The Snyder reveals prove there's still a huge swath of the moviegoing public that want serious and mature superhero...

>The Snyder reveals prove there's still a huge swath of the moviegoing public that want serious and mature superhero movies
>had he stayed on we could've had a hard and unique look into Billy dealing with larger-than-life gods mentoring him on how to be a superhero as he navigates a foster system that threatens to break his spirit
>instead we get FLOSSIN and meme quotes galore to attract dem zoomerbux and mothers wanting more Marvel movies for the kids

Anyone else miserable now over what could've been?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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The same bait copy pasta with a few changed words

Please stop spamming this

lmao the Snyder reveals are just making people shit on him more

Good, maybe this one will actually be good

Here is the problem with DC.

They conflate bad writing and "dark & mature".

To pull off "dark and mature", you actually need good writing.

Hell it's not an accident the time Marvel felt the most comic-book was ironically "Winter Soldier" (the political stuff didn't mesh well with the superhero themes). It was good, but Marvel didn't commit hard enough to sell it.

Seriously, in a roundabout way, I could see "Winter Soldier" as a Batman story since Batman is no stranger to vast criminal conspiracies.

No, I laughed my ass off that night and I'm happy for it. I needed it.

Pretty accurate, in retrospect.

First of all, shut the fuck up. Second, I've only made one thread roughly a week ago even if I admit I've posted in several others on the matter. Third, God forbid people like movies with consequences and dealing with them with some realism instead of seeing WB bow down and turn DC into the MCU v.2. Do you really think superhero worlds are all rainbows and sunshine like in the 50s?

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>t. Snyder whining about people liking Billy more than his pathetic excuse for a Superman

>t. Seething Snyder Soiboy

Anyone that likes drama, consequence and epic tales and isn't a mouth breathing piece of human garbage wouldn't be onboard for more Snyder. Because most people know Snyder's work is crap and he is a simpleton.

Since fucking when does it even need to be an argument that the man is horrible? He was already being mocked by theater-afficionados years before BvS and yet when that Pretentious Michael Bay (and atleast Michael Bay knows how to do film a basic fucking car crash without wasting 10 million in a CGI do-over) got attached to autistic nerdy franchises you get people defending him? What is this, brand loyalty?

>a huge swath
And when you say this, you mean "some guys whining on the internet"

Man do I want Shazam to outgross MoS and JL.

>God forbid people like movies with consequences and dealing with them with some realism
Surely you're not describing the DCEU


And he gave us something beyond the cookie-cutter MCU with the same generic origins and same generic plots. Your point? At least with Snyder we could imagine being in the world there good AND bad, positive AND scary, and damn good visuals besides. Do you really not think Darkseid wouldn't have such an effect on everything if things got through? Imagine Captain Marvel trying to fight the good fight against it all, just to keep in the spirit of the original post.

I am, yes.

No one director should have total control over a cinematic universe, I'd say that wb "gets it" now because they're making comic book movies that loosely share chronology instead of just trying to make The Avengers 2.0, but when that shitty Joker movie turns a profit they're probably gonna put all the interesting CBM's (blue beetle, New gods, Green Lantern) on the back burner so they can make a bunch of shitty Joker sequels

Based zoomers, fuck boomers and their terrible movie ideas

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*AHEM* Fuck Snyder and FUCK Marvel

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I don't give a shit about what "we can imagine" in those movies, I care about how well made a movie is and how it achieves it's objectives. Comedic or serious or horror or mystery, it doesn't matter what it's going for to me as long as it's done well. And Snyder doesn't do anything well.

I'd be onboard for a movie with a heavier and cynical tone, but it's not going to come from Snyder and him pretending his tone is the only reason people dislike his shit is delusion.

i fail to see the problem with this

shazam has soul

plus Snyder's is just pretentious

>FUCK Marvel
>Fuck Snyder
>FUCK Batman

His movies have a ton of problems. This allows him to just cherrypick some and pretend that the only reason he is hated is because of that. What a fucking strawman argument pretending he is hated because of the tone. What a pretentious asshole.

Nah, I'm good. Loved WW, Aquaman, and Shazam. Hoping Cavill gets his MOS2 and it gets this treatment

The only movie I ever liked from him was 300.
He needs to stop doing everything like it's 300 tho.

>Do you really think superhero worlds are all rainbows and sunshine like in the 50s?

They are through the eyes of a child. And that's what Captain Marvel is. A self insert for children who wished they could be Superman.
There is nothing wrong with the movie being fun.

