How would Superman fare in the Night Land?
How would Superman fare in the Night Land?
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Pretty good at first. But the literal lack of any kind of sunlight means his batteries will eventually run out.
Even as just Clark Kent though, he'd do better than most. The Horrors of The Nightland prey on fear and hopelessness. If Clark Kent becomes hopeless forever he's no longer the Clark Kent character I recognize.
Would Clark still cling to hope even when he learns that no more stars shine in the carcass of the universe though?
Why even build that shit above ground? Diging downwards is easier
They do dig below ground. The Redoubt is situated on several vast levels of underground garden.
I know but why have an above ground structure at all? They have some sort of observatory at the top but wtf can you see without the sun
Going underground to get closer to the Earth Current is a pretty good idea, but the Dark Powers and similar such creatures can manifest or tunnel underground. The only reason why that doesnt happen is because of the Air Clog.
The Night Land also isn't really EXTREME DARKNESS. There's some pockets of magnetic activity and magma flows still out and about, along with certain lights flickering out amidst the Dark. Not to mention the Sun's corpse still hangs out of sight beyond the cloud cover.
Superman would win. He always wins. Don't like it? Get fucked.
What the fuck I just started reading this book three days ago.
Piss poor writing
Superman can't exactly win when there's nothing left to win for. Hell, the latest JL issues already have him in a situation that almost fucking broke him when it happened (though he still struggled against it).
The Night Land is that, but infinitely worse in every way.
I’ve been rereading it. It’s fucking great. I’m thinking of foing a web comic adaptation some day when my art is better.
Clearly this is no coincidence.
Very strange timing friend.
I'm not through the first chapter yet. Haven't had much time to read, and I started right before bed when I was more tired than I thought.
He's still in the "present" sort of courting Mirdath. I'm assuming early in chapter two the weird starts?
>I'm assuming early in chapter two the weird starts?
You have *no* idea.
Well I think that's a good sign.
I read about the book on Yea Forums of all places a few months. It seems utterly out there, whatever the era. And given its era, it seems like a lost revelation in literary weird. I'm excited to really dig into it.
There's a bit too much flowery purple prose going on for me. Nothing I don't understand, but it leaves me wishing Hodgson would get to the point a bit sooner. I just worry about how that prose will influence describing the impossible a bit later on. Oh well, I'll get there soon.
There's the Retold version of the story that cuts out most of the extremely flowery p4ose, and generally makes it less of a slog to read through. Also builds very heavily upon the characters.
I cant fucking stand stories that have great background but dont elaborate on the background
fuck the main character, i want to know WHAT the watchers look like, what humanity did to summon them here, how the fuck they ate all the stars in the universe but geothermal energy can keep them at bay.
He doesn't exactly have immunity to magic or attacks that target ones soul, so the Greater Powers of darkness would still pose a threat, though he could easily overpower the various mutant abhumans and their night hounds.
The biggest question to me is how his powers would interact with the earth current, being a sort of spiritual light of goodness that are somehow related to the human cycle of reincarnation. I would also wonder if dupes would be able to speak the master word, or would be even allowed into the redoubt at all. I feel like humanity would just assume dupes to be a creature of darkness regardless of what he told them, though the nonspecific powers of goodness that occassionally manifest in small ways through the night land would likely help superman connect with humanity in some way.
Here's a timeline that expands on things.
Here's a timeline that expands on things.
No idea, but now I want someone to do a Godzilla in Hell-style miniseries about it.
Hell, I wouldn't mind a crack at it if I had a good script.
The Master Word is quite literally encoded into the last true humans of the setting. I doubt Supes would be able to speak it. Not to mention it seemingly being one of the names for God.
Well, it isn't actually ever explained as being "encoded", in fact we are never told exactly why humanity is able to say it, though yes the implication of it being the name of god is quite clear. The problem is no other humanoid race which isn't abhuman or spawned from darkness is shown, so whether or not a sufficiently advanced alien race in both spirotuality and science could also speak the master word isn't clear. Besides, it is implied that it could be spoken both audibly and telepathically, and creatures of darkness are capable if learning it if not saying it due to the destructive effect it would have.
Who did this artwork? It's genuinely forboding.
>Besides, it is implied that it could be spoken both audibly and telepathically, and creatures of darkness are capable if learning it if not saying it due to the destructive effect it would have.
Well, sure, creatures of the Dark Powers can learn it. Hell, they can even attempt to say it. But it never ends well.
ever watched that episode of jla where superman get´s send into the distant future by toymaster.
I guess he would perform pretty much like that. maybe even better and eventually find a way to use the ancient technology to bring back the sun. after that he has pretty much already won
Naw, I gotta read the original, done before sci-fi genres and concepts were really codified. Though the retold version may be a fascinating look at things later on.
After digging, it appears to be an artist named Stephen Fabian
How much if this is fanfic, and how much is Hodgson's own connections and timeline?
Now my interest is peaked. Is there a good hard cover edition for this book? Alternatively, is there any edition which includes these illustrations?