Eps 1-6 1080p logoless rips (Folder updates w/ new episodes AND JUICY SHORTS!):
"Leaked" E7 LQ TV rip
DC Super Hero Girls
Other urls found in this thread:
>Not a shot of her hips.
God damn it, OP. You messed up.
What's your quick review of the series so far?
Mine is:
Bunny: It was Ok. What saves it is the chemistry between Kara and Zee
Triangle: My favorite by far. Really like Star Sapphire
Burrito: Didn´t like it. it could easily have been a short
The show is currently among the most watched on kim toons
It's getting popular guys
No idea
Best Character Poll (Week 2):
(not nice, mods)
Oh well, anyways who's your waifu. As you can, mine's bab's but she's more like a daughterfu, since my waifu is Poison Ivy.
Did I travel back in time or what? The hell hapened?
fuck off
I feel the DC Girls fans are being very well behaved. One thread at a time, not a lot of sexy stuff, almost no Barney talk
Reminder the show will have a WonderCon panel Saturday
People attending can ask about the sixth boy
>implying it will stay this way
Just wait, one of the mods will get a chip on their shoulder and take it out on this show. Why do you think every other general has been banned off the board?
This is a cartoon based on a comic. Doesn't Get more / Co/ than that
Mods already nuked you for this spam, though.
she looks soft
sticc but bangable
She looks like she smells of patchouli and weed. And she's Latina so that's a triple turnoff.
She's one of those body is a temple types. But, I have a feeling you judge people based on what you hear from the comfort of your bedroom.
Pretty much the same, the special was the best, of course (longest, everyone together, big fight, etc).
Bunny- I think everything was pretty nice about it, not an amazing episode but quite good and very cute.
Star Sapphire is alright, hope her villainy will developed beyond Hal crush in up coming episode.
Burrito - was awful and made me hate babs.
>new thread after the previous one finally reach bum limit
>he doesnt want smelly latina gf
>Why do you think every other general has been banned off the board?
Because all generals are cancer. You're right that this general's survival is only temporary. Eventually it will become too big, and the cancer will consume it too. Then it will be rightfully banned.
Do we know if there's a new episode coming this week?
No, I hope it's not on hiatus already
>last thread got nuked
I fucking told you newfags to slow down, don't make a new thread until the last one hits page 10
I'm genuinely confused.
Wouldn't it be a good thing to confine an ever expending fandom to a single thread in order to not flood the board and make everyone hate the show in the process?
Cheetah is scheduled for April. But the episodes are early on DTV. So we could get cheetah this Sunday
fuck off
Generals generate death spirals in fandoms. Eventually people get sick of the climate and tone policing of generals, which makes a lot of people leave, and only the hardcore autists remain. This makes the fandom even worse and more autistic, which draws in OTHER autists from Yea Forums and elsewhere, and the cycle repeats in a worse way.
Fandoms need the fresh air of multiple threads. I understand that you are probably a newfag and don't remember what things were like before general threads became popular on Yea Forums, but when a lot of us liked something we made multiple threads about it and the mods didn't mind.
When the Avatar Book 3 finale aired in 2008 the first three pages of the board were nothing but Avatar threads. It was a blast. I miss those days.
Enjoy your 404
What about fetish generals?
the artstyle is so ugly
Fetish generals need to be banned overall. Occasional fetish threads that reach 500 replies are fine, but they shouldn't have generals. That's what /aco/, /d/, and /trash/ are for.
>Carol is Jess's rouge counterpart even though Bleez would be a much better fit
I just want to see her on the show. and maybe Red Lantern Jess
What when she will finally meet Batman?
I definitely predict that we're going to get Red Lantern Jess. They've already established that Star Sapphire is a kind of Lantern, which allows them to introduce the other Lantern Corps.. Introducing the Red Lanterns and having Atrocitus tempt Jess to his side is a no-brainer plot. Might even be good for multiple episodes of story.
Zee of course!
Jesus my video stopped right on this frame.
Babs is usually the worst part of everything she's in but I love her in this show
>Season 2
>Writers noticed Jess is least favorite
>In the show everyone hates Jess because something something vegan I don't know
>Green Corps hate her too because she's a pacifist
>Atrocitus shows up and corrupts Jess
>12 episodes Red Lantern Arc
Reminds me of Nightmare Arc in "another" show's comic
>Bleez showing up as a disguised student sent by Atrocitus in order the "befriend" and corrupt Jess over to the Red Lanterns.
Could make for a neat mini arc
>"Where did you find that creepy cat, Babs?"
>"In Jessie's backyard. Isn't he the cutest widdle thing?
Generals are only bad when made outside of running seasons
Fuck, we've got Hal, too, and we've got Carol. What if we got a full-blown DCSHG version of the War of Light? Complete with Jess getting corrupted to the Red Lanterns for a while, and her friends having to save her.
As a bonus, in the big final battle the other five girls can all get rings of their own from different corps.. It would be cool to see the girls with different rings, and it would allow more toys to be sold.
Someone gives that user a raise
But what colors tho?