You are watching comic book movies

I can't imagine what kind of person would want a super serious take on the very first ever fucking SHAZAM movie


Everyone says that about "Curse Of Shazam." "Shazam!'s dark." I'm like, "Okay, no, Shazam!'s cool." He gets to go on a train and be given powers by a Wizard. Okay? I want to do that. But he doesn't, like, get molested by the """Wizard""". That could happen in my movie. If you want to talk about dark, that's how that would go.

He was actually the first superhero to appear in film,but the 1940's serial doesn't actually count.

>grab hold of my staff Billy

absolutely top fucking kek
give Shazam to Snyder damn it!

Being serious and mature does not make it automatically good, I would be all about serious superhero movies if they could make it not suck like Snyder's BvS.

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This is a improvement

Well done serious movie are the best, but silly cape flicks are still better than the try hard wanna be deep shit snyder makes

Gee, Zach, you sure are pissy about no one liking your movies

Two of the main Captain Marvel enemies are:
>a talking worm
>a mad scientist who can go through the walls by just speaking math equations.
Shazam! is best suited for comedies, you can't tell me otherwise.

>A worm
Surely, Are you serious?

It's been, what, 2 years, and I can't still do that shitty dance properly what the hell

>a improvement
The state of "turn your brain off" capeshitters.

>When Snyder willingly killed off Clark and planned to revive him
You’re a joke

>>The Snyder reveals prove there's still a huge swath of the moviegoing public that want serious and mature superhero movies

And he fucked up due to his shallow views of what mature themes are. He got lucky because the first two comic books movies was filled with violence and nudity. But when left to interpret things on his own his flaws show.

No, because Captain Marvel was never about being something grim and gritty, the gritties the character ever got is the Geoff Johns take and that's exactly what we are getting on the cinema.
Snyderfags, can you please fuck off Shazam?

the only person I know who admitted to liking the JL movie is a ponyfag who uses words like "mature" when talking about the Horse Show.
And considering Snyder also shit out flashy, brainlet garbage like 300 and Sucker Punch it does not surprise me that Snyderfags are that dumb

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Why can't marvel fags just die already. It's bad enough we won't get another Logan

>A couple Hundred thousand of people on Twitter get a Hashtag to pop up on their dashboards and hit the trending tag for a day
>A huge swath
>Justice League only ranked in around $230 Million Domestic, behind Man of Steel, behind Dawn of Justice. Behind Wonder Women, Behind Aquaman
>Aquaman, and Wonder Women that weren't full Snyder and had a lighter tone to them for the most part
>He had nothing to do with them

There's a difference between good and bad writing. Seeing Snyder trying to be serious with fucking Superman and Batman reminds me of a Edgy Middle School kid that thinks he's Jesus references are subtle and good, improving vastly on the OG source material. But no one in his creative writing class tells him its Not Good because,they too are edgy and like it/ He's the rich kid and don't want to be ostracized by their peers.

I'm not saying that you can't like the way Snyder did his movies, but you can't say that they're better films because (they're/ Would be) More "Mature" while having no understanding on how you write Mature material.

This Snyder stuff you and others like are the opposite side of the coin as the "Flossin, Meme, Zoomer." film that gonna come out.

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>"huge swath"
Yeah, box office and blu-ray sales tell otherwise.

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>the gritties the character ever got is the Geoff Johns take and that's exactly what we are getting on the cinema.
t. someone who didn't read Curse, the Johns ongoing or watched the movie

Get better bait.

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Salty Not muh Billyfags and casual parroters act like CoS Billy was some edgelord when in reality he was just a frustrated kid who regained his optimism.

They didn’t even read the it

Even Jeff Smith's Billy had some dark stuff in his background, like living on the street and getting kicked around (if I don't remember it wrong).
What I didn't like about Johns Billy is that he was just like a stock teenage angst character. But that's just because Johns is a shitty writer that can only write platitudes and cliches.

The movie does it much better, like said Johns' version of it felt too flat and cliche.

You think Snyder's Shazam would be good? You are thinking small, then. Just think what Snyder could do directing the one and only DOCTOR DOOOOOOOOOOM!!!

>A gritty, realistic take on the mental impact resulted from experimenting omnipotence every year.
>What it means to be a dictator that repeatedly attacks American soil in the post 9/11 world.
>How the establishment of the global arms industry would react to the powers of a limitless sorcerer that rends their weapons useless.
>How empirical proof of the superiority of dictatorship provided by a Dark Messiah of authoritarianism would challenge the democratic values of the West.

