Landmark Storytime!
Detective Comics #1000 Storytime
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Thanks, Norrin!
Not bad
>the true game was when I slammed your fiance, ol' chum
lol I bet Smith cried when he wrote this
>Detective Comics
>1000 issues of Action
Superman/Batman gay ship officially canonized by DC
Fuck jannies!
>features a tweet by Neil Gaiman
>features a quote from a 30 year old interview by Neil Gaiman
Doesn't this render year two non canon again?
It always fluctuates based upon Chill being the killer and if the gun was found.
Is that the carpenter?
Sure is!
So boring so far
That would be extremely chaffing don't you think?
Pretty artwork but this story seemed pointless honestly.
Great concept, It had to be Dini
Good page.
Holy shit, King! Tone it down on the words!
>Not using Joker's Daughter.
...and dropped.
This I like.
Tim is closer than Damian
guaranteed Eisner
My favorite at the moment, It would be better if Alfred were the only one but it's fine, the story was pretty good.
>random terrible tracer art
for what purpose
This took way longer to happen than I'd have expected.
>Tim is closer than Damian
Tim is Dead.
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Action Comics: Heroes in Crisis:
>Isabella is such a hack he won't make Jefferson's daughters in-continuity and now lets a token boring black dude writer the story
Tynion IV/Martinez-Bueno
King/Daniel & Jones
Tim has never ever died, unlike that lame short gay loser Damian
Man. This was absolutely terrible. And everyone body got a call out in this, even The Joker's son, but fucking Terry doesn't get a fucking nod anywhere?
>Still wanking over his one-shot OC character
Beyond is in a weird place. Especially since that other Beyond book is still going and no one wants to acknowledge it.
Best stories were Dini, Snyder, and shockingly Bendis.
I'm kinds amazed they didn't drop Batman 66 splash pages or use Terry.
Kinda bummed at the lack of splash pages that chronicle Bats over 80 years. Action Comics 1000 had a ton of great ones.
>Tim has never ever died, unlike that lame short gay loser Damian
... timfags >> Bendisfags.
I don't even care (despite the first 16 issues of Rebirth being really good). Terry deserved the shout out. I mean, fucking Duke is there for Christ's sake.
. why are Timfags so keen for Tim to stealing from other characters?
>Helena is there
>Blue Bird is NOT there.
WHY is Helena there? What interactions has she had with Batman direct during New52/Rebirth? I only know of SPIRAL, and her time with Rebirth Birds of Prey.
To be honest Year Two was awful
In this issue King sounds more like Bendis than Bendis himself
>Damien gets the most significant pose
Tim Drake is boring.
>no Alfred story
Now there's a character we haven't seen a looong time
Man, I hate Helena
Was the stolen looking glass in 'Tec 27 or is that new to this story?
so rank them I guess?
I like Batman beating up kids
>WITH Bill Finger
Come on, give it an AND after 80 years
That was pretty funny.
Barbara and Jason?
Fabok is a blessing
Yeah I'm surprised. Bendis's is my favorite actually
>"wow, that's pretty gay"
>Kevin Smith
Of course
>No Alfred story.
>No Terry story.
>No Morrison story.
>No Dixon story.
>No Brubaker story.
>No Miller story.
>No Loeb story.
Based Alfred
>Bruce, no!
>in front of a stranger who doesn't know that Batman is Bruce Wayne
>These poor criminals who want to point a gun at an old lady!
Fucking god damn
Jason Bard?
Looks like George Bush
You don't pull guns at old ladies from good life
So is this worse than AC1000?
This isn't so much a sequel as a retelling from a much more bitter perspective. Gorgeous art, but even though the last line lands, the rest of it is really hopeless.
I thought this was an interesting idea, but didn't land quite as hard as I hoped.
Love how Penguin is obviously DeVito in this page
Because Tom King likes her from his Grayson days.
Hope it has some actual detective/mystery actions in the story.
God damn this might be more disappointing than Action 1000.
Good story and good art
>wanting harper there
Knew it was Smith the second his idiotic character Onomatopoeia showed up. Not his best work, but also not his worst.
Wait does Batman not know Slam anymore?