Red: Supergirl
Orange: Zatanna
Yellow: Bumblebee
Green: Hal is already there
Blue: Batgirl
Indigo: Wonder Woman
Violet: Star Sapphire is already there
It's honestly not perfect, most of them are Green or Blue Lanterns material.
Season finale
>Cue Batgirl incurring Dex-Starr's wrath by improper brushing
The Pilot > Bunny > Star Sapphire > Shorts > Burrito.
Can't say i give a shit about Star Sapphire(she is one ugly and stupid cunt). The plot was already dumb, but Sapphire as a stereotype made it even worse. I can't take seriously the dialogue and the manipulation because I don't fucking care, I'm disgusted by it.
I did like the irony in the hippy hitting Jordan while refusing to hit the villain.
Thank God I never worked when I was 15 at some sleazy fast food eat em all garbage. I probably would have threw acid on or reconfigured my boss's face if some 20-30 year old prick had that attitude and language with me.
Babs' episode sucked because the plot sucked. It isn't her whiplash ditzy personality.
Oh but the bunnies episode was great.
Imagine being this tryhard.
oh fuck you're a fan of the horse show aren't you
>stealing Atrocitus' cat
someones asking for it
You can't handle my opinions, zoomers/mexicans. I'm too millennial for you.
Can you please stop spamming your shit in every thread? Seriously shut the fuck up
He's way too desperate to be a hard lad to watch MLP.
What's wrong with that particular user's personality that you find "edgy and desperate" ?
>still not stoner jess
shame on you, faggots
Daily reminder: ignore and filter this assblasted horsefag, he's shitposting in every DC superhero girls thread since sunday, don't answer him
Just do it yourself. Editing isn't hard. Here, take this pic for example. You can easily head and outfit swap jess, trace, and then bam. Sonter AND lewd jess.
Yes they can, they do it everyday. Fucking DeeDee wannabe.
Episode 6 was cool for having the most creative action and use of storyboarding, as well as the 3 characters bouncing off of each other and beating the villain with words.
Episode 5... I think either it needed 5 more minutes or used the time spent for the build up on something else. It didn't have as much going on as episode 6. But I can't say episode 6 was that great either, practically just a boss fight.
Still I'm impressed with how much content and entertainment they can put in 10 minutes.
Also amazing stereo sound effects overall, feels like the first HTTYD movie.
We are different anons, dumb Babsfag.
We have actual discussion on the episodes rather than waifufaggotry.
>user posted an edit
>just do it yourself. Editing isn't hard
So answer me, what specifically triggers you about my post? I'm really getting angry over how easy you little bullying shits get triggered over my "edgy" personality.
old memes
I mean one with some actual effort put in to it, you wankstain.
>Been almost a month
>Still only 6 episodes officially released + 1 leak
Were airing schedules always this slow?
DC Girls was the most watched new episode on Sunday
Cartoon network Sunday viewers.
#1:DC Super Hero Girls-410,000 views
#2:Power Puff Girls (2016)-347,000 views
#3:Mega Man FC-238,000 views
>When the Avatar Book 3 finale aired in 2008 the first three pages of the board were nothing but Avatar threads. It was a blast. I miss those days.
That was cancerous too. Retroactively kill yourself
>Babs' episode sucked because the plot sucked. It isn't her whiplash ditzy personality.
I agree with what your saying. I know some user's aren't a fan of her personality I enjoy it but I believe they've got to get the right plot/story for said personality. I was hoping more for Burrito, but I've got hope they'll get the right formula down for Babs.
Now I'm starting to see the reason why /mlp/ exists
>Daily reminder
>in every DC superhero girls thread since sunday
What a self-burn for you spammers.
Butthurt communists who get pissy if you dare get creative on Yea Forums about your torture fantasies for characters like KND's Lizzie or Bab's boss?
I'm at the same time happy but sad for the fact the episodes didn't focus on all 6 of them as a power rangers group. I guess using them in pairs and in combination with secondary characters provides more interesting character moments and focus, as opposed to using them as a task force.
But Faust's main advantage, the first 4 episode's main PRO was the fact that they managed to utilize 6 characters equally and give them memorable moments and dialogue lines. So I don't see why they have to use the pairs formula as if they can't handle all 6 at the same time. What are you guys' opinion on the matter?
The hero girls boards look like
70% DC fans
20% Faust fans
10% people that hate Faust because of Barney
It's not just a matter of "focusing in a part of the canvas to develop those characters seprately" but also a mere matter of budget. If you have the 6 girls in every episode that puts a drain on how many actors you can have in the show. Specially keeping in mind we have an evil team of rivals coming up which means episodes with up to 11 different actors minimum.
is jessica a gamer
>80% waifufags
>10% DC fags
>5% Faust fags
>5% people that hate Faust because of Barney
Anyone bitching about Babs being desperate to keep even a shitty fast food job is either a NEET or lives in a country where you don't have to deal with insanely fragile job security.
Most likely, she and Babs most likely play the most
Probably I mean she's a hypocrite so most likely yes.
jess being a gamer confirms video game violence isnt real violence
Who in their right minds is watching nuppg? Let alone over 300 thousand of them. Holy shit.
How do being a hypocrite and liking games correlate? Explain it to me like you're not crazy.
