Rewatching Ragnarok, is there anything more egregious then Executioners costume? Looks like a fucking World of Warcraft character.
Rewatching Ragnarok, is there anything more egregious then Executioners costume...
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>Looks like a fucking World of Warcraft character.
Everyone who works for the MCU/Disney is such a lazy hack that's probably EXACTLY what they were going for. Normies have no taste in design, it's literally "thing I see a lot of", it's literally "thing that got money already" to them.
Big ass pauldrons don't make sense, they render the use immobile. However, large shoulders are views as more attractive and stronger, so it's literally just giving the character a bigger outline so the shallow brain will register is as better.
I’m more triggered at how much ammo those rifles had. God nobody knows shit about guns
I think there are some really good designs with most of the MCU movies but man did they totally fuck Skurge.
>Looks like a fucking World of Warcraft character.
Yeah, unironically great
Not enough Pauldrons for that
Turning Valkyrie in to a short dark haired bisexual woman was pretty egregious.
Also turning Heimdall, the Whitest God Alive, in to a black man was pretty bizarre, but Idris Elba is cool so I don't mind it that much.
what the fuck is he supposed to look like, retard?
the original design is perfect
It looks like fetish gear. She may look hot but it's not a very good design to carry over to live action
>Looks like a fucking World of Warcraft character.
this is a good comparison
Skurge is unironically the single worst MCU character, I don't think that is even arguable. He was just there to listen to Hela monologue until they hastily scrapped together a "redemption" moment. Really bad.
I'll never understand the hate for Ragnarok. It is a tier 1 MCU movie. So what if it's a comedy?
I'm more annoyed Amora never appeared.
how did we never get Enchantress in any of the Thor films?
>Skurge is unironically the single worst MCU character
Natalie Portman
Kat Dennings was even worse
>lol so quirky xD
the comedy was just kind of cringy, the characters were meh usually you could count on a good Loki moment in these Thor films but nope not this time, feels like they gave Thor another brand of the Tony personality, still trying to figure out why Odin exploded into sparkles. I can understand why it entertained some people though.
If anything I'd say Thor was more like MCU Star-Lord than Tony in ragnarok
You should've known by now that MCU Thor isn't actually Thor.
Who thought it was a good idea to cast Kat Dennings and put her in 20 coats.
>the comedy was just kind of cringy
Agree to disagree.
Also I loved the way the movie used music. I've always hated generic orchestral scores a la Hanz Zimmer. Makes every action movie feel the same. It was great the way the movie used the Immigrant Song, that scene in the beginning in particular is probably my favorite in all the MCU and every time I hear that song in the future I'll picture that scene. Guardians of the Galaxy (obviously) and Black Panther also made great use of music. Made some scenes feel like music videos. I mean, Iron Man 1 for example was just crappy phones in orchestral score. They never even played Iron Man by Black Sabbath until the credits! What the fuck is that shit? Imagine the scene at the beginning when he busts out of the cave and starts mowing down terrorists? THAT is where the song should have played.
I wish every Marvel movie used more licensed music, I know they can afford it. It just gives scenes a flavor and feeling that a sanitized orchestral score can't. Yeah some scores like LOTR, Star Wars, Superman, and Pirates of the Carribean are magnificent and become anthems in themselves but those are exceptions.
Like how Aquaman used Depeche Mode and Pit Bull?
More like Deadpool 2.
You didn't like it?
I did.
The perfect kind of camp that modern cape films are too scared to do.
No, not like that. I loved Aquaman, most fun I had watching a superhero movie in a long time, but FUCK ME was the soundtrack bad. It's the only knock I have against it.
First of all, if you want Africa by Toto, why not just fucking use Africa by Toto? Why some Pitbull abomination? I don't get it
>He was just there to listen to Hela monologue until they hastily scrapped together a "redemption" moment.
Skurge's redemption was poorly executed, but it wasn't exactly put together last minute since it's always been essential part of his story.
I thought it was funny how he was using the bifrost to steal a bunch of tat and passing it off for treasures. Also he fit the movie fine, everything already had a silly campiness factor to it so him acting like the low iq henchmen he is was okay in my book.
