>best witch
>best wife
>best girl
Best witch
Other urls found in this thread:
This show was lame.
>Best canon death
Fuck that weak shit outta here. This is the real highlight of the show.
She's the only character that's any fun in that snoozefest of a show.
>happy Susie
What episode?
Pepper's Blanket is Missing.
Why was she surprised when nobody showed up to her birthday party?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Summer Camp Island. The humour is extremely British, and without a solid grasp of surrealism most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Susie's authoritarian outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Mangetsu's literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Summer Camp Island truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Susie's existential catchphrase "Gimme the Oscar Cream," which itself is a cryptic reference to her epic The Cat's Cat and the Elephant's Trunk. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Julia Pott's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Susie tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
>The literal personification of Julia Pott in the series
So then best show runner, Op.
>Implying anyone watched this show.
You haven't been here in a while, aren't ya?
Many of us judge the show based off of what is equivalent to ten full episodes. Very few shows, even the most legendary ones, strike a chord this early.
>what is equivalent to ten full episode
What do you mean?
probably talking about the trend nowadays that it's 10+ mins an episode so it takes 2 episodes to be a traditional full episode.
t.wasn't here for the threads that hit bump limit and the mod apology.
They only aired twenty eleven-minute episodes. This amounts to ten twenty-two-minute episodes.
I feel as if the majority of us are treating the show as something of an investment. It's somewhat promising, but to wade through this premature hiatus is indicative of a desire to be able to consider ourselves early adopters of the show.
And if it falls through, I'm gonna go watch Hilda.
bags of sand
she's kind of dumb
It was mostly an act for sympathy. But a little bit of her was genuinely sad. On the very first day she proclaims her attitude was "charming". She honestly believes someone will like her for how she behaves and to see none of the campers did still got to her.
can you explain i dont remember that "canon death"
It's a meme
Kid runs off thinking he has the ability to breathe water and wanting to test it and isn't seen again
Is she the Helga Pataki of this decade?
Scanner is shitty and doesn't pick up soft lines very well but I drew Susie in various clothings.
Top right is my favorite.
Wait, really? I can't remeber, maybe I haven't paid enough attention.
At about the 1:25 mark.
Am I the only one who thinks that pose he's doing looks like Pedobear?
This is very nice, and I'm happy to know that there are people making OC for this dumb little elephant show.
You are based, user.
This show is literally pic related incarnate. Only the most thin skinned of faggots like it.
I always like seeing Jill's slut shirt show up
That's nice, do you have a single fact to back that up or are you offended by the show? Maybe you should go back to YOUR safe space.
Ignore him. He always post the same shit. Ignore.
>That episode when Alice turned the monsters into babies and that caused them physical and psycologycal pain
Thanks, anons, I'll try and make more drawings when I get the chance.
The humor is sanitized beyond belief, it looks and acts and is by all means a show better suited for a preschool block then CN
>The humor is sanitized beyond belief
Congratulations on proving you haven't seen a single episode. You may fuck off now.
But it is, the humor is nonexistent because it’s trying to be inoffensive and over safe at expense of quality
Get a tripcode so I can filter you.
Ignore him, user.
I like the one were shes in that dress
the madwoman
susie is the best but have you met betsy?
she needs more art honestly
I want to fuck that loli mammoth
Betsy is actually the most underappreciated witch. She doesn't have much of an outstanding personality but I hope she gets more focus or an episode dedicated to her and the other background characters.
and she has cute feet
She's also a werewolf which could lead to drama with Susie (and lezzing out with Hedge).
She's like the kid in that one Twilight Zone episode where the kid basically controls the town and can cause havoc on command.
Would not surprise me if it's later revealed she can also read minds and keep a list of all the campers that need to be "fixed".
can I request cute art of betsy? like shes in a cute dress, she needs all the love
I really don't think it's fair to compare a superior 90s anime waifu to modern day western waifus.
Nice picture
thanks heres something weird I did, its a fusion of hedgehog and susie
meant for*
>best witch
HA, are you SURE you can MAKE a claim like THAT?
Not them, but I will argue Scary Godmother is best CN witch. I know CN didn't make the specials but come on, she's basically an honorary CN character due to how many the special aired on the network.
>Susie transforms herself into a sort fusion of Hedgehog to see how Oscar will react
>Finds that Oscar is much more patient with her bullshit than before
>Deduces that Oscar either:
>Hates cats
>Has a thing for hedgehogs
>Susie's face when she can use this knowledge to her advantage
Looks too human.
Wait, did mods delete it auto without even thinking? (Sorry for being newfag in advance)
Why did Vambre change her hair color?
Because her show was cancelled
This is exactly why I disliked Magiswords from the gettgo: main duo is a ripoff.
Not to mention how it's stupid
by that logic, Star vs the forces of Evil is a rip-off of Urusei Yatsura and Steven Universe is a knock-off Revolutionary Girl Utena
Man, Vambre is Lina. Her early design was literally Lina with a slightly different haircut. And no, Star is nothing like Urusai and SU just copy anime in general. At least Steven is an original character.