I don't understand why they're bitching about Babs rather than the boss. I found the boss infinitely more annoying. It's like bitching about Frankie Foster instead of Herriman from Foster's Home.
Jess is a cute and lovely person and I don't want any of you to give her shit
>Diet PPG
>Diet MM
That's no competition.
How ironic is it though that one of the person working on the original PPG is blasting away the cheap knock-off with a true superhero show?
Hero Girls is doing Ben 10 numbers. That's probably good
My guess is that people expected the boss to be an asswipe. They didn't expect Babs to pick her job over her superhero life.
It's deliciously sweet. I'll give you that.
That's adorable. Is that from the Emoji short?
I remember that episode. Poor Bubbles.
I don't rape babies or indulge in incest and ageplay, but I do read stories about it online. I hate violence, but I love reading about gore horror, violent sex and rape fiction books, and playing violent video games. Did... did I make it? do I sound sane?
Either that or that user is a massive purist prude mexican bully hypocrite cunt himself.
Makes sense-ish. I think we'll end up going insane from these discussions.
Babs didn't pick her job over her superhero life. She was trying to do both at the same time.
is jessica the ultimate plebfilter
I think that explains how it's not hypocritical of her to play video games. You're separating fiction from reality. So her playing videos, in that context, would have nothing to do with her pacifism.
Would Batman try to keep up the charade of Bruce Wayne, whilst the Joker is robbing a bank? He'd make a firm decision to put his core values over his desire to be Bruce Wayne.
She's not a real pacifist, did you see how many times she hit Hal in her episode.
I think it is.
>vegan girl slaps will cause damage to a quarterback chad
Eh, Bruce Wayne doesn't have a job other than his secret super hero life. It's not really far to compare him to a teenage girl who needs pocket money.
And she sucked at both, she should've picked superhero life.
Being a pacifist =/= being a pushover.
I think the writers themselves learned this lesson while previously writing the "Butterfly".
Kara x Babs EP when?
>correctly writing 'DC Super Hero Girls' without making 'Super Hero' one word
Yeah, once. On the shoulder. That's what we call a love tap.
She doesn't need pocket money though. She chose to work at that Burrito Bucket, because of her childhood dream and don't give me nonsense about real world job markets. Metropolis is a fictional world Utopian city.
It's the CN way.
Wonder if they're gonna bring back Lori Petty for Livewire.
she's probably into BDMS too
mild kek
Not into that kind of stuff, but I imagine having the literal power of imagination must be very useful for that kind of kink.
She’s not coming back to voice Livewire. They already have a list of voice actors for the villains. Cree Summer is voicing Catwoman.
And Tara is (ugh) playing Harley
I'm fine with Tara doing Bab's voice, but come on they can get another voice actor for Harley.
>this fag
My suggestions for the villains would be
Harley - Hynden Watch
Catwoman/Livewire - Cree Summer
Ivy- Vanessa Marshall
SS -Mae Whitman
Giganta - Grey said she's doing it. I'm cool with that
I do. Every day.
Nice list.
Nigga calm down. You make Babfags look calm and I'm a fucking Babfag
>calm down
What's the matter? Are you getting cold feet from these threads? Because that's the average poster here, user.
Excellent Post
He went full caps lock, and you never go full caps lock.
Fuck off. In no way are you average. You will always be fringe. Even on a fringe website like Yea Forums.
No it's not, you're just being an autist
sorry faggot, tara is already voicing harley
a thread died for this
great now I'm craving burritos
Babfags or BABRAfags?
Not counting the pilot?
Bunny: Favorite so far. The overall plot was very basic but I think it set a very good standard for what the show's normal routine can and should be. The girls where both on point and played very well of each other.
Triangle: As far as "plot" episodes go it did a good job in setting up Carol. Jess was fine but Hal really carried a lot of her weight. Overall good though and I like that it showed they weren't just sticking to the girls.
Burrito: Hated. Babs CANNOT carry an episode by herself. It was just wacky lol random humor and the jokes didn't really stick. Not to mention this is about as tired a sticom premise as it gets. Hopefully it's just a fluke though but it does make me worry about how Babs will be.
I'm craving burrito flavored kisses.
it's just how they show their love for each other
T Hennifer Lopez
Bab, it's shorter thus cuter.
As I stated before, I've got hope they'll find the right formula for her. It's a hiccup in the road. Hopefully.
I’m craving something else.
I still need to watch the Burrito episode, but other than that I'm enjoying the series.
All I have left to draw for the first time is Batgirl and Green Lantern. While I have an idea for Babs, what could Jessica do? I'd like to do something suggestive, and she does have nice hips.
Where did I say anything about acting like real people? Burrito just wasn't funny and the jokes couldn't cover 11 minutes.
Jumping jacks for justice.
user please, keep it in your pants for 5 seconds
Do it sweeter, #BurritoBucket is a great EP, funny and cute, I just want to hug Babs
The falseflagging is off the charts in this thread, not even gotta give them (you)s.
So angry at Faust that they try to "ruin the fandom from the inside". Fucking pathetic.
>posting lq caps when the 1080p is out on the mega
How about if I keep it in Batgirl’s pants?
Are those laser(?) guns a reference?
