This show suffered from some really crap design overall (Catra and Adora being notable exceptions) but I don't mind Perfuma.
This show suffered from some really crap design overall (Catra and Adora being notable exceptions) but I don't mind...
That's a man in a dress, you tranny-loving faggot.
what about entrapta?
Is she barefoot? I sense a trend with this show since Catra is also barefoot
Is that Xander from Drawn Together?
While she sure looks like that, you know the sjw showrunners wouldn't do that.
By which I mean, if a character is canonically supposed to be a granny, the character will be the sexiest, most womanly girl around.
A girl that obviously looks like a man will remain a girl.
Entrapta has a great personality, but her visual design isn’t that special.
Scorpia’s design is great, though.
>Name is Perfuma
>Is barefoot
Well, I see where this could be going.
She's a shitty design but cute personality
That is 100% a man. And considering how Netflix She-Ra is made in the vein of SU, where every character has to be part of the LGBTQ spectrum, yeah. That's a man.
>This show suffered from some really crap design overall (Catra and Adora being notable exceptions)
Those two were some of the best examples of this shows terrible design style
>(Catra and Adora being notable exceptions)
Adora's design is bland and unispired, but at least is more or less iconic and recognizable. Catra design is, at best, above average, and it stands up like a sore thumb compared with the rest of the characters design.
congrats on being literally attracted by cocks.
>This show suffered from some really crap design overall
>Two female characters who dress entirely in purple and are grotesquely obese
Such aesthetic diversity.
This show suffers from a lot of stuff, OP...crap char design is just ONE of its many, many ,many flaws.
Adore has receding hairline while catra looks like some awful deviantart OC. And even though they all look masculine adora especially comes across as a man more then most of the other designs.
Isn't she the only one in a dress? Because that's obviously a marker of being "womanly".
>take a boy
>put a dress on him
Still a boy, OP.
Kek, Yea Forums's butthurt to this show is still funny
It's just you connecting shit that isn't there
Season 2 next month baby!
tried to make a quick edit
>hiding the feet
I actually agree.
Doesn't really give off the vibe of carefree, peace loving hippy that the original design conveys.
You'd think the amount of BETRAYAL, surrogate sibling lust, shitty mom abuse and revenge, and entrapta; this would be Yea Forums's favorite show.
Yet a lot of Yea Forums fell for politics like retards fall for outrage youtube videos. BUT MAH TUMBLR BOOGEYMEN. NEED TO CHECK FOR GAYS UNDER MY BED NOW.
you don't mind Perfuma, some don't mind entrapta,etc in the end turns out the designs are fine, some for each kind of person.
looks more transaxual. also that dress type is mage exclusive
True but I feel like my getting ready to have my heart broken, this show is unlikely to go were I want it to go. beyond tumber the nostalgiafags who kept acting like OG show was the second coming were super annoying
If it's any comfort I hear Noelle is allergic to unhappy endings, so we're not likely get Voltron'd.
Catra was supposed to be the villain in the original She Ra and it looks like that's the route they're going for now, but I'm not sure she'll stick with it considering she still has Hordak and Prime to play with, and several seasons ordered. My only issue is Glimmer and Bow being lackluster.
I did not watch Voltron. I want a happy ending for Catra without her losing everything that makes her interesting and without them painting it like she was the only one in the wrong, having her beg for forgiveness
Glimmer is fine.
is almost non extant. I feel like adora needs to take the vanguard, as she develops more it will trickle down to side characters. In the early eps it felt like she was being overshadowed by Glimmer of all people. obviously Glimmer also needs stuff because despite being a side character she is in position where a character can't be left lackluster
i don't watch this show but this chick definitely has a dick
>Implying that's a problem
No one cares the first time and no one will watch the second season either
The intentional desexualized agenda made by the dykes who taunted this reboot have ensured it would be bad since day one.
>no one will watch the second season either
I will.
>desexualized agenda
I'm sorry none of the girls in their early teens had balloon tits and Adora/Mermista are just a C cup?
