Time to Yea Forumsfess to father hulk once again
Time to Yea Forumsfess to father hulk once again
I once sucked my dog's cock
I ship Steven x Azula
Father Hulk, since I was 8 years old, I fap everyday thinking in Misty from PKMN, I am a 35 years old wizard, because I only feel horny with redhair girls, also I dont want to compromise with a nice girl with steel & DD cup girl, because Misty has small boobs...
Also, I fap with your image
I enjoyed this, Father Hulk. I really unironically did, and I'm sad there won't be a sequel.
The only reason why I haven’t killed myself yet is because I don’t want to make my figures lonely when I’m gone
I'm scared that one day all my friends will be gone and replaced with longboxes
I frequently jerk it to cute goat demons.
Oh, that reminds me to watch that. Thanks.
I have intense regret over not being able to save the seventh Let's Make a Comic! thread...
I love every MCU film except Iron Man 2, 3, CM and Black Panther. I might actually cry when Cap dies.
I'm massively sexually repressed and disgusted by even a cropped image of rile 34.
I liked the main actors and the teen drama stuff was surprisingly strong. Everything about them actually being Power Rangers kinda sucked.
I thought the first three Transformers were fine and Dotm was fun, but yeah objectively 4 and 5 were below digshit, no matter how much I loved Cogman.
Why not off yourself in a way that leaves a statue?
Like in that house of wax movie, that way everyone's happy.
one time I was at chipotle and I got a barbacoa burrito with queso and they were really busy and didn't label what burrito it was on the tin foil and when I got to the guy ringing me up he asked what kind of burrito I got and I told him it was a just a regular chicken burrito
I didn't like the first avengers film. I still haven't watched all of it. It's not something that I hate, I don't hate people who enjoy it. But it wasn't my cup of tea.
>I'm massively sexually repressed and disgusted by even a cropped image of rile 34.
If you are sexually repressed then shouldn’t you love rule 34? I’m the same way and I jack off twice a day to cartoon titties
I draw loli, jailbait, and furry porn.
Of Susie McAllister from Summer Camp Island, Connie Maheswaran from Steven Universe, and Auriana from Lolirock.
I wanted to be Prince Philip from Sleeping Beauty so I could have my own Aurora
I haven't seen it but I love those outfits.
God bless the detail and textures.
Sent a prayer your way user, good luck.
As long as you are alive there is always a chance for you to be happy.
They'll be happier without you.
...I'm black and unironically enjoy Stonetoss
Hey, bro; how's it going?
Betty should have been naked
Agree with you on the 1st.
I jerk it to a lot of VIVZ characters :(
I'm sorry co
I can't count how many times I've rubbed one out to the thought of a 7ft blue werewolf grill bouncing on me
There were a lot of nice girls in the background during charlie's demon song too
Futa on male sfm is my fetish.
Despite that shemales never used to do much for me but Chanel Santini has strongly changed that recently.
Your figures love you and want you to be happy. It's just like Toy Story
JC is a lifelong nudist
As long as it's not Rugrats or the Loud House baby you're not completely beyond redemption
Jenny's always naked when she's not making movies
How is that bad? Half the time it's funny the other half it's just confusing until you think about it and then laugh at it.
I'd go on youtube to watch random old cartoons to potentially find a cute obscure husbando
So do I but probably not because of the same reasons.
I enjoyed it too. The fucking go go power rangers ruined the goddamned charge scene for me, even though I know they had to force it in somewhere. Make my monsters grow! was fucking perfect!
I only own one comic in any form.
This show has terrible writing but I cant seem to stop watching or hate this show. I have become what I hated the most, waifu faggot
The one arm man traded his last arm for a sweet balloon
i ate the last mint oreo
Watchmen is one of the greatest films ever made
The MCU stopped being good after captain America the first avenger, the GOTG films are the only passable thing left in it
I like the Watchmen movie.
I liked league of extraordinary gentlemen.
I hate capeshit, and I just want a gf that will draw with me and go see Pixar movies with me. I've been single for 2 years after a rough break up and just want love now that I have a career and abs.
I haven’t had a GF in 4 years and am on the verge of suicide
Also your image reminded me of this
I am a kissles virgin and can feel my powers growing.
If I can't fap to the characters I won't watch or read it
I dont think any black or brown female character are hot.
Jennifer' nudity would be kino
I shit in my hot water heater and now when I turn on my faucet shit comes out. I just washed my face in shit, bet that makes you mad huh big guy.
father, I don't know why I am here
I came to Yea Forums over 10 years ago and found a flock in a refuge
the years passed and now I come here and feel emptiness
this is my flock, father, but my brethren have left and here I still remain
is it time for me to leave?
I'm honestly not sure why I'm still coming here.
The few creative threads, good storytimes and art dumps seem less and less woth sifting through the rancid pool of /pol/ shittery, shitposting and contrarian whining.
also based
Daily fap
Can get me bald?
I have lived for 4 years with undiagnosed stomach-problem despite seeing several doctors and having multiple cameras inserted into me. I've tried changing foods out, sticking to only certain things and various medicines, yet nothing works. It makes my life hell, and if it isn't fixed soon, I legit don't know what to do with myself.
I do really like the new run of Superior Spider-Man.