This level of cope.
I fucking know right? This is not how a regularvthread is supposed to go
Yep, is stupid, they are horsefuckers who want to ruin every thread of DC Super Hero Girls, especially this son of a bitch who is spamming his same message in each thread, do not pay attention to him, they are specimens from /mlp/ who want to ruin the show by hating an episode so beautiful as #BurritoBucket, REMEMBER they tried to DO THE SAME with the episode #HateTriangle but they did not make it, now they want to do the same with the episode Burrito, only hide them and filter them
What does that mean?
back to your own thread, faggot
>Sup, Babs
So Babsfags are basically going to be the annoying ones from here out, isn't he.
a screen from the another thread boards.4channel.org
HORSEFUCKER, you're spamming your shit in every thread, fuck off and back to /mlp/ and r/eddit turboautist
Prediction: Before the end of season 1 Babs will be worst girl
Well unless the Diana and Bee episodes really shit the bed that's not much of a prediction at all.
Pretty much. It only took them one mediocre episode. But one of the waifu fag groups had to be established as the worst, eventually.
>episode so beautiful as #BurritoBucket
Waifufag with shit taste, big surprise. The episode wasn't funny and Babs was fucking awful both as super hero and as an employee.
>b..but muh cute waifu screencaps
Kill yourself
>Worst girl
>Worst fags
Like pottery
Nope, you're brain damaged alright.
>Same spaces, racism and words
well, babsfag was telling the truth, don't answer this troll, just ignore him
>Babs fag is insane.
>different anons discuses on the episodes
>Babsfag lose his shit and call everyone horsefuckers
It's an old meme, but it check out.
I know that feel, bro
It's waifufag so it just crazy.
Thank you so much for the links!
>Cock event
Not that user.
Jesus Christ, I like Bab's for the bubbly and ditsy personality, but this faggot is making us look bad.
He's making all of us look bad just by being a fan of this show
It's just a falseflagger, don't worry about it.
Enjoy your waifus responsibly everyone.
I personally like for the most part except maybe the burrito episode. She easily has the best outfit
You make a very good point. Hell, it's only a matter of time before he jumps ship and picks another of the girls, only to ruin them. He's fucking doing this on purpose, isn't he?
>except maybe the burrito episode.
Yeah, that wasn't the best. It had some moments, but for the most part it's the weakest of the episodes.
>samefagging THIS hard
well, MODS
Don't kill me tho.
>I personally like for the most part except maybe the burrito episode
I also liked Batgirl, I think this episode in a sense was contradiction to her personality; she should have gave up on her job and stopped the criminals, I mean being superhero is the most important thing for her.
Except maybe earning that 7.30 an hour to fund bat-gadgets
Literal double nigger tier.
>to fund bat-gadgets
It never seems to be a problem, hack she said she wanted to work there because she liked the place, that all. Not to mention what's the point of doing that, if she's no gonna use them anyway...
that's the most beautiful thing about the EP, and as she stops the assault, she values her life as a superhero and loves her job, it's not like Kara who is worth a shit, or Zee who is vain, or Diana who is innocent, no, Babs loves her job and she does not care that her boss is a shit, he loves the place and what it represents for her, that makes her a real heroine
>as she stops the assault
She didn't, she literally let the robbers run away.
>telling lies
you should see the EP at least, seriously
>her boss is a shit
She was the shit employee.
I've seen the episode, why you keep trying so hard Babsfag?
This guy is full of shit and knows it. But Babs was given unfair demands, for a single employee, and wasn't given a full mandated hour for lunch break.
You're aware babs is an obsessive fangirl, right? She's only a super hero to get the attention of her idol, Batman, who she never even met. It's established that Burrito Bucket is her favorite restaurant and she's been obsessed with it since she was like 5, so of course she'd want to keep her dream job. The ep was totally in character for her, people just forget the key fact they established during episode one. She. Is. A. Fangirl.
>her boss is a shit
>She was the shit employee.
Why not both?
>abandon hostages to go back to her shitty job
>But Babs was given unfair demands
Showing up on time is not an unfair demand. Babs was habitually late.
>full mandated hour for lunch break.
You don't get an HOUR for part time shifts, retard. She's there probably 5 hours tops. This will vary a lot by state but on average you're only given 15 minutes unless you work OVER six.
But she also care about doing the right thing, like in the pilot she called everyone to save Diana and didn't try to enforce them back into being superheros.
Well, this is already shitposting, seriously, I can't take someone seriously when defending a character that was made to be hated, the 100 burritos was stupid, and Babs saved his boss from being assaulted, defend her boss is like to defend this Spider-Man' cuck
>/r/eddit spaces
again you? seriously fuck off, nobody wants you here
Just because a character is INTENDED to be hated doesn't mean shit if the writing isn't there to actually back it up. And even if we do accept that he's an asshole, it still doesn't change the fact that Babs wasn't doing her job right.
>Muh reddit bogeyman.
>third ep and still no Diana
>brown and tall Jess fighting with the power of love looks more and more delicious
Pls Faust
Why are people people so triggered about spacing of all things?
