The event Charlotte never told Wilbur.
The event Charlotte never told Wilbur
Other urls found in this thread:
They should rename Yea Forums to Yea Forums- clickbait websites and twitter + tumblr posts
She deserved better than what she got
She deserved more than what she got
Someone post the thread screencap. You know the one
Does this mean Wilbur was cucked?
>never told Wilbur
That's called basic politeness. Vertebrates just don't get it.
Hell No. Spiders are disgusting.
This scene still fucks with me.
Charlotte is a precious little angel and the movie should have ended with her becoming a benevolent spider goddess to assists mankind into a golden age of peace and prosperity
Or entering the Spider-Verse in a tiny little Spidey suit
>spider spins web into coherent words
>retard hicks praise the pig instead of the spider
I vote for Spidersuit
I want Gwen and Peni awwing at how cute they find her. and Charlotte being reminded of Wilbur by the pig.
>up in the rafters of the barn, the loud(ish) moans of two spiders could be heard late at night that then transitioned into screams and chomping noises followed by a light burp.
>Wilbur never once questioned who the father was of Charlotte's egg sac.
I wanted to fuck her when I was younger
We need an artfriend to draw this
The Drawthread's always open
Sexual cannibalism is not common among spiders as a whole. However there are some species where sexual cannibalism is pretty much defacto sex, “cellar spiders” aren’t one of them.
>Applying reality to a fictional child's story.
Fuck off.
>have some violent sex, then murder and eat her lover
>TFW your niche fetish doesn’t have a community
That rat was too sexual.
Фид энд cид
>followed by a light burp
Фopмapли Чaкc
>Have advance arachnophobia
>Lard spider-deity descends from the heaven declaring itself to help mankind
>large spider
Yeah-no I'm committing suicide.
Came here to post this.
It's your loss
Either that or Charlotte's species also does the deal where the male lives if he brings a bundled-up insect for the female to eat in his place. Sometimes the male will just make an empty bundle, then squiddly-doo on out of there while the female is unwrapping her empty gift. Charlotte WAS a little pissed one morning when Wilbur greeted her, saying something like "It's nothing you need to worry about." if I remember right.
The female he ended up with was better.
When Debbie Reynolds passed away we pulled up Charlotte's Web and had the kids, A and B watch it with us. They handled it pretty well. B was sad the spider died but moved on pretty quickly. She's 5, she has the attention span of a gnat. A, who's 8, was solemn and bummed that she died tired and alone in an empty fairground after she did so much for so many Wilbur. We told her that Charlotte died happy BECAUSE she did so much for Wilbur, and that sometimes being a good person can be it's own reward. She was quiet for a few minutes, then said it was dumb that the farmers praised the pig for the spiderweb, and that it would have made more sense if Charlotte wrote on Wilbur or had taught Wilbur to write with his snout. I'm still pissed at her for that.
"Nobody, of the hundreds of people that had visited the Fair, knew that a grey spider had played the most important part of all. No one was with her when she died."
Lard Spider?
youre pissed at her for that why?
Because she was right. They would have put the spider in a museum, not the pig. It doesn't take away from the message, but it's kind of hard to ignore the logic in this fable about talking animals.
Being aware of the sentient spider they would've realized her desire to help the pig and wouldve also honored that as well. Hell being in a musuem they might even make a plague with info on her deeds.
Its not anything else would matter as long as Wilbur didnt die to slaughter to be made into food.
She shouldve eaten him. or atleast kept him a web to eat over the course of days.
>Thinking Wilbur would enjoy her being utterly forgotten and unknown for her immense kindess to him.
He accepts that it happens but you really think if he could he wouldnt want her remembered by everyone for what she did?
Charlotte was the best. Unironically do not lewd.
Because she's a spider.
>do not lewd
where do you think we are
>She was quiet for a few minutes, then said it was dumb that the farmers praised the pig for the spiderweb
That was my problem with it as a kid too. What kind of person looks at words on a spiderweb and comes to the conclusion it was the pig writing it.
Lard Spider.
You live in a world where a tire can roll down the street, hit a bike, and bounce right into the middle of a store and smack someone in the face.
Are you implying its not possible for a pig to rearrange a spider web to the english language to escape slaughter? Why would a spider rearrange its web to talk about a pig?
You can't tell me what to do.
Oh god those religious zealot Zuckermans are here again
We've been over this, only the spider couldve been delicate enough to do such a thing.
Thats just it, its more clear in the book, and perhaps while more realistic is an even more retarded conclusion
Mr Zuckerman literally thought it was divine intervention. aka God did it.
But in the Charlotteverse, the pig is of average intelligence as well, recognizing and lamenting over his eventual demise. Given the right circumstances he could probably learn to read and write pretty easily. This means that
A. Humans are fucking bastards and
B. Charlotte isn't even special.
What would this even be?
Lard spider goddess.
isn't Peni already teamed-up with a psychic spider....
Is Spy//der just Charlotte in a robot?
She is when we take into account a fucking spider would be among one of the first realized instances of confirmed sapience in animals. Just the simplw fact of being FIRST is enough for that kind of discovery.
>>Charlotte isn't even special
She obviously isn't. And as we've already discussed, all the humans remain oblivious to the fact despite countless messages. So humans are just unable to think logically and percieve anything but what's in front of their faces.
Wait, are we the animals?
spiders are absolutely based. their method of killing is actually relatively “humane” as the insect/invertebrate predatory world goes.
i mean holy shit would you prefer to be stabbed by an elephant’s tusks that swiftly liquefy your innards and cause such pain that you would basically pass out from it while it wraps you in its jizz then drinks you up, or get rendered immobile by a lion that drags you to a cave then lets a newborn lion cub take little bites out of you over several weeks while you are perfectly aware of this and will feel the pain? that’s what would happen if we humans had mammal predators that behaved like bugs.
I dunno dude getting your dick and then guts eaten by a lion while you're still alive is also pretty bad.
>>TFW your niche fetish doesn’t have a community
>niche fetish
it's called vore you retard
Spiders are a little crazy but most people agree they're overall on the side of good. Like when you need something taken care of and the only number in your phonebook is the Joker. It's going to seem a little strange to your sensibilities, and the comission will necessitate a 100,000$ coverage for pink balloons, but ultimately he'll get it done.
Or maybe it’s a fucking cartoon, you wastes. Read a goddamn book.
>Charlotte in a mech suit
This would be awesome
I saw a pic where she'd eaten Wilbur...
If you hire Joker to kill somebody expect a lot of collateral damage and to get fucked over.
Remember what happened to Black Mask in Red Hood and Arkham Origins?
