Tuesday Carolthread

This week: will Carol actually appear in a Marvel Rising book? Probably not!
Also, Rogue clip show in Mr. and Mrs. X.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What's the record for cover appearances without interior appearances?

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That thing was such dogshit, the antagonist girl's design was the only good thing about the whole mini.

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Relevant Mr & Mrs. X preview from KT. Genosha!

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Brie should be in the next Star Wars because you can fit the entire opening text roll in her forehead.

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I'm happy there are plenty of Carolfags here to make the trolls shit themselves whenever they see a thread for her


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The only artists that should ever be allowed to draw Squirrel girl are Gurihiru.

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WIP panel from Carnero

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the Yea Forums sperglords are the worst. aggressive, predictable, stupid, boring.

is there anything Brie Larson can't do? Truly a woman of many talents

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Carnero is easily the best artist to do CM interiors since Emma Rios's stint under KSD, but they've cursed her with those dogshit Amanda Conner covers.

That #7 collab cover with Dave Johnson is the first one that doesn't look disgusting.

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>Carol gets a penis

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Save us Goose.

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>Shitting on Mok
>Carolfags and their shit taste knows no limit

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Future Avengers got dubbed

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Will she go full Binary in endgame

Wow Tony Stark's voice is spot on.
Also I really like this, Is this a fucking Avengers anime?

>>HEY! Show us your big feet!
Yea Forums spotted


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There's been a few but this is the first with Carol as a significant character

>Hey All! It's #CaptainMarvelTuesday because we decided that was a thing! These caps of #MyViolentBabies #Hazmat edition! are from #CaptainMarvel #4 out next month - art by @CarmenCarnero, colors by @TBonvillain!

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Binary/Starjammers storytime if you missed it.

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Why not?

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Now that's just cheating. I love it.

Did what she had to do.

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Captain Marvel is gay. This is now a Captain Magma thread.

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Pretty sure that's the same Tony from AA (Mick Wingert)

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Mr. & Mrs. X has a nice ass shot of Carol in her leotard.

Kelly Thompson is the best.

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Quadjet concept art.

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In Captain Marvel, they state outright that Skrulls cannot copy old memories. Just fresh ones. However, Fury discovers that his boss is a Skrull because his boss calls him "Nicholas," which Fury earlier established "NOBODY calls him" He goes so far as to say his own mother does and any hypothetical future children he might have will call him "Fury" over anything else.

If nobody, not even his boss, calls him Nicholas or Nick, why would his boss regard his actual first name as a "young memory?" Wouldn't that be the deepest memory he had about Fury? "When I met this guy I called him Nick but I learned very quickly that that upset him so I never did again." The name "Fury" would be a far younger memory for the Skrull to steal. Not even just absorbing a specific memory of his name, but just, earlier that day the Boss no doubt said "Fury, go check out them aliens."

Why would the Skrull get this wrong?

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Carol and her new suit

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Totally forgot she played Envy Adams until I saw this pic


Zero Suit Carol

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> Less slice of life bullshit & more epic battles & sci-fi.

> A mini series/graphic set back while she was Ms Marvel with the black suit that panders to the classic fans. Has Frank Cho or Paulo Siqueria on art.

> Carol gets some fight scenes comparable to Man of Steel in terms of epic hand to hand combat while flying at high speeds among buildings or space ships. They do a better job on the CGI for it then Guardians 2 handled a similar style fight between Peter & Ego.

> Carol keeps the gold shoulder plate having version of her suit through the entirety of Endgame.

> Carol does not blatantly upstage or condescend to the original Avengers trio in A4.

> Carol starts arrogantly in Endgame, gets her ass handed to her by Thanos and learns humility.

> In Captain Marvel 2, Cru is possibly the villain with faithful designs & transformations which would allow Brie to play both Carol & the film's villain.

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>Less slice of life bullshit & more epic battles & sci-fi.
I want this too but that's never going to happen with the type of writers they keep giving her. They need to just get her a writer that wants to do some cosmic regardless of gender.

Captain Marvel 2 has her in a leadership role in a revived SHIELD when the mutant crisis begins and people start to panic. She starts some questionably constitutional programs to solve the problem like mandatory testing of infants for the X-Gene, which puts her and SHIELD in the crosshairs of the Brotherhood of Mutants, led by Mystique.

Basically it puts her in situations where just blasting things isn't going to solve her problems.

At movie ends with her getting drained by Rogue, putting her in a coma. The after credits sequence has her being setup in a long-term care facility, a bald man in a wheelchair promising to take good care of her.


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Paco Medina and Pepe Larraz draw a much better Squirrel Girl.

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I thought it was because the entire opening scene felt like a Star Wars movie, then the SECOND scene felt like a Star Trek movie (when they go to the refugee planet).

Thank you for promoting this. I'll do more Starjammers/Binary stuff later on, that stint of hers needs to be highlighted. Some of her best moments are there, though.
Fuck Marvel for not releasing all this in an Epic Collection or some shit, specially the X-Men Spotlight (never collected).

>that feet
They know what they're doing.
>Why would the Skrull get this wrong?
I'm guessing it's because Talos read Nick Fury's identification prior to leading a raid into Pegasus Project, and pretty sure no one would use "Nick Fury" in official documents, but his full name. This takes exactly 5 seconds to figure out.
And this is some really stale copypasta, and annoying at that. If they really wanted to "appeal to classic fans" they would do a miniseries focusing on her Binary years, of which there isn't enough, instead of her "leotard era" which had a full 50-issues run plus the Claremont stuff.