>those cindarella sparkles
>Showing up on time is not an unfair demand
Never said that. That whole 100 burrito buckets thing was bullshit. The first ten would be cold, by the time she finished the first fifty.
As for the lunch break. That's bullshit. At the very least, Babs would expect half an hour for five hours of work.
But hey, you're the user that's willing to defend a despotic lower-level manager. You do you.
Can't wait to see this one. When are new shorts released anyway?
So Im guessing we're probably gonna see a lot of Zee and Kara as a duo. Im not complaining, mind.
Zatanna's magic is always sparkly. even when she's brutally murdering alien invaders
>At the very least, Babs would expect half an hour for five hours of work.
>In general, you are entitled to a 15 minute break when you have worked for 4 ½ hours. If you work more than 6 hours you are entitled to a 30 minute break, which can include the first 15-minute break. There is no entitlement to be paid for these breaks and they are not considered working time
You are not entitled to a half hour break. That is the law. She gets 15 for her shitty part time burrito job.
I understand that. However, it was more the jokes that were weak to me and to me she should of done the right thing. In the end, Babs should of stop the robbers because her love of being a superhero should trump her love of Burrito Bucket.
the boss did not give a shit that thieves assault the bank, he wants the order, seriously you defend that piece of shit? Seriously what's wrong with you? Do you hate both happy people and doing the right thing?
I understand why you don't like the episode, you are a sociopath who does not have love, does not have a girlfriend, has no family, that is why you hate to see happy people doing the right thing, you just like to make life impossible for other people, everything that matters are your wishes, for THAT REASON you hate Babs and you like the boss, because the character is made to be hated but you sympathize with him because you are like him
No, it's thursdays.
>the boss did not give a shit that thieves assault the bank
Why would he? He's not a cop.
Based and redpilled
Yes, but I mean it's specifically those Cinderella sparkles that fall down. It's a nice detail.
It's half an hour in the state of California, for fives of work, where the show is created. So, we play it by their rules. Her boss is unreasonable and no amount of arguing will change that.
Support the YouTube channel. If they have lots of videos with millions of views they won't be able to deny the show's popularity
Yeah they're pretty nice. Zatanna style glitter merch when
stop answering him, his answers are like he's a totally lonely doomer, he will never understand the show because he has no love or friends
I've watched all the shorts
>the boss did not give a shit that thieves assault the bank
>knows Babs is Batgirl
>hire an employee not to do her job
>that piece of shit
Two wrong don't make right, both he and Babs were shit
>doing the right thing?
She didn't do the right thing
>hurr derr you're inhuman and mean that you hate muh waifu!
Kill yourself
Metropolis is not set in California.
support the channel!
Fucking waifufags
Cry more.
>From their colours probably some of lex's tech
>c..cry more!
That's how you do it. Good boy.
Makes sense since both Zatara and Superman debuted in Action Comics
t. dumb waifufag
>Puts masks on AFTER entering place you're robbing.
Well that just defeats the whole point then. Even if you kill everyone there's still the camera.
Who wants to bet that Lex "accidentally" let some useful idiots steal his weapons, so that he could see them in action?
It Lex, user. He wouldn't do that.
why Lena is so cute bros?
He probably order the one hundred bucket of burritos too
I just want to hug and kiss her bros, it's unfair
Hero Girls is currently the most watched show on Kim toons. Fanbase building
Mega a shit, I'm gonna need Google Drive links for episodes 5-7
I just wish her ring looked more like a proper GL ring. That, and change her civilian outfit so she looks less like a boring hippy. Otherwise the character is great.
Did we get a face shot of the female criminal?
Wouldn't be any stranger than the time he stole forty cakes.
Don't blame him, he was hungry.
>It's like bitching about Frankie Foster instead of Herriman from Foster's Home.
Both of them were obnoxious. Herriman at least had some cute moments. Frankie was a screeching wreck almost as badly as Bloo.
She's a teenager. Even the most mundane things like a shitty fastfood job can mean the entire world to a teenager because their brains haven't fully developed foresight or thinking objectively yet.
BASED AND SHGPILLED, the boys are in town
Man likes to eat.
I like that they kept Jess' green lantern shape around her eye. It somehow makes her even cuter.
>Victory Moon Pie
I need a Yea Forums version of this.
> overdoses a customer with spicy sauce
> punches coworker in the face
> tries to not work
> messes up orders
> takes tasks, doesnt complete them in a timely manner
> makes a mess of workplace
Being this spaz's manager must be hell, no wonder that poor guy is trying to get a reason to fire her.
>That filename
Thy'ere called ohmibod, and the vids will make you cum buckets
seriously, I just want to fuck Babs already, she's so fucking sexy
Perfect feet, blessed goddess
Faust is doing this shit on purpose, isn't she?
damn... babsfags will be the most annoying faggots of this fandom
Please don't group us with him. She's cute and bubbly, but he's gone full blown Buffalo Bill for her.
nope, you are just a sickfuck
She gave the okay on it. But that detail would be thanks to one of the staff members she picked.
Are you literally fucking insane? Are you that same faggot who chases that one faggot on you know where?
You have just awakened the waifufag inside me.
Who would you hire?
my perfect Babs
This whole show is for waifufags so you are in the wrong thread
Is that a green haired fem Jonny Test?