Congrats, you turned an average to below average looking girl into a drag queen. Do you shoot your self in the foot often or is this a new brand of retard?
>that’s not what females look like
>make her fat.
Hey don't talk shit about my wife
Genuine question, why do people hate this show. It can't just be because of the designs right?
Other than 2 of the princesses being a couple, the show doesn't push any other political agenda. She-Ra is front and foremost a show about character interactions and the overarching princess/horde plot is there to provide continuity and can actively affect the direction of the plot.
Everytime I see people decry She-Ra as "SJW" garbage, I cannot fathom how they came to that conclusion because not a lot is there and what is there is never even mentioned.
Ah yes. Finally someone with some good fucking taste.
last time I asked that the guy went on a rant about how he is a toyfag and masters of the universe is a respected franchise that has conventions kept alive by fags like him so they should have made a show for him.
Heh. That guy must have nostalgia goggles the size of trashcan lids
he was really convinced that masters of the universe is as big as star wars or trek.
I don’t get it either. I think these people just watched all the clickbait videos and genuinely believed it when they saw headlines claiming Adora is trans.
It fucking terrifies me how much people cling to the sanctity of their beloved childhood programming.
Nothing like that literal boomer (70's) relative saying he hates the new movies because it ruins the original series.
I found the series to be alright.
My problem with it is that Hordak did jack shit, and it's one of those shows where I like the side characters (Entrapta, Scorpia, Seahawk) and secondary antagonist (Catra) better than the main trio.
I mean Adora's alright as a character but Glimmer is a goblin and Bow's voice cracks every five seconds.
They are late teens and they look like dudes
You never matterd
The dyke shipping, the designs that were made in mind so they don’t follow “gender norms” or whatever garbage they believe in, the soified cutesy horde downgraded designs, the “sparkle eye XD” tumblry humor. The entire show reeks of this type of tumblr cancer you’d find on a blog of someone who identifies as a genderqueer otherkin.
I waited years for a proper reboot, and to see it tainted by this social justice dyke skewering is an insult to say the least
I'm pretty sure the original goal was to make her look skinny. She's probably the one single vegetarian out of all the princesses.
>The dyke shipping
even in 40 years ago people were cool with dykes unless they themselves were kissless.
its not cutesy, its generic future armor. stormtrooper level.
>If it doesn't make my dick hard, it's a bad design and the character's a dyke!
I wasted my society picture.
So I'll is this. It's oddly fitting
Better, but I don't like the changes to the dress. Also, I think the lipstick should be lighter, less "intimidating," in a way. To better capture that nature-ish look.
>even in 40 years ago people were cool with dykes unless they themselves were kissless.
Just because some emasculated losers get off to getting cucked doesn’t mean it’s acceptable or normal
>its not cutesy, its generic future armor. stormtrooper level.
Is that why grizzlor looks like a more homogenized near human? All the cool monster designs have been casted out and reduced to generic humanized anime OC designs. It’s insulting.
They objectively look androgynous, leaning towards masculine especially in adoras case
Characters are supposed to have flaws. Adora's flaw is that she believes wearing your hair in a pompadour is acceptable.
IMO, the designs make sense to me as they all reflect an aspect of themselves.
Mermista is buff because she's a swimmer, Perfuma is matchstick thin because she's a vegan, peace loving hippy, Scorpia actually resembles a scorpion, and Glimmer became very reliant on her powers which culminated to her appearance.
This all of course builds into why Entrapta is top-tier.
>they are late teens
>oldest one in the group is 15-16 according to writer
>he doesn't like sticc
disgusting and unbased
>>If it doesn't make my dick hard, it's a bad design and the character's a dyke!
Yeah, but Perfuma is clearly a man wearing a dress, user.
Makes me wonder how old is Entrapta?
the design's cute, it's the art style that makes her look weird. i don't like the western-anime art style.
>I waited years for a proper reboot
Hey... We don't have to concern ourselves with those meaningless issus
love this show but the netflix format fucking sucks.
if it was on CN it would get 52 episodes but never air because it's not a CN original.