Just imagine. The apex of writing directed by the apex of directing. I think the world simply isn't ready for it.

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How would he handle Doom getting raped? Who rapes him in this scenario?

A drunk, big, bullish Ben Grimm rapes Victor in college.


This is your eventual fate

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>zoomer character
>actually acts like a zoomer

Maybe Captain Marvel is more your speed kid

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I don't hate Curse of Shazam because Billy is "edgy."

I hate it because the designs are all crappy and mundane, and the new kids feel like nothing but distractions.
And, yes, I admit I'm a big baby who refuses to let go of the name change.

And because Johns works with the movie people, that's the story modern audiences will associate with the character.

I don't like the name change because SHAZAM is the wizard that gives him his powers. At least call him Captain SHAZAM or add something else to it. Would Captain Marvelous be different enough to not get sued?

Memes and flossin are better than the shit Snyder tried to serve, deal with it no one wants him

Absolutely based.

>Do you really think superhero worlds are all rainbows and sunshine like in the 50s?
Of course not, but it gets tiresome to see the same things over and over again.
I don't want the quipfest that is Marvel, but I don't want your shitty grimdark circlejerk either.
I want things like that Doom Patrol show, where there's incidental humor because of how insane everything is, yet it still is a character drama, and still yet it doesn't get bogged down into a malaise of "Fuck Batman"/"Do you bleed?" posturing.

Hi Zach, how’s your daughter’s rotting corpse?

Yeah, people confuse "edgy" with "mature" a lot. Hopeless dark-grey universes aren't interesting or sophisticated.

Superhero settings are bizarre. They're violent as hell, yeah, but if you don't also appreciate the wondrous and absurd then you're not appreciating comics.

They already associated Billy’s name as being Shazam way before Johns, you dumb fuck. That’s partly why it was changed due to marketing and cover title issues. Christ you people will blame Johns for everything

Snyder shazam would be insanely bad

Oh come on dude, that’s a low blow

About six feet low.


That’s what all cape movies are manchild

>there's still a huge swath of the moviegoing public that want serious and mature superhero movies
Oh yeah. It was the haters that were the vocal minority, not the "huge swath" that want serious superhero movies.

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>there's dozens of us! Dozens!!

to be fair though, that is a "huge swath" if you put them in a tiny parking lot

there's only 13 tho-one bakers dozen.

Look I agree that Snyder got fucked over the hardest by suits who "don't get it". But let's be real that Snyder wasn't the best guy to direct a fucking 6 film saga that needed to be micromanaged for almost a decade. He should've done a small stylized movie that fits his style like Animal Man or Martian Manhunter

I still want to know what is up with the posture/stance of the guy on the far right.

Snyder's not even top 100

>Martian Manhunter

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>Martian Manhunter
You are such a fucking virgin. Oh my God.

Snyder's vision was complete dogshit, I'm not losing an sleep over it not being realized.

Uno Farto

Way to go, bro.

Snyder is such an absolutely stupid motherfucker. With the loss of his daughter, he had a bullet proof vest to ride into the sunset and be protected from his DC movies being called out for their debatable quality, but by opening his goddamn mouth and going after critics of them, he pretty much took off the vest and gave everyone permission to re-litigate what absolute dogshit they were, and how out of touch he and those who made them were.

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Sam fucking thread every shitty week. Give it up you retard. I love MoS and enjoyed BvS but Shazam should be a comedy because of the goddamn premise, you dimwit

Who has the version with captain whamen screeching in the corner?

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Snyder doesn't get heroes, he doesn't get good Samaritans, and he doesn't get the concept of self sacrifice. He pushed the Jesus theme with Superman to the 9s because he knows people consider Jesus to be selfless and sacrificed it all and he wanted that connection to be with Superman.

He proceeded to have an angry, angsty, hobo, father-killer run around the world destroying people's livelihoods if they are just acting like a jerk.... BUT HONEST GUYS, THE JESUS IMAGES MEAN HE IS GUD GUY!!!

>The Snyder reveals prove there's still a huge swath of the moviegoing public that want serious and mature superhero movies
Source? All I've seen is people saying how bad his ideas would've been and how insane and edgy he is.

Soulless vs soul

>He should've done a small stylized movie that fits his style
Like Sucker Punch?

You're a faggot

>the guy on the far right
stfu SJW. It's ok to be white!

I see what you did there, anobu.