It doesn't matter, Barry is going to do all the work anyway
He would've stole it
Barry. He's got a better resume and shows up on time.
This isn't even a question; Barry
No brainer Barry, the man is everything you could want and more in a worker
He better, after three mooks took him out.
Barry is charming
Can anyone describe the animation style to me? I can't exactly tell what it's like, but I really like it for some reason
Isn't it for girls?
>implying there are not female waifufags
>girls on Yea Forums
Yeah girls who are into girls
It is. However, anons on Yea Forums always think that anything they like was made for them.
What do you think are the husbandos for?
Hoe many girls watch this compared to guys?
No seriously, how many.
>Hoe many girls watch this compared to guys?
Freudian slip?
Nothing, I just thought it was weird user said it was a waifu show when it's closer to ppg than waifu animes
Which booru do we use?
I'm sure Lauren watches at least some episodes before they air. So, one.
Sweeters has the most right now, so I say that one
The Fontana one was popular with them. No idea about this version
Love Jess
No, pal, also, official thread music:
>Sweeters has the most right now
>A lot of them are just screenshots
this. at least dcgirlsbooru only posted fanart. but there is not really many fanart yet
>That faggot pushing shggers
>That other faggot that keeps posting the Kool and the Gang vid
>Other faggots pushing their own booru
This show already has the worst fans
the screenshots were the gears of everything when this started, respect them more, dumb casual fag
I know Voltron just ended but come on, nobody has held spoilers for the show ransom to get their ship to be canon. SU is still going, and a bunch of fans of that show bullied a fan artist into killing themselves.
Spoiler: Bruce Wayne stopped being Batman and he franchises out the title
Kool and the Gang is lit as fuck
>faggots complaining about other faggots
nah just another fandom
thats an edit, faggot
Sure, but we don't need the same fucking song posted in every single thread. Just move on.
Well, I meant the worst kind of fans. English is not my first language.
My hope is Clark and Bruce are college students
Hope We hear about VAs for th guy characters soon
Lois goes to the same high school as the main characters though. Clark is at most an upperclassmen.
Flash animation that isn't shitty.
Most of the screenshots are edits and redraws. They count.
>SU is still going, and a bunch of fans of that show bullied a fan artist into killing themselves.
They went into intensive care, so nobody actually died.
I don't think that's really the point.
>user! Take off your clothes!
What do?
i embrace my fate
What are those bills the terms and conditions mention?
i always been interested in a booru for personal storage
how old can he be ?
20 maybe ?
My clothes would already be off so way ahead of her.
All my yes. I can't resist confident hot girls anyway.
>that ass
>those striped stockings
Please have mercy on my dick, Faust.
he can't be too much older than Lex
Based and Babspilled.
>liking worst girl
>tone policing
I love this term. It so perfectly captures the brony fandom and other crazy online communities like Flat Earthers.
SS is such a good yandere: violent, insane and still loving no matter what, while also making her love into what she wants
>tfw no crazy obsessive space princess gf
think she'll be my fave villain
>ywn have a GF like SS
someone put a fucking bullet in my head please
As much as it pleases me to see an user itt who remembers that, I agree with . Not only was it the ATLA finale, The Dark Knight just came out. It was chaos lasting for days.
The fuck is wrong with people talking about stuff they like? What, you're gonna tell me those 30 Avatar threads pushed off "good" threads? "Important" threads? They pushed off the millionth loli waifu thread and five threads with no replies and ten threads we have every week.
If it doesn't break the rules let people talk about something they want to talk about.
this Jess is cute but I prefer Comicbook Jess, she has a cuter personality and a bigger butt
This Jess has a huge butt
Barry is competent, and he's energetic and perky without being ADHD to the point of constant distraction and autism.
not as big
It's bigger if you compare it to her actual torso though. She is 35% ass in green lantern form.
Horse fucker Supergirl when?
You know I was just thinking, I'd probably enjoy this show a whole lot more if it had nothing to do with DC or comics.
Just knowing that there's a whole bunch of "serious" lore is ruined by the fact that these girls are comically bad at their job. Like I'd feel like I could laugh easier if I wasn't always thinking in the background, but what about Lex Luthor or the Red Lanterns and whatever.
>wahhh my new show has worldbuilding
just let the show make its own status quo before getting into that.
We are still just in the "introducing the girls"phase
she will probably get Streaky as a pet at some point, you can't have horses in apartments
The show has done zero actual world-building. It's all pre-established material.
Which isn't a bad thing. Just means it carries baggage.
How do you think they are going to introduce him?
Sure, but it's clearly twisting that established material in ways that fit it's format. Hal Jordan becomes a larger than life high school jock, Wonder Woman's identity as a woman is displayed as a "daughter finally confronting her nagging mom" moment, Lex Luthor is more of a Mark Zuckerberg type.
It's based on the past groundwork but it's having fun with it in a new way that is tailored for the high school focus.
Would love the Question on the show
most of the girls personalities are completely new and not based in the comics, and backstories are probably similar only in the most basic aspects of it.
You are goin to have to take this as its own elseworld at best.
