HELP Yea Forums
HELP Yea Forums
Is that who I think it is?
growing up creepie
Honestly why do people badmouth shadman when fags like this existe. What is is he a chink or a worst korean
this, thread over. Start posting the Tails comic
because they're actually good at drawing, unlike >shadman.
>Honestly why do people badmouth shadman when fags like this *exist
Have you seen...
Also, at least Modeseven has more of an understanding of construction and anatomy.
Fun Fact: He apparently dislike multi-directional lactation (if I recall correctly) To him fetishes are a spectrum, not a scale (paraphrased somewhere from [one of] his Tumblr that is likely now gone).
>multidirectional lactation
what the fuck does that even mean?
I think it is where the milk from the nip sprays in many different directions (and PROBABLY from the areola itself, I think)
fun thread
My only problem with ModeSevern is his unhealthy obsession with dicks. Like Jesus Christ dude, just take a break from them every now and then, it gets boring. Draw some actual women like you used to.
why does that donut look like that's dog's anus from that dentist show
He's black
Maybe I'm just really fat, but that donut is very appetizing.
>multi-directional lactation
One of the moments where I realized 2D was always going to be superior to 3D. What good is the nipple if it doesn't even spurt streams of milk?
Growing up Creepie
He really doesn't, he uses heavy stylization as a crutch to make up for the fact that he has a rudimentary understanding of anatomy
I was gonna say detention.
Shad fears Modeseven
Shad has become way tamer than his initial years.
His power waned while Modeseven's grew, thus he fears him.
Was about to say it's growing up Creepie.
+can animate pretty smoothly
+color choices are easier on the eyes
+draws nice tits
+did the thicc shit before it was cool
+ok linework
+pretty ok at backgrounds
-uses chromatic memeberation
-sameface, and not even a good sameface
-can't draw a proper pose to save his life
-sucks at animating
I wonder if OP really was mode. Kinda typed in a spastic style similar to his
Knowing the guy, he
>Wouldn't put a low res of that pic
>Wouldn't browse Yea Forums
Altho you can find him laying around on /d/ from time to time
Shot in the dark, was it Detention?
might as well add all of the drawfaggots on /d/ to that list then
>vore scares me
Figures. He can act like an edgelord all he wants, but at the end of the day he's nothing more than a poser. He hasn't even seen the true depths of degeneracy.
The things with mouths instead of nipples are pretty kino.
He's drawn scat and guro.
Excluding the areola part, isn't that how lactation normally works in humans?
That's still entry level as fuck, user.
>like that's dog's anus from that dentist show
I absolutely hate the fact that you've dredged up that show from the depths of my memory.
I feel like I've seen this face in a game before but I can't figure out which one. Danganronpa?
See, I may not like what he draws, but I vastly respect his technical application of it. Dude is very talented.
Is this what you are referring to?
I need to know that I have found the right video.
He's pretty open about his edgelord persona being bullshit. Most of his content is literally nothing but hentai tropes done western style. People are shocked, but don't even flinch at weeb shit anymore. Homeboy knows he isn't edgy and is laughing at dipshits who think he is.
he also used to adamantly despise dicknipples, but that's changed for the better.
And lactation was iffy for him to begin with, since milk to him is sour.
that's disgusting but not what we're talking about
ok thank you anyway. I think all I need is the name of the show and I can find it from there.
Ok, now i dub this thread as "Thread of lost cartoons". What was this straight to dvd movie called, about a boy that was lost in space at planet of giants, it was in shitty 3d, alien guys were eating some brains while kid prefered his carrot, and in the end main baddie giant was sent into planet of even bigger giants
He should.
that's it
>scat and guro
Newfag detected
Fuck Mr. Enter
the video is time stamped to Mr.enter saying "HE HAS A GIANT ANUS" if that makes you feel any better.
>Wouldn't draw bread boy's fantasies
>Is intimidated by Modeseven
I guess the emperor really is naked.
His actual anatomy isn't actually all that great. his understanding of light and color however are top notch
Get a personality instead of a sad panda library.
I don't get it.
There was a time Nitrotitan used to do vanilla
Was this before or after one of his prime OCs was a living pile of goo that could shapeshift, increase mass, and vore?