That voice is mellifluous.

What I want to see is Carol versus Tanalth.

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>Captain Marvel is gay.

I accept this.

>What I want to see is Carol versus Tanalth.
...in bed?

Move over Tanalth, there's a new killer Kree babe in town.

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>Probably one of Marvel's strongest female characters in terms of powers, aesthetic and origin
>Brings the cosmic element to Cap, Iron Man and Thor's science, technology and magic elements
>Has a background and setting which could easily lend itself to some great cosmic and traditional superhero stories
>Has a complicated character history with alcohol, the military and the Kree which could make for interesting retrospectives and inform current stories
>Has a historically abrasive personality which could make for a flawed but interesting character

>Instead all she ever gets is dull, repetitive stories about social justice, quirky girl adventures and other weird, tonally dissonant ideas

I honestly wouldn't be so critical of Carol if she didn't genuinely have potential to be Marvel's top female superhero, but god damn if they aren't consistently shafting her push by focusing on the gender of writers over their actual skill.

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How to ruin a good picture?
>step one: add a cat showing its fuckin asshole

Why are you staring at Goose's asshole, user?

I don't, moron. It's hard to miss it when you like to check all details possible on a piece of art...

Remember that time when she gave birth to her own rapist?

who wrote that shit again? Jim Shooter? what were they even thinking

But she is Marvels top superheroine and all her writers have been great since KSD.


I also agree with that. I always found Cpt Marvel wery pleasant, in a design way. Even with her short hair

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We literally had storytimes of her Binary era , it's not like it's not possible. It also goes to she has way more stories than the stuff memesters always bring up .

I actually like short hair on women, so I'm biased in that respect. I fucking hate that dumb kree mohawk mask they won't leave out, though

Fuck off shill.

They should really just make her Marvel Hal Jordan, have her doing badass cosmic shit under a writer like Ewing and stop with the GURL POWER SO ICONIC AND PROGRESSIVE LOOK AT MY MEMECAT garbage. Have it develop naturally.

The movie was a good chance for them to try again since it actually made her a superhero first and a woman second

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This is literally what Marvel does with all its recent female led books and why they'll never have a female character that can rival Wonder Woman


Fuck off with your Stohl shit.

>Not 'Exiles' Valkyrie

Feeble bait.

I wouldn't know Kate Thompson yet, she did some cosmic stuff in Mr. & Mrs X with the Technet so chances are she'll go that way with Carol eventually. Her current book isn't bad at all and Carnero's art is helping, but I do agree her Earth stories hamper her progress.
On the other hand, seems like those who prefer her cosmic side (like the aforementioned Binary) are ACTUALLY in the minority, despite them being so great.
Shut it.


>Kate Thompson
I want to believe, but I feel like West Coast Avengers and her Kate Bishop Hawkeye runs are indicators that she's going to go for the quirky SJW bullshit over cosmic badassery.

Getting her head choped off by Thanos

Give her Al Ewing or Grant Morrison or even fucking Gail Simone and we might see Carol become genuinely interesting

Read her Mr & Mrs X instead, which I think it's a better indicator of her skills... Besides, Rogue showed up in the last issue of Captain Marvel so there's probably some synergy going on there.
"Cosmic badassery" is likely not going to happen anytime soon, though Thompson had the good sense of having her go Binary mode instead of helplessly punch some weak robots away.

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>Turns out it was all carefully planned
>Turns out she dies in 'Endgame'
>All her movies are going to be set in the past
>We all watch her develop as a heroine knowing her tragic end

Feige, you madman

Fuck off Dyke

1) Not a dyke.
2) Fuck off and die, homophobe.

Is Thompson's current Captain Marvel genuinely worth reading or is it just passable by her usual standards so far?


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It's actually worth reading, for sure. First arc throws her into an alternate reality, but don't let that deter you, it's been good so far and Carmen Carnero's art is worth checking.

I'll give it the old college try. I hope you're not just talking out your ass like those faggots who keep plugging the Stohl and KSD runs.

I'm not. I'm a fan of her cosmic side, and there where only bits and pieces of KSD's run I liked. Stohl's run is only salvageable at times, but Butters/Fazekas was her best modern run before Thompson.

And is that good or just good in comparison to the other shit?

that would actually make her film arc rather compelling and poignant. which is why it wont happen, it would break with the woman=strongt angle

ironic that the obsession with STRONK FEMALE CHARACTERS has ironically made the average female character weaker and more one-dimensional. Femasle characters were at their peak in the 90s and 00s when there was a good blend of a progressive push to make them less passive and the understanding that they still had to be vulnerable and prone to mistakes like all compelling characters.

It's good and that's it, what do you expect me to compare if you don't even say what you like? Just read it and make your own mind... It's as if everyone liked the same stuff around here.

You guys missed the entire point of the movie and it shows.

this is all they want. you guys need to realize there arent any actual carol fans. just people thirsty for negative attention. just leave them alone and let them enjoy their carol. her wonderful stories will keep them coming back

Haha, reddit thread?

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there are not more than 5 actual carol fags. and for those 5, how do you feel about the obvious and abrupt shift in her character and story marvel did and the cheap way they just erased her storyline and made her top hero.

did you like it? was it satisfying? i honestly want to know bc it was bad storytelling, grating, and has made me anti-carol stories bc of the carol-wank

>how do you feel about the obvious and abrupt shift in her character and story marvel did and the cheap way they just erased her storyline and made her top hero.
Can't feel anything about something that never took place.