This is how you enjoy things? And I’m the bad guy?
post it
And now im crying over a spider
All she had to do was tap a vein every other day. No need to web him.
>Try to let spiders live because of memes
>Leave me clothes on the floor like a real man
>Find them crawling around in my underpants
History experts generally determine this to be the start of the spider genocide.
just shake them out you spermazoa
This made me want to look up this event because that shit sounds hilarious.
And then I found another article in national geographic where some redbacks and brown widow males are capable of going after immature females.
Because they are young, the organs for reproduction are there but the openings haven't developed yet. So the Male spiders are literally creating openings with thier fangs and inseminating them after getting access to thier genitals. This doesn't harm the females at all apparently.
Thicc spider?
>Spiders on your underpants
user i think they are asking you something
>"You really were "Some Pig" Wilbur..."
>implying Charlotte isn't thicc already
>thicc spider waifu goddess wraps Earth in her webbing to keep her pig save forever.
yeah seriously look at that thorax
You can't shake off a spider. They just cling on and make a mad dash for your hand.
so you're saying they perform an extreme form of cunnilingus to make fucking possible?
ideas like these are why copyright should be abolished so anyone can use any idea in media for crossover shenaniggans.
Spiders eat flies. You want to know what a world without spiders looks like? Flies. EVERYWHERE. All over your food, in your shoes, coming out of the taps. Not a pretty picture, is it.
Charlotte is clearly an alien. Look at her antenna. Spider don't have those.
Who gives a shit about flies+ Anything that genocides mosquitoes are, per definition, the greatest hero of mankind.
So that means she CAN eat solids unlike spiders.
Why DOES she have antenna anyway?
Why does she only have 2 eyes? Why does she have hair? Asking the real questions here.
Flies are filthy creatures that spread disease. They walk around on dog poo and then walk on your lunch, do you think that's even remotely hygienic? The only reason I don't advocate the complete genocide of flies is because then spiders would have less to eat.
>I like to make up shit.
Why is her bod clearly made up of three sections when Spiders are 2 section based arachnids?
Flies might occasionally in very rare circumstances possibly and by accident give you a mild disease. Mosquitoes will home in on you from 2 miles away just to inject your ass with malaria or dengen fever. They're the literal definition of villains.
Flies are still disgusting creatures.
fuck mosquitos and wasps and cockroaches.
Charlotte should be fed every instance of those three species of insect.
Fuck you user. No stingers, no sucking, all they do is spread pollen around and make a big fat target if you get annoyed by them.
Yes, user. That's exactly what I'm saying.
Enjoying dying of malaria.
Flies clean up corpses, meaning the world is a lot less filthy because of them. Checkmate.
flies also buzz around as general fucking nuisance 99% percent of the time, cleaning up corpses is like 1% of the time they spend.
They look disgusting and disturbing in some cases but they’re fine. Except for black widows and wolfs
The fact that she recognizes the agony of death must make life tough for Charlotte. Do you think she tries to apologize to her prey before consuming them? Or does she take pleasure in it, and is in a constant high from being able to decide the life of death others?
bit of both depending on her mood.
>tfw Charlotte gets enormously fat and bloated from eating those insects but is still happy because she helped people
Yes, continue
>ywn never have Charlotte lap her tongue around the rim of your dickhole, just small enough for her to insert inside to move around abit.
She uses Wilbur as a stinky fat pig to attract more insects.
her true motive for helping him.
Or she was just too lazy to find a human to help.
Why didnt Fern help at all? She gave up too easily, useless child.
how fat are you thinking?
She was like 6 man. She thought it was cruel to euthanize a small healthy pig, but understood she was buying him time and that he was an animal being raised for food. She got over it.
She knew Charlotte by fucking name user.
swap cats with snakes and its accurate
We talking book, cartoon, or movie?
all three
Well, considering the amount of mosquitos, wasps and cockroaches in the world...
the average low income apartment is infested with 26000 cockroaches going by some recent surveys.
10,000 wasps inhabit one nest on average
and I did some research and found theres probably around 70,000,000,000,000,000 mosquitos on the planet.
There are also the ones who have to pluck out a jamming tune on the strands of web, and they either get eaten or get spiderpussy.
Or the males who “tie down” the females with web even though the female can probably just escape anyway.
So she's going to be one thicc spider.
And fuck them trap doors while we're at it. Have you ever seen something more horrifying in slow motion
>black widows
I've had one nonchalantly scuttle over my foot before, like their poison is bad but they're pretty chill when it comes to behavior.
Spiders are like one of the few bugs that realizes that humans are big and scary and don't wanna fuck with us. Most of them run away when we approach them or just stay out of areas that get a lot of foot traffic. Usually if a spider bites you it's because they get caught between you and something, like they get caught in your clothes or you walked through their web and they wanna get you to leave.
there are some errors in that statement. first, the species does not have a capital letter like the genus (Araneus cavaticus). moreover, male spiders are aware of the agressive nature of the female so they bring almost always a present (usually a fly) to feed her and mate while she's distracted. using this method most of the males have pretty good chances to flee unharmed
>underage cherry popping
Why are spiders so kinky?
Whelp i doodled this.
>Guys, some big hairy thing moved into my home
>Thankfully it never climbs up the walls or ceiling but it still scares me
>I keep putting down traps but he just walks straight through them
Good job user
>claws digging into the wood
You have used your time on earth well.
This is vore, right?
Recently re-watched this and HO-LEE-SHIT is Wilbur annoying. Every single time there's an issue it's "BUT CHARLOTTE" and starts crying. Fucking everyone watching it got sick of his whining real fucking fast. Charlotte was too good for him.
Houseflies and flies in general do not have the adaptations that make them as efficient pollinators as bees or even bats. Just admit you're being a contrarian faggot.
Vore almost never has what I want. It’s close but different. Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.
Now that you mention it...
I don't understand how anyone liked Wilbur. Like even when I was a little crybaby kid I found him obnoxious. Like Charlotte's saving your goddamned life and you're getting all triggered about her eating bugs to ...y' Wilbur you eat GARBAGE every day, maybe Charlotte doesn't wanna see THAT.
You are my favorite person
>never has what I want
>but different.
Well, than what do you want?
What parts of the vore threads on are leaving you unfulfilled?
I read animal farm as a kid before charlotte's web so I always used to think wilbur grew up to be that old pig at the start of the story.
Not that user but eating does nothing for me, but for some reason the "digesting a person while having a smug satisfied face and the stomach loudly churns gets me. I guess it's just my love of torture and slowly melting alive is pretty horrifying. Especially when it gives the person satisfaction.
