How many eggs has Donald laid?
How many eggs has Donald laid?
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Donald is a cis white male
At least one that I know of.
>look ma! I posted it again
>actually shows donald's cloaca getting stretched as the egg exits
thank you
Fuck off retard
Since when? Or is it some weirdo tumblr fanfic that you decided to post as a bait?
Donald don't like trannies.
I'm winning. You didn't use the slur.
At least three. You all aren’t gullible enough to believe that the boys are actually his nephews right?
Probably a fetish.
Who inseminated Donald?
O shit, tripple tribs
The power of the Wizard cannot be denied
Why are Transfags so obnoxious?
Between 0 and 1
Even worse than a fetish, tumblr (and now twitter) turned trans rights issue into a creepy fandom like furries.
Not exactly a new development.
In that context none
>cuck fetish obsession
Because there are no good FTM icons also most of the time these headcanons are their way of coping. For example this is how thei thing "people like Donald Duck and if Donald Duck was trans that means people like trannies and I'm a tranny so that means people like me."
How many breads have you eaten?
>Meme wizard from music video vs ZETTAFLARE
Don't even try, kid.
FTM are fucking scum anyway
Well it's not just a FTM thing, my example works for any marginalized group that aren't represented in fiction.
>the trans faggot donald duck try to use zetta flare
>but the wizard is undeterred
Sounds pathetic and sad. I actually know two FTMs. One is just a dude who keeps to himself, the other one keep pushing this dumb shit and is incredibly fragile. And mentally ill, according to itself.
You're a cunt.
Tranny detected
Yeah, there’s plenty of normie trans people, but I don’t really consider them trans people as much as normal people.