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that definitely did though. dont you remember when she was suddenly the most famous hero in marvel, the peoples hero, and everyone was fangirling over her?

it happened a few arcs after secret invasion and fear itself

immediately prior to that she was just a sometimes addition to the avengers.

>dont you remember when she was suddenly the most famous hero in marvel, the peoples hero, and everyone was fangirling over her?
Nope, that never happened.

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absolutely it did, go back and read it. she was dealing w her normal carolness one arc, then immediately she was the most famous, a respected commander, established heroes showing her deference, and in charge of things.

even her personality was different.

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Cool... I don't remember, so I can't say I care. Sorry. Not my cup of tea to argue hypotheticals.
Plus this dude is spamming in the middle of this so it's even more pointless to keep going.

wait, is this how you're dealing w it?

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dicks out for Harambe

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Dealing with what?
Just post whatever it is you mean, because I don't have a fucking clue about what you're talking about.

Why is always squirrel girl fat in nu-marvel?
I don't get it...

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Posting in a based thread

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Who else hyped for halo coming to PC?

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These things apparently release pretty early.

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Henderson's design? And she's not really fat, just a bit chubby.


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Finally. Took a while, but mods came in to save the day.

Poor Billy.
Didn't Carol start presales real early though?

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It shouldn't make that much of a difference, specially considering Shazam comes out next week, if anything right now the anticipation should be higher getting closer to the premiere.

>Is Thompson's current Captain Marvel genuinely worth reading


What was the entire point of the movie, in your opinion?

Like a squirrel.

Every single time I read someone talking about her being a "STRONK FEMALE" makes me think they don't understand female characters beyond male-coded violence.

This, also I fucking hate this shitty companu wars crap and I wish they would fuck off from the Shazam and Captain Marvel threads.

This was such a meh couple that got dropped and went nowhere and the only thing they got going on was that Frank Cho drew them. She had more chemistry with Mahr-Vehl.

All of the Ultimate Universe was just a bunch of unrealized potential.

Who’s hyped for Halo on pc?

What's the relevance? Brian Reed? I thought he only started working on the games after 3.

IMO the Yon-Rogg non-battle would have made more sense and been more powerful had Carol not blasted him in the beginning while they were training or disobeyes him when she wanted which she did even in the beginning. She didn't listen to him when she felt like it. But yeah she was lied to and she had to discover the truth that I agree with.

>Brie Larson was absolutely right. Carol's story is not for men.
The fuck? So men can't be gaslighted, controlled or abused? Also when did Brie say that?

>The fuck? So men can't be gaslighted, controlled or abused? Also when did Brie say that?
Ignore that last line, it's completely off-base and was never said by Brie. It's mostly about the way the movie was framed with the flashbacks and having to hold back because it was expected of her, and on top of that, being told it was "for her own sake" by the Supreme Intelligence and Yon-Rogg, when she felt she had the potential to go beyond that.
When people think of "strong female characters" it's usually these characters who are often portrayed as being "as strong as men" and that "defy expectations" by acting in a way men don't expect from them, as "one of the boys"... In here, she realizes at the end she doesn't have to prove anything to them because she was being lied to from the start, she realized her potential and didn't need validation from an external party to tell her she was strong. That's why she knocks him down right from the start, not because she's simply stronger than him, but because he wanted to have a fight under HIS own terms, to prove to him she was worthy.

Morrison will probably not come back to Marvel anytime soon. Ewing would be good and heb would make her cosmic. Old Gail Simone would be better but then again maybe it's just me not feeling her current comics.

Ok then maybe you could have just typed this instead of giving a shitty tumblr link.

Anyway I don't think the other anons were really even saying she was a stronk woman because they "wanted her to be stronger and punch a bad guy" but because of the opposite of what you are saying that she was already too physically strong and had almost no challenge. It also it really kind of breaks your argument when we see her punching and breaking shit and threatening to get out of or solve problems and that in itself is already "male coded" or whatever especially since no woman has that physical power over most men in real life (and it'sa super hero movie after all physical violence will happen).

Besides the emotional angle and her being lied to (which again wasn't handled well) her being almost invulnerable made things really boring and nothing was physically challenging for her. And again it is a Superhero movie, and those movies require you to have interesting action scenes and for the hero to have interesting battles. Carol never felt like she was in danger of getting killed any time. She's running into the same problem Superman does in his own movies (well except Superman 2 but Carol is already stronger than the Kree) that she really has no challenge except that Reeves was very charismatic and embodied his hero character like no other actor has theirs.

I wanted to go there but then it wanted to give me cookies. No thanks.

By the way, I have no problem with her being a 'stronk female' (neither does Yea Forums as a whole... just visit a Bomango thread), I have a problem with her being basically an unemotional, brutal, snarky brick without a character arc.

It would have been dramatically better if she had engaged him and defeated him in spite of her emotions.

But then again virtually any change would have improved the drama in what the writer seems to choose to describe as an action comedy.

(Cont.) With Yon-Rogg she fucking hands him his ass in the beginning and it's not the first time she does it judging by his reaction. Yeah she doesn't have to prove anything to him and she's subverting those old school gentlemen duels (which are by modern standards pretty dumb already) but again she never really tried proving anything to Yon-Rogg to begin with and she always did what she wanted.