Have him work on the paper with Lois, always trying to push some crackpot theory
Better Constantine or Rorschach
Would be cool. I'm so down for teen JLU
Pls Faust
I might be a Babsfag, but Zee's grown on me.
She could have a rivalry with Supergirl like JLU
I'd like to see it reversed. have Courtney be the super cute over achiever that punk Kara has beef with
but secretly Court has a rebellious streak and Kara catches her dressed like a punk attending an underground concert
>The "Nobody believes me" episode
this. I mean just look at supergirl and zatanna
My request is Zachary Zatara as Zatanna's kid brother
Arms dealer?
You kiss one horse and that's all anyone ever wants to talk about.
Thinking the sixth guy is Booster
>Blue and Gold show up
I don't know why, but smug Hal Jordan is my favourite side character so far
Like him and Garth. Excited for the other boys
>Hal takes Garth out on the town
>"Garth you better rename your fish Richard"
>Because your Dick is getting wet tonight"
Hal manages to be best boy wherever he goes
All the classic characters have really cool personalities
Garth should be gay.
I ship Hal and Carol together, after they grow up s bit. Around season 4 or 5
or she does pacifist runs exclusively. Undertale must have opened up a whole new world for her.
Based on the show, she likes racing games
So, wheres the porn?
Garth is into Karen.
No proof of that
New short tomorrow, that will be your proof.
Zee looks fucking stacked
Zee's top heavy, Jess is bottom heavy and Kara is the all-rounder.
Not everyone needs to be gay user
True. The other five main guys can be straight
Zee is an hourglass, Jess is a pear
Important question please respond if you want free1 content.
1 - Content cannibalism aka me being a hack to produce new content derived from another source a la "editing". Still guaranteed to be quality lewdage.
>Babs alone with a crazy look in her eyes
Would sacrificing WW to Barbara make her stable?
Well kara won before jannies got assblasted over free content, so kara it is. Can't believe you hate them bee tits. Plebs.
Karen is not for lewding
I wonder where Diana lives while she’s in Metropolis?
well, if Constantine is the sixth boy there would only be 4 straight guys
Don't blame me, I decided based off of a coin toss
Nothing can make a Tara Strong character stable.
Music Meister episode
>MM wants to hypnotize all the girls to win the regionals
>Zee opposes no resistance because her love for fame
>Karen is caught up with a winning stage fears song
>Jess and Hal duet
>Diana surrender to an '80 Fame reference number
>Kara refuse to sing till almost the end, but she has actually the most beautiful voice
>Babs remains the only free one
>gets hypnotize eventually, but she's so out of tune that breaks MM power and free everyone
I can't believe Babs ruined the play for everyone
That's not bad. You should send somebody an email.
Why is being Babs so suffering?
If she wasn't suffering then everyone would find her annoying. Her appeal is that she stays optimistic and passionate even when having a shitty time. If she wasn't constantly getting shat on, then it wouldn't have the same impact.
Make it an hourlong
She deserves it.
Steve Trevor's family is hosting her?
That's mostly inhabited by Babs trash and meatloaf clutter.
No powers and a big, spergy goober. I'm betting Batman is happy she's out of Gotham on the sole grounds of not having to hear her.
Babs Will become worst girl
But I'm mostly upset at how annoying Harley will sound
>SEETHING this hard
heh, find a GF lonely angry and sad being
I feel like Batman may be responsible for Gordo's retirement.
Yep. Babs fags will be the cancer of the season.
The Trevor's is still a good choice
We all know what's really responsible for his retirement...
I thought Tara was getting better at voicing Harley. She sounded better in JL action. But I guess having to voice (not) twilight makes her struggle to sound convincingly unique.
It's just the one guy.
>"Police Commissioner James Gordon, after decades of faithful service, hangs up his badge in shame today after a disgusting tirade yelled in the face of Vicky Vale about "Batman finally giving that ******* clown the raping he deserves." Film at eleven."
Why is this a meme?
Well, it started as someone posting the ol' "Why doesn't Batman just kill the Joker?" which turned into Gordon asking Batman to kill the Joker, and finally into asking for rape, which produces far more hilarious roleplay.
She's probably living in the wilderness around the city hunting her meals, like a true amazon.
Wonder how the rest of the team feels about her being a vagabond.
That's the one without all the bullshit screenshot fluff. 100% porn/fanart.
Honestly, don't think they do a lot of hunting on Themyscira. It's probably pescetarian
they don't know yet, she didn't tell because she doesn't see it as a problem or something odd at all
>Diana in a yurt or other wig-wam crafted of wood and animal parts
>offers to share her dinner of raccoon, possum, or other vermin
>"Come sisters! I know a place where the "nachos" I have heard of are given out for free!"
>waits behind a bowling alley for all the stale chips and expired velveeta-esque nachos to be tossed into the dumpster
Have you seen yurts these days? Shit's nice.
That's a shitload of modern amenities.
Is a Yurt supposed to be something from Greece?
Nope, but the concept is pretty universal; a hide tent with a more permanent wooden support structure.
I think it's Turkish
>Can't be taken down and transported within minutes
Get that hipster shit out of muh face
I think that's a Mongolian Ger. But gone in minutes might be a bit much for even the Mongolians. More like half an hour.