I cried when I read page after page after page of shitty puns. No one who has attended more than one actual year of writing classes would ever write like that. Maybe ONE single double meaning would be okay, but that was like thirty of them.
People like to shit on Snyder, but this was actually great.
>Yeah I'm surprised. Bendis's is my favorite actually
Hell yeah, Matches
Someone should filter out the good writers from this, so that we don't have to tread through pages upon pages of trash. Ellis, Priest and O'Neil, and maybe that poem by Gaiman should be compiled separately.
>He's dead, Jim
CARL... I mean, JONES
These puns are terrible
Eh, pointless, but I'm a sucker for any Batman confrontation that ends with, "Do you really want to become like me?" My favorite being his staredown with Jane Doe in that one Arkham Asylum comic.
>Wait does Batman not know Slam anymore?
I guess not.
Couldn't care less about Tim but okay.
Reminder that just because it doesn't feature thousands of splashpages and mindless action like Scott Snyder, it doesn't make a story pointless.
Helenas Dad.
God I love how Dini writes Riddler
Congrats Bendis you’ve done your first good story since joining dc
>Helenas Dad.
No, Helena's grandpa.
Fucking love it
That was... shockingly (heh) good for Bendis.
First panel reminds me of this
>fist fights and guns are for idiots
>smart people just use ninja blades shaped like bats
>I'm a spooky ghost
I'm actually surprised this is the first time Batman has tried to convince people that's who he is. It might get him shot at less
dc restores Pre Flashpoint history.
>old man O'Neil decides to ignore retcons that made his character young
It feels so lifeless without a Darwyn Cooke variant cover. He really was too good for this shitty industry.
Selina did have a baby, right? Who was that with?
>dc restores Pre Flashpoint history.
Erases Pre Flashpoint history. Helena doesn't exist and Batman doesn't know Slam.
Selina know Slam.
Man I know that Neal Adams is a legend and all, but his art just doesn't look that good anymore
>Selina know Slam.
Holy shit that’s bad. Did they ask Janin for a page five minutes before the book needed to go to the printers.
You stick Ross, Bollard, Gleason, Sale, Jock, Miller, Hughes and Cho among others on fucking variant covers. You don’t even get some of your newer talent like Shaner or Jimenez to contribute or republish artwork done by some of dcs famous artists from over the decades, yet for whatever fucking reason it was decided that this page by Janin was good enough to go in the 1000th issue.
I'm surprised at how much I liked this
How do you make out just a little bit? Oh, Timmy.
God, what the fuck is up with the ears on Echo's suit? The whole thing looks terrible
King hates his letterer
Action 1000 had straight up bad stories in it, this issue at its worst had one or two stories that didn’t having a satisfying climax.
>Cooke couldn’t live to contribute to either 1000 issues
It hurts.
That was a very adult thing for a 12(?) year old to say.
Batman comes across like a 12 year old idealistic and sheltered child who watches too many ninja movies. Seriously this is insanely immature comming from a guy who shoots people in the face with grappling hooks and fractures skulls and somehow it’s hoborable because that’s not the way muh parents died. What an asshole.
Not a terrible issue but I would have liked a few more splash pages with different artstyles. Most included feel overly modern.
>Duke acknowledging no one gives a shit about him
I miss the yellow bat emblem.
Denny O’Neil just Baneposted in Tec #1000, welcome to clown world everyone
AC had no decent writer on it. At least this has a few.
These are some extremely Bendis pages for someone who isn't Bendis
Who's the hooded figure that wants to make out?
>>Cooke couldn’t live to contribute to either 1000 issues
That's not Cooke, that's Cameron Stewart.
Sorry what I said was meant to be a reply to this post
Thanks, user
God bless Amanda. What books is she on nowadays?
The art and color has a nice early '00s feel to it.
>Both AC 1000 and DC 1000 stories by King have main characters visit their parents' gaves
AC story was much better
She's on the next issue of Batman, #68. She also does a cover a month, but doesn't really want to do a monthly book right now.
Who's that?
Character's name is "Nobody", the son of Henri Ducard, named "Morgan." Gleason created Morgan's daughter Maya Ducard, Nobody II. Maya is way more interesting than Morgan.
>Batman is bad, actually
Oh good, we've never seen this take before.