She also seems pretty in control of her feelings and even when Yon-Rogg said she was impulsive the narrative showed the opposite (Her watching on Fury try to open the door), when she learned the truth she remain the same except she just knew the Kree weren't her allies anymore. I think the movie might have had an interesting idea with her freeing herself from Rogg's control akin to that of an abuser but the execution was poor in that regard that it felt more like her realizing her most trusted friend was a lying douchebag. Also I dunno if it's because Jude and Brie had some chemistry but even after Carol turns on Yon-Rogg and blasted him and drags him, I still felt she was kind of chummy with him (especially since she quips at him when they met again).

The movie is already been out for 3 weeks, pls stop shilling.

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>especially since no woman has that physical power over most men in real life (and it'sa super hero movie after all physical violence will happen).
No human does, it's part of the suspension of disbelief required to make it work for the narrative that she's being held back. Unfortunately you just have to roll with this otherwise it won't work.
>her being almost invulnerable made things really boring and nothing was physically challenging for her.
This is also another issue I've noticed people have with the movie which to me makes no sense, because they're basically expecting every single movie to work with the same arc, in which the hero is weak then suddenly is strong and has to overcome all sorts of tribulations in order to be who they are, when in the case of Cosmic Tier characters, there's no way they can start weak and make it work once they're reached their peak, because they're already fucking strong. And to me this is going to be an "issue" with a lot of people because they aren't used to seeing characters with this huge potential from the start, even Thor was nerfed and only allowed to be as strong as he's supposed to be after 3 movies. What are they going to do when more of Cosmic Marvel is shown on screen? What about Adam Warlock? Dude's strong as fuck and can only go against Thanos.
>I have a problem with her being basically an unemotional, brutal, snarky brick without a character arc.
She's not unemotional all the time, in fact she starts developing all sorts of emotions through the end of the movie, once she breaks through the conditioning. The rest is true, but eh, that's the character, again, if you could stomach Stark and Strange, you can stomach her.
>It would have been dramatically better if she had engaged him and defeated him in spite of her emotions.
No because that would've been still under his terms, not hers. She had just destroyed an Accuser fleet and he wanted to have a mano-a-mano to prove her worth?

How is it possible to miss the point of a movie this badly?


>Also I dunno if it's because Jude and Brie had some chemistry but even after Carol turns on Yon-Rogg and blasted him and drags him, I still felt she was kind of chummy with him (especially since she quips at him when they met again).
I think it was a relationship of respect, despite everything. She obviously hated him for lying to her but she wouldn't be who she is without him. It would've sucked if she had maimed and ridiculed him beyond the blast, same with Ronan. It's like there's this obvious distance between the characters that denotes respect, and aside from people like Minerva who clearly didn't like her, they all approached her with the distance required for someone who used to roll with them moments ago.

More reddit memes plz

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Did they CGI her?

Yeah she looks kind of plastic there, her hair is definitely CGI though.

In the movie it looked better, I don't know why she looks edited in there. Must be retouched.

That's cute

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Hopefully they give her some good comics after having a successful movie debut.

Her current series is great!

She already has one.

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Which is? I didn't follow the recent stories

Captain Marvel by Kelly Thompson, currently in its #3 issue.

Thank you

>he wanted to have a mano-a-mano to prove her worth?

Yon-Rogg's and Carol's relationship was disgracefully underdeveloped.

He had no hope of defeating her. So why did he want to fight? (Well, apart from him being a Kree and therefore wanting to fight at all times).

Yon-Rogg believed in Carol. You don't spend six years of your life training an alien monkey for shits and giggles. They needed her? The fuck they did. When she blew up the engine, the power flowed directly into her. Stands to reason that killing her would allow the power to flow into whoever was standing closest to her at the time. And even if it didn't, so what? She was just an Earth monkey. It might even be dangerous to let her live. So why did she live?

Because she did exactly what a Kree warrior would have done. And Mar-Vell had been her mentor.

What was Yon-Rogg's relationship with Mar-Vell?

I propose he viewed Carol as a substitute daughter. He wanted her to become a Kree warrior in good standing. She had his blood in him for chrissakes. Contrast him to Ronan: it's a goddamn disgrace they cut that scene with them confronting each other, The two sides of the Kree warrior coin.

>He had no hope of defeating her. So why did he want to fight?
He figured she was going to waste him, I mean she had already wiped out squadrons of Kree fighters and a Cruiser, and he had personally helped the Intelligence fuck with her head.
He was desperate to try and goad her into a handicapped battle where he might get lucky.

>I propose he viewed Carol as a substitute daughter. He wanted her to become a Kree warrior in good standing. She had his blood in him for chrissakes.
You make good points there, I also felt they didn't elaborate further on how deep their relationship actually was, but once it was established it was his blood flowing through her veins, it seemed rather obvious that there was a closer bond there. She teased him about it but he definitely saw her more than a student.
They valued their warrior-like structure a lot but ultimately they wouldn't want to kill each other.

>What was Yon-Rogg's relationship with Mar-Vell?
She was a military asset, the only thing he could recover from Mar-Vell's work on Earth. Did he like her? As someone under his command he probably felt a bit of a connection to her, but she isn't Kree, she's just a useful non-Kree asset and he clearly didn't feel even a little bit bad about absconding with her and supporting the Intelligence's mind-fuckery.
Seriously doubtful they had any deep personal connection, the Kree are pretty Kree-centric, and Yon-Rogg was very Yon-Rogg-centric on top of that. This is a guy who sees the Intelligence as himself?

Why don't you tell me what you think the point is?

