>Article 13 passes
Rip Europe. It was nice reading pirated comics while it lasted.
Article 13 passes
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And Europe claims to be the new leaders of the free world.
And Europe destroys the Internet.
What a shock, lol.
I'm a spic, how will this affect me?
Not European so I don’t care. It’s not like google will censor search results everywhere, it would piss off far more people and lose them more money then complying with this law. They’ll probably just geolock search results.
This is what happens when you suck at IT yet want to regulate it. It's like trying to manage a particle accelerator by hitting it with a hammer.
Europe can regulate technology all it wants. It won't stop it from sucking at it, lol.
There’s no way this will be enforceable without massive retaliation
It won't.
Honestly if I was Google, I'd be bolder and ask Europe what on Earth it was trying to do.
>I don't care they won't come for me I'm so special
famous last words
Cue the lawsuits.
All it means is that EU's internet is going away because companies are going to be better off leaving than dealing with that bullshit.
Spaniard spic or Mexican/Latin Spic?
if a company refuse, the UE has the right to just take the money form their bank account for the local ones (they are the bankers don't forget it), and if they are foreign, then Macron's new best friend China thaught them how to cut the network in tiny pieces.
If you are just a person, you'll simply lose your ISP and they'll put your name in a list so you won't get a new one.
Remember how Ne Neutrality ended the free internet last year?
Me neither.
LITERALLY nothing will change.
t. EU law student who actually knows what he talks about, instead of flavor of the month protestfags
even if something will happen it will take at least 2 years so calm down
This will turn out worse than its proponents argue, but not nearly as bad as its detractors suggest.
It will be another tiny, incremental slide towards dystopia, totally forgettable when the next tiny step pops up in peoples news feeds.
You don't know how law works do ya, user?
Did you know they can't do anything as long as there's lawsuites and other measures holding that shit back. Net Neutrality can't end when it's being held together with legal tape ya boob.
Let me guess, you're one of those people that think a VPN will solve the article 13 problem?
Eh, as a Bonglander I'm going to have to start using Tor or a VPN to even look at porn soon if I don't want to pay a fee to go on the wanker's database, so I'm not really fussed.
Captcha is already fucking me up the arse, probably in preparation. I had to do five fucking pages of slow-loading fire hydrants and traffic lights just to post this.
now watch as literally nothing fucking happens
You can still download everything from a youtube tutorial with loquendo. It's alright.
Europe is officially China Jr now.
As an American, aka God's chosen people, will this affect me?
It lowers the bar of the “at least we aren’t as bad as the Euros” in the internet freedom department
Why do you guys keep electing tyrants to office? Why is Europe solely populated by masochists?
Could any of you, citing the actual article and law that was proposed, why suddenly the Internet in the EU is over?
Cause so far it sounds like hysterics, hyperbole and bad faith arguments about things a lot of people in and outside the EU do not know or do not care about to know.
All content has to be reviewed manually, automatic systems are a no go. European internet companies are exempt from this.
This was covered in Watch the video for the articles.
>he thinks democracy is real
We're living in a cyberpunk dystopia user, the global megacorporations and the billionaires decide what happens, things like laws and democracy bend to wherever they put their money.
The possibility of large corporations going "fuck it" and applying all the censorship tech to everyone and not just the euros
No. No second hand shit from an alt right outrage farmer. Straight from the source. Surely you can do that?
Where does that say that in the article?
this is amazing. what an ignorant piece of shit lol. net neutrality has existed as long as the net, those regulations just kept major lawsuits from happening every couple of years when service providers violate people's rights.
This won't affect readcomicsonline right? How do they even avoid being taken down?
Retard, that's still in court stupid
Are the EU lawmakers even elected?
Im from Ukraine, am I fucked? Aside from living in semi-african country
the eu has no interesting contents. what do they wanna defend? isnt this the same frustration as salty americunts who cant make anything new and interesting censoring japanese contents? like muh eu's cultural contents should be protected cause its worth everyones money reee. the truth is that nobody just gives a fuck about it. the eu should be tolerant to it. otherwise they will just lose their cultural influence on global market.
mutts have become too offensive to japan but the eu on the other hand has become too defensive about themselves.
I remember my friends blasting me when I told them how shit the EU was, back when everyone was shitting on the UK. I keep getting vindicated.
nah, don't worry slav user
i'm from poland and soon will be back in my shithole, if there will be a "problem" with going into the bay for free stuff i will just use VPN
I think. I’ve recently seen news on some kind of elections taking place over there.
They are going to be blocked, not taken down. And the EU is going to make VPNs illegal next!
You're missing the point. This isn't really about EU politics or culture at all, it's about big business pushing for laws to defend their copyrights no matter what people's freedoms it has to smash to do so. In fact they'd probably love to drive every independent website off the web by making it too much work and potential legal trouble for anyone except the multi billion dollar internet giants to operate websites any more.