Just needs a less grating voice
That's a terrible idea. If you're implying the seasons should be closer together, the writing is probably strained enough being a kid's show that has a reasonable plot (the horrible childhood Catra, Shadow Weaver Adora stuff).
Noelle was just talking about the script for episode 3 a month ago? Don't fucking rush a show or you'll end up with episodic retardation. The best part about this show has been the severe psychological issues stemming from their fucked up societies and childhoods, and some weird lore about She-Ra.
>dat tentacle monster
>dat boob monster
I don't believe loli Catra and Adora never played with them.
eat my tiny dick, Entrapta is perfect in every way
>tiny dick
Oh yeah, I remember when the threads latched onto that.
these designs are fucking garbage
fucking christ whos 10 year old niece wrote this hsit
>fucking christ whos 10 year old niece wrote this hsit
whoever wrote the original show almost half a century ago.
Probably the same people who came up with the brilliant names like "skeletor" and "stinkor" and "roboto"
That's literally the worst one.
They could have done a million different things with the plant powered princess... But they went with the most generic, basic thing a 2yrold could think of.
should have been a boy who disliked the fact he got stuck with flowers for a power
>should have been a boy who disliked the fact he got stuck with flowers for a power
Well, they got the boy part, so they met you half way at least.
Tranny looking =/= boy. "Princess" is a meaningless term in the show (anyone who is linked to a crystal is a Princess... Even when you're a Queen, you're still a princess). So there should have been a boy. The comedy of a boy princess practically writes itself.
Fuckong Christ that is bad
Whose 10 year old nephew wrote that shit
Were those threads like "Small-Dick Pride" threads, or what?
>awful names
more proof the originals were toy commercial trash.
I have no clue, I don't recall those.
I just mentioned tiny dicks because Entrapta "only eats tiny food"
The Evil Horde is clearly a stand in for the United States and imperialism. As a commie SJW, that’s why I love this show.
>The Evil Horde is clearly a stand in for the United States and imperialism
Wait how?
>they see your dick
At constant war with the rest of the world. Act like everything belongs to them. Adora was raised to believe she was being trained to fight the forces of evil. Then she grows up, gets woke and realizes that they were the bad guys the whole time. America!
You're right. Iranians are the real heroes of the story.
That doesn't really work because America's enemies are third world shitholes and the rebellion are privileged princesses. The original show was a simple good guys vs evil guys plot and sci-fi/fantasy usually has 2 plots, either She-Ra (a group of rascals rebelling against an evil empire) or He-Man (defenders of the rightful kingdom fighting against evil usurpers). If you really want to look for political connotations beyond LGBTQIA+ shit, the Evil Horde are rednecks that couldn't evade the draft and the rebellion are upper class liberals
Don't be talking shit on Perfuma, goddess of domination.
She didn't even know she was in their darkest sickest dungeon cell, and thoughtlessly left it to rearrange the lower levels. When Hordak got tired of her terraforming his castle he tried to shoot her, only to find her clogging his gun with a bouquet and calling him a sourpuss. By the end of one episode she had overran his entire kingdom into jungle and brainwashed his troops, insisting to stay and have more fun.
Green god of destruction.
hey, I sure wasn't. I was just saying that all memes in the old shows were silly, so it's retarded to bitch about them in the reboot.
Don't take things seriously. I'm being dramatic. Seriously though, original Perfuma was scary as fuck and the episode she was in was hilarious. Hordak is more scared of her than anything else.
>durr if I don’t respect a franchise then that validates my shit reboot for political agendas insulting it
No it does not and fucking dyke scum should be criticized for copying yet another thing they don’t own
Goddamn. Which imaginary girl left you for another woman?
>leverage on Yea Forums
well i never
>tumblr reaction image
Of fucking course
>tumblr boogeyman
Spooky, I picked it up here.
Every single one of you (including myself) should just eat a fucking bullet!