She should have fought him. From HER point of view, their relationship was a total sham, even if he didn't feel that way. She should have been completely furious. This? This was... nothing.

He took six years of her life, and it was just luck it wasn't all of it. Indeed, he took her life before - to turn her into a war slave for the Kree. It doesn't matter that, to Yon-Rogg, he was doing her a great service and an honor, since to him, being a Kree warrior is the highest anyone can aspire to being.

She's not a Kree. She's a human. She should have been furious. How to justify it? Make her final memory barriers break down as she meets him so the full impact of what she lost hits her. The stress causes her to lose control of her power, so she outright CAN'T blast him. THEN he challenges her to battle, both angry and frightened; frightened that she has become this, angry that she still has no control of her emotions. But as they fight, it becomes clear that his control is not enough: she goes absolutely berserk, finally throwing into his face that 'her anger does not serve her enemy after all' - the ol' Luke Skywalker special. Expressing her anger allows her to calm down and take control of her powers again, which she demonstrates by devastating the landscape without harming him.

We wuz robbed.

I am so glad you don't write movie scripts or really anything of public value.

I want to know what the writer has to say about it. Because I think she's a hack who mangled a screenplay that deserved better.

>This is a guy who sees the Intelligence as himself?

I wonder about that.

Maybe he sees the Intelligence as Carol. After all you see who you admire the most. And she performed most admirably. For a monkey.

I like drama. Sue me.

Yon-Rogg wasn't really portrayed as evil though, he took her under his wing and was serious about the whole "making the best version out of her" thing. If anything it was the Supreme Intelligence who used her and the other warriors for its own benefit, while their morality seeped through all its adherents.
Not saying Yon-Rogg was blameless in the lie, but again, the reason why Carol is the warrior she is and how she became to be under control (and even achieving the confidence to break through the conditioning) was largely because of her mentor. And this is important to note because even though the message of the movie is about finding her inner strength and surpass what was expected of her, she also wasn't there because she was flawless; both Maria Rambeau and Yon-Rogg are pillars of who she is.

>She should have fought him.
She did. She won.
She has no reason to lower herself to his level. This isn't subtext, it's text.

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Exactly. Maria was ALSO underused.
She sees her best friend (Someone argued: lover) after six years and the reaction is... what? No tears? From either of them? No "I thought you were dead"?

She is below his level, though. Her name may be on the poster, but goddamn, she is not the hero of this movie.

Gonna plug my MCU Captain Marvel short fic one-shot.

archiveofourown dot org/works/7926028

Any ideas for future stories? I'm looking for non-erotic ideas.

Who would have played a better Carol if you could have casted her Carolfags.

>She is below his level, though.
In what universe?
>She sees her best friend (Someone argued: lover) after six years and the reaction is... what? No tears? From either of them? No "I thought you were dead"?
Did you take a piss break during the part where she was crying over seeing Carol back and having a heart to heart not once but twice?

>Did you take a piss break during the part where she was crying over seeing Carol back and having a heart to heart not once but twice?

I guess I must have!!

Nobody, Brie is the perfect Carol.

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The scene where they're at the kitchen has Maria LITERALLY saying "I thought you were dead", and she cried then; and the scene outside at the garden where Maria tells her who she means for her and they hug, BOTH IN TEARS.
I saw it twice, I wouldn't forget these details.

Based exclusively on looks, Kathryn Winnick. But personality and acting-wise, Brie nailed the characer, in my opinion.

First choice: Katee Sackhoff
Second choice: Antje Traue

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Okay. I only saw it once.

>Brown eyes
>Hardly athletic



What do y'all want for Captain Marvel 2?

Honestly? A shower scene...

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Kree Shi'Ar war, or SWORD, or the Brood, or a mix of those

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Yeah Mar-vell was just another objective to him.

No point in fighting him really, he wans't even a credible threat to her which is why it was pretty bland no matter what she did at that point. She had already won.

When will she finally come out?

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You would have said that about whoever got casted, that's how much of a drone you are.

The Nova Corps. More on Yon-Rogg. More Ronan. A different star. The Supreme Intelligence's true form. Carol wrestling Tanalth.

Seriously, who was a credible threat to her?

>roasties, trannies, and söy drinkers pretend to care about Carol just to "piss off the incels"
the mousejews knew how to shill captain vagina

I think Fiege hinted that Captain Marvel 2 might be set on the past so probably the story of how Carol got the Kree Empire to chill out and make peace with Xandar and why Ronan was angry in vol. 2

He also said that Mar-Vell's legacy would continue and that we would see more of it when he was asked about Mar-Vell's kids in an interview. I guess possibly seeing Genis in a similar position with where Carol was in the first one, being lied to about Marv and him thinking Carol killed her.
Detahbird would be cool

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No one was really was, Carol took down the Skrulls easily, she took down Starforce easily, she made Ronan (who the Guardians had trouble with) run away after ripping his ships like paper. No one stood a chance against her. I think it's also why people want to see her fight Thanos just to see how she measures up against him.

>none of [the men] seem to comprehend a narrative that isn’t meant for them
>That’s strength most male comic fans don’t understand
>Carol not being angry and putting Yon-Rogg down in a shonen-esque battle doesn’t make sense to them because it’s not what they would have done
>Brie Larson was absolutely right. Carol’s story is not for men. And nothing proves that more than all the fanboys who didn’t understand it throwing fits on the internet.
Holy shit, you feminist and MGTOW capeshits are both insufferable. Some of the best works of fiction, whether told from the male or female perspective, can relatable to the opposite gendered reader if handled in a proper and mature way.