Spoiler is Cancer and Tim is gay.
is...Batman resurrecting Nobody?
millernumber1 Nobody cares Stephanie Brown is still shit.
Does anyboy else really dislike Stephanie Brown? She ruins everything and is just too whiny and pointless to be liked. The most important moment in her life was being killed. Seriously, why is she even alive??!!
Thanks. Hopefull, more Peejee one day
Because not everyone is a sad, bitter person like you, and enjoys a fun character.
That’s who I assumed the new Arkham knight would be but showing nobody in this issue and having his father appear in the last arc seems too on the nose if he wants to make the reveal a surprise.
Tomasi lucks out by writing something thats actually going to get followed upon.
Johns and Tynion have shown they clearly dont care about Batman so screw them.
Whoa... that Batman is HUGE!
Don’t have time to read the whole thread but anyone notice that in all of the art while Tim is in his updated Bendis Young Justice outfit and Babs is in her Heroes in Crisis outfit yet we have early Rebirth versions of Dick (not Ric) and Jason (not in his Scorpion mask and hoodie)? That has to mean DC isn’t invested in that shit, right?
Sign me up. I cant stand her, never have.
Huh, that's a really interesting idea.
Stephanie has sucked since she was annoying Robin back in the day with Cluemaster running aroun
So Tomasi is doing an AMA on reddit. Nothing really revealatory so far but here's what caught my interest:
PETER: Unfortunately, no. I've just turned in the final script to Adventures of Super Sons #12. So it will be quite a while before I get back to the boys.
PETER: Appreciate the kind words! Right now I'll be focusing on Batman the most with Alfred, and of course Damian. But being that James Tynion did a lot with the Bat-Family, I wanted to go in the opposite direction and keep the cast a little smaller.
Since it’s an anniversary issue priority was to portray the characters in their iconic interpretations. The tim and babs costume changes are minor while the alterations to dick and Jason are more dramatic.
Based Ellis. Very Moon Knight like story.
>Batman the most with Alfred, and of course Damian.
What the *#/@?
Dick and Damian were the only ones with decent dialogue in King's story. Everyone else just sounded stupid.
>But being that James Tynion did a lot with the Bat-Family, I wanted to go in the opposite direction and keep the cast a little smaller.
Same here.
Aww, I wanted him to be a real guy.
Hey, this... actually wasn't half bad.
Shame about the Supersons but good to hear Damian's coming back to the Batbooks and under a writer that writes him so well.
Some high quality artwork here.
I really would like to know what of DC Universe Rebirth is still in canon right now,
Nice touch, Tomasi, nice touch...
Well, we now know what parties Joker and Harley are for.
I think it's hilarious that in every issue, the whole "Ric Grayson" thing is just fucking dropped hard and ignored. Fucking hell, even King doesn't use Ric.
What issue/story arc is this page referencing?
Behold, the greatest plot twist of all time.
I love you, Dini.
>Let's be honest
>Duke doesn't need to be there
Batman #244 (I don't know why Talia is fighting too)
i just had the depressing realisation that comics probably will never be entertaining to you.
sjws and feminists just have changed the industry too much for that ever to happen again
Why are his eyes so close together?
Probably because it's an angle that Capullo doesn't draw Batman from very often.
Bruce "one step ahead" Wayne indeed
>Hats off
>not Mad Hatter
8/10 missed opportunity
Rugal Zorzal or Arturo Knupp?
Well, Doomsday Clock also had Nightwing rather than "Ric".
Brilliant story. Best one in this issue.
If she pulled it of would he die?
Wouldn't have pegged The Penguin as a Macfag. Also holy fuck Bendis made a good story for once. Kudos to the artist for using De Vito's Penguin. Always have a soft spot for stories that use De Vito's Penguin.
>Bendis wrote a better Batman than King
imagine telling this to Yea Forums in 2015
The previous time that Leslie appeared she seemed really young compared with this
well now he has to kill him good job there Ms. "I'll tell him the Spoiler is dead that'll serve him right"
that give it time joke was straight lifted from DBZ abridged.
Only Batman? I am surprised that this robin is Damian..
So, with Selina here this batgirl should be Helena..