Burgers can be smug for now, but you know this is coming for you too.
>Go to jail for insulting Muslims
this is wrong
>TFW American Youtubers
>Suddenly all my competition in Europe just went away
Also all your viewers.
Nothing much. It's mostly blocking "content creators" from using copyrighted music or images in their stuff.
I'm afraid this will set precedent, monkey see monkey do, before the long term repercussions are seen by the public at large. Dark times ahead, yohoho.
>make VPNs illegal
How the fuck are they going to enforce that? It has legitimate use for security purposes in commercial networking, and there is no way to licence it without compromising the security.
It's a bunch of legalese, I recommend reading the summary. It makes it more expensive and mandatory to check copyright shit. The reason this kills the internet is because sites like youtube have gone on record as not having that shit, so they're just going to geolock Europe.
B-But the UK is stupid for not wanting to be apart of based EU
I hated the noc meme at first but Jesus Christ does it apply.
>t. Guy who's not retarded please believe me
>sites like youtube have gone on record as not having that shit, so they're just going to geolock Europe.
lol you guys actually believe this?
If it’s based in Europe yeah, it’s going to get taken down.
>Pay outrageous amounts of money to censor/filter content for Europe
>Not doing that because the cost would far outweigh the money you make from the EU
Depends on how bad the EU tries forcing this onto the US tech giants or government.
If they basically blackmail them, then it can go either way- they cut off their services to Europe until the EU fucks off and dies, or they ruin it for the rest of the world even more than it already has.
This makes it sound like EU is taxing breathing. What I mean by that is no fucking way can they enforce this.
>t. internet stealing pajit
Unfortunately, the people who somehow managed to get in charge of google care more about virtue signalling than turning a profit.
Or option number three, this isn't what's happening to begin with
i see. i actually dont really understand how it will work. will those eu major contents like old popular music, comics etc be regulated by the aftermath? for example, i use some popular song from the eu for my internet radio on streaming sites like youtube, soundcould, and will it be censored by article 13?
im not from the eu, but own many digital contents from the eu like music. i wont be bothered by it since most music i own isnt mainstream crap, but its pretty ridiculous if i cant use 80s electronic pop music copyrighted by some major record labels.
>Muh revolutionary content
Imagine thinking all the Naruto school shit, not animating jaws and game shows of falling on ice is being “censored” for being good. God weebs are such a joke they don’t know creativity if it hit them
They'll just enforce it on people they don't like as a form of censorship. It's what Europe does because they're a draconian hellhole.
you have to go back
Shit I’m going to Europe for a semester how fucked am I?
I see no problem here
>tfw you're fined several million dollars because you posted a screencap of family guy
>ask the judge for forgiveness, since he seems like a reasonable man
>lifetime in prison
I'm not liking this timeline.
Expect sites like YouTube to be blocked EU-wise since they can’t reasonably filter all videos and avoid a lawsuit if they are responsible like they would under these laws
Imagine not knowing what free use is lmao you’re the kind of person who supports this shit
>not death penalty
You know they'd totally want to do more than lock people away in this timeline, but can't because money.
It will affect big sites like youtube and twitch, they have to play by their rules or they'll get kcked out of Europe.
>Expect sites like YouTube to be blocked EU-wise since they can’t reasonably filter all videos and avoid a lawsuit if they are responsible like they would under these laws
Is there a stock for VPN?
>Wikipedia does whole campaign against SOPA
>Doesn't even mention this and actively hides it from it's In the News section
How ironic
t. anglo
english wikipedia didn't, if you visited it in other languages you got a giant alert thing talking about it
Wikipedia turned to hell essentially, especially with political articles in the last 5 years. They’ve given up their original message, and assuming this doesn’t affect them they don’t give a shit
Go to hell, Kebab.
That law can only target sites that are receiving monetary compensation for providing porn. And it won't catch everything, there's literally millions of porn sites all over the internet.
It's a shitty move that only a fucking Tory cunt could imagine, but it's not the end of porn.
Brave new world perhaps
I see this claim often. What actual cases of people being sent to jail for insulting Muslims exist?
how can manga piracy sites be censored? isnt it censored unless copyright holders or distributors claim their copyrights?
>Every other Europe country will do a Brexit when a Vote for leaving the EU comes
I can see why Britain left the EU
>you will finally have a freedom loving internet without retarded europeons shitting it up
i can't wait lads
You realize the UK is literally about to instate a porn ban, right?
except pretty much every country's majority voted for it you brainlet
enjoy your loisence
Yes and that’s still Europe
I don't think you guys understand, not only is this not a law that specifically and inevitably affects the countries, it's the countries themselves that are currently voting on approving/rejecting it. Did you think this was all the work of some alien council?