Spiders don't eat their prey whole, only their liquefied innards so nahh
Charlotte has a regular mouth though. She can't inject other insects with anything. Maybe she beats them to death with a splinter?
Violent sex that may end in the guy getting eaten. I have talked to /d/ about it and the vore fags agree that my niche is adjacent but not the same thing. It’s like being a weirdo who jacks off to shoes being taken off and the closest you can get is by hovering around footfags until you find what you want. Like this user would do well in vore fag communities as there is a tag for post vore. I can comb through pages and pages until I find what I am almost looking for.
Honestly I find what I want more in monster girl hentai then I do in vore communities.
I can relate. I have a thing for venomous girls like scorpions spiders and snakes biting or stinging people. But there's not exactly any...niche for that so searching for it is pretty hard.
I got super into Poison Ivy as a kid because of it but every porn with Ivy uses the "hypnosis" type poisoning rather than something actually painful or life threatening.
Probably. Rename /pol/ into "Random Shit In Your Life/Randomly Insulting Everyone" and /r9k/ "The Second Tranny Board since /lgbt/ Isn't Fucking Enough." while we are at it.
No on this shit post-2016 seems to understand what board topics are.
When was a wee lass we had a big Yellow Garden Spider in my dad's front flowerbed. It frightened me at first, the legs looked like needles, but my dad taught me that all animals are different and serve a purpose. Spiders eat insects that make people sick and spin beautiful webs. I learned that something doesn't have to be pretty to be beautiful. Sometimes you can find beauty in the fearful symmetry of a predator
Good, good...
now have her eating humans
I miss /fatbug/.
May I ask for more?
That's probably a stylization of her pedipalps, the "mandibles" spiders have in front of their mouths.
On top of her head nowhere near her mouth?
I like your style
Same, they were so good.
It's more likely just a stylistic choice for a cartoon "bug", since a lot of them are drawn with cartoony antennae.
barbershop quarters are qt
>Lawful Evil
>Nature's rapist
You had "clickbait and outrage" right there and didnt go for it.
Rape isn't evil. I mean, none of us would be alive right now if it wasn't for rape.
>There's no way a spider could do this!
>But a pig? Now them there's a smart animal!
That pig was so great in inspired another creature to comment on it
Got a blog or something?
no way cats are neutral, they murder and torture for fun
>I read animal farm as a kid before charlotte's web
Based parents
i wanna fuck that spider.
Say that to my face motherfucker!
I got a tumblr but honestly I don't really post there anymore. And I just sorta hate twitters interface.
The Catholics seem fine with it.
>Charlotte artist has no presence on the web
I read somewhere that pigs are more intelligent than dogs
That's probably more the maggot's job
Flies just lay eggs and fuck on your wheat bread
Snakes are not evil, especially not rattlesnakes. Just don't fuck with them and they'll leave you be. The main danger they pose comes from the fact that most of them are too stupid to find nesting spots away from places humans go to.
"I haven't even strength enough to climb down into the crate."
>Easily comes down on a thread to cheer up Wilbur
You will never have a friend like Charlotte.
Hard cannibalism isn't vore, you fuckwit. It's just food-themed guro. Spiders don't even have a proper orifice for swallowing solid objects.
Is she in Into the Spiderverse?
Who owns the film rights to Charlotte's Web? We could get a crossover...
No...of course not.
Sadly, no :(
Hanna Barbara, they made it and if I remember they are owned by Warner Bros.?
Probably because they are organized, and they seem respectable even when their true nature is violent lust and sadism.
Intensely believable.
What happened to those anyway?
They stopped making them I guess
They're little murder machines.
>"Charlotte isn't even special."
Extra Thicc Spider Fertility Goddess?
chaotic good then. swap the spider and the cat
One of my first cartoon crushes.
To put it simply, the threads were at constant war with a handful of barneyfag-tier autists hell-bent trying to get rid of them altogether. The threads were a swamped with spam of all kinds for months, with scatposting being the biggest blow to the threads. They eventually fucked off and/or got permabanned, but at that point most of the regulars were scared off and the threads slowly died afterwards.
At the very least though, one of the autists realized what he did long after that and apologized for being so shitty. Doesn't really take back the damage to the board, but I thought it was interesting seeing genuine remorse.
Some flies do bite. Please stop shitting out your mouth.
spiders are fat and so are moths
Fat where it counts.
I'm not usually into monstergirls, but Spidergirls and Mothgirls are 10/10
Why didn't Charlotte know how to spell terrific but knew fucking Latin?
Unironically one of my first waifus
i swear to god you kids know even less about invertebrates than you do about comics and cartoons
Fun fact, female spiders are usually way bigger than the males, and the males massage their sperm into the females with their mouth parts.
Biologyanon? Is that you?
Choose your destiny, Yea Forums
Are you incels reading this? Shit's like Ocean's Eleven for spider but they still do it.
Just about any animal is smarter than a brainless mutt
That’s hot
Hey when you gotta fuck ya gotta fuck.
just like real women
Do you think she’d try to reassure them or tease them while eating them?
Either one of these options would be great >she tries to apologize to her prey before consuming them
>is in a constant high from being able to decide the life of death others? (probably involves teasing)
She'd probably reassure them and tell them everything would be ok as she gobbles them up, but the constant high from would also be hot as fuck.
>I should probably try to make it quick
>Oh, but I do enjoy the way you feel running around my abdomen
>What do you think, Wilbur?
>We're friends, oink!
>Yea Forums- clickbait websites and twitter + tumblr posts
But we already have Yea Forums for that...
They know where the pig is but not the spider.
>Trying to be kind and comforting but obviously relishing the thought of drawing it out as long as she can
Best option
>entrances her victim with beautiful song
>quietly eats them in silent contentment
>victim's last memory is hearing a wonderful song as they fade away in Charlotte's body
>Charlotte peacefully drifts off in a state of bliss with a smile on her face
This would be great.
Don't forget the violent sex bit.
She's TOO FAT.
She's eaten Wilbur in her stupor!
fatfags get out
that's called hard vore, it's not allowed on Yea Forums because it's guro
alternatively you may have more luck just searching for guro
but it's based on a book
and this is a cartoon board
and this exit's painted on
there are a lot of insect and other small invertebrate species where the vagina equivalent doesn't exist, or is too narrow, or doesn't reach the ovaries,or sometimes seemingly has no problems but just isn't used, where the penis equivalent is a big old spike that's driven through the female in the right region-- sometimes it's just driven in wherever and the sperm find their way through the body to the eggs
and this is the normal or only mode of reproduction for more than a few species
this is the part where you become glad that insects don't have the same sense of pain that we do, at least as far as we can tell
I DID read the book you FOOL!
its on a free online pdf you can easily google.
