What is with Yea Forums (and Yea Forums) choosing 14 as the prime age to to save the world?
What is with Yea Forums (and Yea Forums) choosing 14 as the prime age to to save the world?
Mainly because teenage schoolboys are the biggest group to consume comic books and action animations, and a lot of them love power fantasies?
These people look vaguely hispanic, which makes it even more hilarious to me.
Did you really like living near the border, brainless redneck?
Name one (1) comic with a 14 year old trying to save the world.
How old is Jaime Reyes?
I said that teenage boys like power fantasies, not specifically save the world.
Besides, you have Shazam and Ben 10, you could even rope in Dreamwork's Voltron.
I see it
I don’t get ‘s deal either
Danny Phantom
it's just the brown eyes. Japs don't have iris
adults have jobs and responsibilities. also they make safer, rational (boring) decisions. plus any female characters older than 22ish are either moms or out of the picture in some other way. so girl heroes are usually teenagers.
This no-adult-MCs-ever doesn't apply as hard to capeshit, which is one of the only positive things I can say about capeshit.
>What is with Yea Forums (and Yea Forums) choosing 14 as the prime age to to save the world?
more like: choosing 14 as the prime age to to to get laid
It's the age where one is at their most delusional. The point where they believe they're more competent than they actually are.
In classical stories a "young male hero" was usually in his 20s/30s, it's only in the modern era that a teenager ends up becoming the big hero.
And even beyond hero anime, normal SoL romance anime where the 15 year old lives on his own and almost bangs "mature" 23 year old rich female professionals seems stupid as well, like who thinks of a 23 year old right out of college when "mature professional" comes to mind? Even when I was in highschool the girlsquad of 20-something teachers seemed more like big sisters than actual teachers, the only difference is that all of them were neurotic about getting their boyfriends to propose to them since they were staring down 30.
At no age can anyone save the world.
30s are young if you're not a sack of shit that drank every day and burned out by the time you were 25
In the opposite direction, 30s are young if you haven’t already spent a decade raising a kid you hardly planned for with a spouse who was as young and dumb as you.
Peter Parker was 15
Voltron cast age was 17 at the start of the series with the exception of Pidge being the youngest one at 15
>what are coming-of-age narratives
14 isnt really the average. i think its mostly 16-19 in anime or story driven games like jrpg. those protags in japanese action games are way older
Not...really. Most kid heroes are 10-12 and most teen heroes are 15 or over. Shinji isn't exactly a rarity but he isn't the defining age bracket. Only Yea Forums hero I can think of who is 14 is Steven Universe but he acts like an 8 year old anyways.
Early teens is the period that both kids and adults can both relate to, since that's when characters can realistically act both mature and immature.