Because it's a Fast & Furious movie. So you use Pitbull.
Can we appreciate Hulk in Ragnarok though? For the first time ever Hulk was a character and not a mindless brute.
>feels like they gave Thor another brand of the Tony personality
Closer to Peter than Tony, I'd say
>still trying to figure out why Odin exploded into sparkles
They didn't want to deal with his body lying there because Hela showing up wouldn't even give them time to bring it back to Asgard for a burial scene.
Despite being directed by a guy otherwise known for his comedies, it has terrible comedic timing, several of its characters are undeveloped or downright unlikable, and the comedy comes off as terribly out-of-place in comparison to the stakes of the film - the Asgard scenes are basically an apocalyptic horror film.
Anyone else notice how Mark Ruffalo doesn't even try to disguise his gay lispy voice anymore? It started in Ragnarok and continued into Infinity War. It's like he just doesn't give a fuck anymore, and no one else gives enough of a fuck to tell him no.
A coat fetishist?
Being another unfunny mcu clown with zero personality =/= being actual character, user
Why not? female gymnasts wear similar uniforms and they are some of the most elite female athletes on the planet.
Also if that looks like "fetish gear" how does Batman walking around in a bat eared rubber gimp suit not also = fetish gear?
Since when did super hero comics start becoming more about "muh realism" and less about "it looks cool/appealing tho"
The "I'm not doing Get Help" when they were facing Hela was the cringest shit ever. Cheapest callback joke and the most OOC moment ever for Loki.
Korg's stupid monologue about rebuilding Asgard until it blows up is a close second, but it's not OOC for his character, it just ruins what should be a solemn scene.
he's not even making any jokes, his personality is that of a 2 year old toddler
No one is making jokes in MCU, mate. All they do is either quipping or acting like a retards.
People who make those arguments don't seem to understand those artists using stuff like gymanists as models. They base the fashion of real life. It's only jealous, insecure females who try to ignore that reality. Try to act like women don't purposefully dress in skimpier outfits or like showing skin. Even when professional dress, she wears tighter clothes to show off.
I'm more put off by how greasy and bloated he looks now.
There's nothing wrong with quips they're comic book movies
>It's only jealous, insecure females who try to ignore that reality. Try to act like women don't purposefully dress in skimpier outfits or like showing skin. Even when professional dress, she wears tighter clothes to show off.
Yes that's what it seems like to me too. They are insecure and usually obese and get offended when they see a beautiful physically fit women who shows off her body.
They also act like every single male super hero isn't also wearing skintight suits that shows off their crotch bulge, ass and every single muscle on their body.
>it's okay to ruin cinema by generic quippy trash for degenerates because source itself is trash for degenerates.
Raimi and Nolan showed that you can have a decent comicbook movies without quips.
Licensed music all the time can get repetitive though, and it may not always match the movie thematically. Alan Silvestri is what made the Avengers so great
It was the Avengers when every character suddenly became a snarky wisecracker and Age of Ultron when every character suddenly went full tony. Even Ultron himself was making stupid Tony-Lite quips. It was the most retarded movie ever. Now all of the weirdo political people on twitter speak like they think they're Joss Whedon characters too. Joss Whedon was an awful influence on everything he touched.
I like Thor still because at least he's not a demasculanized wimp who lets women push him around and degrade him constantly, but that is likely to change in Endgame when he's paired with Captain Marvel.
>Licensed music all the time can get repetitive though
You aren't wrong. Still I feel the best movies strike a balance. Guardians of the Galaxy for instance had a terrific licensed soundtrack, but also knew when the scene demanded an orchestral score.
Still I'll never forgive Iron Man for being so bland musically, and pissing away 'Iron Man' for the credits. Imagine that cave scene,
>BSHHHHH. I AM IRRRRRON MAN (as he's exiting the tunnel, camera behind him)
Would have been fucking glorious.
>I like Thor still because at least he's not a demasculanized wimp who lets women push him around and degrade him constantly
Have you seen thor quipreck? He is mocked and humiliated by "Valkyria" there pretty hard. Also he completely lost his glimpse of personality in this "movie"
It's also really weird that he did a callback joke to a joke that happened ten minutes prior.