>it actually IS pleasureable for them we just haven't figured it out yet.
is she crying? I think it's supposed to be drool or something but she's got beads of it by her eyes
Spiderbro meme is because spiders catch and eat other insects, also because people are fucking lonely.
Try getting a Venus Flytrap instead, and if you want a real Spiderbro, invest in a legit tarantula pet from a pet store. They are fuzzy and you can pet them.
They're also fucking delicious fried with some MSG.
I can only hope so, and if so, I can only hope we should all be so lucky as to feel it one day
can you imagine it?
the adrenaline rush and viscerality of being punctured, having your flesh ruptured, but instead of pain, it's a raw, immediate, indescribable pleasure
or the other side, of course, being the one to drive the spike home, anywhere you want, feeling the flesh resist and then give, knowing that your load will find its mark regardless, but moreover knowing that your partner is enjoying it just as much as you are, that they relish your thrusting assault and all that comes with it
Imagine Charlotte describing to Wilbur her time with her mate.
>and he was a good friend
Tearing up. She's not sad or in pain or anything. It's just a bit overwhelming.
The puddle is sweat tho.
snek -> TN, dolpin -> NE, cat -> LE
Only women and butt pirates dislike spiders, sorry.
I honestly thought "girls hate bugs" was just a meme until I got a summer job one year. The women there were deathly afraid of even harmless shit like moths.
I thought how Yandere the American House Spider gets about their mate was messed up..refusing to let the guy leave the web until the eggs are hatched, and fighting any female that gets close...
Or is that a different house spider.
How would Charlotte browse and post on Yea Forums?
>Wilbur, tearful and on the verge of hysterics, interrupts to ask Charlotte why she's telling him this, but she just shushes him and goes back to describing how her mate tasted
>Bees which are literally all about order and structure are not lawful
Please turn in your alignment chart badge at the door.
>She uses her web to give Wilbur visual aid.
You have a smart kid.
I can't get this scene out of my head help
oh god a quadruple nigger.
boner no
Do any writefags wanna try their hand at Charlotte eating a tiny person with this concept?
I've thought those spiders look like jewelry since childhood, especially brooches.
Still gotta summon the courage to handle one, though.
>The love and acceptance of her mortality in her voice when she says "Come now, Wilbur. Let's not make a scene... Chin up- remember?"
I have autism, what am I looking at? Why is Charlotte crying?
>implying these threads aren't made explicitly for fat bugs
How new are you?
I would, but it's very nearly time for me to head off to bed, perhaps tomorrow if this thread is still here after work, also thank you for liking my prompt user
Yeesh this thread brought out the worst kind of people.
trips of truth from the fucking cenobite
It probably won't last that long sadly. But I at least appreciate the interest. And no problem, the idea make pp hard.
Where's mantis bf? I want my beefaghetti
>Charlotte gets so caught up in reminiscing that she forgets to take the visual aid webs down
>by the time she & Wilbur wake up the next day, the humans have seen them
oh God I need this but with Charlotte
That's literally every board now though
Yea Forums has really gone down the shitter these past few years
What if someone like Charlotte WAS in SPiderverse, how would she fight alongside them given her drastic size difference?
She'd cheer them on with her webs.
but that's every board
She got bit by a radioactive human and it gave the strength and speed of a human. alongside other human traits.
>it's his first Charlotte thread
Who needs a legion when you can have a gladiator spider?
i would like to point out that only the unlucky males get eaten, many get away. It's when they stay around the female for to long and make motions make the female think it's prey is when they get eaten
Seriously, what's with the influx of these buzzfeed-tier threads? It's not like they're getting paid per (You), so why make them so shitty?
Farewell Childhood memories
How would YOU help Wilbur and Charlotte's situation on the Zuckerman farm?
The pig can go fuck himself. I'd be pushing for how amazing the fucking spider that was writing English words and sentences in her web.
that's still vore
I cnat imagine trying to write from the perspective she was doing it from. imagine trying to write while you're upside down and your eyes are looking down at a slanted floor.
Those spiders all end up answering to their ancient leader, Charlotte A. Cavatica.
What would Charlotte do if her efforts failed and Wilbur was turned into bacon?
it really has 0 impact on her other than not needing to write shit in webs
But she considered him a very dear friend of hers.
charlotte said being able to help wilbur gave her purpose in life, even if he contributed nothing to the relationship she was just happy to see him happy
What a good girl
Kinda like Ant-Man
Even Charlotte got fed up with his bullshit
I'll always remember he was about to have panic attack and she said "Wilbur, enough with the hysterics." and he just gritted his teeth and calmed down.
>That episode
Charlotte threads are some of the most fun I have here
>be in kindergarden
>read charlottes web repeatedly to kill time
>watched the movie a lot too
>had an obsession with spiders
grew up to be a drawfag who draws milfs and monstergirls
I don't like this, go away freud
Lmao I'm saying tho
Goddammit, took me down another path again.
>try to look up this habit
>instead come across blood sports for spiders
>Male spiders only fight for the dominance
>Female spiders shoot to kill
Okay that's pretty dope. I know of trap door and bola spiders but never saw this before.
This shit sounds fascinating. Mind tossing some links in a pastebin or something?
I know right
I wish I could but I'm a shameless phone poster who's at work. I'm just going into Google and trying out different phrases. Next I'm going to try "spider wont let mate leave web"
that sounds badass.
....which of course leads me to a study that shows that enuch orb weavers are capable of better defending thier mates after surviving. They have what are basically penises that transfer sperm to the females genitals. They have two of them, but researchers believe that once they are broken off and left to plug the openings of the female (they have two as well) the weight reduction allows them to fight better. Talk about dropping a load.
I've somehow ended up finding myself in a link that leads to crickets and the size of thier testicles. Send help
Man now I've created the idea of Charlotte going on a little journey to have sex with multiple different species of spiders.
Fuck off you disgusting fly
i dont know if im supposed to like this or not
>Wilbur wakes up to see Charlotte in the middle of mating.
Why didn't Charlotte kill Templeton?
Honestly, that would've been hot if she did that
She quietly shushes him as he struggles from the pain of her bite and the grip of her webbing around him. She affirms to him struggling is pointless, her web strands are stronger than steel and that she made sure to clamp his mouth first to get rid of that potential gnawing problem. Temepleton looks up in fear as the spider's face is shadowed by the moonlight above them. All he can see are fangs.
oh shit I never noticed this drawing gave her pedipalps.
You. I like you
Her sweet soft voice calming templeton as she's killing him might be my new fetish
>That next morning, Wilbur woke up to greet his friend.