It felt silly
See O'Neil doesn't give a shit about what editorial says about characters he created
or she can't since her art isn't good enough
So who Arkham Knight? I don't think it will be a new character but someone actually related to the Arkham family.
O'Neil probably asked Epting to copy this:
The last time we played that game it was disappointing so I don't care about it anymore, they want to push niggas so Arkahm Knight could be Duke, the last time they were pushing Jason
>on top of the big guy who broke daddy's back, no less.
What an absolute Chad.
Better than Action #1000
>Damifag sperging out in the replies
Is Year Two even canon anymore?
fucking based worth everything
This reminds me that I saw fell him in love to Barbara once(maybe during rebirth?).. Then he tried to forget her..
Just picked up the Frank Miller cover.
Is posts like this serious? The story was crap. Literally worse than the worse Bendis has ever wrote. Just because it ends with a splash-page of all the character taking a pic the horrid writing is excused?
God, i hate comic book fans.
Why is Catwoman present for the picture? Didn't she leave Batman at the altar like a cunt?
>Does anyboy else really dislike Stephanie Brown
I can't STAND her. I've hated her ever since I first saw her in a comic. She's not 'cute' or 'clever' and- despite DC's attempts to convince us otherwise- she's not 'bad ass'. She's just an obnoxious character who should've stayed dead (or, rather should have been dead for real, instead of that 'fake dead' thing they pulled).
I prefer Batwing
You are gay too if you say that he is gay and hate her
Damian is behind batman but he is really closely to him(more than Drake) like Alfred, his oldest ally..
>1000get for this issue
This entire issue made me wish for Bendis to take the Batman comic from King's hands. What the fuck is going wrong with the world? I'm not even saying, like, slightly. But actually seriously desire for King to assume the book.
Tim Drake is still boring.
Stephanie Brown is the Pootchie of the Bat-Family.
Mary Sue until the end
I just never liked Stephanie Brown as a character I agree with most that she should have stayed dead.
Someone explain to me why Batman would take a picture in some slum with everyone wearing their costumes, instead of having a painter make a portrait of them inside the Manor, outside of costumes, like a real "family".
fucking hell I can't even tell who's talking in 90% of that
I know that he is Morgan Ducard.. But I can´t remember this..
Yeah.. I miss Maya.
Some people convinced me about this too.. After I saw one interview about this with the images..
Because he's Batman KEK
I don't care about Tim
I just think your asspain is funny
Don´t insult her. Is Tynion Tim obsession fault.
She is a funny character.
I'm fucking tired of Catwoman being pushed in everything as some important character in the Bat-Family. If she had married Batman in King's run, that'd be something. Because it would have made some sense. But it's clear that DC didn't want that. So why keep pushing it? She doesn't even serve any purpose.
Because this story takes place prior to that
Damian represents his hope and struggle to make things better. He is represents success and importance of the mission Bruce has dedicated his life to.Bruce saved Richard and Richard grew up to save Damian. Damian represents B&R coming full circle.
Retire/limbo/Kill Tim off, his place as a relatable everyman(boy) character is no longer relevant nowadays and being a techie-nerd in the Bat family is massively redundant. Tim Drake's generation of heroes just doesn't seems as interesting anymore.
Arguably yes but as others have said AC had kings garbage and Snyders & Bendis' disrespectful POS stories. So while the low note here is Bendis it's also the entire idea that they shit the bed so thoroughly with two landmark issues. Arguably the only landmarks that have mattered since 500.
>Snyder written J'onn, Kendra, Carter
The fuck is this cuckery?
Bendis is still Cancer.
>So while the low note here is Bendis
Bendis was the highlights. The lows were definitely King and Johns.
I fucking hate Bendis with a passion, but somehow he managed to write a better story than the guy that has been writing the Batman comic for 60 issues now. Fuck, King himself managed to out-Bendis in his own game. It's like he wanted to mock Bendis style and Batman as a character in one swoop.
Duke is the Arkham Knight...Isn't he?
They did the same thing with "Scooby Doo & Batman - The Brave and The Bold".
Also, probably a stupid question, but since when is Hawkman a detective?
Stick around for 3 Jokers then.
why do these clowns need to gatekeep muh super secret detective club
he's the goddamn batman, everybody in that room knows he's the best one of them
Since Snyder became a Hawkman fanboy, he decided that Carter is a better detective than Batman.