His old stuff's on Sadpanda
I still remember fapping to that one pic of the green goo that swallowed that redhead with devil wings and penetrated her from all holes simultaneously
Why that character looks so much to Esther from Sea Princesses?
Oh god not again.
I actually got invested in the story of one of his characters (that black bunny dude) and got pretty bummed when he stopped getting comics.
His content really has changed over the years and I kind of moved away from that sort of stuff but he does seem like genuinely nice guy. he does music to
Oh and I forgot to add his main character still does all that
Since you got trips
There is a fag who has a weird fetish for capitalism. He requests commissions of things like girls cutting down forests, sweatshops, girls causing pollution etc
His most infamous stuff is white women buying trolley-loads of expensive Wonderbread.
What would you consider edgy?
As bad as the mole commissioning cheapskate from HF
Sirens you mean?
I don't like the vore but the guy is talented and makes some cool stuff. All this shitposting seems to be sour grapes that he makes money off fetish art.
Growing Up Creepie?
I think that's the case for most of the porn artists Yea Forums memes about
>Homeboy knows he isn't edgy
No, he's very much edgy, just edgy in a very juvenile way that comes across as sad rather than degenerate.
I don't like vore either but, at least with the goo girl, it's temporary vore/merging that's often times consensual so that seems ok.
i thought it was Dragon Ron Paul
I've got commissioned by that guy, turned him down, he is very polite and direct to the point, one of the better clients I have received.
At least mod didnt draw art of an animator getting raped after the guy died of cancer.
Shad sure did.
>went balistic when shad turned him down and spammed hate threads about it here
>very polite
Hi murrlogic.
Not a fan either but goddamn I'd vore that ass
>there are people on this board who are scared of vore
Remember when Yea Forums laughed at casuals?
Who hasn't? Call me when he's turned someone into an asshole, transformed a ton of people into food and had the person orgasm while shitting out into an ass-cock.
>when he's turned someone into an asshole, transformed a ton of people into food and had the person orgasm while shitting out into an ass-cock.
Maybe he redeemed himself? Dunno, it wasn't an unpleasant experience
Yeah, it's pretty simple but it's a good start.
I don't know
>Yea Forums
You seem to be lost.
I honestly wouldn't trust Shadman's word on anything, he's been proven to do almost anything for attention.
Fuck off Shad.
the shows called growing up creepie, it was one of my favorite when I was younger :)
oh you sweet child. no. it wasn't a game, it was your worst nightmare
Entry level weakshit
Scat and vore are good things, user.
hey what anime
modeseven is the reason my kinks went to max overdrive
everything is a bed to me now
Modeseven is a EFROfag, not scat
That's what I meant. I didn't have the right word for it.
What is EFRO?
is this the scat artist/artist that drawn poop thread?
Erotic Female Relief Observance
basically a soft version of watersports and scat for anyone who rather see the action afar than interacting with the body waste.
TL;DR it's alternative fetish
Mode7 has so much cute potential
I honestly wish he did more non-lewd vanilla stuff.
But I guess fetish porn is where the money is.
this is what he actually enjoys drawing
These are amazing.
He still does, it just doesn't get any attention.
According to his patreon, he doesn't make that much. And his commissions don't seem that expensive anyway. Where does Mode even put his stuff now? Eka's? FA?
I remember seeing his stuff like a decade ago on Newgrounds.
Ami Dixie isn't even "hard vore", it's absorption that gets reversed. Pretty harmless. But Modeseven does do some WEIRD stuff
He did say that being vored by the demons though is total annihilation, but I'm not sure if he's changed his mind since.
Also Ami canonically has a british accent.
Modeseven gave me a big lips fetish
>Modeseven's consecutive art trades with that other artist with the goo demon OC that escalates until they're making out inside their own assholes.
Which other goo demon OC? This one?
Nah, this one.
Hmm I don't recognize them. Can you direct me to one of their pages?
Doppel, or @bonnypir3 on Twitter.
>Those long-snouted, big-lipped lust demons he's started drawing the last couple months.
is that nick show with the girl that was raised by bugs
No clue, sorry. Just got it from Yea Forums.
>tfw the thing that weird's modeseven out is Futa's with vagina's
Rules to surviving in Modeseven land
>Be friends with Ami Dixie
Sure it means you're gonna be gay but you've got an immortal goo god on your side and all she requires is to absorb you every now and then to make you into her cock or vagina or whatever. Compare to the Sirens, Keropins, and other demons who will lethally vore you or rebirth you as a demon. Not so cash.