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Fuckin LMAO

OP here.

I'm not going to even try to respond to the mass of feeble-minded drivel here less I become Yea Forumsmblr like the rest of you, but I just want you all to remember when you could appreciate something more than Marvel movies and baby's first superhero movie. There's a reason the first DCEU films invoked a strong reaction and it was because it was a new twist with superhero movies, it promised to be more dramatic and hair-raising, and evoke some goddamn gravitas. I guess the Yea Forumsmblr infected you all because a while back the majority of you would've been right there with me.

The only Captain Marvel I recognize is Billy Batson, and not the drunken doubtful asshole whose name still ought be Ms. Marvel. Fuck you in particular, you fucking faggot.

Yeah dude, being dark isn’t the same as being mature. You done be pathetic dawg

That is just your headcanon. The reason why it evoked such a reaction was because the moment the Avengers movie got made, a lot of us wanted a Justice League one as well. Everyone wanted something similar to the DCAU on the big screen and got non heroic shitheads with 2deep4u pretentious symbolism instead. Add in the director calling anyone who doesn't like his movies "dumb" and that pissed off a lot of people. Shit people are even receptive to Nolan's Batman and that was nothing like Marvel. Snyder's movies are just shit.

If only someone had cared enough to correct Snyder on all of his mistakes while making BvS

If you're going to correct ALL of his mistakes then you might as well hire another director considering the entire movie was a mistake

user, if even Cavill couldn't do more push ups than Snyder, I doubt anyone in Hollywood could be able to, and if they couldn't do that, caring doesn't matter. He wouldn't do do anything with the notes you gave him.

Stop pretending that Snyder did anything deep or new, he made pretty pictures but the beauty was superficial, skin deep. With Snyder gone we have movies that more people enjoy, even though popularity isn't an indicator of quality you have to admit that you're still in the minority of people who think Man of Steel and BvS were good movies.

Fucker you don't have a leg to stand on. Enjoy being a simple minded faggot who can't tell the difference between adult and edgy.

A child screeching autistically, hopelessly, into the wind.

>That is just your headcanon.


>The reason why it evoked such a reaction was because the moment the Avengers movie got made, a lot of us wanted a Justice League one as well.


>Everyone wanted something similar to the DCAU on the big screen and got non heroic shitheads with 2deep4u pretentious symbolism instead.

Wrong. We got something that was on way to becoming the DCAU of our time as a serial narrative and probing superheroes, and why would you complain about symbolism? A Mr. Grant Morrison calls superheroes American mythology, it makes sense to evoke imagery for them.

>Add in the director calling anyone who doesn't like his movies "dumb" and that pissed off a lot of people.

He's not wrong in that regard.

>Shit people are even receptive to Nolan's Batman and that was nothing like Marvel. Snyder's movies are just shit.

Ah, so you like endless memes like Baneposting, got it. Sure, "nothing like Marvel."

>what if a Captain Marvel movie was just the Kid Miracleman part where he gets raped in a care home?

That's what you want OP. That's your groundbreaking, never before seen mature superhero movie. A knock-off of something written thirty years ago that was specifically written to pervert the core of the character.

>We got something that was on way to becoming the DCAU
Bull. Shit. Quit fishing for (You)s, whore

>I'm not going to even try to respond to the mass of feeble-minded drivel here less I become Yea Forumsmblr like the rest of you

Please tell me this is going to be the new pasta.

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>When Shazam is a better Superman movie with 'soul' than Man of Steel

Nolan unironically fucked over DC by filling their heads with making wanna-be 'The Dark Knights', hence why"Zack-fucks-the-comics-but-directs-well-Snyder" was hired to begin.

>A Snyder fanboy screeching annoyingly that Superman is Jesus

>when you expect from children's entertainment what is usually gained from literature
>when decades of justifying the merits of comics and cartoons has actually convinced you but no serious adults
How about you either grow up and drop all this shit, or just admit it's money-making light entertainment and enjoy it as that?

Snyder is a luck guy, if his JL landed, it would still be a fucking awful piece of shit and his career would be buried forever as not even the most tryharding fans would follow his cult

Now with this situation of a "what if" his career will survive another movie because his zealots will perpetuate this meme until his next movie finally prove that his a hack.

Honestly, I wish the best for the man and that his new project rebuild his career, but you need to be too naive to really believe in that

Symbolism with no narrative sense is smart to you? Wow you really are a retarded moron. And the Nolan thing was an example of how people were not only looking for Marvel stuff. It disproves your entire argument of people not liking Snyder's shit because of the tone. The problem was the movie is shit. Not just the tone. There's a reason why it's dead user and that's because only brainlets like you liked it.