"Morning Charlotte!" The spider did not initially respond, a bloated ball of fuzz made itself known crawling into view from the rafters of her home in the barn. This surprised the pig, he had remember Charlotte being far smaller the last time they had chatted.
"Charlotte? What happened to you?"
"Oh it's nothing to worry about Wilbur, just-ulp the results of a truly wonderful meal I had last night. I might need help getting down Wilbur I don't think my web can support me for now.."
Please tell me you use Twitter or any other platform? This is good stuff!
godamn you, I don't need to see the therapist again, she already thinks I'm doomed
please more
This. I like this.
Wasp girl forever. I genuinely love wasps, they're sleek, clever and fascinating to watch build their nests. Plus their stings are not that bad, people are just unnecessarily violent towards them.
"Sure Charlotte." The pig trotted over to the support beam, he began to look around, somewhat unsure of what exactly to do next to help his friend.
"I'm going to use some web strands to bounce down, I'll need you to say there and act as my safe landing." Charlotte then jumped off, letting her silk slow her fall as she landed on Wilbur's back with a resulting thump.
" Oof you weigh about as much as Templeton now Charlotte" the pig said with a small chuckle.
Charlotte herself almost couldn't hold back giggling from this. "Oh I'm certain I dont weigh as much as he does now please bring me over to your trough."
fuck wasps they dont even make honey but they sting you like asshole versions of bees.
He's a minor nuisance and you can't just kill everyone with an unpleasant personality.
He taunted Wilbur about dying and turned into food.
the majority of bees doesn't make honey either you memespouting retard
dont care. bees are better.
how's a spider gonna kill a rat he's like four times her size
Its like Monster Hunter, sustained damage over a period of time.
Ooh boy...I think she's gonna be a big girl
crawl into his ear and bite him on the brain
Imagine all the weird complexes James formed thanks to growing up with her and the other bugs
How big could she get from the contents of a pig's trough?
>This entire thread
Fuck spiders
That's not very nice to poor little Charlotte
>Thinking you can escape this life
Freud has you by the balls user
>'let's inject realism into this story for fucking children about talking farm animals'
Can we just round these people up and have them gassed already?
It's probably mild compared to the child abuse and dead parents.
James probably came out weirder than fuck.
Now for your next trick, try to convince literally-Jap-who that your suggestion is a good thing
>will he even get the joke?
It a way to make some jokes user you braindead fuck.
I'm just gonna leave this here. It's an oldie but a goodie.
and Part Two.
Screw you, you cockroach.
>Charlotte not being the dom
I think it was released during the wave of direct-to-video sequels that Disney sparked.
At the very least, it gave us pre-teen Fern. Then again, the cover artwork may be the only good render of her from the film. You never know. I wonder if she ever let Wilbur pork her.
That's what Part Two is for, obviously.
Fuck this thread, kill all spider posters.
>Those load times
>That saving data load times
>That saving data load time then regular load time
When Charlotte descends to bless humanity, you will toil for eternity
Feel free to never post here again.
/r9k/ has no topic
Well the thread managed to survive into today. Wanna give it a go?
that pic only exists cause of threads like these.
Moth or Bee.
You just want to eat him.
What a cutie
She drank something meant for Wilbur's, something made to help him become a big award winning pig.
She deserved it more.
WIlbur wakes up to find Charlotte lying in his trough, bloated and messy having eaten all of his food for that morning.
yall are filthy
Imagine if Charlotte's Web was public domain and Disney made a movie from it.
Holy fuck user that's great. Were you the one that drew the other fat Charlotte?
user come on, they're two completely different styles.
Awesome job regardless, please draw more fat spiders
w e w
Thanks man, I live for this shit.
Well...atleast Charlotte isn't.
what if Charlotte was actually a massive spiderslut and just got fat off of eating her continues stream of suitors
Charlotte... Easy on the pig slop
So Wilbur whined through most of the film and got exactly what he wanted.
>Yea Forums produces another /fatbug/ masterpiece
Honestly what's even the point of /trash/, when you can have moments like this?
>The end result of Charlotte's journey into Yea Forums degeneracy
These threads are always glorious. I love seeing Yea Forums at peak degeneracy.
Treasure these moments
That's a Good Charlotte
What's a Better Charlotte?
>thread still up
You there user? Still up for it?
>Fuck spiders
That's exactly what most of this thread wants to do
What if Charlotte got the idea to get humans to realize animals have a level of sapience humans didn't realize they had to save Wilbur?
>Starts a campaign to shatter views around the world,with a talking spider at rallies and the thoughts and process on eating meat in general change drastically.
>and the thoughts and process on eating meat in general change drastically.
Thing is, this wouldn't really happen. It's not like Charlotte herself doesn't realize that she has to eat other living creatures to live. She does. At best, we'd likely have more ethical ways of farming/killing them, but we wouldn't stop eating them.
>Turns out Charlotte is heavily speciest towards all her prey, which is most insects and some small rodents. and of course fish but she's never been in a situation to catch one like her cousin did so...
SHE'S A FUCKING SKRULL or some kind of ungodly mutation
>Charlotte is an arthropod-right spider nationalist
imagine how much she'd shit on wasps
People like that are loud annoying dorks who are not funny
>Charlotte tries to plead with the humans not to eat Wilbur, but they're so fascinated that a barn spider can eat rats and fish they keep feeding them to her. Charlotte obliges because at least it's distracting them from going after Wilbur.
is this really what we've come too?
big is an understatement. the size and mass difference is like ten times more than something like Shadow of the Colossus.
I doubt they can even see far enough to fully take in an entire adult human.
Totally inaccurate, they're all various flavors of evil except maybe the dog, horse, and cat since they're domesticated. Nature can't comprehend the concepts of good and evil, law or order, nature is simply a system that rewards eating, fucking (or raping) and killing as much as you can. It is an inherently evil system, so those animals are mostly evil. Some are quite cute and charismatic, but they're all evil. The dog, horse, and cat can be bent into roles approaching good by curbing their natural "personalities" into something somewhat acceptable for civilization, so the best they can be is true-neutral or neutral-good.
Also, fuck druids and Oath of the Ancients Paladins, they can go to hell.
I just find the very idea of non-human things mating hot.
Not anthro, either.
Like, insects, nonhumanoid aliens, stuff like that.
There's not really any good porn of insects mating, or maybe I'm looking in the wrong spots.
Or maybe I should just say "fuck it" and draw it myself.
>fuck druids and Oath of the Ancients Paladins, they can go to hell.
