Thats what the other user is asking.

Why are they reverting everything and telling the same fucking stories again and again and again?

Neckbeards with MLP figurines on their desk

>DOOM does not check his work

Yea, no. Thats such a lazy premisse and the other user is right. Bad writing to push the plot is meh.

Galactus - jobbing since 1966.

You mean lazy because all it's doing is playing on established characterization? Being brilliant but arrogant and miscalculating when dealing with universal forces is par for the course with Doom.

>I have done the unthinkable!
>hooks a gas pipe up the cosmic rectum

>he missed the button
LMAO Doom more like Fool

That is what Stan & Jack envisioned. Stan even said in a letter column "Have you ever wondered why nobody is horrified when they see Doom unmasked?" and it stayed that way for a few years after (FF #197-200 mildly confirmed it) but Byrne spazzed out and insisted he looked gross.

You don't hire retards as test pilots.

Thats not a motivation thats more of a character flaw, doom really dose belive hes humanitys best hope

>Second/third best martial artist on earth
>Chi fist that lets him spar waaay out side his weight class
>Pressure points that can fell giants
>Healing powers


Doom would purge you.

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Read a fucking comic.

everybody sees it's Sue's using her power, why would Doom felt bad, when her action prove the FF are just a bunch of nuisance that will make your kids naked in public for a cheap laugh?

Sure. I’d never bend the knee to some usurper gyppo. Which is why I said that his “grand vision” is a bunch of bollocks.

The best Doom story also has that version.

Attached: DoomStrange.jpg (1041x1600, 586K)

He is bigger than planets and made up of energy far more efficient than anything mortals can produce. As a battery for the human race, it makes sense. The only thing odd is how Doom is restraining him when his human look is only due to how mortals perceive him.

It was easily one of the weaker runs of Fantastic Four (and FF).
There were still some good moments in it though, but most involved the Future Foundation society, not Scott.

Both of these are correct, which is why Secret Wars had such an amazing ending.

Really hoping that they'll somehow adapt it.

How long depends on who is writing the run when it happens.

Fantastic Four is the least diverse of Marvel's teams. So it's just a matter of time before one of the main characters is revealed to be gay or bi, or has a sex-change.

Johnny seems to be the most likely target, as it'll bring a new meaning to his catch-phrase "Flame On!"

Doom is the next likely target, as Doom will believe he's too glorious to limit to sexuality to just one sex.

>Secret Wars
>Amazing in any aspect
I think I'm gonna throw up. What part of the forgotten characters, plot threads, stuff happening off-screen, and deus ex machinas do you want them to adapt?
>Treating adaptations as a 'prize' the best stories get when invariably, every movie adaptation has ruined the story it was based on
MCU drone. Hickman drone. Yuck.

You're very cool and clever and smart for not liking things.

Did all the people asking this not see the unmasked Doom in Secret Wars? I know he got healed and rescarred after that, but was the rescarring implied to be minimal. or are people just not aware of anything that's happened in the last 5 years?

How old was Franklin when Valeria was born? About 8?

Too much happens every year for everyone to keep track, characters regularly get killed and resurrected regardless of powerlevel

What that user said is pretty much the state of things, faggot.

You too, are very cool and cute and intelligent.

The first or second time?

>bendis anything
>actually reading bendis
Impressively dumb.

Yeah, but Doom's unmasked face was a pretty big thing in the biggest story of that year. It's like not knowing Cap was Hydra for a bit.

Yeah, this story is fucking great. It is also why Doom actually respects Strange.

Does the mask actually do anything mystical at all? Since they made some big deal about it being made by monks in the himalayas, I don't think I have ever seen it do anything magical before. It just has random gizmos like Iron Man's built into it.

Victorious is still going with artificial power cosmic without dying.

He also had hair and no body scars all over him in Marvel 2 in 1 last fall. So I have no idea why he looks like a cenobyte here.

Because it's superhero comics and if they didn't tell the same stories over and over they would have to retire old characters and come up with new ones. Are you fucking new to this or something?

Man FF is so fucking boring.

It's specifically because his ego is off the charts. How do you not get how revealing a person that's hiding behind a mask would trouble them?

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>Cap was Hydra for a bit



Don't worry about it. Quite possibly the worst story ever written. Even webcomic tier trash was smarter.

Don't listen to , it was actually pretty well done, and the ones who didn't like it still have a tick up their asses because of Sam Wilson and Riri.

>Say your piece
>Not Peace

Who the fuck doesn't respect Dr Strange?

>Doomfags, of all people, complaining about a story being "repetitive"
You guys are the ones who praise Marvel for making Doom omnipotent every fucking year. You don't get to complain, retards.

The build up was ok since Nazi cap was actually well done until the event itself started. Then normalfags found out about it, sperged the fuck out, and everything went full retard during the event itself..

>something that cool.
You have to be 18 to post on 4channel, user.


This is the Doctor Doom: What If? Doctor Doom Kept The Power of The Beyonder. It was actually kind of neat. If I recall it was bundled with What If? The Runaways Became The Young Avengers.

>I could be wrong
No, it was Byrne. Him having Doom be so retarded as to have him insist on turning his whole face into honey-maple bacon was just another masterstroke, like Sandman and Norman Osborn being cousins cos they had the same fucking hairstyle, apparently not realizing it was a reasonably-common look for white dudes when those characters were created.


>retconned into a homosexual attraction
You mean it wasn't like that from the start?

"I-it's not like I w-want to destroy you or anything...R-Richards-!

"But I'll let you touch me in my no-no again like you used to if you do!"