What was he right about?
What was he right about?
Guns don't kill people, people kill people
With guns
>allowing your citizens to own automatic weapons because muh outdated constitution when the thought of an automatic weapon wasn't even a concept and it took 1-minute to load a gun with powder
Enjoy your time on the internet while it lasts, non-American
he is right though. A gun is a tool, and while it certainly can be used to kill someone, so can a hammer. A saw can be used to hurt people. A glass bottle can be used to kill people.
It's not about the tool, it's about the man using it.
Did they really do a political episode again? They haven't had a politics ep since like season 3
But, of all those options only guns are a tool explicitly designed for killing. A point could be made for hunting, but that is not that widespread of a hobby/occupation.
Was this a episode of American Dad?
They did one about unions and strikes in the past few seasons.
It’s the Christmas rapist he rapes on Christmas!
So, cut peoples hands off, so they can't carry guns anymore?
Did you know in the UK knife crimes are so bad you need an I.D to buy a kitchen knife. This is why I laugh at people saying to get rid of guns, I’d rather be shot and die quickly than to bleed out after someone slit my throat.
Ahhh yes. Mass knifings as bad as America's mass shootings
Statistically insignificant
Ok then, is the 1st Amendment irrelevant because Twitter didn't exist in the fucking 1780s?
About Checkers coming back.
Tell that to people who’ve gotten the Glasgow smile.
you dont use a knife for that you use a bank card
when's the last time twitter killed anything but a hollywood career?
No, you don’t. I bought like 3 sharp kitchen knives the other day.
If you look like a kid you get your ID checked, though. Probably in certain shit areas in London you might need an ID.
>Only government should be allowed to mass-murder people
Found a Nazi.
Are you saying that user was lying on the internet to perpetuate his agenda?
no point even responding its a complete meme,
i bought a fishing knife when i was 16 and didnt get ID'd
Oliver North's gold.
That post is retarded on so many levels.
Speaking of Nazi's one of the first things they did was take away guns, so the Germans were easier to control.
People needing to stand up for themselves one on one
God YES.
Fuck the first amendment! ENOUGH!
There are very few automatic weapon on the American market. Most guns are merely semi-automatic, meaning each pull of the trigger only shoots one bullet. If anything, concealable weapons are the problem. It's a lot easier to sneak a hand gun into a crowd than an assault rifle.
That's why Americans are so stubborn to keep their guns. No tyrannical state can pop up when the people are armed.
>It's not about the tool, it's about the man using it.
And it's also why people focusing on mental issues will benefit many problems, not just gun control, in the country.
But that's difficult and it's easier to just say "ban guns".
>implying a tyrannical government would be established with the strength of the arms instead by using the normal, democratic way, before going full tyrannical, in a first world western country
Hitler was elected Chancellor, he didn't organize a coup d'état to get there.
Hoping to use weapons to stop a dictatorship is being blind to the fact that half or more of those weapons would be used to defend that same dictatorship
Better to have minor defense than no defense.
I'd say your defense is better if you and your retarded neighbor don't get to play with hand-sized guns. Less chance of hurting yourself.
But I'm sure that, as a retard, you think this doesn't apply to you.
Might as well not let anyone own something they could hurt themselves with, that's retarded reasoning. If a person is dangerously reckless they will always find a way to hurt themselves or others, with or without guns.
Has a twitter post ever caused a massacre?
>guns cause a big problem
>might as well take away things that cause less of a problem
No THAT'S retarded reasoning.
No, retards and people with mental issues who manage to get guns cause the problems, taking away guns from everyone would just be a lazy temporary solution to an existing problem.
Besides most gun, related crimes are from illegal firearms, not legal ones. Before you bring up school shootings there should be a requirement for a gun safe and proper firearm safety use.
>when the thought of an automatic weapon wasn't even a concept
Puckle gun 1718.
Twitter posts are worse than massacres. They erode the values of what makes America a great nation, the silent consent to traditional Christian family values.
Only people die from gun wounds. An entire nation is dying due to social media.
funny how the 2nd amendment is the only one people have issue with and constantly try to twist the words and purposefully misinterpret their meaning
never see anyone trying to ban the first or third or fourth
The government tried to flat out ignore the 10th a lot.
There are lots of people that don’t understand the 1st, 4th or 5th amendments. There are people that have recently said they want to abolish the 13th amendment
>There are people that have recently said they want to abolish the 13th amendment
I'm not sure what they wish to accomplish with that.
Libs ruining this country. They are essentially a virus. They ruin on area with taxes and nanny state laws, and then they flee to an amazing conservative area just to repeat the process of voting in the same principles that ruined their last home.
I meant 14th amendment. Some people want to remove birthright citizenship.
But Kanye west said abolish the 13th because he’s a fucking retard that rambled on about it not being needed anymore or some dumbshit.
You're retarded, but then again, literally every gun nut I've ever talked to about this is a fucking retard, so whats the difference.
One has already popped up. If you think you're free as an American, you'r a fucking tard. You are less free today than your parents and grandparents were, and your kids if you have any, will be less free than you.
Your guns haven't stopped the (((powerful))) from taking everything away from you.
and cons ruining this country by being pussy's
Yea Forums is rightful /k/lay
Guns beat karate, every time.
He was right about how no one would ever say “I’m getting fed up with this orgasm”