>Wilbur, tearful and on the verge of hysterics, interrupts to ask Charlotte why she's telling him this, but she just shushes him and goes back to describing how her mate tasted
Given that Wilbur's adorable owner Fern and all of his other human "friends" and caretakers are raising him solely to be eaten in the original plan, without even the fun mating part (too runty to be a breeder), that might not be the most inappropriate or dark lesson Charlotte could give to Wilbur. It seems downright civil to get to be eaten by your own kind with some lovemaking and kids in the deal instead, doesn't it? Instead of Wilbur's usual lot.
Those are the fuckers that say nature is best and civilization is evil and everyone would be better living naked in trees and shitting on the floor.
Actually, fuck Rangers too, Rangers are just warriors but with a couple druid powers, they should get shit on for being friends with the druids.
Why does everyone hate moths?
>Eventually Charlotte obliges to become America's newest spectacle to keep Wilbur safe. All she has to is eat after all, how bad could that be?
I always wondered about that people, if you believe nature is good you haven't much of it.
I think the greeks had a pretty good idea, Gea was a cunt and fickle as hell but without her where would you live.
because moths are the nigger of the insect world
thye literally cant really make us out given their vision, we're giant blurs.....but fuck that assuming they could see clearly is way more fun for ideas!
Imagine your a spider out in the world you just left some of your hundreds of siblings from the egg sac and you come across a nice warm ground. Only it starts to shake and you hear a low but loud noise as everything starts to violently shake. You look up and see the most horrifying thing ever, two MASSIVE eyes looking right at you, and then you begin to realize this "ground" is this ....thing's "leg" (actually arm, but spider wouldnt differentiate between their limbs like us)
Niggermoths? How come?
I don't, I love moths
Not all dolphins rape or murder though. Some definitely do. Others are nice. Depending on the pod that behaviour (murderrape) might get them punished or even kicked out or not. It just depends.
I would say that most animals are neutral, but a few of the intelligent social animals are smart enough to be capable of very simple kinds of good and evil and have good and evil individuals. Mostly just the very smartest ones who do have some very basic social norms they can violate and are capable of empathy or sadism by terms. Elephants, some primates esp. apes, some birds like parrots or crows, dolphins, some canine or feline species. Some social animals do punish their members for bad behavior but you need to think of a very simple level of organization like kids in a preschool playroom at best.
I do seem to remember that there's at least one kind of spider that's considered very smart for just being a spider though. I think it's capable of basic hunting strategies or something. Probably not writing marketing slogans or sharing eloquent philosophy though.
Well, I don't believe in Gaea, and if you're looking at things from a Greek religious point of view (as in not a Greek philosophical POV), this age of humanity is a horrid aberration and you commit a sin every time you let a fire burn since fire is supposed to be for the gods, not for us. So Gaea and all her dumb friends are malevolent turds for not wanting us to be warm at night. I am sop fucking glad Greek Polytheism died out, that shit is so damn enraging. Like a lot of religions are pretty damn enraging but Greeks are especially so.
What the hell is this from?
U can build a moth trap box for like 30 bucks and catch all kinds of cool shit, often hauling in 40 or 60 a night in summer
How would we react if a spider like Charlotte was found? Only one, she can somehow vocalize words to speak with us. Basically Charlotte existing but there's no Charlotte's Web so we don't freak out even further about a fictional character actually existing suddenly.
That's just stupid. But to see how confusing trying to apply moral behavior to nature is, consider bonobos. People like to talk about how they have sex all the time but conveniently leave out their enforcing "proper" group behavior through brutal but nearly always nonlethal violence, usually biting and gnawing. The result is animals who enforce peacefulness and harmony through violence.
See the strange story about Kanzi the bonobo. One role of "alpha male" bonobos is to settle disputes and stop fights. Kanzi knows that the human director of his sanctuary is the "alpha male" and tells him to stop a fight that breaks out between two humans. When the human director abdicates his responsibility, Kanzi supposedly communicates that he will bite the director to punish him. Later, as soon as he can, Kanzi escapes and bites the director as promised. Kanzi bites his whole finger off. Is this action evil? Or is it good, because Kanzi is trying to enforce bonobo morality after his leader fails in his duties?
There is plenty of reason to be skeptical of the story, by the way. But if you look at this video
At around 3:50 you can see Kanzi doing his "alpha male" job of trying to stop a fight. He stops a fight between a human and another bonobo. There is some footage of both wild bonobos and bonobos in zoos doing the same thing to keep the peace, stepping in between to stop conflicts. Is biting fingers of "bad" apes as punishment good or evil?
>How would we react if a spider like Charlotte was found? Only one, she can somehow vocalize words to speak with us.
People would probably have to reconsider a lot of what we thought we knew about evolution and of course spiders. You would have people wondering if other spiders might be like the Charlotte-ish intelligent spider but not able to communicate with humans. People would talk about whether or not killing spiders should now count as murder or only killing the one special Charlotte-ish smart spider is off limits.
Remember it has been proven that fear of spiders is a distinctly feminine trait. It's a remnant of our wild years when women had to keep children from getting bitten. If you're arachnophobic it's because you're either a roastie or a natural beta male.
Been busy, also tired, probably not going to
We hold up a specialized microphone for her to use to answer questions at a televised event, though being a spider she has to be taught what the object is and its purpose.
i hate agreeing with people who are clearly mentally ill
>The result is animals who enforce peacefulness and harmony through violence.
Byung-Chul Han talks about this in his "Topology of Violence". Good shit.
Well, I'll freely admit I believe humans are a higher class than animals and that any harm an animal does against a human, even in self-defense is wrong because animals have no right to live and only continue to live out of the goodness of us humans' hearts (and some are useful as food or companions or whatever). And no (nonsexual, because people shouldn't debase themselves like that) action a human commits against an animal is ever wrong, so abuse animals all you like, I'm okay with it. It's okay for animals to enforce their rules against each other, but not humans, we're above them, and we can enforce our own rules on animals to our hearts content. Its not fair if you're an animal, but they're just animals, fairness is a luxury to them, as it should be, as no animal is deserving of fairness. Why is this inequality so hard for most people to understand?
But, lets give Kanzi the benefit of the doubt for a moment. Let's suppose animals WERE on a closer level to humans (not the same level, but closer to us). Kanzi's bite could be seen as just, but then you get into how much the directors' finger is worth compared to his failure as a leader. The thing is, the director's finger is still worth more than any pain apes ever inflict upon each other, and Kanzi has over-punished.
