Why was Quinlan Vos such a badass?
Also, why are the Dark Horse comics so much better than the Marvel ones?
Why was Quinlan Vos such a badass?
Also, why are the Dark Horse comics so much better than the Marvel ones?
Dark Horse had leeway to do pretty much whatever the fuck they wanted, while Marvel is under the thumb of the story group.
Also, Marvel employs a truly baffling number of shameless tracers. I honestly don’t know how the fuck they thought they’d get it under the radar
>Also, why are the Dark Horse comics so much better than the Marvel ones?
Good writers and artists.
>Also, why are the Dark Horse comics so much better than the Marvel ones?
Because they're written by Marvel writers... obviously.
With the exception of Soule, Marvel Star Wars is shit.
Age of Republic series is pretty good though
Whats the deal with that, btw? I've been ignoring it because it just looks like a bunch of one shots. Are they connected in some way, or there's a narrative through line or something?
> Marvel writers
They're all one shot stories focusing on 1 character
You got:
Special Issue (Windu, Ventress and Rex/Jar Jar)
I derped. I meant the Marvel books are shit because they're written by Marvel writers.
Okay, so there's no overarching story or anything, then.
I'll let it pile up a bit more.
Ah, OK.
The loss of Star Wars dark horse hurt me more than the movies or cartoons. Movies were dead anyway and cartoons.
I always had the feeling that the comics would just keep on piling up giving serviceable content until the end of time and the movies and tv shows were going to be the shit stuff instead of everything being equally terrible. This is why I never read all comics when they came out, just what sounded especially interesting. But when they switched to Marvel, I only read this prequel thing set after ROTJ and felt nothing, less than nothing. Everything I kept hearing about Marvel, in particular the obvious fan-fic insert Dr. Aphra that eventually got her own series after stealing the show from Vader in his own line, made me despair more and more. I am finished with Dark Horses comics with the exception of two series, KOTOR and Droids, mostly because they are the least interesting to me but also because I hate having no Rebellion era stuff to discover anymore. I just want to go back, I just like my franchises in perpetual death throes.
how old are you?
Why do you like the Rebellion Era so much? I'm 23, but my favorite stories are from the old republic and the NJO/LotF/FotJ era.
>not liking KotOR
Read the second volume of Darth Vader. Written by Charles Soule. That shit was fucking good from start to finish.
The Anakin/Obi-Wan mini was decent, too. So was the Lando mini.
>That time Gryph successfully fucked with the heads of five Jedi masters that three of them died, one got horribly maimed and one turned his coat (then died)
Also, is it me or was he based ofg Rygell from Farscape?
>Also, why are the Dark Horse comics so much better than the Marvel ones?
more time and care put into work, better talent. marvel is high speed low drag and they hire whoever can spray out content fastest.
If anything is holding Marvel's material back its in its unwillingness to let go of established movie characters and the films' general field of view. It's the prequel/interquel curse that's always been a continuous blight on the Star Wars expanded material. Dark Horse's tenure had this problem too, but it also had all the Old Republic stuff that (even if you don't like it, which I mostly don't) nevertheless was free to do its own thing with Star Wars themes without being too beholden to continuity. You could get invested in it because there was room to.
Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed some of the one-shots and the second Vader series, but I wouldn't call them daring.
It's Rebellion and Clone Wars actually. The eras are so extremely fleshed out with random side characters, it seems like a real breathing world with countless possible character combinations for interesting stories. The highlight of my childhood was buying the Dark Horse Empire comics between AOTC and ROTS, every issue something new and exciting. Tales was my holy grail for over a decade since it was one of the series they never translated in my country but I always saw them referenced on Wookiepedia. I want to say Marvels Age of looks like a step in that direction again but Dark Horse used extras nobody even knew like Boshek and gave them character while Marvel banks purely on name recognition and forcing their OCs.
I could never get into the post-ROTJ timeline because I hated reading and now that I read I feel that SW books are the lowest possible form of entertainment. The stories about incoherent plot points in that era don't help me start them but I would be interested in some good and lengthy fan recaps if something like that exists.
Only got to playing the 2 games in 2017.
KOTOR 1 was terribly generic and KOTOR 2 was perfect story-wise. I wish I had played 2 first because 1 just tired me out on the gameplay loop. The era in itself just seems a bit too generic, might as well get into another medieval fantasy series but it is good enough for what it is.
Already saw those recommended but seeing how few content it is I would rather keep them off for a better time.
I remember being pissed off at the delays of the guy that drew Empire Darklighter and most of Dark Times. I never realized his level of detail basically died out within the last two decades, I wish he would still work for Star Wars.
Durseema is such a great artist. Massive output with consistently good quality.
>The loss of Star Wars dark horse hurt me more than the movies or cartoons
Only the loss of good SW video games hurts more
>Empire Darklighter
pretty sure that was doug wheatley, he did the illustrations for GRRMs fire and blood
Quinlan Vos sucks.
>Only the loss of good SW video games hurts more
Lucasarts has been dead since 2006. Empire at War was the last good game and even then it's only good with mods. I don't see how people can still talk about how terrible Star Wars game are. Apathy set in after 2011.
And Episode III came out in 2005. You'd think there'd be more and better games now that new movies are being made
>Also, why are the Dark Horse comics so much better than the Marvel ones?
Because Marvel Executives makes them.
iirc Quinlan Vos went emo and rebelled, killed a bunch of jedi, worked for the sith, joined back up with the jedi to fight the sith, escaped the big Jedi cull and lived a happy life. Not bad for someone who's a piece of shit.
I don't think he killed any jedi in the Dark Horse comics, although he did kill one in the "Dark Disciple" book which came put after Disney bought SW and cancelled The Clone Wars cartoon which would have used the plot.