Is Shazam out yet?

Nobody is against edgy mature superhero movies (see: Logan). But Snyder is a turbo brainlet and his stuff wasn't any fucking good.

Snyder said his intent was to shoot the Twilight of the Superheroes version of Shazam written by Alan Moore where Billy Batson is an decrepit old junkie addicted to heroin and whores who shouts Shazam! as part of his fix to get high.

top kek

MoS, BvS and Justice League were all shit, so why the fuck does anyone think it'd be any different?

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This is fucking delicious.

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>it was a new twist with superhero movies

April 4th. Next thursday my dude.

>Everyone wanted something similar to the DCAU
Except that is shit as well. Just leave everything animated to Marvel m'boy

HAHAHAHA go watch actual movies, if you think Hack Snyder does anything "interesting" with his shitty cg visuals, some movies with people in them doing stuff other than being christ allegories.

For example?

Happy death day 2u

Isn't that just a shitty horror movie sequel? I haven't watched it yet. Is it better than the first one

its obviously a joke, watch Good Time.

Ok, what the fuck is going on here? Has Snyder paid an Indian sweatshop to shitpost all over the internet with the intent of getting him rehired or what?

Snyder zealots are legitimately insane

If you're wondering why there's a lot more Snyder around than usual today, it's cause he recently said more stuff he wanted to do in HIS version of JL so they've gotten uppitty again

Okay. First? I'm not shitposting, and it may be hard to comprehend people liked something OTHER than the Marvel movie formula. Furthermore? I mean becoming the DCAU in the sense of a serious serial narrative that saw heroes stressed to their limit. I don't deny the DCAU's genius but it would have been fantastic to have a modern-day one.

Too dark, but it would've been nice to see Captain Marvel fight against the darkness and persevere because it'd be nice, to, you know, ACKNOWLEDGE the issues being a foster kid and a kid foistered into a world with superheroics would have some stakes, especially the DCEU.

Children. Accept there's more than the hive mind of Yea Forums sometimes.

Oh poor Snyderfan, just accept Zack’s a Hack and no one liked him, and the DCEU dumped him for a reason

I believe I do.

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Shazam was leagues better than Mos, you'd know that if you actually watched it. I'm glad you're mad, Synder is a fucking hack and I hope you seethe for eternity because DC dropped him.

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Yeah sorry user. I accept that there are a lot more people out there and they paid a lot of money to watch his movies which is why they are so successful and Snyder just got hired to do 8 more. Top kek

>Okay. First? I'm not shitposting
I don't believe you

Don't shitpost with one of my favorite parts of the movie please

Oh the joy if Shazam outperforms MoS and/or JL. Especially domestically

You might as well just use a tripcode m8, you're squandering the whole point of anonymity by making yourself obviously identifiable by your weird childrenposting. Ten bucks says you came here from Snyder's twitter and have never used Yea Forums prior to this week.

And at least if you use a trip people can filter you.

Boo fucking hoo

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>I don't believe you

Piss off, then, or go to leddit with the rest of your kind in /r/marvelstudios or to tumblr.

They're in overdrive right now, because their narrative that somehow Rotten Tomatoes had it out for the DCEU has come crashing down after three critically-acclaimed DC films come out without Snyder in the director's chair. He was just shit the whole time, there was no bias, and everybody except for his rabid fanboys could see it, but now that DC is pivoting away from him and making good money with good movies, the Snyderfags and even Snyder himself are out in force trying to salvage his legacy. It's not going to work.

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I specially find hilarious that some think that if Shazam makes a lot of money, then WB will be compelled to release le snyder cut

>Everyone wanted something similar to the DCAU on the big screen
Could've been joyous. Even if DC had decided "we're the dark guys" (which is totally fucking stupid for Superman movie, but whatever), we might have been on board if the movies hadn't completely sucked balls and been generally unpleasant to watch. Plenty of anti-heroes are beloved across movie history, but those guys had good writing, good acting, and good directing on their side. The Justice League movie was objectively horrible. Snyder even fucked up Watchmen, which is everyone's favorite grimdark wank. Well, maybe that was the fault of trying to cram the whole thing into a two hour movie, but there could have at least been some beautiful flare-ups of brilliance instead of that warm cape oatmeal.