>Implying we'll ever actually leave
>implying they'll let anyone get this close ever again
Democracy is dead, user.
Use Hoxx VPN Proxy for firefox to bypass this
>Implying the people voted for this shit
>it's the countries themselves that are currently voting on approving/rejecting it
Please don't claim politicians actually abide by the will of the people ever again.
Good thing I’m an American.
This law affects user posted content, and even then only sites which are for profit organizations. Nonprofit sites like Wikipedia are confirmed to be not affected. Facebook Google etc are affected because they are giants making billions of profits.
Just make a nonprofit site and call it a library or something, then you won't be affected by the law.
>How can it be censored
Blocked by ISPs, google, Microsoft, apple, etc.
the European parliament is full with old fossils who couldn't cut it in their own country anymore
they can barely even use the internet
>It’s not like google will censor search results everywhere
Joke is on you then, because Google is already censoring search results everywhere, because by doing so they cater to Big Content and some Governments, which gets them major money.
That's not what i said, my country's politicians are mostly a bunch of idiots, that doesn't change the fact that they're my country's politicians and not reptilian conspirators
welcome to literally everything that has ever been related to politics
sadly most sites where users wanna use copyrighted materials are commercial. i dont care the eu is fucked. im curious how this shit affects non eu users.
Be glad we're not yuropoors, and if you are... man I pity you.
politicians are your country, if you think otherwise i hope that propaganda tastes good mixed with rich cunt cum
every country is shit because all politicians are shit
Newsflash: literally nothing that has ever happened in a democracy was decided by "the people"
at least we know that most bootleg websites like KimCartoon aren't done for profit.
If I had to guess, it won't right away, but the EU being the EU, will likely force Google, the other tech giants and if possible, other governments to bend down and suck their dick or face repercussions like no funding or potential hostilities.
>not for profit
You're kidding, right? Why do you think it gets shilled so much? Why do you think it exists? Advertising revenue.
We need to go back to Medieval ages. Humanity in the past did certain things which fill us with horror. But on the other hand we are doing things now which would have filled humanity in the past with equal horror. If to us medieval intolerance causes creeps down the back, surely the tolerance of modern times, with the indifferentism inseparably bound up with it, would also have caused creeps down the back of the medieval.
Fuck 'em, The internet is for AMERICANS. Every other miserable wretch has enjoyed it for too long, sneering at true liberty while pretending to enjoy the lashing of their masters.
Europeans! you never had freedom! you never had rights! everything you own, everything you earn, everything you're allowed to see and say is a PRIVILEGE, and now you realize that privileges can be taken away and there's nothing you can do about it. You will soon also learn why you should have done something when they took your guns.
at least torrent sites will be totally eradicated and wiped out from the eu internet. feel bad for those poor slav drawfags and creators in general who wont be able to get pirated softwares. this shit will btfo slavs. especially dtm musicians cant make shit without warez.
although a cheap soft like sai is enough to make good cgs.
Just imagine. You could have been born in Europe.
Mangadex did that because of the month long DDoS, not the EU
the reason KissCartoon died because it had stuff that costed money like a streaming service and the money went to them. The advertising is done by lower-end companies
You realize this basically only affects dudes like Google and Facebook that are making billions of dollars, right? It will most likely have zero impact on your life.
of course sites like KimCartoon don't make as much as Google and Facebook.
Those are the sites that will survive due to being big
All the small forums and sites in Europe are fucked, as are any content creators or viewers
It'll affect people that create things, fanart included
lol all google will have to do is delete those shady sites from the result pages. like theyve done on the chink internet. they dont cost anything.
>create fanart
>upload to deviantart
But seriously, how would anyone monitor this?
Italy barely follows whatever rule europe imposes on it, I hope it won't follow this one either
even if the law is approved each country has to decide themselves if they wanna integrate it internally or not. France is the one pushing for it the most so France is definitely fucked
You mean
Because there are no examples of that in the US
not him and im not sure if it will affect fanarts, but its easy to regulate it. just issue the official user policy. most users are submissive and dont want to violate the rule. and the internet is full of hypocritical moralfags as you can see on youtube. theyll actively police it.
Even DA will likely get affected
>The only way a site that hosts user-generated content can avoid putting in place a upload filter is if it fulfils all three of the following criteria: it has been available for fewer than three years; it has an annual turnover below €10 million; it had fewer than five million unique monthly visitors. As you can probably guess, this means a huge number of sites – from fishing forums to niche social networks – that will need to install upload filters.
>Today, the European Parliament voted to pass the whole Copyright Directive without a debate on Articles 11 and 13 by a margin of five votes.