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I tried getting my niece to watch this but she doesn't like it. She is more interested in the shitty MLP wannabe DC show. shitty taste

Rising isn't that good, try EMH

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Self centered shut-in people who have no life experience and circle jerk each other justifying their own world view creates these type of toxic groups.
Fucking Christ, let her like what she wants.

>shitty taste
how exactly?

I liked the 90s flavor score but moving to the present & letting Pinar go full Mass-Effect-synthy would be neat.

Well I found this

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Binary & The Starjammers, but mostly the Binary stuff, and her confrontations with Ronan plus the Kree/Skrull war fully unleashed; I would also like to see other cosmic-tier characters like Quasar (Wendell) showing up, and her interacting with forces beyond her control that eventually she can overcome or at least keep at bay.
Also her seeing more of the cosmic landscape like the Shi'ar and perhaps interacting with the Imperial Guard, sizing up with Manta, Oracle and Smasher would be great.

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Fucking adorable.

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>guess possibly seeing Genis in a similar position with where Carol was in the first one, being lied to about Marv and him thinking Carol killed her.
Carol already secured Captain Marvel, might as well secure Captain Marvel Jr.

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Here from Carolnat thread.

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Why can't they give her a figure like this in the comics?

Marvel Rising isn't really that good so I don't blame her. I'm not even willing to sit down and watch the whole episodes/movie for Kamala and Carol. If anything I'll skim through it.


Hahaha, oh Thai fans...
What do you mean?

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I love these sorts of scenarios. Was this inspired from that John Henry cartoon or something else?

MMX pages

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>Was this inspired from that John Henry cartoon
I'd be pretty surprised if it wasn't

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That's bad for your knees!

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It's not about her being weak and then being stronger there needs to be some challenge or some steaks for her to face otherwise it's kind of dull. And yeah it kind is a part of a heroes journey to do that stuff. I guess Carol had to find her memories but the whole thing kind of unfolded for her pretty easily.

>2) Fuck off and die, homophobe.
That's islamophobic, bigot!

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godammit, stakes although I would be fine with Carol eating steak, what would her fav steak be? How does she like her meat?

I doubt she eats meat. She might not eat at all, of course.

Urg...I hope it will not be a thing.

Best waifu

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She's actually cute, even hot, when she acts like a normal person, and not like a stuck-up bitch

Thanks user.
-Captain Marbles

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well-done, start red hot to seal in the moisture then lower the heat to gently roast the insides. add some onion, garlic, spices and a bit of butter and allow your seasonings to seep deep into the meat until you get a juicy brown steak bursting with flavor that melts in your mouth. serve with roast corn, roast brocolli, fried sweet potato, some cracked black pepper and a glass of spiced rum

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>well done
god you people are the absolute worst

Avenge the Fungus

What do you expect from Tumblrinas and Carolfags? Decency

Dear lord. You Carolfags are insufferable

It's just as well that I didn't see it then, since it's not for me.


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I fuckin hate that cat...

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If she was in the military and in any sort of good physical shape, she eats meat.

you should probably go somewhere else then

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Go cut yourself, whiner.

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The people behind the film have already confirmed that Yon-Rogg's and Carol's relationship is genuinely tight.

“They have a tight bond, but Vers’ humanity still comes out, and I think that is hugely attractive to Yon-Rogg. I think he finds her irresistible, and it’s her human elements that he really warms to.” - Law.

Add to that that Jonathan Schwartz calls their relationship "tender." And that every interview and backdrop bit of info or reading conveys it as him genuinely liking Carol.

There's more to it than just "abuser". Otherwise where exactly is the gravitas of betrayal for Carol?

>Otherwise where exactly is the gravitas of betrayal for Carol?
Thinly veiled allegory to the patriarchy?

I am so glad someone fucking GETS IT!
The story is not about a Carol the Mary Sue realising they are a Mary Sue. It's about becoming more than the sum of your parts.

Also, Yon-Rogg is never a full out evil. He is a more intense version of Steve Rogers almost, given how he views his cause and people as morally superior and right.

That is not what the TEXT says though. That's the subtext and more tightly related to Carol's arc on Earth, not with the Kree.

The Kree tell Carol to suppress her emotions because suppressing emotions counteracts her ever recalling something about her past (that’s how long-term memory functions). It therefore stops her from taking back control over her life’s narrative, which would lead to the empowerment that comes with really knowing yourself. She overcomes it. It’s fantastic! However!

It is the insidious disregard the Kree show toward individuals and their right to self-determination that Carol struggles with. THAT is the inherent evil she overcomes in the film. It’s something universal.

Sexism, though we see it in the way Carol was treated on Earth and therefore take the Kree ALSO as an analogy to our world, is not why the antagonists are evil in this film.

Yon-Rogg’s advice to “control emotions and not let them cloud your judgment” may echo the belittling gender dynamics of our world, but it is an analogy - the Kree are not putting Carol in this situation in the film because she is a woman. Carol is a soldier - that is sound advice for a soldier. It is because the Kree do not care about an individual’s freedom on the whole that Yon-Rogg’s advice is abusive. Not because he cannot stand to see a woman do well in battle.

If the military is anything to go by among the Kree, they are egalitarian and above gender dynamics the way we understand them - as a soldier, Carol’s almost living her best life in regard to “opportunities”.

Yon-Rogg is a lying, authoritarian, manipulative space fascist with a superiority complex. He is decidedly not, however, a blatant misogynist.