>Three Jokers
What the hell is happening with that anyway?
I agree as well bros.
Nobody knows.
Johns needs to finish Doomsday Clock first, but they did release the costumes that will be used in it.
epic 1000 get
based dini riddler without faggot sideburns too
>none of this is lethal, of course
that's true, his Riddler is elegant but amusing
King's story was the best one. I cant believe I'm saying that.
What? No, it wasn't. It was easily the worst one. Just words and words and words that mean nothing, but a shitty attempt to write snarky dialogue between characters that all speak the same because they're all doing the same MTV teenager speak.
If you think that everyone in King's story spek with the same voice, you don't know anything about voicing.
Lord it was shit. Bendis and Dini were decent.
They all speak with the same voice. Check this story. You can only tell which characters are speaking because he throws their names a few times and certain traits. Like Damian doing "tt" and Jason talking about his death. Otherwise they all speak like they came from a 90's teen slasher movie.
Hell, go check Heroes in Crisis that was dumped in another thread. Everyone there, speak, like, just, like, this way, you know, like.
Is this the world’s most famous swipe?
Well that’s a fucking odd concept.
I lost my father unexpectedly a couple of months ago and this one is getting me
But we have a Bendis story and some Janin art!
Conner really hit it out of the part with this one.
No, and that's a good thing
Cool to see Damian included in so many of the stories for the Anniversary.
I got to say I like the new concept for the Arkham knight It really fits his name now. Though It's very unlikely that it is Michael Lane, I wouldn't fully discount Nobody because he could have brain trauma that made him forget who he was.
did you not read the bit in the beginning where they're hopped up on super-human drugs?
Terry is not even mentioned. That's disappointing.
there should have been a panel with Az-bats going "WTF"
>The poor kids dindu noffin, it's not like they were going around with a gun in the middle of the night trying to rob old ladies
lmao fuck off
>Batman losing the trunks again
For what purpose
He's parodying something Zack Snyder said a day or two ago about his detractors.
Best #1000 variant coming through. Glad I picked it up. Only had one left at my comic spot.
Having a portrait in his house of all his associates exposing their real identities sounds really reckless.
>The big thing that happens in the #1000 milestone is the introduction of a lame character from an already forgotten videogame
To gain them back
Why can't we get Dini on Batman again after King? Why is it going to be Bendis instead?
Dini is a master. But he can't do a monthly. When he was on Streets of Gotham, GCS, Zatanna, and Tec, he mostly did every other issue, or two on, one off.
Did they switch the names for Bendis and King by mistake?
Oh shit I can't believe they didn't get Morrison on here. Should've given him Kevin Smith's spot.
they should give him time before the run, that would be enough for a decent run, it doesn't have to be great but at least decent
I thought Leslie was young and hot now so she could be a relatable love interest for Bruce.
What? It would be him, his fiancee, his sons, his sons' girlfriends and friends, and that's it.
THIS is much worse, because you've a bunch of costumed freaks taking a photo and then Bruce placing this photo in his parents grave. What if some paparazzi had been there?
Who is Kevin Smith?
>why is Snyder’s shit OC donut steel character not included
How disgusting.
Fabok is absolute trash and thinks the Keaton shit is anything but trash. that's why.
I wish they'd push him more to do OGN like Bloodspell instead. That's the good stuff.
Oh please, villains and people just generally snooping around about Batman find their way into Wayne Manor all the fucking time.
Fat nerd director. Wrote this story.
I like his Batman things a lot, the only thing I don't like about Dini sometimes is that he uses Santana too much but I really want to read a OGN by Dini. Something for Black Label would be perfect
action comics 1000 had higher highs but lower lows. I think this was better on average actually.
I mean, dude married a stage magician, so I can't blame him. And he writes Zee really well, so it's fun.
A Dini Black Label something - maybe a continuation of his Vertigo Zee series - would be great!
I prefer his Batman things, those are my favorites. He has a taste for making us remember Gotham it's supposed to be a whole world where many things are happening so yep, I would like a Batman Black Label story by Dini
What I REALLY want? Dini writing a Carpenter OGN for Black Label. It'd be so hilarious. But I doubt it would sell enough. Ah, well.