Let's even take things a step further, and look at Kanzi's point of view, even though his views and life shouldn't matter in the slightest from a moral perspective. Kanzi is punishing a "Bad Leader" for failing to do his job, but he is doing so through violence. He does not really respect the real order of things, with the director as his superior. I'm firmly anti-revolutionary and believe all revolutions are bad (I hate being from American South sometimes) and that peaceful reformation is ALWAYS a better answer. Animals (see Kanzi) are incapable of that. Being too dumb to explain your grievances and find a better leader isn't a license to bite peoples' fingers off.
animal abuse justification is for faggots who can't properly beat up their fellow humans, its like picking on the slow kid at school.
What if Charlotte ATE her egg sac? just to fuel her own lifespan, lets say it does in fact do that.
>no pic of the spider eating the mosquito
8/10 it was cute regardless
>being this much of an immoral edgelord
Congratulations, you just argued for your moral worthlessness relative to a posthuman superintelligence.
it should've showed her munching on the remains, holding the decapitated head of the mosquito girl and her eyes have big cartoon X's in them. maybe chewing on the "horn" of the mosquito.
Glad to see we agree on freedom to abuse those we view under as inferior beings, now I can kill and torture you without consequence for how much I disagree with you on your worldview.
I'm not an animal abuser, I think it's a pointless waste of time, time that could be spending reading comics or jerking off. But I see zero problem with it and find it stupid that animals have more rights than people sometimes.
Like, a human baby can just be dumped in front of a fire station, no questions asked, and it's automatically in the adoption system. That's kind of fucked, but okay, it's better than Mommy leaving it in a hot car with the windows up and claiming it's an accident because she didn't want to take care of it. On the other hand, leaving a dog at a shelter, if not done in the exact correct way that the state demands it, is a felony. Why are dogs considered more important than human babies? Fuck dogs, they can all rot in hell for all I care! I've been mauled by feral dogs enough I wish they'd all drop dead from radiation poisoning.
Picking her teeth with the horn, maybe, but most importantly a stuffed belly
No you can't, I'm a human and I've commited no crime
There is no "posthuman superintelligence" we're all there is.
>edgelord hates dogs
Filing the horn down to a rounded end to use as a dildo.
>There is no "posthuman superintelligence" we're all there is.
>"hurr what are hypotheticals"
Your opinions are shallow and sophomoric with no attempt at even considering greater moral truth.
They are base, violent, and barbaric.
Assume there is, in fact, some posthuman superintelligence. Whether it's alien, machine, or whatever, it is to a human mind as a human is to a cow.
Does this intelligence have the moral right to treat humans however it wishes?
Listen, if people that abuse animals stoped there then you could have something to argue.
But people that abuse animals are unhinged individuals that practice what they will eventually do to humans too.
The dogs can probably smell you as massive faggot.
and fuck you no one looks at abandoned baby at fire station in current times as nothing wrong ,people talk and get pissed about it.
Would have been a 10/10
No, because it's not a human, therefore it's not okay for it to be violent to a human and it is okay for a human to abuse it. We aren't special because we're smarter than animals, or stronger, or faster, or any of that. We're better because we are. If aliens were real I'd be first in line to try and genocide or enslave the fuck out of them, as they could be a threat to us, and it'd be okay because they were born the wrong species (not human). Again, it shouldn't be hard to grasp that your own species is meant to rule supreme and all others meant to be slaves or food, and that other species should not be allowed to think this way either.
It still happens and it's still legal.
>my group is superior and should reign supreme
>but it's morally wrong for other species to consider themselves supreme, or even attempt to secure their own existence
>my species is arbitrarily the best because it's mine
Holy shit, everything you just said is the antithesis of all moral and philosophical thought since the invention of agriculture.
I say this unironically and precisely; you are a cancer.
Thank you for your thoughtful and well-elucidated response, user. Sorry that people here are bagging on you for it, but hey, it's Yea Forums. I appreciated it.
Fug, this just make me want pic related, but with Charlotte.
Ashteroth, is that you?
If this shit needs to eat that many humans how would it survive in that deserted looking place?
Also how does it reproduce?
it's been a while since i've seen literal unironic autism
Every time I see this, no matter how old I get. This scene always brings me tears.
>It's okay to hit things below you
>But violence is wrong and only peace is good
At least be consistent, user.
>wasp girl at the end
How do you think it became deserted in the first place.
But that would make it extinct.
Thank you, I do my best. If people get butthurt that's their problem.
If it matters, no group of humans should ever reign supreme, I believe in all sorts of HUMAN rights, and I get pissed when humans mistreat each other. I'm just firm as hell that everything that isn't a human is lower than dirt.
And it's not really the antithesis of moral thought, I got REALLY into Thomas Hobbes and drew most of my own conclusions from there. Leviathan is pretty clear that living outside civilization (see: nature) is an inherently evil system. Humans used to be mostly evil before we made social contracts and started living together. Non-domesticated animals are incapable of submitting to a social contract (that's essentially what a civilization is, a social contract where everyone tries to follow the same rules). Additionally, I'm an unrepentant speciesist because I believe it's more important for humans to be united by their humanity than anything else, think like nationalism but everyone's in the same nation. This is a generally positive effect.
Most of the stuff I'm saying has already been said by Hobbes and Locke, except Locke's arguamnets were uswed more for moral justification of owning slaves and conquering natives (which are both evil but when applied against somebody that isn't a human, it's okay, his real mistake was thinking slaves and natives aren't really people). It's hardly "The antithesis of all moral and philosophical thought" at all.
Not even as close as how sad her death was in the book:
>“Good-bye!” she whispered. Then she summoned all her strength and waved one of her front legs at him.
She never moved again. Next day, as the Ferris wheel was being taken apart and the race horses were being loaded into vans and the entertainers were packing up their belongings and driving away in their trailers, Charlotte died. The Fair Grounds were soon forlorn. The infield was littered with bottles and trash. Nobody, of the hundreds of people what had visited the Fair, knew that a grey spider had played the most important part of all. No one was with her when she died.
If it's against a non-human it's not really violence.
>Nobody, of the hundreds of people what had visited the Fair, knew that a grey spider had played the most important part of all. No one was with her when she died.
at least all her children got a good meal out of her when they hatched
Some primate group behavior is bizarre, like groups of chimpanzees assassinating violent tyrants. And different groups of the same species having very different behaviors. Not sure if you could call it "different cultures."
They actually didn't because Templeton and Wilbur took the egg sack with them when they left. No traditional spider funerary rituals for poor Charlotte.
So let's all remember to pour one out for good 'ol Charlotte instead.
But yeah that "No one was with her when she died." So fucking depressing. Saddest sentence from any book I can think of right now. And I don't give a shit about real spiders I mean the fictional characters' situation.
