>Devoured by his cucker
Serves him right.
>Devoured by his cucker
Serves him right.
In context of the story he was a straight ass hole to the end. Marrying Eclipsa was probably a political move. He never showed her any love. He was probably gay, and just use her as a fag hag. Probably why he took a baby from pie folk instead of taking another Queen.
He didn't even have his wifes bastard child killed so devouring him was uncalled for
Why didn't he have a child with Eclipsa? Was he gay?
daily reminder Eclipsa got that man killed just so she could get some monster dick
daily reminder the show will portray Globgor in the right for vore'ing this guy just for reacting to a situation thrust upon him the only way he knew how to
daily reminder Eclipsa is more responsible for what befell Meteora than anyone else
Because she found him disgusting and wouldn't even think of having sex with him.
Maybe he eat him because he gave his daughter away.
>Dat space between him and Eclipsa
Really support my he's gay theory. Also Globgor got what he deserved as well, fuck that moral "he can change" he ate people.
>he ate people
Mewni has (likely legaly) an assassins guild and fairies also eat people.
Shastagay probably deserved it if he was the one abducting Globgors daughter.
shit, eclipsa could turn any gay man straight with that figure
To good for him I say.
What kind of characterization will Globgor get after he get out of the crystal and more importantly who will voice him?
It says something about the writers to consider him in the wrong but Eclipsa and Globgor are precious dindu nuffins.
>Shastagay probably deserved it if he was the one abducting Globgors daughter.
You're fucked in the head. Meteora wasn't killed, and she had to go away while her parents had extended timeouts.
wait, so was it HIM the Spiderbites mentioned being eaten by him? I couldn't hear very well
Damm, she THICC.
>Meteora wasn't killed
Only sold to an island of gypsies to do who-knows-what with.
>waghhhhh men are evil
>let’s insult monsters and demons that would in reality far surpass humanity in value by using them as an allegory for niggers and belittling them in the process
Fuck this show
Yup, great-great-etc Uncle Shastacan of the Spiderbites. Suspiciously bite-free.
I think she was left at St. Olga's orphanage, which is probably worse than the island of pie gypsies. she'd probably eventually be ruling the pie folk if she were left there.
Go back to /pol/.
I'm confused. Are the Queens always the ones in charge?
They can use the wand, but the king can't. And river married into the Butterfly family, and not the other way around.
>waghhhhh muh /pol/
Off yourself
yep, it's a monarchy
we even have an instance of a Boy-Queen getting the boot off the throne after his mom had a girl according to the Book of Spells
She got to wear nice clothes, eat good food, have power over lots of people at Saint Olga's, got her own servants and had money to contract people like Rasticore.
WHAT IFs are not death. But the morally twisted writers felt Shastacan needed to die by vore.
Yes, the Butterfly kingdom is matrilineal. They bring in nobles from other kingdoms to sire the next queen.
Didn't she get brainwashed?
He should have a commanding presence and mannerisms that show him to be a peaceful, but ruthless military commander. Show him as the plucker of limbs, rightfully pissed at the Mewmans even after all these years.
He'll be voiced by Wayne June, of course.
>This fake news
Only from a monster fucker
Yeah, but in the series royalty doesn't have as much freedom as her position at Saint Olga's did.
Back when the school went to shit, it was shown that she could easily leave and use portals to find most any work, and she didn't have an arranged marriage or a responsibility to a kingdom nor the MHC.
no hint she was brainwashed. you can argue the fact that equipment was there during the S1 episode suggests this but it's more likely Heinous brought that, same with her life sucking machine. we see how she was treated in flashbacks and it's more like she was heavily conditioned into thinking a certain way.
>Ludo, Moon, Meteora, and (probably) Globgor
>Star, Ponyhead, and Eclipsa
>What kind of characterization will Globgor
No one because he will be killed immediately after he get out of the crystal by Ludo, the actual monster king
Silver-tonged warrior-poet voiced by Ron Perlman.
I wanna sit little Meteora on my lap.
a love story that can only be given justice to by FOW animations
Shitacan literally did nothing right though and anything Eclipsa did got removed/covered with "just take a pie baby and call it my own"
This is all from the same show where Star casually murders and makes everyone around her suffer and she shrugs it off as "im trying!"
Considering how fucked up Heinous was, none of that supposedly good shit from being given away actually made up for being given away. And anyway Shastacan couldn't have cared less what actually happened to the mutt baby. She had a "good" life in spite of him selling her off, not because of it.