Kek, didn't notice
How does it feel to be this wrong? I'm curious.
Christ, one panel in and I had to check if it was Bendis. Of course it was. Can't wait to read more of this trash when King is done.
Man that was disappointing, Batman deserved better than this, all these trash artists jesus.
Also, not even 1 Supes/Bat story come on now
I liked the book, but I do think it's a bit off that the Action 1000 had a bunch of Superman Batman stories, but this one has zero Batman Superman stories.
Does Bane not know who Batman is? Why is he even there?
No Azrael or Batwing? What?
And don't give me the in space crap for Azrael if they're gonna ignore Ric.
Man, I thought I was the only person who loved Luke and Jean Paul.
Can't take those precious Catwoman moments away.
Especially in a book with some randos and worse art.
“Batman. Say it fast. Bad Man.”
That’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve read in a while
How the fuck do King and Bendis say so much while saying nothing at all?
Shut up, Marvelshill. Peter Tomasi is a genius of the medium. He just came off from writing the definitive Superman run. You're too much of a brainlet to understand his writing style.
You look me in the eye and tell me what this Arkham Knight is supposed to be except a fucking lunatic who’s hard to take seriously because of how the system of his logic for hating Batman is. I loved the Superman run, but a dumb sounding character rant is a dumb sounding character rant.
Eh, I'm not that big on her. Never fully read Batman Eternal... but, she started showing up in costume around the same time as Duke/Signal. Figured if Helena is there (who's only shown up in Grayson, Birds of Prey, and Nightwing), might as well.
They were playing her up as a new member of the Bat Family.
She's been retired for three years, though.
Who's ready for Old Man Batman spin off books?
Although he wrote the horrible Arkham Knight comic.
Dini should have written Arkham Knight in comics since he couldn't do it in the games and the comic Tomasi wrote for Arkham Knight war very bad
Stick to something edgy Britbong writers like Morrison, Ellis or Alan Moore.
I don't know but from the dialogue is almost like they liked The White Knight and took the idea for this Arkham Knight from there
The Dini, Snyder, and Tynion ones were pretty good.
The O'Neil one was kind of pointless. I'm actually disappointed that it was so anti-Batman in an issue celebrating him.
The King one was a great concept with shit dialogue.
I'm bummed that Miller and Morrison didn't get stories, but at least I snagged the Cho cover. A worthy read.
>The King one was a great concept with shit di
The concept was shit, though. Why bring all the vigilantes in their costumes for a photo? Why not invite them to the mansion and have a photo with them dressed normally? Why leave the photo of Batman and his costumed pals in Thomas and Martha's graved to be picked by any paparazi?
King wanted to write a feel good issue, but the concept was dumb.
Dixon could have been so good, I miss that guy
Overall I thought it was better than AC1000. Pretty pleased. I was expecting pure shit, but other than O'Neil's retarded story and Tomasi's crap at the end, it was solid. 8/10
I agree, my least favorite is probably this
Checked and based
Because it's a Batman story. Who cares, this stuff isn't canon, it's a celebration issue. He's showing his parents the life he's built, and to him his Batman life is his real life, not his Bruce Wayne stuff.
I prefer Luke Fox than Duke Thomas too.
I always wonder how people like you enjoy any comic. It's a fun little story in an anniversary issue. If you're going to overthink it you may as well overthink everything in superhero comics and then enjoy nothing
My man. Luke has a whole set of stuff he does, and his connection to Lucius and Tam is a bonus. Duke has...the Streets (TM)?
>It's a fun little story
It's a terrible written one.
Kys yourself kingfag.
Based retards
Allright, pretty cool. I expected worse from Snyder.
The Rogue appearences were nice and so was the worldbuilding. Pretty decent.
Man, Dini really is the only guy who knows how to write The Mad Hatter.
Easily the best story of the bunch.
I don't give a crap if it's Bendis, I really liked this one.
It's nice to see Oswald get some dignity for a change and this was a quite interesting spin on their relation.
It's meh. A whole lotta worthless dialogue just to get a big picture of the Batfamily and for King to pretend he cares about any of them that aren't Selina.
