why was it so underappreciated?
Why was it so underappreciated?
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It's something that we learned to appreciate with time.
Also, it was plenty appreciated back when it aired.
was it? it seems like the internet was really into it
Yea Forums loved it plenty when it aired, it was kinda getting screwed with long hiatuses though from what i remember.
looks too white by todays standards
it wasn't appreciated enough
It was definitely one of those cartoons that became more appreciated in the future, after it had aired
Kinda like The Looney Tunes Show
I don't remember it being under appreciated at any point.
The first season wasn't all the special. A nice new take on everything but it got bogged down with the Shaggy/Velma relationship and was mostly just a monster of the week show.
The second season is where it really took off.
In fact, Mystery Incorporated was so appreciated and well-liked that the next follow up Scooby Doo show Be cool Scooby Doo was hated on the basis of not being Mystery Incorporated, and using Family Guy-esque artstyle.
By that do you mean no one's doing weekly threads on about it? MI fans basically ruined Be Cool Scooby-Doo with their "show for retards/no lore-no love/not MI" crap when it went back to basics.
Why do people keep saying that? It looks nothing like family guy, brickleberry maybe but not family guy.
Fuck. I dropped it after the first season.
Underappreciated? It's the most popular incarnation and has been for a long time. It actually buried "Be Cool, Scooby Doo!" alive.
>binge watching this show
>suddenly Yea Forums threads start showing up
this isnt the first time this shit has happened. Is it just that you just notice it more because its on your mind?
CO/ loved it!
The fuck do you mean? Whenever anyone brings up Scooby Doo, people immediately try to shoehorn this show into the conversation to talk about how apparently great it was. If anything its overappreciated.
It was weird seeing them be anything but flat characters, but eventually it grows on you.
There were still some moments that were too over-the-top though, like Scooby giving that super-serious speech to that owl dude at the end of the first season.
It's just scooby-doo crap, none of it is actually good or passable if you're over the age of 12.
It had a a very metal series finale.
People were bitching way too hard about 'not muh Velma'. Also ignored how surprisingly well written it was, as well as how much love the writers put into a lot of the callbacks. If you want proof positive that shippers are the cancer killing western animation, look no further than SDMI.
Too clever.
Scooby doo has been redone and reimagined so many times. Im at the point where they should put the franchise down and make cereal
Baader meinhof
>Scooby doo has been redone and reimagined so many times
And yet it's still beloved and keeps putting out fresh, original and entertaining content.
The KISS movie, for instance, is too good not to enjoy (especially if you're a fan of them, I'm gonna be seeing them in Philly). And then there's this:
I know I appreciated it and know no Scooby franchise will ever be as good.
Speaking of which, Scooby-Doo is still suppose to get an animated movie with a theatrical release. How do you think it will do?
I fell in love with Velmas snarking.
I personally didn't like its Yea Forums-tier writing. The graphics department felt like they wanted an action atmosphere show like Zombie Island, but the writers wanted another Yea Forums-tier nuDuckTales with "le epin arc stories and untouchable intellectual villains"
Velma was especially pessimistic. I mean she was a snarky bitch even in the very original show, but she always kept it to a minimum or at the very least she was subtle about it.
This reincarnation of scooby doo felt more like I was watching the live action movies with a very Korra-tier writing.
Many other shows at that time suffered from this Yea Forums-tier writing. Some enjoyed it, but I personally hated it for promising movie-tier quality, but delivering cheesy television show-tier quality.
Frank Welker is voicing Scooby, but not Fred.
>Yea Forums-tier
What does this even mean?
Yea Forums maybe but everyone else hated it.
>And yet it's still beloved and keeps putting out fresh, original and entertaining content.
>putting out fresh, original and entertaining content.
What did he mean by this? It's usually just a person in a mask.
People hated Velma X Shaggy so much they never bothered giving it a chance.
>The graphics department felt like they wanted an action atmosphere show like Zombie Island, but the writers wanted another Yea Forums-tier nuDuckTales with "le epin arc stories and untouchable intellectual villains"
i can sort of see that.
mixed thoughts on the characters. liked what they did with fred and daphne at least. feel like they fleshed out her personality more and gave her more of a role
It's so odd that people were on the fence about Velma being a thirsty hag when collective consciousness basically accepted that Fred and Daphne definitely fuck.
Its the way they show it I think.They don't ease you into the idea of Velma liking Shaggy over several episodes. Velma just crushes on Shaggy from the start and acts like some jealous bitch with how she wanted Shaggy's attention over Scooby.
This. Velma and the shipping in the show was just so obnoxious that I gave up on the show entirely after a while.
>muh just get back after it's over
The continuity in later episodes just kept reminding the audience of those arcs even in the smallest of ways so I couldn't push the shitshow out of my mind and enjoy anything else the show had to offer. They'd have been better off without romantic relationships entirely.
I'd argue that the Fred/Daphne thing is just less noticeable and many of the suggestions of a 'relationship' throughout later incarnations are somewhat non-intrusive enough that people are used to it. Like a frog being heated up in a pot. The Velma thing is a little more inconsistent since a lot of the incarnations either have her with little personality sans nice or mildly sarcastic but still thoughtful. This incarnation cranked the latter to 11 while adding a significant amount of selfishness in order to give her more personality which is probably why it's so polarizing.
I can understand why they did it but that doesn't mean I have to like it. A cardboard 'nice' cutout character can be ignored at least.