Batman is ultimately a dude in a jumpsuit wearing a cape. The problem with swimsuit costumes is that cape films are grounded entirely within the context of the real world and no one takes anyone seriously when that person is wearing a swimsuit, the connotations of the clothing and the setting simply don't line up. It works in something like Conan the Barbarian, but everyone would be giggling if Namor showed up in the speedo. Is it impossible to pull off in a current Big 2 cape film? No. Harley Quinn is basically wearing one in Suicide Squad, it's just something that would need to be handled carefully and would probably get you a bunch of flak regardless (just look at how people were bitching about the WW and Amazon costumes in Wonder Woman). And let's be honest, the shiny metal tit cups would be the real issue with Valkyrie's costume, not it being a one-piece.
Just... you have two movies stuffed in one. Thor racing with time to stop Ragnarok should be an epic Beowulf balad filmed like Lord of the Rings with Conan like characters. Instead we get... Hulk planet+sexy Hella is doing evil stuff+ the junk planet adventure.. stop it! The movie is lacking a mirth of pulp adventure. It is flashy like Flash Gordon but to self aware to be camp.
>Yes that's what it seems like to me too. They are insecure and usually obese and get offended when they see a beautiful physically fit women who shows off her body.
Yeah and I'm sick of entertaining any notion that it's different. I'm sick of seeing art changed because of toxic female insecurity and jealously.
Cap never quips, Winter Soldier and Black Panther were serious movies. Civil War basically too apart from characters such as Tony and Parker where it's part of their character. No shit Ultron sounded like Tony Stark, they even said that in the movie and made lots of comparisons between them, he did make him
>Batman is ultimately a dude in a jumpsuit wearing a cape. The problem with swimsuit costumes is that cape films are grounded entirely within the context of the real world
Leotards are also grounded in the real world. The most elite female athletes in the world, gymnasts, wear them.
Also are you aware of what real world female fighters wear?
Why are you some puritan weirdo who wants every female to cover up their bodies? Combatants can't move if they are all wearing thick leather suits.
Do you want MMA fighters to cover up too?
>it's always fat unathletic people who make the argument as to what is "realistic" for female athletic combatants to wear
>always involves covering up their bodies in suits that limit mobility
>Batman is ultimately a dude in a jumpsuit wearing a cape. The problem with swimsuit costumes is that cape films are grounded entirely within the context of the real world and no one takes anyone seriously when that person is wearing a swimsuit, the connotations of the clothing and the setting simply don't line up
See that's where I think the normies just need to shut and go with it. Fuck "the real world"... Try something different. Everyone giggles when Namor shows up in a speedo? They don't have to. That's the directors call for the extras. They can all act admiring of the man in the speedo instead...
I'm saying there is nothing stoping them from going all out and ignoring what the "real world" would do. I didn't come to a cape movie to watch the boring reality I came from.
>but everyone would be giggling if Namor showed up in the speedo.
Not if Namor had impenetrable bulletproof skin, which he does.
Why do unathletic people always try to lecture the world about how athletic fictional super heroes should dress? It's weird. Stop trying to force your puritan values on escapist fiction.
His death was so disappointing. I know it's dumb to compare MCU and the original comics, but in the comics, he had a meaningful and beautifully-done death, while here, it was just another gag.
>I understood that reference xD
>before we get started anyone want to get out? XDDD
>what a those xDD
>delete that footage xD
Nice try though.
>Yeah and I'm sick of entertaining any notion that it's different. I'm sick of seeing art changed because of toxic female insecurity and jealously.
Agreed. Toxic femininity is ruining art by calling for censorship
>inb4 "its not censorship, it's just helpful suggestions"
>Muh realism=fat insecure women who don't like seeing attractive female characters because it makes them insecure.
These fat women get brainwashed in college and think it's ok to call for the censorship of art as long as it helps them feels slightly less insecure.
>See that's where I think the normies just need to shut and go with it. Fuck "the real world"... Try something different. Everyone giggles when Namor shows up in a speedo? They don't have to. That's the directors call for the extras. They can all act admiring of the man in the speedo instead...
Exactly. What kind of moron calls for realism in a world of imaginary people from space who can fly and who throw magic hammers?