And this was just fucking awful, jesus.
Man, don't you just love how Two-Face, Penguin and Clayface were all just shuttled off to their own “And the rest!” page with fucking Hush while Talon and Tomasi’s own original villain all get their own page?
I really like Tomasi, but man, what a shitty reveal with terrible dialogue and a waste of page count.
AC #1000 was way better
aaaaand no miller
What were the highs of AC? I didn't find any good story in there?
Why are the giant ghosts of Superman and Starfire looking at Batman?
>fat virtue signaling Irish cuck
>hole “””artist””” hired for diversity
Fuck you, Ennis.
that's ellis, retard
I don't know about Kevin Smith's. Somewhere between MIDDLE and SHIT
Holy fuck. I just want to know you've terrible taste and you're the reason comics are so awful right now.
None. Eh. It was really fun, and a good celebration, but I don't think any were great.
Ambitious ideas, maybe some good moments, but ultimately kinda disappointing:
Absolutely mediocre:
What the actual heck were you thinking:
>King shitty imitation of Bendis this high
The fuck, Yea Forums?
King pandered to autists by featuring all their favorite characters in the same story. That's all it takes.
it was fun. don't you like fun, user?
It had a stupid premise, it had terribly dialogue that takes all the page and shits all over the art, and terrible characterizations. It felt almost like a mock of the Batfamily with them all joking about how many Robins have died thus far - a shitty joke that King have puled twice already.
Fucking Bendis managed to shit out a story with less Bendism than King.
You fuckers are making me hate the word "fun".
well, deal with it nerd. we got 3 more years of king batman
I like how the costume changes from panel to panel, l ike Purple Gloves at first and all.
"lol you call yourself the Worlds greatest detective we did all this shit first!"
Really hate the huge batfamily
Wow even Condiment King got himself some henchmen?
BASED 1000 GET FOR #1000
Some top tier ruseing on Bruce's part.
What was disrespectful about Snyder's?
Dick/Kory shipping on a Batman comic? And on the number #1000 nonetheless? Quick! Everyone make a wish!
Gay as fuck
>implying I’m an American who cannot pronounce the letter t.
>Signal is here
>Batwing isn't
They really are just ignoring Batwing and pushing Signal as the first black member of the bat family, huh
Checked and perfect 1000 get
This page is great. Unfortunately when you try to read it in the physical comic book, the gutter loss is so great that Batman's face is a squished mess in the middle. DC's 80 page giants are really something crappy. I have no idea why they don't just staple them. I've seen comics with that many pages stapled and it looked great.
very good page. if you notice, the only members of this big stupid bat family that matter are closest to and touching Batman
literally everyone else could be deleted and it wouldn't matter
No, fuck King. His run is the worst Batman's been written in fucking decades. I'm just saying the concept isn't awful.
"hmm I need to get a cool group shot, better just tell everyone to meet on a random roof top without telling them why"
That's not how bullet-proofing works.
No one gonna say anything about those coked out dog eyes?
Bumping to read with yall.
>The Batfamily moonlights as a bumbling henchman just to fuck with the villains
Fucking Dini
That was kind of a fun twist
Has Kelley ever drawn anything remotely decent?
Did King have anything to do with this?
Kelleys story had the best art of the whole comic you pleb
The only time I disliked her was in Tynion's 'Tec. She was a huge retardo in that book.
That's some sweet digits
And here I thought DC canned this
>Bats use echolocation
I'm actually surprised we got this. When did it become a thing?
I'm pretty sure Deathstroke knows too, or at the very least he knows Dick is Nightwing, it wouldn't be hard to deduce.
The Joker knows in current continuity, he just doesn't care.
>paying more than the asking price
Is this suppose to be cool or something?
Listen to these while reading this issue
I didn't think it was fun at all. I found it boring? Are you boring user? Do you hate fun?
Around 2016.
Joker II is a classic story for the Batman/Selina future, back from pre-Crisis.
Gen basically did the same story as Neal Adams only it ended with Lex killing Superman rather than Neal's which ended with Superman beating Lex. Just like King shit on Superman by destroying earth to make his entire mission seem misguided the entire time, and then Bendis stabbing Superman in the chest after shitting on his costume and closing out the floppy with his name and face rather than Superman's (they ended with Batman in DC1000 so that's nice).