Personally I'd try to be a perma Ami Clone since they possess the same powers as her.
>Never going to have a foursome with Amy, Anice, and Cheese all while unbirthed by Cocoa.
Looks like NitroTitan.
>that face
I think I'm in too deep lads.
I want to fuck a drink cup.
Pray for me.
Personally, I'd just stick to the area where they sell MILF bodysuits that you get into by way of crawling up the vagina.
Is that Master Shake porn?
Cringe. Superami is a fucking joke
Isn't the canon that all of the fucked up demons and shit live inside the hollow earth?
If so, just stay topside.
Who's to say what's actually canon since he will never make a comic?
so brave
Where has he drawn guro? I think I've seen a couple skeletons from him, but he seems to avoid that. Even on secretmode.
That or become the futa mommy vore MILF yourself.
The main way to stay alive/non mutated is to stick to big human settlements and city's or do like you said and get a powerful friend. The worst most developed areas have to deal with seem to be the rabbits which can be dealt with as long as you don't get out numbered. you could also take waffles deal but you basically end up on borrowed time.
Wait did one piece copy mode?
Maybe back in the old days? I haven't followed him in a while but he last time I saw explicit death let alone gore was back in 2012.
Has he ever stated he wont do one? I would honestly love to see his world fleshed out some. I
t. Shadman
There was that one girl he drew getting her head cut in half by a fidget spinner.
Basically all of his pre-incarceration stuff was considerably hardcore, although of bad quality. Easiest way to see it is by checking his newgrounds account, 10 years old this year
He has a new NG account were he posts his new stuff after leaving tumblr
What? He deleted his old NG account anyway.
and the relevance of that picture is?
You say that like I wouldn't take on all those demons just to spend an hour with Ami once a month.
Mode has done people being digested, turning into shit statues, and then ejaculating shit out of their turdpenis.
Due he's drawn people eating shit and smearing it on their bodies with a G.
I'm sure it feels amazing to them.
Modeseven made me wanna fuck a UFO.
Even though Mod is loaded he should just Indiegogo a manga or comic that shit would make major cash
Wait I thought you were talking about Mode.
Ami is pretty cute for a gelatinous monster that is 40% penis.
>try to commission humanoid monster hirl with lizard feet
>"Don't feel like drawing those"
>ends up drawing those things
Yeah, okay
This makes my big the WAY BIG
Unlike Shad, Mode actually got better and never became a tame vanillafag.
thats what its like when youre a famous artist. You pick and choose your commissions
>He's drawn scat and guro.
So? Cartoon gore and poop have been broadcasted consistently on Adult Swim and Comedy Central for three decades.
the funny thing is shes actually a human inside whats basicly a goo mech.
>scat and guro
call me when he makes ovary crunching/biting or mitochondria fucking
Oh. Well in the case of Mode7...
Seymore is best boy and deserves a happy ending
To be fair it was a UFO that also wanted to fuck.
Too bad I'm just a vanilla person, his works has great anatomy and shading
i know right, the content is god awful, but the way he draws give so much depth and weight to the work, if he would just do some basic straight almost vanilla stuff (no body morphing, or cockvoring or mouth nipples or gay self vore or whatever else) i would fucking love it, but aside from 1 or 2 single pieces (normally the first pages of a comic or the before pic of a set) are all ultra_____ bullshit or fucking transformation homo shit.
it makes my penis the sad penis
He has a MEGA you know?
You could always comission some.
he has drawn lolis getting massacred and slaughtered.
Agreed... well until I found the vore.
>paying for porn online
what is this? 2006?
put up or shut up, slut
yes user, some people may need spare money for something
nobody is gonna do your request for free unless its a good time
Mode's weird is charming in a way.
Shad just read as a deranged pedophile.
Akshually, it doesn't weird him out. It makes him angry because it's a half-assed attempt to shove a vagina into a scene where there's already enough genitals. If you're gonna draw a dick, go the whole 10 yards. Don't try and save face with a vag and then claim "see I'm not gay". I have to be inclined to agree. Either give me a pickle, or a roast beef sandwich. Don't give me a reuben.
im requesting artwork from him, im honestly just ranting about how i wished he was more vanilla.