>Oh neat a Charlotte's Web thre-
Even weirder is how dolphins/orcas from different parts of the world have different dialects/accents that other dolphins from different parts can learn.
Except litterally every last one of your arguments is arbitrarily applied to the cut off of "human".
Why just human? Why have the cut off there instead of, say, your race?
Why not your ethnicity?
People within some number of generations from you?
Your town?
Just your family?
There's literally not one argument you can make that would justify affording all rights to all of humanity that also wouldn't afford them to similarly sapient species, at the very least.
>outside civilization is an inherently evil system
Okay, so why is it only that human civilization is defined as civilization, while a hypothetical race of other sapients is part of nature?
>Additionally, I'm an unrepentant speciesist because I believe it's more important for humans to be united by their humanity than anything else, think like nationalism but everyone's in the same nation. This is a generally positive effect.
Okay then, why not go one step further? Why shouldn't all sapients (assuming the existence of other sapient species besides humans) unify together? This would be a generally positive effect too.
Not a single word of what you've spoken has any real thought behind it. You've skimmed the works of men far greater than you and twisted their words to justify your abominable "might makes right" morality, except that people who actually believe in might makes right are honest about it, unlike you.
Aлo дядь, зaкpoйcя
Do you even know WHY there's all the checks and balances about taking dogs to a shelter you braindead shitlord?
I love how she kicks and shatters the window
Knowing some animals have fucking dialects like us makes my head spin.
Ants go to war and take prisoners, set farms to harvest edible plant matter, some even keep and herd aphids has a food supply like we do cows. Then you got a certain species of tarantula that keeps a certain species of frog has a pet because it eats/keeps out parasitic wasps that go after the spider's eggs.
I learned cool shit today because I wanted to post shit about my favorite cartoon spider waifu.
Oh happy day.
>MFW always self conscious about my bondage fetish
>Not even really the heavy stuff, just the tying and gagging aspect, but still feel guilty
>Read this thread and regain more hope within morality.
Thank you guys for being such terrible, shitty people that I feel like a much better person, Yea Forums. You guys open my eyes to how alright I am compared to what I COULD'VE ended up as, and reassures my life.
>Charlotte never got to know the joy of having a pet froggy she could play with and show to Wilbur.
fuck this gay ass book's event of her dying.
I don't believe in "might makes right" I believe humanity should reign supreme. We're not the strongest or fastest species and if aliens are out there (probably not, they would've fucked with us by now) we might not even be the smartest. That's not "might makes right". That's "Humans are so special and everything else can rot in hell".
The cutoff at "human" rather than ethnicity is because humans shouldn't abuse other humans. People who aren't the same ethnicity as you or aren't from the same city are still people. They got the human DNA so they're humans, so they can have rights. Other non-human creatures (even potentially sapient ones) don't. Like I said, I'll freely admit I'm speciesist, and even if other sapient life existed, and even if it could coexist with humanity, I still wouldn't be okay with seeing them as equals. Nothing can be equals with a human except another human.
Anyway, I have to go to bed, I'd love to talk more about this, but I have work tomorrow. If you start a topic for this on /his/ and it's still up around this time tomorrow I can pop in and we can resume this discussion.
>How do
By keeping around servants that's willing to feed it of course.
We reign supreme so we should take it upon ourselves to help those under us.
The longest lived spider was 43 years old and she only died because a wasp killed her.
>wasp killed her
I just want to fatten em not fuck em, whats wrong with you?
Vore is hot, that's what
No I don't know either
Why not both?
So if I won the lottery and bought the rights and IP of Charlotte's Web and I just own it fully, what should I do with it then?
How long do spiders live usually?
And why would they let that fucking wasp kill the poor spider?
Varies from species to species and it was a wild spider researchers kept track of among others. Trap doors tend to average around 25.
depends on the species, if I remember barn spiders live about a year...
the Goliath Birdeater lives 15 to 25 years.
The wife at least acknowledged that the spider that can weave English words in a web was pretty damn remarkable.
There's honestly nothing to discuss, user. Your position is entirely arbitrary with no justification.
Your position is quite litterally "because of human DNA we are especially priveleged to all other life, regardless of other qualities", which calls into question the situation of humans speciating, and again brings back the concept of you arbitrarily cutting off at "human" instead of race or nation or whatever.
What happens when humanity goes out into the galaxy and Martian colonists grow to be 8 feet tall and thin as a stick compared to Terrans? What happens when some people on a far distant planet with low gravity and a dense atmosphere begin to develop wings?
What happens millions of years in the future when all human descendents are not only completely unique from another, but from ancestral humanity too?
Again, and I say this expressly and precisely; you do not have a position. You do not have an argument. You do not have a system of ethics and morals. You have a "this feels right so it is right" mindset of violence and oppression, and not even one predicated on potentially justified reasons.
and then got immediately shot down by "It's God" husband.
What would Charlotte have one if the humans had actually thought she was special and assumed her writing was telling them Wilbur must be extremely good quality pork?
*have done.*
Zuckerburg's humble pig roast.
Why is there so much spider hate anyway?
Roaches are as far as i'm concerned the bugs that deserve most hate.
I doubt it NEEDS that many humans to survive, it's just greedy as hell and will consume anything in front of it.
Also gonna post some more fat bugs before this thread hits the limit.
Nemesis the Warlock book 2. Pat Mills had just finished reading Colin Wilson's Spider World books and did his own take on it.
bitches don't know about my pain and pleasure indivisible
It's more or less a hate from fear. Roaches are of course disgusting, but they don't inspire much in fear. Spiders inherently are scarier with their 2 extra limbs, their way of moving, the even more alien and primally "disgusting" faces with the multiple eyes as opposed to compound eyes that are at least familiar. I try not to be scared of spiders, smaller ones don't bug me, but seeing macro images of them really makes the spine tingle and the skin crawl.
dude I dont know about you but I ahte how raoches move their antennas.
They also act like idiots and don't go as far as they should when they see a human.
I fucking hate them.
Female spiders (among other insects) only eat their mate if they are particularly low on nutrients.
Fuck, this thread was glorious.
Nice try, arachnophile. All Spiders deserve to die in fire.
What would happen if Charlotte somehow accidentally bit Wilbur and got a taste for pork?
>She has a crisis over whether she should help Wilbur or not
>decides to put Wilbur out of his misery and eat him herself before the farmer does
>it ends with her eating everything else when curiosity looms through her mind as she digests Wilbur fully.
thats hot
Charlotte should eat Templeton, useless ass Fern, and that fucking stuttering Goose.
>A Charlotte's Web thread managed to get over 500 posts in under two days.
holy shit.
>Charlotte isn't even special