Fwiw I do like Snyders story in this. Kings is shit and so was bendis' but Snyders was a nice intro.
>Kevin Smith (nice colors though)
Interesting, I want to read that story
meh. points for an actual detective story
pretty trash but >Onomatopoeia
fuck you, he's a great villain.
KEK! This was great!
this was pointless, why Ellis though? he seems like someone who doesn't give two shits about Batman.
I liked this one, but I like people calling out Batman.
doesn't work for me. I'm thinking it's the colouring that is throwing O'Neil off here. Or he could be just getting old
Wow, Bendis did my favorite story this issue.
pretty good, one of the better ones
terrible, all just for a stupid cover space page. nice digits though
this was dumb too.
two best were Dini and Bendis, wow.
The Kevin Smith story was actually good but wtf is up with the continuity because he has Batman fighting Onomotapoiea and Harley in the yellow oval suit...
Maybe I was too hard with Kevin Smith's story but the ending was strange in my opinion but maybe Tynion and Kevin Smith were in a draw
Kevin Smith?
THAT Kevin Smith?
Wow. Who knew he still had any talent left.
And this is why this was my favorite story.
shut up Boco, you have shit taste
Yes sir...
You have good taste. Don't listen to user. :)
Don't encourage him!
Well, according to you, I also have shit taste, so I will encourage him all I can.
check'd and kek'd
Yikes, I haven't see that one. Basic but it's Batman, I guess.
That was his son
AC1000 had two bump limit storytimes on release day alone. Even DC1000s storytime shit the bed. Sell-through at my LCS looked terrible had each and every decade cover available in the late afternoon, AC1K I had to settle for Lee's trash.
Everything Didio, Lee and Harras have done since before AC1000 even released when they announced "Bendis was coming" has killed sales and hype. They may legitimately stack up with some of the worst businessmen ever. Diane Nelson ruined DC but it's clear now Didio and Lee only ever aided her effort to destroy warners from the inside and might even be worse.
Can we please get this without the text bubble?
>sticking your retarded OC villain into AC1k for the chance at moviebux is fine
Please kill yourself Brian
>melting a gun to make it a steel plate
what? you just add weight and it can't stop a bullet
>he's the best one of them
He hasn't done a whole lotta detecting in a long time.
Pete Woods shitty Red Hood costume is Dead!!!
god I wish I was as hot as Bruce Wayne, I hate being a fucking manlet
This is a great page
It's a parody, mongoloids.
That would be nice.
That hurt.
It’s what his three Jokers is all about Babs Jason Fanfic
I don't get "Bag Man" when I say it fast repeatedly. It comes out "ba'mam".
> cast smaller
So basically same old run from Tomasi?
Batwing and Blue Bird retired. Azreal is space Batmsn.
My favorite of the bunch.
Idk about you lads but I loved this issue. Yeah there were some stinkers (Priest, Oneil, Tomasi), but overall there was a lot to like here. When I finished all I wanted to do was read it again. AC1000 did not give me this feeling
They couldn't even get Frank Miller to do a story for Detective 1000. Both this and AC 1000 were a fucking joke.
to be fair frank miller hasn't written anything good in a long time . same with o'neil. they included him and his story was among the worst of the lot . they included neil adams and his art was horrendous.
it was better, but only by a bit. Surprisingly Bendis made the whole thing work
I think Bendis is actually well suited for Batman. From what I saw of his Wal-Mart series was good too, which is getting collected later this year.
This is very much Denny making a jab at modern Batman stories by retelling one of his best
But his point was kind of the opposite of his original story.
Um. The Bendis Walmart Batman stories are mostly only good for Derington's art. The only Walmart stories that will really be remembered are King's. Because he killed Lois off!
Kidding. They'll be remembered because he actually worked at telling standalones that fit into a larger narrative, instead of tiny drips of content that feed into a larger but rather limp story.
King what the fuck are you doing
>But his point was kind of the opposite of his original story
Exactly the kind of dour and fatalistic resolution we've come to expect from Batman, who as we all know is a crazy person barely holding on by a thread
I like how the standard way to write Barbara is basically just being a cunt.