>no one wants pic related
>comics that push these weirdo characters fail every time they try
>stop calling for the censorship of art, fat insecure women. Just get less fat so you stop being so insecure.
>Before we get started anyone want to get out?
You're seriously referring to the elevator scene in WS as a non-serious quippy moment? I could list a million like that in the Raimi and Nolan Trilogy's
>before we get started anyone want to get out?
That was a pretty straightforward action movie one-liner user. I get that you're brain damaged but still
>I-it w-wasnt quip because there were s-serious action after it!
absolute state of mouseshills.
Maybe my vision of superheroic "fun" and "escapism" don't necessarily include skimpy costumes, and even less so when said skimpy costumes are supposed to be armor. This is the same shit as the chainmail bikini shitstorms in /tg/. Is it really an issue if a character in a movie doesn't get your peepee hard?
Shit like that will always piss me off. If they were on infinite ammo mode I would have shut up because I would have figured Asgard magic.
Then he ran out.
It actually wasn't a quip but even if it was, you shouldn't watch capeshit if quips make you so assblasted
I like it when characters have their own brand of humor like that, whereas a lot of the time it feels like it's the same Tony snarky quips and feels less like character dialogue and more like the same writer with the same sense of humor writing the same sort of jokes ad nauseam.
>It looks like fetish gear
Fuck off, Underworld is trashkino
>the comedy was just kind of cringy
cringe humor was more GotG 2. That shit was unbearable.
>Maybe my vision of superheroic "fun" and "escapism" don't necessarily include skimpy costumes, and even less so when said skimpy costumes are supposed to be armor. This is the same shit as the chainmail bikini shitstorms in /tg/. Is it really an issue if a character in a movie doesn't get your peepee hard?
What do female UFC fighters and female gymnasts wear? What you refer to as "skimpy" (which is slut shaming language and based on your personal insecurity about your own body) is actually practical and realistic. Especially for bullet proof women like Super Girl or Captain Marvel.
>why do fat girls always try to slut shame attractive women who are proud of their bodies?
>why do fat girls think they know what athletes wear?
>Expecting anything good from Quipnarok
I'm not mad about quips, I'm just sad that mouse killing cinema with it.
They're all the same, user. You're just being delusional because of brand loyalism.
Stop trying to force your puritan values on everything around you. If beautiful and physically fit women make you feel insecure, stop eating so many cupcakes and get on a treadmill.
>Is it really an issue if a character in a movie doesn't get your peepee hard?
Why do you talk like a 5 year old? Why are you trying to shame men for being attracted to beautiful athletic women? Do you also shame women for being attracted to handsome athletic men? Why do you hate heterosexual mutual attraction so much, weirdo?
>stop trying to force your fat person agenda on to escapist fantasy fiction.
>your college brainwashed you and made you retarded
Aquaman soundtrack was good bro
Thor is kind of somewhere between Tony and Quill. He's serious when he needs to be but he also clearly enjoys fighting and finds a degree of fun in messing with clearly dangerous opponents. I think it's a good characterization.
>pic related is olympic uniform for peak female athlete
Why do fat women who don't exercise and eat too many cupcakes project their insecurity on to everyone around them?
kek when dumbfuck of cartoonist literally believes the american gun can take this level of beating..
they work in comics, but live action is a no most of the time. it'd look retarded if e.g. Captain Marvel was in her swimsuit outfit. I'd like to see the MCU incorporate more skin/color in their costumes, and make them less butt ugly like Valkyrie's especially hideous when compared with something like
you won't see Tony say
>I understood that reference!
maybe they'll have similar "cool guy action line" but Tony is more witty with his, compared to Cap's straight forward
>I'm giving you the choice to leave now.
>cover up your body you, skimpily dressed slut!
>how dare you wear an outfit that allows you peak mobility and peak performance in your field?
>how dare you be proud of the disciplined athletic body you worked so hard to achieve?
>Don't you know you are making men's "pee pees" hard? How dare you! A proper woman hides her curves and covers her skin!
The sheer state of fat brainwashed women with liberal arts degrees in 2019, m8
>they work in comics, but live action is a no most of the time. it'd look retarded if e.g. Captain Marvel was in her swimsuit outfit.
