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This show has so many amazing waifus in it that my penis can't handle it

Mrs Dubois needs to embrace her love in wanting a white husband.

I can't really look at Boondocks women and find them waifu-able.

Really nigga?

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U gay.

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Imagine not wanting an Ebony Brown or a Kung Fu Wolf Bitch Waifu.

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Her and her mother need to think more like pic related and less how they actually do in the show to make them more likeable waifuable characters.

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post yfw no season 5

*glomps on you* :3c

Good Season 4 was shit universally hated by everyone the series already ended on a high note with the Fried Chicken Flu episode and it exposed this shows weird obsession with Stinkmeyer when we already have characters like Ruckus which is fine as is.

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Man, they were actually very kind to Ann Coulter to draw her like that, considering she actually looks like a mildly re-hydrated Egyptian mummy on meth.


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I know. I want this Ann Coulter to let me fuck her while she yells about how the only ideal government is a white nationalist government between orgasms.

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I reiterate who the fuck would look at a Kung Fu Wolf Bitch and think "nah she's not pretty enough"

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I'm Mad.

Holy fuck im PISSED off

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