— Gerry Conway (@gerryconway) March 25, 2019
I'm so glad Snyder isn't making any more DCEU movies
I'm sure he wants his daughter to wake the fuck up too, but you can't always get what you want.
It doesn't matter how many threads you make, user, Snyder is still no longer an active part of the DCEU.
It really says a lot that every comic book creator is calling Zach Snyder a fucking moron for his dumbass comments about Batman and his take on superheroes in general. Alan Moore, the man Snyder has been cribbing every since his directed Watchmen, would be furious over Snyder taking every single wrong lesson you can get from his comic and trying to apply them to superheroes aimed at kids.
>I wanna deconstruct comic book heroes like Moore, but I never learned how to construct any movies.
It's Wednesday user, go easy on the movie shit
He’s lashing out and it’s funny
Wich writters bashed him so far?
>80 years of coming up with increasingly contrived reasons why Batman doesn't kill people
You're shitposting right? Batman never liked to kill because Batman believe in "Justice" when he says justice he literally means that he want those criminals to be judged for their crimes.
Just about every major big 2 writer has mocked him for this shit.
>Batman never liked to kill because
He sure seemed fond of it when he was created.
It's very simple.
A) Batman can't kill his famous Rouge's gallery because otherwise they'd be dead and can't be used anymore
B) If Batman was willing to kill, he is too powerful and skilled to not kill off his Rouge gallery
C) If Batman was willing to kill their low level thugs and henchmen, but put their more evil leaders like Joker in prison, that would make Batman evil and unlikable, especially considering that most street criminals are only there due to circumstance and society-economic issues
Though, this is only the reason why Batman can't kill in comic books, because comics are ongoing forever. In a self contained movie, it actually would be fine to kill off villains since even shared universes are still limited runs.
That being the case, why would you not what the movie batman to be based off of the source marital. If you're going to change the no kill rule make a new superhero.
I bet you guys can't guess what 3 Batman comics Snyder has read.
>he says justice he literally means that he want those criminals to be judged for their crimes.
Well, that depends.
>giving control of iconic characters to a jackass with no respect for legacy.
How about we have Billy Batson start cutting himself, becuase real teenagers are angsty?
Do you always have to take shots at his family like this? Grow up, kid.
Yeah, for like 2 stories. Superman also couldn't fly and the Hulk was grey.
He's just getting his (You)s.
>How about we have Billy Batson start cutting himself, becuase real teenagers are angsty?
What about Billy Batson become an angst teen that doesn't believe in pure goodness, wants to drink beer, steal from an ATM, and like to curse a lot?
Based Conway
Eventually ending up with him going full edge and shooting up a school while everyone shouts for the Big Red Cheese to save them. and he whispers back “No”
Shut up Johns, don't you have some Bo Duke dolls to play with?
>another snyder thread
When the guy who created the Punisher disagrees with your insistence that superheroes kill, and to stop pretending otherwise, you fucked up.
top zozzle
All objectivists should fucking hang.
Yeah, because Finger copy/pasted the plot of some The Shadow issues for about a year.
God damn user.