Does it look retarded when female track stars perform amazing feats of athleticism or when female gymnasts perform amazing incredible flips?
All of that happens in the real world. Stop trying to shame women for being hotter than you are, you puritan weirdo.
I think a good chunk of people just want good looking outfits, and sorry to say but the gymnastic look or whatever would just look like shit a lot of the time.
The main difference I think is that your pic looks cool and fits with the established aesthetic of Thor comics and films, whereas the Valkyrie costume we got in the film looked like it was constructed out of blankets and spraypainted sports gear.
You're not really going to make a good argument for a skimpy costume by posting pics of highly regulated, or, in the case of the wrestler you posted, staged, sporting fights. Actual practical and realistic fighting attire would cover most of the body, be loose enough to give a free range of movement while tight enough to not be easily grabbed, and be padded enough to protect you from blows. The only justification you need for wanting a skin-baring costume is that you think it looks cool, and unless it's overtly sexual like Lady Death or something most people are willing to suspend at least some disbelief.
I'm not sure where your bizarre insistence that I am a fat college girl came from, or why you seem so unbelievably defensive, why you mention specifically cupcakes for the food of choice of your imaginary fat college girl boogeyman, why you're bringing up gym wear when we're talking about an Asgardian warrior in a Thor movie or why I can practically see you jacking off to those pictures you posted, but I just want to tell you that it's okay to like athletic women. At no point did I decry that. Thought I'd better clarify since this topic apparently means so much to you. There's also an absolute fuckload of baggage to unpack here and I don't have the time for this faggotry.
God, I want her to hold my spear...
>they work in comics, but live action is a no most of the time. it'd look retarded if e.g. Captain Marvel was in her swimsuit outfit. I'd like to see the MCU incorporate more skin/color in their costumes, and make them less butt ugly like Valkyrie's especially hideous when compared with something like
>Cover up you slut, don't you know ur making men's pee pees become engorged?
>Skin=BAD. It makes me insecure so you skimpily dressed sluts need to cover up!
>I have never exercised a day in my life but I know how female athletes should dress and if they don't listen to me they are instruments of the patriarchy!
>These athletic women make me insecure, can't we get more muh representation and see some fatties and trannies in the MCU?
Oh, and you posted a few more times before that post sent so you'll be a few (You)s short.
What the hell is going on in this thread?
>Does it look retarded when female track stars perform amazing feats of athleticism or when female gymnasts perform amazing incredible flips?
they aren't superheroes
it would look retarded seeing live-action Captain Marvel fly around in space and be a space-police-women while in her Ms Marvel outfit, you'd probably be on her bitching about it if they did it
I really couldn't care less about shaming women or whatever Yea Forumsmblr shit you're spouting
why do you continue to try to shame men for being attracted to attractive women? Why do you want to censor art? Why does seeing attractive female athletes make you feel so insecure?
>Thought I'd better clarify since this topic apparently means so much to you. There's also an absolute fuckload of baggage to unpack here and I don't have the time for this faggotry.
"Muh deflection and projection!"
I can tell you are a fat woman who eats too many cupcakes by the words you type and your insistence on forcing fat women to cover themselves up, as well as your sad attempts to shame heterosexual men for being attracted to beautiful fit women and wanting to see more fit women in super hero movies that are about idealized fantasy versions of heroes.
>College made you retarded and brainwashed.
>Stop slutshaming women.
>swimsuit outfits look like shit, but I would like to see more skin that anons pic was a good example of something I'd like to see
...are you OK user?
>it would look retarded seeing live-action Captain Marvel fly around in space and be a space-police-women while in her Ms Marvel outfit, you'd probably be on her bitching about it if they did it
Actually a live action Captain Marvel with a beautiful woman like pic related cast instead of Brie Larson would have been awesome to see, and probably would have made about $1 billion more.
What I love best about you going all-in with this is that most of the women you posted would look like shit in the costumes you want, since real life female athletes tend to have small chests, small asses, and few curves. The primary female bodytype in comics isn't the athletic, it's the bombshell.
Quip is still a quip user. MCU is incapable of an actual humor.
