I liked Hydra cap

I liked Hydra cap

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To bad his story arc was shit. And his event was shit. And his personality was shit. And his concept was shit. And he was shit.

Imagine a Hydra Cap and Axis Falcon series.

Isn’t he still alive in jail until someone kills him off in an event or did it already happen and I missed it?

And I liked cowboy Frank

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>we will never have Hydra Cap/Superior Iron Man villain teamup

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Unironically Yea Forums liked Hydracap when Secret Empire was released.

Dark illuminati featuring
>Superior iron man
>Hydra Cap
>The Maker
Who else?

>Look at me...I'm so edgy!!!

Evil Beast

Civil War II Carol.

>Evil Beast
Oops. Dark Beast.

>Superior Iron Man
>Superior Spider-Man
>Captain Hydra (Steve)
>Captain Fascist (Carol)
>Dark Beast

Maybe Ireedemable Ant-Man? Also who's a good Thor analogue?

Oh, yeah, definitely need Ant-man. I guess Angela could make for a Thor analogue.

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I fully concede to Pymtron, damn good thinking.

fund it

>Also who's a good Thor analogue?

Either use Loki, or for an actual Thor, use Ragnarok.

I like McDonald's, doesn't mean it's good

I did too but the event then seemed to squander it quickly.
The series was tense and methodical and I really wish the "event" was more of a political thriller/intrigue thing of "ohh shit what would happen if heros realized Cap was compromised??" Rather than, Yet Another Future Dystopia, which is such a tired cliche, maybe typifies the '10s to some extent.

Don't forget Devil Hulk from Immortal Hulk

That’s just Dark Avengers, not Dark Illuminati.

I only liked the memes that panel spawned.

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>all of these goofy evil fucks trying to out keikaku each other and shitting in the avengers
Fund it, please.

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