
Hey there. Can we get a thread for wholesome Yea Forumsntent on this fine day?

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I don't have any wholesome pictures.

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I can probably scrounge something else up

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So why are you even posting? you disgusting piece of shit.

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Everyone in this thread is a great person and I hope you all have a nice day.

>bitches about someone else not posting anything
>doesn’t post anything either
Not very wholesome at all

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You too

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I'm just want to contribute to a thread about making people happy.

bit I forgive you

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Try doing that to a cat IRL, it wouldn’t end well

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The animation is so smooth, wow.

what was the context of this?

He saved EVERYTHING and got grapped in another universe. This is after he gets back.

Rich just came back from the dead and met Sam. Sam introduces him to the Champions, and catch him up on what happened while he was gone. This was just after Civil War 2, so Rich is dejected that nobody seems to have learned anything since he sacrificed himself.

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I see you're not a cat owner

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Depends on the cat really

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>Summons Eldritch creature from beyond the veil of space

>Motherfucking tea party

I always love that

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Yeah but what about tiny pet dragons?

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this is a good thread

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I can scoop up my sassy cat that likes to fight without any problems. She actually likes being carried around like a baby.

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The best one
That and the DDR one

>War Dragons
That doesn’t look comfy or wholesome at all. They look like victims of flamethrower attacks in the first world war

Don't worry about that. They all got better and lived a happy life as knights, although with slightly singed armour and no eyebrows.

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I would like one dragon that breathes pepper onto my food pls

I really love this

I'm not sure if pepper dragons are real user

Unfortunately those are the only two I got

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I found one more

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I'd like to propose a toast.

To Gamers

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