Choke to death on Snyder's smegma-encrusted balls, you worthless shitstain.

>plenty of anti-heroes with good writing and acting
name 5

The conversation around the Snyder cut alone is hilarious to me, because before they released the Snyder cut, they would have to MAKE the Snyder cut. Snyder seems to have shot his footage, but he did not create a finished film. They'd have to bring him back to work on the edit he wanted, redo the special effects, redo the musical score, basically the entirety of post production.

How hilarious would it be if after getting tired of the whining, DC just releases all the Snyder footage in its uncut state, with Cyborg's actor walking around in a mocap suit, and no CGI backgrounds added to the greenscreen?

I would actually love that. Then people can cobble together their own Frankenstein cuts

This actually goes way deeper than Rotten Tomatoes. Because of his shit movies, we have lost Batfleck and possibly CavillSupes due to those movies being shit, the movies going in a completely opposite direction from Snyder's vision and they had to get Wheedon and Gunn on their movies because of how much they want the films to be lighter

But the creme de la creme is the Matt Reeves Batman "totally-not-a-reboot-cause-it's-in-the-past" movie. By "not-rebooting" Batman this soon after BvS, it is a more or less a loud admission of how they would rather pretend Snyder's take on the character doesn't exist.

>>plenty of anti-heroes with good writing and acting
>name 5
Is this supposed to be hard?

Dirty Harry
Sam Spade
Han Solo
Jean Reno's Leon
The Chick with the Dragon Tattoo
Travis Bickle

And some fun ones that maybe aren't the best quality, but are still really entertaining...
Bruce Campbell's Ash
Snake Plissken
John Wick
El Mariachi

Anti-heroes can totally be popular in films that don't suck. What Synder did was piss away the opportunity to show that grimdark doesn't need to be joyless and shitty.

Reverting to childish insults and images at long last? Fine. Alright, chumpwads. I'm out after this last post so screencap this.

Captain Marvel in its current form will not do well. At best, it will have a decent opening weekend but more than likely sub-par, and foreign grosses will be low because they're all waiting for Endgame. Domestic gross will also be hindered by the fact people remember Snyder's vision and some, likely enough, will boycott it. So Captain Marvel overall will be a flop. I'll be nice and not say bomb but it'll likely come short of the lowball end expectations. Why? First responses will realize it's just a formulaic Marvel film with quip humor they can already get in those and the zoomers will see it and no one else. For your sake, because I'm tired of arguing against brick walls, I'm not posting again until it's released and I'm proven right so kindly ignore people trying to ape me. I'll be more than happy to post once all is said and done and point and laugh at you all for missing the forest for the trees.

I await being proven right with glee.

And I say to you good sir

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Are you fucking kidding me of course I'm on board with that. That would have been totally amazing to see a live action DCAUish movie series. If only it wasn't Snyder shit they started with. What could have been.

>people remember Snyder's vision and some, likely enough, will boycott it.
Regular people don't "boycott" cape movies. People either like them or don't and they get good word of mouth or don't. The percentage of people who care enough to defend Snyder or rage against some political aspect of a film on the internet is so small as to make no difference. We're in an echo chamber here, and that's cool, but don't mistake this noise for something that actually influence the real world.

So you're predicting it will kill the DCEU like Snyder did?

Pretty much, if there where a lot of people who cared about this shit Aquaman and Captain Marvel would not have each made a billion dollars.

>Domestic gross will also be hindered by the fact people remember Snyder's vision and some, likely enough, will boycott it
That did great for Aquaman

>The Snyder reveals prove there's still a huge swath of the moviegoing public that want serious and mature superhero movies

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what are you, underage? because only edgy kids care to much about such things

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It'll do about MoS numbers on about a third its budget. It won't flop, nor bomb.

MoS numbers on Shazam's budget would be an insane performer

I think it'll be around that worlwide. A bit less domestic but a bit more overseas (mostly because of China).

have sex snyderfag

His name is Mr Mind, and don't call him Shirley.

God dammit, I just remembered that stupid deflection of "Where's Martian Manhunter?" shit. Even though he could've been easily included by Zod terraforming Mars or been the dude to warn people of Steppenwolf. But Cyborg of all people is front and center of Justice League's marketing

This thread is a gott damned mess, luvin this garbage.

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That dance is the laziest, shittiest dance ever. There's probably a hundred dances on fortnite and people always choose the worst one. I rather see him dab.


>superhero worlds are all rainbows and sunshine like in the 50s

The DC heroes predate that by decades.