>"The daughter of Eclipsa and King Shastacan, Princess [FESTIVIA] was crowned queen upon her mother's imprisonment"
The only part they edited out was the Princess's name. It implies that from the scrolls' perspective, Shastacan was thought to be Meteora's father. dafuq is up with that?
Meteora was also never crowned queen. That whole scroll is really fishy.
Why didn't they just rename Festivia to Meteora? Seems like that'd be easier and less blatant than doctoring royal records.
Shastacan was just acting how he was raised to act, probably. This is after an era of monster slaughtering at the hands of Eclipsa's mother—there's a lot of prejudice towards monsters at that point, maybe Eclipsa could help steer the kindgom down the right path like Comet later does but instead she runs off with the literal king of monsters. She should know there would be consequences?
But really the real reason why he was eaten is: despite being a king, he's vulnerable. No magic to defend himself from Glogbor. This is why he was punished and not the MHC, who probably had a way bigger hand in all this than the idiot king.
The REAL villains are the MHC. I still want to bang Hekapoo though.
>fag hag
A fag hag is a girl who is clingy toward her gay male friend. The term you are looking for is a "beard".
This is another "what if" post. La creatura wasn't disposed of. He didn't deserve his fate.
Aw hell yeah
>Eclipsa married to shasty
>Ran off, abandoning crown and wand, and fugged globgor
>Gave birth to Meteora
>Imprisoned by Rhombulus, I forget exactly why?
>Shast switches demon babby for pie babby
>Globgor eats the cuck who crystallized his woman
>Rhombulus crystallizes Globgor
Eclipsa had to have abandoned her kingdom to ride the monster cock. Why did they continue writing her into history after she gave birth to Meteora? Did she come back with the baby and demand the throne again? Did the MHC hunt her down?
Was she crystallized trying to protect the baby? She definitely looks a bit peeved here.
Maybe I'm forgetting details of season 2 or something but it seems like we're missing some of the most important parts
Since when do fuckin Orks give a shit about identity politics in cartoons
Ahh sorry. Not good on my gay terminology
Best guess is the MHC thought rogue Eclipsa was too dangerous, even without wandless magic, and having the former queen and kinda sorta true heir to the throne getting buddy buddy with the monster big nigga scared them into dealing with the whole family
>who crystallized his woman
If you basically put someone in prison, you deserve to die awfully, if not be outright murdered.
>Nefcy OKed this
Well, as far as we now Shast also threw out his daughter. If his woman's a rock and his baby was trashed he was probably pretty mad at that point.
And he was established to eat people before he met Eclipsa, which wasn't put in a good light at all.
Nefcy's lust for man-eating monster cock is definitely questionable though
Is the new episode out already?
Nah m8, just because he didn't specifically decide her fate doesn't mean he's less responsible for it. That he didn't directly brainwash Meteora is irrelevant when you consider that not only could he have prevented her brainwashing, but his direct orders put her in a position to be brainwashed. It's maliciously negligent at best. He didn't give a fuck about what happened to the kid. Whether he deserved to be eaten? Meh, Mewni was probably no worse off. He was a piece of shit though, there's no denying it.
>goes monster
>becomes a single mother
Every time.
>If you wrongfully put someone in prison, you deserve to die awfully, if not be outright murdered.
im sort of waiting for the day when the mewmans just rise up against the MHC but its kinda fruitless
they aren't gods but something akin to Sages and damn did they do a poor job in the recent generations. truly they are Glossarycks children
>FOW animations
just google studio FOW
i dont think they'd ever be interested in making 3d animations of star vs. they dont even make their own models
>Whether he deserved to be eaten? Meh, Mewni was probably no worse off
Are you pretending manslaughter or even murder is fine because Shastacan isn't a saint?
Ron Perlman hopefully.
>All I wanted was to be left alone with my family. If war is what everyone wants then fine.
>I will bring you war.
Honestly I hope for some sort of comeuppance for them. I mean, the whole Meteora incident was on their hands for not even allowing her a chance at the throne. I mean, they're all already monstrous yet they're kept in charge.
Ok but eclipsa seemingly knows the details of what happened with globgor eating Shastican. "its more complicated than that"
While the alternative isn't impossible, i'm assuming Globgor ate Shastican BEFORE Eclipsa was imprisoned until stated otherwise.