A Kree who does not die in battle dishonours themselves. Yon-Rogg's entire stichk is being a poster boy of a Kree warrior.

He chooses to rather dishonour himself than fight Carol despite the odds, the protege he is most proud of and has a soft spot for. On the other hand, it's a last desperate attempt to use their bond to manipulate her, but fuck that.

He just is not the empty chauvinist shell of a character people seem to make him into being. That they do just is a testament to how much about the Kree was cut and left under-written at times.

It pisses me off somewhat because I like the villainsto be more than just cardboard, and here you actually have a story of psychological trauma and manipulation and stockholm syndrome and self-liberation and people just seem to forget everything about what should make the antagonists in such stories frightening and focus solely on "punchable face" trope.

Think of what it means: the guy is on the one hand extremely arrogant and self-loving, on the other hand, he already has supreme faith in himself and his own judgment. Something that Carol also comes to have.

Me too. The character, not the actor.

That could still be good if he, like I think, believes he is genuinely doing what is best for her, but which, to her, is an abomination,

I have said it before: they should have kept the scene with him and Ronan in the film.

Well, I wanted her to fight him to show him he was wrong, and so that she gave him what he thought he wanted and she beat him even then.

I want Carol to be the better Kree, so to speak.

Are you sure subtext wasn't given a higher priority than text in this instance?

>That could still be good if he, like I think, believes he is genuinely doing what is best for her,
I think that's called "mansplaining" these days. Or possibly "concern trolling".

This. This is what.

That the social media runs away with that message after they proclaim this a "big feminist film" I am not surprised about.

>currently in its #3 issue.
reboot in april then?

No matter how well you adorn this meat, at the moment you cook it "well done", you may as well be eating leather.

>I have said it before: they should have kept the scene with him and Ronan in the film.
There are lots of scenes they should've kept (saying this as someone who liked it), but which one is this?
>If the military is anything to go by among the Kree, they are egalitarian and above gender dynamics the way we understand them - as a soldier, Carol’s almost living her best life in regard to “opportunities”.
Something I haven't seen mentioned ANYWHERE is the banter between StarForce in the dropship before deployment, when Carol is like "I never see you smile" to Korath. And then at some point, Bron-Char (their biggest, manliest dude) tells Korath something like "I don't know about the others, but I consider you handsome" and Korath curtly says "thank you". There's no side glances, no snide remarks after that, just an honest opinion between the soldiers. For them there's no prejudice nor the anxiety that comes with expressing these sort of emotions, like it would happen between human soldiers.
April is the Rogue issue. How the fuck are they gonna reboot it then? Not to mention there's at least #7 coming out in July.

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Based Brie

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Those people are pathetic...

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Love the curvy body and that beautiful hair. Not a big fan of her face tho

1B in China!

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Those posters are ugly

Point of view, user, point of view.

>but which one is this?

The one where Ronan and Yon-Rogg talk about her. Just imagine what they could have done with that: show the contrast between them as characters, their philosophies, Kree society, blue versus pink, war, honor, racism, and what their opinions on Carol say about her and about themselves.

>the banter between StarForce

I interpreted that as a nod to, or an attempt at imitating the atmos of GotG, while showcasing the relative unemotional nature of Kree society. Which is cultural, not biological, but these are elite warriors after all.

I wonder if they'll feature Kree supersoldiers like Ultimus and Shatterax.

The renminbi is only about 14 cents, user.

Captain Marvel now stands at $938 million. At this rate it might make 1B before 'Endgame'.

>>Captain Marvel now stands at $938 million. At this rate it might make 1B before 'Endgame'.
It'll be at $1B in less than a week

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Not at the rate it's going.

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Wish they would have gone with this material and kept this take on the gloves and the logo

One day, someone will shit on something you love and you will cry, too. Think of me, then.

Why does Marvel continue to pretend his run never existed?

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>Point of view, user, point of view.
Only certain points of view matter.

user we are only three weeks out from a billion-dollar movie that prominently had Carol as a test pilot and her cat was a huge part of the marketing.

You mean the same run they took the time and effort to reprint in its entirety throughout 2018?
Though I'll give you that he wasn't credited in the movie, which was weird, but also understandable considering they took elements from Claremont/Conway's run and then jumped right at the KSD era. They also credited Bendis and Ewing, which makes me think they had Civil War II and Ultimates in mind for future installments.

Bendis's work with Carol is way more extensive than just Civil War II.
Ewing's probably for Monica.

True but that was pre-CWII wasn't it? He wrote Avengers when she was still Ms Marvel iirc.

>had Carol as a test pilot and her cat was a huge part of the marketing.
and yet he doesn't get a peep of respect from Marvel about it.
Bendis I kinda get, I loved Ultimates and Ultimates ^2 but there wasn't much character building for Carol in it.

>I loved Ultimates and Ultimates ^2 but there wasn't much character building for Carol in it.
That's why I think it's mostly the groundwork for the future. I think it makes WAY more sense for the MCU to make Carol part of the Ultimates, with a complete new set of characters as well as T'Challa, than to give her the leadership of the Avengers above those who were already before her. I'm thinking it in ways of expanding the franchise, allowing for a full "reset" of the team while she makes her own with Black Panther and other powerhouses. None of the Ultimates are street level because even T'Challa has advanced tech.

why not give her SWORD instead?


They can do both? SWORD itself can't carry a movie though, maybe an AoS tie-in if anything.

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Carol met up with Hepzibah in that new YA novel btw.