Still think a host family is the way to go
Neckbeard with fedora.
statutory rapist
Fuck, I love pears.
>ever since diana settled in, pets all across metropolis have gone missing
only because street vendors are terrified of her
....Isn't she living in the SJ cave?
We'll only get one new episode in april
What the hell is wrong with western broadcasting.
Overpaid suits trying to find the perfect formula to make money. Thinking there's an exact method to squeeze every penny out of a channel and never make a loss.
Actually, someone already mentioned that hiatus was upon us, but I didn't want to believe it. This is so outrageously stupid. CN is a disgrace.
Pls anything but that picture for ants
shes actually crying because jessica smells very bad
Pretty sure she lives with her parents. So, if she smells, they all smell.
Not sure what point you're trying to make but that is well within the realm of possibility.
her parents probably dont approve
Remember when they used to actually air cartoons? Daily?
Truly they were a... Cartoon Network.
At least the YouTube channel will keep airing the weekly shorts.
Oh, right, I didn't think about this. Well, it's a relief, those are mostly enjoyable so far. Speaking of which, new short in just a few hours, right?
Lol, kinda reminds me of the simpsons memes that get posted here
About two and a half hours from now anyhow.
WB takeover can't come soon enough
Will this be more popular than JLA? I know Yea Forums ignored it for most of the show, but maybe it could be better then marvel's animated shows?
We're about a month out from the television series starting, and I'm pretty sure it is currently more popular than JL Action was one month after that began. It's not far from being more popular than JL Action period, there's just fewer episodes to screenshot/gif and fewer characters seen in it.
Short's out and Kara up to her bullshit next week
Also actual short here, Garth made a pretty good impression on me, can't wait to see what Faust will do for the other boys
First episode of the series, albeit a short, to focus on a side character, and it winds up being one of the boys.
Love Garth
>literally spike universe
Garth should be gay
You keep saying that. But it's not going to rile anyone up.
It's just a vibe I get
I suggest go back to tumblr
your vibe is way off then, you should go to /y/ if you want gay shit
Enlighten me about this Garth character.
The lack of cute girls didn't let me enjoy this episode. I'm already more interested in the next one.
Garth is Aqualad, Aquaman's "robin" if you will. Sometimes campy, sometimes writers try to make him be taken more seriously.
It's cool they gave him waterbending in this
It looks like:
Diana is in year 3
Bee and Garth are in year 1
The others are in year 2
did dee bradley baker voice goldberg?
We can see the annoying client of the Burtito episode is the assistant coach
How strange, can't make up his mind yet helps to coach football
Sounds like it
testing 2
testing 3
Testing 4
Someone could story time it
Never, ever stick your dick in crazy, anons
Cute Bee
Think Aquaman will show up?
As much as I dislike lazy cut and paste comic production, at least we get to see what more of the villains look like in street clothes.
This is a tumblr show buddy
Why is Carol there? Wearing her uniform from her other school?
How involved you guys think Lauren is with the comic part of the series?
That fucking truck joke had me in stitches. Great short.
>they added the pony grin/squee sound
Very little by the looks of things, she’d care enough about continuity not to have Carol be in Metropolis High.
Hopefully just as imvolved with the show, given that CN is running a very fine line on treating the show improperly given the recent scheduling
Bee was indeed very cute at the end there, especially when she hugged Garth.
I wonder if we’ll get any other nods?
Wait, who the fuck is that goth chick in the back.
livewire i think
>they added the pony grin/squee sound
That was funny
All we are missing is student Giganta
It's punk not goth
>that same squeaking noise from MLP
I know this is probably a stock noise rather than a MLP reference.
Has it been ripped?
When Garth lands on the mascot.
>"I am coming, Kara"
>Feet shot
He was also working in a pizza place during the Babs became a cat episode
I literally cannot look at Garth without seeing Space Kid. Just me?
I recognize that *squee*
Well that's certainly an interesting use of a background character
I see it too but you're fine
Him and the triplets from the Kara short
He looks like a human Flounder to me
He clearly cares more for Goldberg than Karen does
I like to think it's a stock noise that debuted on MLP (since I can't remember it being used before).
Well yeah, he can communicate with him.
The pissed one in the back is Poison Ivy, right? Why's her hair so light here?
I love that they kept Livewire’s punk/goth style from Superman The Animated series.
Okay, this is epic
Not sure, but most of the characters look a bit washed out.
In this she transforms in and out of Poison Ivy, I guess
>Yea Forums during a Bendis storytime.jpg
cute Ivy version
The eyes being slightly-misaligned is hilarious. Selina in particular is having a stroke.
Jesus, bee looks horrifying
I remember old Simpson comics really suffered from derpy eyes too, and those are just a fucking dot. How hard can it be to make them look good?
Who is the guy hidden by the word bubble between Hal and Garth ?
And the one on the right with the earphones?
Actually it's probably harder to place smaller eyes correctly cause if you're off by a few mm, they look derpy.
Blonde could be Barry, headphones seems like a background character.
These weren't a few mm, they were full derp.
well, that eyes are weird
New thread time. I suggest Garth as poster boy