why is there a giant penny in the batcave?
Why is there a giant penny in the batcave?
it was a plot device in an old Batman story
Originally it was used with an OLD Batman villain called The Penny Pincher but since then retconned to be part of an early Two-Face plot
OK, another question. Why is there a T-Rex in the batcave?
Because it's too big to be taken out, duh.
Another early case with an animatronic t-rex. I wish more artists/writers tried to add permanent displays to the batcave. Like a Kite-man kite or a giant sphinx or something. Maybe an aquarium of Joker fish.
this made me laugh
That T-Rex is totally like 85% there to being in the Dinosaur Comics pose.
i'd love to see this batcave in live action
Giant penny origin
Dinosaur origin
BAT with MAN
-the boy
>That's it! I've had enough of pennies! This will be my thing now! Pennies! Pennies are my thing! My villain thing! I'm gonna be a villain who's mad at pennies and will commit penny themed crimes! It'll be my symbol! People will know it's me when pennies are involved! PENNIES!
I fucking love this.
This is one of my favorite lines in all of the DCAU.
Any other questions about the Batcave?
But why does he keep them?
It's hard to tell if people were thinking this was seriously good writing or if people appreciated the irony and stupidity of it.
That's a nice callback then. I learned something today.
>Any other questions about the Batcave?
Who cleans it? Alfred can't possibly do it by himself
Its weird, because Penny Plunderer is probably the goofiest of Batman's villains, but he also straight up ices a guy for squealing.
>phones used to be nickle only
>sentenced to death
Oh god, the only Batman villain to get a death sentence.
Gotta love that the most logical place to put a control panel is to strap it to your chest.
Surprisingly great for post war villain.
Holy fuck, Finger was crazy.
>Sentenced to death.
But they sure af let ivy or two face live.
Fucking gotham laws.
He used to have a mute hunchback named Harold. He usually worked with the technology, but I'm sure he pitched in.
I can't un-see that now.
Why not? He's alone all day
To never forget...
You doubt his power?
> (Gulp)... it's almost like killing a real man!
I like it how even when what they're doing is obviously morally ok, they still feel uncomfortable if what they're doing is even remotely similar to murder.
> An aquarium full of Joker fish
Hell, that would actually be pretty cool
It was for kids. adults read romance or boxing or war comics.
In Amalgam it was a giant nickel because Batman was fused with Wolverine.
>I smell carbon monoxide, Batman!
>boy, am I glad to breathe fresh air again!
>t. a dead kid
They wrote a book about it.
As a kid I assumed it was from when Two-Face tied him to it in the animated series
I think they re-retconned it into Penny Plunderer again.
He had a pretty large thought
I don't know who you are or where you're from but I'm gonna hunt you down like a wild animal.
Thanks, now it all makes cents
This fucking asshole...
Stop that right now
Okay, I'll...change my ways
It was good writing. Simple and to the point with a little imagination. We don't need a tragic backstory for every villain.
It’s great comedy, that’s what it is regardless of intent.
Nah romance was for teens. Crime was for adults.
>Joker Punisher amalgam
A clown themed vigilante killer??
A jaded jester of dark justice???
Joker was amalgamed with Sabretooth.
It was a Sabretooth Joker amalgam.
Man, I miss the bat detective. Batgod is only fun for a little while.
checked. recurring rogues galleries were a mistake.
They better name him Hyaenodon
Unironically cringe
This is a good thread.
Are you OP? Did you make this thread just for that joke?
Coyne was sentenced to death and killed due to Batman's actions, his greatest shame.
Batman keeps the penny as a reminder that to respect his no kill rule he should do everything to get everyone he catches in Arkham instead, where they will assuredly be rehabilitated.
kys reddit fag
the giant joker card?