"Leviathan Rising" Part Three.
Action Comics #1009 Storytime
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Jeez, Lois. That punch could have hurt or killed her. Calm down.
My German is rusty as shit, but that does not seem right.
>not to sound too old-school detective... but when I don't see a body, let alone bodies... at a crime scene, I like a body.
what does that mean
what the fuck
>based Bendis remembers Atomic Skull is a good boy now
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That ain't atomic skull.
>Thanks for reading. Support the Official Release at your Local Comic Shop.
no thanks.
not based
It's Mr Bones
I watched the previous page again for understand this. I thought that someone added here one old superman comic image for cheat us..
It means it's suspicious there wasn't any corpses m8.
Remember when Dick was in Spyral and going on all these big spy adventures and was facing off with different spy agencies and fun things like that? Then they took that all away to stick him back in Bludhaven where he became dull and boring immediately? And his fans all celebrated him going back to that? I'll never understand it.
It means investigations into potential assassination attempts and terrost attacks are easier when there are bodies left behind to study and search for clues.
Im loving Bendis Action Comics. It really plays to his strengths while giving Superman a threat he can't jist punch. He has to use his investigative skills. Now if only the main Superman book was half as good.
Who is this guy to be making threats to Superman?
Are you serious???
Did he just became more jewish?
If he hadn't aged up Jon, I'd just think his run is mediocre instead of absolutely horrible. As it stands the only way I'm coming back is if Jon gets deaged.
Nope, Bendis just fulfilled his wish of Black Dynamite Superman
Black Dynamite woyld have been somved this Leviathan matter like he solved the case of the KKK and the Islamic Nation trying to kill porstars taking part in interracial porn.
Is there no variant cover?
This is Bendis at his best, I think. Not earth shattering, but funny and exciting.
Is that supposed to be Amanda Walker? I seriously can't even tell for sure. It took me a few seconds to even be able to guess.
Director Bones.
Clark must hate his farther in law if hes sending the wonder twins
I think that was the intention, user
He couldn't even walk over and read the note?
Same. I really miss Grayson.
Hey they’re good kids
It could be trap, so why bother? Walk up to that thing and find out its laced with krypronite.
>Lois calling Superman "honey" in front of Jimmy
wtf Bendis
nah its a bit needlessly convoluted but the grammar is correct
This is awful dialog.
what the fuck?
what the fuck am I even looking at?
Huh can’t even remember the last time Epting drew capeshit
Jimmy knows now, doesn't he?
>This is Bendis at his best, I think.
That's incredibly depressing.
>Alfred always at the ready with tea, even when Bruce isn't around
damn good butler
Lois howling like an airhorn has to be some new low point for Bendis dialogue
I miss the black background S-shield
No, he asks for Clark later in the story, and assumes Chaz is Supes' real identity.
Waller has had that coming for years
Hahaha holy fuck this is Silver Age as fuck and absolutely hilarious
Lois knows about suicide squad and hasn't gone public about it?
Lois knows about suicide squad and hasn't gone public about it?
Clark couldn't stop for a moment and check for bodies to make the guy feel better?
Im convinced Alfred is a low key reality warper or something with how good his butlering is.
Gotta have proof. Otherwise you end up with our current media.
Why is it that I hate the main Superman book but actually kinda like this? like the dialog is off at times but otherwise it's fun.
I actually enjoy Benids' Action comics, the Superman comic sucks balls though.
Some quick observations.
1. Waller knowing Clark's secret is lame I liked that he fools everyone with it.
2. WTF is going on with Lois and Superman. I feel like this is out of order and in another issue they are going to do the reveal that Lois cucked Clark with Superman.
3. Fuck yeah Spyral is back and it lets Bendis live out his fantasy of making a Black Superman without doing so.
I actually enjoy Benids' Action comics, the Superman comic sucks balls though.
Some quick observations.
1. Waller knowing Clark's secret is lame I liked that he fools everyone with it.
2. WTF is going on with Lois and Superman. I feel like this is out of order and in another issue they are going to do the reveal that Lois cucked Clark with Superman.
3. Fuck yeah Spyral is back and it lets Bendis live out his fantasy of making a Black Superman without doing so.
Yeah. That makes more sense the editors told him no, so they changed the perm with a jewish perm. Someone black face him in a 'shop
many others are the same, user
> Waller knowing Clark's secret is lame I liked that he fools everyone with it.
100% agree. her figuring out batman, ok sure whatever. but superman fooling the entire planet is absolutely based and she should never know
fuck bendis