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She totally eats meat.


user, I…

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hey can you provide like a download link for all her stuff?

>The Cheeseburger Initiative

Only meat that I'll eat well done is carne asada otherwise it's medium to medium well for me. Rare is gross. That said I think Carol would eat medium cooked meat.

It's just a gimmicky cutesy fad character that's used to sell merch and get people crazy about the film. It's not unlike Baby Groot except Baby Groot did have some character.

God I wish we would have gotten more Starforce stuff. Bron-Char looked like a swell dude too. I just think everyone was pretty cool with each other with the exception of Minerva being jealous of Carol.


Friend's sister saw Captain Marvel twice, yet when we were talking about it she couldn't remember Maria or Monica's names, she constantly called Carol "Kara" (she watched CW Supergirl and got confused), and she forgot Jude Law was in the movie.

We only talked about Captain Marvel because she was wearing those 80 dollars Captain Marvel shades and she said she was a big Captain Marvel fan. I mean it's nice that she likes Captain Marvel but I'm surprise at her attention span, movie was not hard to follow.

It also reminds me of all those people wondering if Monica was going to be Ironheart in the movies and if she was Riri Williams, why the fuck is that a thing?

Time for a Captain Marvel storytime.

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OK I just finished The Life of Captain Marvel.
Now what do I read? Marvel included a "reading guide" with the trade paperback but it's just everything in publishing order.
I also prefer human drama over scifi action, which Life had a good amount of.

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If you liked Stohl's shity writing then just follow her run.

There are a lot of drama stuff in the older Ms Marvel stuff but it's in between action and stuff so I dunno if you want that.

As a Kree, she would: they're obligate carnivores.

But would she as an energy being?

1) Thank you. Fukken saved.
2) But that was back before she became Ms.Marvel.
3) We dodged a bullet there.

"The Cheeseburgers?"
"It's what we're calling ourselves, sort of like a team. ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ type of thing."

>she constantly called Carol "Kara" (she watched CW Supergirl and got confused)

Well, her name is Linda Danvers... (Sometimes Linda Lee Danvers)

>twitter thinks Carol is a gay vegan called "Avenger" Danvers
>tfw real Carol loves dick, meat and was called Cheeseburger

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I bet Carol's politically conservative.

...Then again, she's from Boston... ehh. But her dad was probably as red as fresh steak... but she hated her dead... ehh.

>I bet Carol's politically conservative
Hardly, if she basically was a surrogate parent for Monica Rambeau in the movie, in a non-traditional family unit at the time.

I meant: In the comics.

3 of her past 4 ongoings have started with her assisting & protecting refugees from imperialists.

Not even there. She has obviously a soldier mindset but she's not conservative despite that. She's just very pragmatic and clear cut in her approaches.

Not in the CW show.

What does that have to do with being conservative?

What Goose ate some lasaga.

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this times a billion.

are you aware that there are gay conservatives?

>her assisting & protecting refugees from imperialists.
are you aware US conservatives are not imperialists?

fun fact: the US military is overwhelmingly conservative. Even people who ignore politics start to lean that way once they've been in a few years. why? because the Left spews a LOT of anti-military rhetoric. for example, calling them imperialists.

>fun fact: the US military is overwhelmingly conservative.

That's actually not a fact. I just googled it. They say that there is a slight leaning towards the right which diminishes over time.

>US conservatives are not imperialists?

...Yeah, they are. Not all imperialism is done with armies marching across plains.

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Ad space, huh?

>are you aware US conservatives are not imperialists?
It's sad if you actually believe this.

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Stop bumping your shitty threads shills.You faggots always bump the thread when it hits page 9 with a generic image. You fags are obsessed with shilling this shitty character.

If you don't like it, you can always ignore it. Nobody is forcing you to be here, and it's an imageboard after all. Get necked.

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You mean like how conservative protected people from communist imperialism?

Maybe you should find another place to shill. The fact that the majority of the posts here are just pathetic bumps for a dead thread only prove how unpopular the character you are shilling is.

No one's shilling anything here. It's a thread about a character like any other. Consider suicide.

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>like any other
Except not like any other. No other comic character has daily/weekly generals about them. Especially not an unpopular character like Carol. Your shilling attempt is fucking obvious.

Okay well cry more, imbecile. Nobody cares about your petty concerns. Last (You) from me.

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>Get proven wrong
Your shilling is fucking obvious. Carol threads all have a very low IP to post range and all are filled with no discussion made by generic posts simply made to bump the thread. It's obvious and it's pathetic. At least by we are having some discussion by me mentioning the fact that you are a shill, by doing so I am upping this threads quality.

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Wait... Is this Thompson's current arc BEFORE she was Captain Marvel?

It's the Secret Wars version of the AoA version of Carol.
I don't remember what actually happened during that mini.

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You are welcome.

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Who would win in a fight? Captain Marvel or Captain Marvel?

Hard to say... Captain Marvel is really powerful, but I'll give this one to Captain Marvel.

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Captain Marvel easily

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Captain Marvel sucks

Hey, Billy is a good boy

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Thanks a bunch. I love Shazam storytimes.

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It's DC versus Marvel, plus Billy's powers are magical. Carol is outmatched.

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This is true, she cannot absorb magical energy. That's Shazam's edge in this case.

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So Captain Marvel would beat Captain Marvel? Who knew?

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I think Captain Marvel would win actually.

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That and being orders of magnitude stronger than she is.

Nah mate, Shazam is nothing without his magic.

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