>But actually, a group of left-leaning Swedish MEPs have revealed that they pressed the wrong button, and have asked to have the record corrected. They have issued a statement saying they'd intended to open a debate on amendments to the Directive so they could help vote down Articles 11 and 13.
So wait a second, I'm a sfw artist who produces zero fanart, doesn't trend hop, and posts no memes. 100% original content. What will this mean for me?
Nothing, this affects copyrighted content so if everything you produce is original you should be fine
Molti dei nostri hanno votato per il sì, bello
Not that it matters all that much because this isn't the apocalyptic scenario some people are painting it as, and you're right that nobody is being forced
it also affects people who unironically call themselves """"""""""content creators""""""""""" with a straight face
What timeline is this?
Oh Sweden.
considering 95% of people who voted are retarded boomers who don't know what an internet is this applies for pretty much all of them really
use pixiv and hide your nationality. problem solved.
tech giants means well known north american companies. i dont think utter otaku sites like pixiv will be warned by the eu.
Hawkish german lawyers assigned to a few cartoons(big ones would get a team) monitoring the web for new content with keywords in popular sites.
>Join a government alliance where you can't even directly vote for your representatives
>Have your rights taken away.
euro-fags reaped what they sowed
Yeah, they used to host all the content themselves. The replacements do not, they use like 7 different sites that allow you to upload and stream videos (with there own ads on top).
Just don’t allow europoors to access your shit.
Yes they create content
You’re definitely one of the dumbfucks who argue for infinite copyright
I’ll be laughing at you while you rot in hell.
>virtue signaling
Do you even get what this is about? It's a copyright situation.
t. e-celebfag
Public backlash NEEDS to be bigger to get the message through their rotten fucking heads.
>Article 13 passed because Swedes pushed the wrong button
>No backsies
You can't make this up.
Imagine not using a VPN, do western europoors (burgers, islandniggers, nazis, frogs) really do this?
That's still gayrope ya dumb britinigger
Yet another proof that people should nuke my country out of existence.
I'm not even kidding, it'd be a welcome release at this point.
Self-hating won't earn you brownie points with the big boys when every other country also fucked up, Bjorn
What the fuck is going on back there in Sweden?
Still, I can't imagine how DA in particular will handle this. I mean at least half their content has to be fanart.
Brexit is a good thing, makes these decisions less powerful.
whatever you say ahmed mcpornban
They'll probably shut down the site for Europe.
They'll just block EU users. Most sites will because it will be impossible to actually pay the fines, copyrights, or for the software to clean out any copyright material that got through the cracks.
>he thinks I'm doing this for brownie points
eat a dick, Tex, and just kill us all already.
Anyone else think this is a great plot for a cartoon?
Time to dig out a decent vpn I guess.
i honestly dont think it will affect fanarts, but its easier to regulate it than you think. most users are actually submissive. they dont want to make illegal contents, and then it will be automatically recognized as a "bad thing"
however, at least japanese companies will allow fans to make it, since its their tradition and norm such as doujinshi. mutt companies may force the regulation on them. like disney, pixar, and possibly some other cartoon media outlets that have their branches in the eu. they are western and share some capitalistic values and connections with the eu.
>A law bans all fanart by mistake
>Lowly cartoonist who makes original content wiggles his way into the hearts of discontented fanboys
>Becomes rich and famous
Oh yes, YES!
>then people start drawing fanart of his stuff
Being a fucking faggot comes naturally to this asshole.
They can't enforce the web filtering, but they can enforce liability and create an economic barrier towards news publishing, or simply reviewing/commenting on a movie.
Man, how will official movie review sites handle this? I can't imagine they purchase all their pictures.
user, if you find it difficult to believe it's probably because this isn't what's happening and you're being fed idiocy
I'm sad mates. Not just memes, but everything that brung me even a sliver of happiness is now shit.
>Movies are all the same generic boring normie shit. Western cartoons are just turning into lefty propaganda with bean head artstyles.
>Youtube is censoring everything other than beta faggot vloggers and kid friendly channels. In a couple years the entertaining people will quit. Not to mention UMG manually claiming peoples money for have 0.12134 seconds of a song they own in the video
>Video games in the west have just become cash grabbing scams. They're all rushed and half assed when they come out, either littered with bugs and/or obviously not finished. Fallout 76, Anthem, Jump Force, etc. There's only a handful of exceptions in recent times.
>Anyone with a slightly right wing opinion is shunned and banned on the internet
Now anything creative on the internet is getting fucked. Good for artists and corporations i guess, but shit for everyone else.
Dutchfag here. I can still acces readcomicsonline.
>What I mean by that is no fucking way can they enforce this.
Websites will simply ban Europe.
Twitch already made a statement where they said that with the current law in act, they may have to limit content access to Europe.