Yes user. Pic related looks like shit and has small chest ass and is unattractive. Gal Gadot is icky and needs to cover up, gross!
>The most elite female athletes in the world, gymnasts, wear them.
>Also are you aware of what real world female fighters wear?
They wear that shit in controlled environments though. If they went into a battlefield or any situation with weapons, they're gonna want to cover up. When that shit goes down, fetishism is out the window.
the pics I'm posting are of "real world female athletes" you bozo user
Gal Gadot is an actual soldier and wore costume inspired by what actual greek soldiers wore (lacking only the helmet) and no one thinks she looks retarded and few call her unattractive.
You weirdos trying to censor art really need to stop desu.
Now there's a strong empowered woman
It completely changed Thor's characterization from all of his previous appearances in the MCU. Sure, we was lighthearted sometimes, and had the occasional quippy line, but he was never a jokester or a "dude bro" like in Ragnarok
Gadot is a model and an actress. IDF service is mandatory for Israeli citizens and it's been years since she left. And you really could have picked a better choice, since she IS pretty flat and wouldn't look good on a leotard. The wonder woman costume isn't skintight.
The change in direction was probably for the best given that Thor 1 was mediocre, Thor 2 was terribad and they both underperformed
And just like that, the thread is now incel bickering about female costumes. Fuck this board
And you're incapable of an actual English
It's also designed to give the appearance of larger breasts and hips.
Fair point
I think they could have kept the humor without butchering Thor's characterization just by having him play everything super straight.
Have all the new characters be as silly as you want, but have Thor act serious. Hell, you could even make him act over-serious and have other people laugh at him for being to pompous or something
Yeah, I agree on that much. I love the dude's work but if you went back in time to 2013 to tell me Taika Waititi was going to direct the next Thor I'd have thought you were full of shit. I figure I went in with 0 expectations.
Yeah because no one in the production process truly cares. The woman who designed this stuff is a fat, old lady who looks like she never bothered to read comics, just goes to google and grabs random images and makes costumes based on that.
>Shocked that a Asguardian chaacter look fantasy
War of the realm is going to break you
Its not that it is fantasy mouth breather. Its that it LITERALLY looks like the Warcraft movie. Jeez I leave for few hours and this thread has turned into shit show.
Blue armor/shirt and a miniskirt was his look years before WoW though. If anything, you should be pissed the bottom panel was reduced to a stupid gag at the start of the movie, holy fuck.
It wasn't put together last minute, but clearly had little thought into it besides look it's like that thing in the comic.
Ragnarok is honestly absolutely horrible, the pacing is completely fucked, it took as long for Asgard to get rekt as the entire fucking horrible escape scene with that boring neverending dogfight. The tone is miserable, as has been for all Thor films, it has no idea what it is. Is it something like Kingsman or Lethal Weapon, serious plot and stakes with funny dialogue, or is it just dumbass slapstic as it often is? Fuck that movie and fuck anyone who thinks it's a worthwhile addition to any cinematic canon
Do you actually not see the difference in those 2 designs? The simonson design would look good in LA and would stand out in the sea of garbage fantasy on the silver screen
Here are superior Valkyrie outfits...
Name the last actress that actually pulled off a high cut piece like that.
The amount of Bikini Glue you'd have to reapply with all those accessories is impossible, Mr. director!
> So what if it's a comedy?
The apocalypse of the gods should not be comedic.
Read Thor - Disassembled. That is what it should have been. Should have had a tone close to Infinity War/Rogue One.
MCU asgardians aren't gods though, they're immortal alien chucklefucks with inexplicable super strength and invulnerability who inexplicably use their Sufficiently Advanced Science to LARP as WoW characters. Which, to be fair, is where they dropped the ball all the way back in Thor 1
I won't mind something like this, not completely a unitard, but accentuates the "V" shape. Of course Watchmen is a special case.
>big ass pauldrons don't make any sense
Yeah you notice how those are wrapping around the deltoids and not just sticking out and hanging on the deltoids creating a bigger outline? That's what I'm talking about. Real pauldrons hugged the shoulder, WoW pauldrons jot out because it's making the character look bigger for visual effect.
I wish that were me.