I'd be down for that
The issue is that shastacan was seen rejecting baby Meteora while Eclipsa was nowhere to be found. Would she just be in regular prison, apart from her baby?
the timeline is very odd as we know it now, we're suppose to assume Shastacan took Meteora before they froze her parents which is strange when you think about it. Why would they kidnap her before they dealt with Glogbor and Eclipsa? They didn't care about Meteora and it's not like it'd be easy to get her.
Bastards don't have a chance to the throne unless they have the back up from a huge army
It seems like a matrilineal kingdom would have a different view on succession. There's only one place heirs can pop out of.
>not even allowing her a chance at the throne
That would end well. Moon's mom being killed for trying a peace treaty and the mud dwellers attempting a coup on Moon tell us Meteora wouldn't suffer.
The Spiderbites would be pissed off.
I think the Butterfly family is different since the daughters become the rulers. Bastard or not Meteora had the right to the throne by being the only Butterfly princess of her generation.
Anyone else suspicious of the fact that Solaria the Monster Carver was Eclipsa the Monster Fucker’s mother? And that she “lost” her mother as a slightly older teenager? And she has them death hands under her gloves?
Even if she didn’t kill her own mother, who did she kill?
Apparently Solaria died at a group of monsters hands after her war with them went on for far too long. And Eclipsa did lover her mother, even if their relationship was strained.
Hell, Eclipsa was forced to marry Shastacan because of her mothers early demise.
I don't remember the scene of him being vored?
>Post it!
not shown yet, but mentioned in the most recent episode
as always it could be a skewed view but Eclipsa did say "its a bit more complicated than that"
Should I watch this cartoon? Been seeing it a bit, looks neat, but hearing about stuff like how AT or GF were shitshows makes me hesitant to try this.
I wish you were the writer for this show
unfortunately I get the impression she has the corruption marks because of just general dabbling in dark magic, we don't necessarily know you only get corruption from the darkest spell
but I am more than open to your idea
also this made me realize
it's odd how she doesn't have her corruption marks here, considering she ditches her wand and couldn't dabble in the dark arts without it. the obvious answer is the cube's vision isn't totally 100% accurate which also may explain the timeline discrepancy
since the point of contention is seeing Shastacan with Meteora.
....Greaaaat, gotta watch the two recent episodes again.
She's still a bastard conceived outside the marriage and even worse, mixed with an enemy race. Royal families tend to be socially conservatives. For example the prince of Monaco and current heir for the crown has a bastard son with a black stewardess and he recognized his son, the mulatto child oficially received the title of prince, but he won't have the right to the Monaco crown because he's a bastard
I think Keith David doing his Goliath voice would fi pretty well with the character. And they've already got him in the studio too.
>called her daughter Heinous
Was he wrong? Was he really wrong?
It's a different paradigm and I'm not sure if there's an equivalent in real life. Remember that Eclipsa herself is a bastard.
Her darkest spell is specifically for killing Septarians. I doubt she'd need it against her mother.
I think the issue is that Eclipsa left the kingdom and then had Meteora. At that point Eclipsa wasn't even a queen.
So is this show secretly against diversity? Because Eclipsa is appropriating land turning Mewni into a failed state and Moon's off in the woods making the ethnostate and apparently having a much better go of things. The messaging is so off mark it almost feels intentional.
Reminder that all of this only happened because of the war that Solaria declared on all of the monsters. She's the catalyst of it all and her brother could have solved it if she would have listened.
You don't need an immortal-killing spell to backstab somebody who isn't immortal.
it'd be an effective way to kill her, though. it's not like Solaria would be easy to do in.
Tell that to the monsters that did her in.
It'd be an unnecessary way to kill her. Butterflys are powerful but you could really just slit their throats while they sleep if you want to kill one. Especially if you're a person they trust enough to let you get close, like, say, a daughter. There's no sane reason for Eclipsa to physically corrupt herself to kill her mother.
>There's no sane reason for Eclipsa to physically corrupt herself to kill her mother.
yes there is, if it wasn't an assassination and she was killed in open combat. regardless of the long incantation, the darkest spell is the closest thing Star vs. has to the killing curse. not saying it happened obviously but it'd be neat. I'd mostly just like to see what Eclipsa thought of her mother unfiltered considering everything she did.
According to the Book or Spells they had a fine enough relationship. Solaria always kept a picture Eclipsa drew as a good luck charm and Eclipsa didn’t even stay mad at her mother when she tried to kill Globgor.